2,606 research outputs found


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    In this study, electrophoretic deposition of zein/Bioglass® on stainless steel electrodes was performed using ethanol /water as a solvent under direct current (DC) field. Z potential of the suspensions was measured at different pHs to define the stability of the suspension and the charge of the particles. Films were produced changing voltage and time of deposition. Due to the amphiphilic structure of zein, the β-sheets exhibits a positive charge which bond with the bioglass to form a composite. While the α-sheets leads the deposition process on the anode. Essential oils were added with the aim of enhance the antibacterial properties of the system. Surface morphology was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The amount of bioglass incorporated into the coating was measured using thermogravimetric analysis. The influence of the incorporation of essential oils was cheked with the antibacterial response using gram negative and gram positive bacteria’s. The results showed the influence of the pH in the charge of the particles. The porosity on the surface of the coatings was influenced with voltages higher than 5

    Alternative tourism as a driver of cosmopolitanism

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    El cosmopolitismo es considerado como aquella forma de vida asociada a personas viajeras que logran tener un acercamiento a otras sociedades. Este acercamiento produce mayor tolerancia, empatia, conciencia y pertenencia global. Lo que permite entender a las problemáticas del mundo (ambientales, económicas, sociales) como propias y nos obliga a reflexionar sobre la necesidad de involucrarnos directamente. Pero para lograr un mundo cosmopolita es necesario impulsar mecanismos. En ese sentido el turismo, que implica indefectiblemente el movimiento de personas, podría transformarse en un importante motor. Evidentemente no cualquier forma de turismo, sino aquel que logre una relación simbiótica entre visitante y comunidad anfitriona. Por esto el turismo alternativo debería incentivarse para convertirlo en un instrumento del cosmopolitismo. Considerando esto, el objetivo es reflexionar sobre los beneficios de desarrollar una sociedad cosmopolita y cómo el turismo alternativo podría contribuir con esta filosofia de vida.Cosmopolitanism is considered to be a way of life associated with travellers who are able to reach out to other societies. This approach produces greater tolerance, empathy, awareness and global belonging. This allows us to understand the world’s problems (environmental, economic, social) as our own and forces us to reflect on the need to become directly involved. But in order to achieve a cosmopolitan world, it is nec‐ essary to promote mechanisms. In this sense, tourism, which inevitably involves the movement of people, is an important driver of change. Obviously not just any form of tourism, but that which achieves a symbiotic relationship between visitor and host community. This is why alternative tourism should be encouraged as an instrument of cosmopolitanism. The aim then is to reflect on the benefits of developing a cosmopolitan society and how alternative tourism could contribute to this philosophy of life

    Reapropiación y resignificación del territorio y el patrimonio: aplicación de la evaluación de acogida a la zona de Dos Huecos, Argentina

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    La reapropiación del patrimonio territorial implica la legitimación social y el otorgamiento de un valor simbólico lo cual implica una resignificación del mismo por parte de la sociedad, produciendo como resultado un nuevo proyecto territorial. En algunos casos, como en el de estudio, se vincula la incorporación del mismo al sistema productivo como recurso turístico-recreativo. Por esto es necesario procesos de integración basados en tres aspectos básicos: la integración física, funcional y social de la propuesta. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el patrimonio natural y cultural del área denominada Dos Huecos(Parque Antonio y Juana Cinque de Tandil. Buenos Aires) y su potencial reutilización para fines recreativos.La metodología aplicada es de tipo exploratoria-descriptiva, apoyada en el análisis de las características ambientales que conforman la estructura y el funcionamiento del territorio, mediante matrices de capacidad de acogida.Como resultado puede decirse que en términos potenciales es viable la reutilización del Parque Antonio y Juana Cinque, como mecanismo de reapropiación del patrimonio local, bajo ciertas condiciones e integrando el área al contexto espacial y temporal que le otorga significado.The reappropriation of territorial heritage involves social legitimacy and providing a symbolic value which implies a redefinition of it by society, producing as a result a new territorial project. In some cases, as in the study, these processes involve the incorporation of it into the production system as a tourist-recreational resource. For this you need integration processes based on three basic aspects: physical, functional and social integration of the proposal.The aim of this work is to analyze the natural and cultural heritage of the area called Two Hollows(Antonio and Juana Cinque Tandil Park. Buenos Aires) and its potential reuse for recreational purposes.The methodology is exploratory and descriptive, based on the analysis of the environmental characteristics that make up the structure and functioning of the territory by matrices of carrying capacity type. As a result,it can be said that in terms is viable potential reuse of Antonio and Juana Cinque Park as a mechanism of reappropriation of local heritage, under certain conditions and integrating the area to the spatial and temporal context that gives it meanin

    Anisotropic a-Fe2O3/Chitosan nanocomposites by electrophoretic deposition

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    Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) has been developed for the fabrication of composite coatings based on anisotropic hematite particles (a-Fe2O3) and chitosan (CHT) on stainless steel substrates for different technological applications ranging from coatings to sensors. The particles have been synthesized under refluxing conditions starting from a solution of FeCl2 4H2O and Poly-N-vinyl-pyrrolidone (PVP) in N, N-Dimethyl-formamide (DMF). A residual polymer content of around 10 percent by weight was found as part of the structure after the synthesis. Voltage 25 and deposition time of 5 min were selected as best deposition conditions which imply high homogeneous surface, non-delamination and good distribution of a-Fe2O3 particles. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements show the presence of hematite phase (a-Fe2O3). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measurements were carried out to find the content of a-Fe2O3 and chitosan in the final coatings. According to this measurement, 60 and 35 percent were the final content. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images revealed the microstructure of the composite where it is possible to observe the deposition of anisotropic particles across the coating and cracks around them

    Estado del arte de la ''cuestión'' en Chiapas

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    A través de un estado de la cuestión, este articulo muestra las posturas y tendencias que expresan los análisis de la región de Chiapas. El texto que presenta el autor corresponde a un capítulo de su reciente libro titulado «Encrucijadas chiapanecas. Economía, religión e identidades». En el apartado que aquí se publica, si bien no se aborda la guerra desde una perspectiva conceptual, es muy útil para desarrollar investigaciones que trasciendan las tipificaciones que se han construido sobre la región de Chiapas y sus habitantes.  This text shows through a bibliographical revision the perspectives and tendencies that have been used in the regional analysis of Chiapas. This text is part of a recent book of the author entitled «Encrucijadas chiapanecas. Economía, religión e identidades». This part here published doesn't show war from a conceptual point of view, however it is very useful when developing future research that transcends the stereotypes that have been built around Chiapas and its inhabitants

    A geração de coque de petróleo devido ao processamento de petróleos pesados e o seu uso na produção de clínquer de Cimento Portland.

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    Esta tese tem como objetivo apresentar as evidências de que a produção de coque de petróleo é crescente, devido ao aumento do processamento de petróleos pesados. Visando aumentar a produção de frações leves durante o refino, as frações pesadas são submetidas ao processo de coqueamento, produzindo o coque de petróleo, em cuja composição concentram-se os contaminantes do petróleo de origem. Discute-se a ocorrência de petróleos convencionais e não convencionais, cujas reservas igualam-se às reservas dos petróleos convencionais e que poderão suprir as necessidades futuras da indústria do petróleo. São estudados os vários tipos de processos que melhoram as qualidades dos petróleos não convencionais, permitindo a sua utilização industrial. Com os estoques crescentes de coque de petróleo torna-se imprescindível ampliar o seu mercado consumidor. Dentre os consumidores industriais do coque de petróleo, é realçada a potencialidade da indústria cimenteira. Foi feito um estudo provando que o sistema do forno rotativo, de fábricas de cimento, apresenta condições termodinâmicas favoráveis à ocorrência das reações químicas de absorção do dióxido de enxofre, gerando produtos que se incorporam ao clínquer sem prejuízo da sua especificação. Com o apoio do princípio da conservação da massa e da cinética química, no estudo da absorção do dióxido de enxofre, são calculados os rendimentos dessa absorção, permitindo a dedução de um equacionamento que relaciona o teor de enxofre na matéria-prima do clínquer com o teor de enxofre do coque de petróleo usado como combustível no processo. Assim, pode-se compatibilizar o uso dos diversos tipos de coque de petróleo com a matéria-prima e o controle de emissão de SOx

    Estado del arte de la ''cuestión'' en Chiapas

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    A través de un estado de la cuestión, este articulo muestra las posturas y tendencias que expresan los análisis de la región de Chiapas. El texto que presenta el autor corresponde a un capítulo de su reciente libro titulado «Encrucijadas chiapanecas. Economía, religión e identidades». En el apartado que aquí se publica, si bien no se aborda la guerra desde una perspectiva conceptual, es muy útil para desarrollar investigaciones que trasciendan las tipificaciones que se han construido sobre la región de Chiapas y sus habitantes.  This text shows through a bibliographical revision the perspectives and tendencies that have been used in the regional analysis of Chiapas. This text is part of a recent book of the author entitled «Encrucijadas chiapanecas. Economía, religión e identidades». This part here published doesn't show war from a conceptual point of view, however it is very useful when developing future research that transcends the stereotypes that have been built around Chiapas and its inhabitants

    La educación ambiental: una estrategia necesaria para la conservación de la geodiversidad del área serrana de Tandil, Argentina

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    Abstract: Geodiversity represents great value. It is Earth's memory, the support of ecosystems, and an economic, scientific, and didactic resource. It establishes a link with local culture by connecting and rating the territory. For this reason, conservation measures need to be implemented. Unfortunately, lack of awareness and economic pressures end up affecting geodiversity. For this reason, it is necessary to develop environmental education strategies that enable geo-conservation. The article presents the problem of geodiversity in Tandil, Argentina, and the need to give a more predominant role to environmental education in order to consolidate a long-term conservation process.Resumen: La geodiversidad representa un gran valor. Es memoria de la Tierra, soporte de ecosistemas, recurso económico, científico y didáctico. Establece un vínculo con la cultura local, cohesionando y valorizando el territorio. Por esto, es necesario implementar medidas de conservación. Lamentablemente, la falta de conciencia y las presiones económicas terminan por afectar la geodiversidad. Por esta razón, es necesario elaborar estrategias de educación ambiental que posibilitan la geoconservación. El artículo presenta la problemática de la geodiversidad en una localidad de Argentina (Tandil) y la necesidad de otorgar un rol más preponderante a la educación ambiental para poder consolidar un proceso de conservación a largo plazo

    Estado del arte de la ''cuestión'' en Chiapas

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    A través de un estado de la cuestión, este articulo muestra las posturas y tendencias que expresan los análisis de la región de Chiapas. El texto que presenta el autor corresponde a un capítulo de su reciente libro titulado «Encrucijadas chiapanecas. Economía, religión e identidades». En el apartado que aquí se publica, si bien no se aborda la guerra desde una perspectiva conceptual, es muy útil para desarrollar investigaciones que trasciendan las tipificaciones que se han construido sobre la región de Chiapas y sus habitantes.  This text shows through a bibliographical revision the perspectives and tendencies that have been used in the regional analysis of Chiapas. This text is part of a recent book of the author entitled «Encrucijadas chiapanecas. Economía, religión e identidades». This part here published doesn't show war from a conceptual point of view, however it is very useful when developing future research that transcends the stereotypes that have been built around Chiapas and its inhabitants