72 research outputs found

    Determinants Of Perceived Ease Of Use Of E-Filing

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    Kerajaan sedang mencari faedah daripada teknologi maklumat dengan memperkenalkan e-kerajaan di mana melibatkan pelbagai perkhidmatan kerajaan untuk memberi faedah kepada rakyat. Governments are seeking to benefit from information technology by introducing e-Gov, whereby incorporating various government services online for the benefits of the citizen

    The identification of batting trends through a comparative analysis in Twenty20 cricket between Varsity Cup winning teams and the University of the Western Cape Cricket Club from its origin in 2015 – 2017

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    Magister Artium (Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science) - MA(SRES)Over the years cricket has developed from a traditional and conservative game into an extremely lucrative sport, which requires a great deal of professionalism in all surrounding areas. In recent years cricket has evolved and resulted in the emergence of Twenty20 cricket. The aim of this study focused on identifying batting trends through a comparative analysis between Varisty Cup winning teams and the University of the Western Cape Cricket Club between the age group of 18 – 25. The study used a quantitative research approach with a content analysis methodology research design. Nine key batting variables were analysed in three phases of a cricket match (Powerplay, Middle overs and Death overs) between winning teams and the University of the Western Cape Cricket Club to establish the magnitude of differences (Cohen’s effect size). The top indicators for success in the tournament were averaging a higher number of boundary fours, accumulating a higher number of single runs throughout the match, averaging a high number of sixes during the Middle and Death Overs of a batting innings and accumulating two’s throughout all three phases of a match. The overall summary of this study’s results navigates to a batting strategy that should focus on batting trends by maintaining a higher batting run rate, target to scoring more boundary fours and sixes, good running between the wickets to accumulate two’s, select batsmen with a low dismissal rate and select batsmen with a high single scoring rate [equates to better strike rotation]

    The identification of batting trends through a comparative analysis in Twenty20 cricket between Varsity Cup winning teams and the University of the Western Cape Cricket Club from its origin in 2015 – 2017

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    Magister Artium (Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science) - MA(SRES)Over the years cricket has developed from a traditional and conservative game into an extremely lucrative sport, which requires a great deal of professionalism in all surrounding areas. In recent years cricket has evolved and resulted in the emergence of Twenty20 cricket. The aim of this study focused on identifying batting trends through a comparative analysis between Varisty Cup winning teams and the University of the Western Cape Cricket Club between the age group of 18 – 25. The study used a quantitative research approach with a content analysis methodology research design. Nine key batting variables were analysed in three phases of a cricket match (Powerplay, Middle overs and Death overs) between winning teams and the University of the Western Cape Cricket Club to establish the magnitude of differences (Cohen’s effect size). The top indicators for success in the tournament were averaging a higher number of boundary fours, accumulating a higher number of single runs throughout the match, averaging a high number of sixes during the Middle and Death Overs of a batting innings and accumulating two’s throughout all three phases of a match. The overall summary of this study’s results navigates to a batting strategy that should focus on batting trends by maintaining a higher batting run rate, target to scoring more boundary fours and sixes, good running between the wickets to accumulate two’s, select batsmen with a low dismissal rate and select batsmen with a high single scoring rate [equates to better strike rotation]

    L’expérience d’immigrants, candidats aux ordres professionnels, lors de l’évaluation authentique de leurs compétences langagières, quant à l’épreuve de français de l’Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF)

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    Depuis quelques années, le Québec fait face à une situation économique sans précédent. En effet, une population vieillissante et en déclin démographique de même qu’une pénurie de main-d’oeuvre qualifiée sur le marché du travail ralentissent le développement de la province. Dans ce contexte, les immigrants représentent un atout qui permet au Québec de rester compétitif dans la joute économique qui l’oppose à d’autres pays (Boudarbat et Boulet, 2010; Posca, 2019). Ce constat est par ailleurs soutenu par la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain (2019), le Conseil du patronat du Québec (2015) et le ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (MTESS) (2019). Cependant, pour pouvoir exercer une profession réglementée, les immigrants doivent réussir l’épreuve de français de l’Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF). Or, l’épreuve proposée par cet organisme depuis l’hiver 2018 est inédite et consiste en une situation d’évaluation qui se veut authentique, soit complexe et contextualisée (Stiggins, 2007; Wiggins, 1993). La réussite à cette épreuve est un prérequis pour être membre régulier d’un ordre professionnel. Nous inscrivant dans la perspective du constructivisme critique, nous avons voulu comprendre l’expérience des immigrants concernés par cette épreuve. De manière spécifique, nous avons voulu jeter un éclairage sur les facteurs qui influencent leur préparation en vue de l’épreuve, puis la passation et l’obtention des résultats. Ainsi, en suivant une approche compréhensive interprétative, cette recherche exploratoire-descriptive a collecté des données à l’aide d’entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées auprès de trente candidats de différents ordres professionnels. Les résultats montrent que l’expérience des candidats dans chacune des phases, soit la préparation, la passation de l’épreuve et l’obtention des résultats, est marquée par des facteurs qui l’influencent de manière positive et négative. Ainsi, nous avons constaté que la préparation à l’épreuve est facilitée par les études ou le travail au Québec, de même que par les cours spécialisés. Toutefois, les coûts de ces cours et le manque de temps et de ressources pour l’apprentissage autonome freinent la préparation des candidats. Pour ce qui est de la passation, plusieurs aspects ont influencé de manière positive ou négative l’expérience des candidats. De plus, l’analyse de l’expérience a mis en évidence certaines anomalies. Ainsi, le protocole de passation n’était pas uniforme lors des différentes séances. Certains candidats ont eu des échanges d’informations lors des pauses alors que d’autres ont utilisé des stratégies compensatoires non désirées en cas de difficulté. Par ailleurs, des candidats se sont absentés souvent ou sont venus juste pour respecter les exigences de la Charte de la langue française. Finalement, l’OQLF n’a pas adapté les séances pour tenir compte des absences planifiées des candidats. Enfin, en ce qui concerne l’obtention des résultats de l’épreuve, l’expérience des candidats a révélé l’utilité perçue de la documentation. Le choix pouvant découler des résultats a aussi été mis en avant de même que l’effet psychologique des échecs répétitifs sur des candidats. Par ailleurs, nous avons aussi discuté de l’incidence économique de l’échec des candidats à l’épreuve et de leurs opinions générales concernant celle-ci. Les problèmes relevés dans cette recherche mériteraient une attention particulière de la part de l’organisme afin d’améliorer l’expérience des candidats.Since a few years, Quebec faces an unprecedented economic situation. Indeed, an ageing and declining population combined with a lack of qualified workers on the labour market is slowing down the economic development of the province. In this context, migrants represent an asset to remain competitive in the economic battle which opposes us to other countries (Boudarbat and Boulet, 2010; Posca, 2019). This fact is further sustained by The Chamber of commerce of metropolitan Montreal (2019); the Quebec council of employers (2015) and the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social solidarity (2019).However, to be able to exercise a regulated profession, migrants must pass the French examination of the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF). The one which is proposed by this organism since winter 2018 is novel and consists of an evaluation situation which is meant to be authentic, i.e., complex and contextualized (Stiggins, 2007; Wiggins, 1993). Succeeding this examination is a prerequisite to professional licensure. A critical constructivist perspective was thus sought to understand migrants’ experience regarding this examination. More specifically, we sought to shed light on the factors which influence preparation, participation and results announcement of the latter. So, following a comprehensive-interpretative approach, in this exploratory-descriptive research, data were collected through semi-directed interviews of 30 candidates of different professional orders.Results show that in each of the phases of preparation, participation and results announcement, the experience of candidates is influenced both positively and negatively. So, preparation was facilitated by studies and work experience in Quebec, as well as specialized courses. However, the cost of courses and lack of time and resources for self learning acted as barriers to the preparation of candidates. As regards participation, several aspects influenced candidates’ experience positively and negatively. Furthermore, the experience analysis of candidates shed light on certain anomalies: the exam protocol was not standardized across various sessions; candidates shared information among themselves during break time; candidates used deceptive strategies when in difficulty; candidates were frequently absent or just came to respect the exigencies of the French Charter; and the OQLF did not adapt its exam sessions to take into consideration planned absences of candidates. As regards results announcement, candidates’ experiences helped identify the perceived use of the documentation received. The decisions which entailed announcement of results were also put forward as well as the psychological impact of repeated failures on candidates. Moreover, we also discussed the economic impact of candidate failure and their opinions on the examination. Lastly, the problems identified by this study require special attention of the organism so as to enhance candidates’ experience

    Documenter les façons de faire d'enseignants de la 6e année du primaire dans toutes les étapes de la démarche d'évaluation

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    Le changement de paradigme amené par l'approche par compétences dans le système éducatif québécois au début des années 2000 devait conduire les enseignants à adopter de nouvelles façons de faire prescrites par la Politique en évaluation des apprentissages (MEQ, 2003) qui s’inscrivent dans une évaluation au service de l’apprentissage. Brookhart (2004) pour sa part, considère que la recherche en ce qui concerne les apprentissages et l'évaluation au primaire sont limitées et Boutin (2007) se questionne sur le changement effectif des pratiques considérant les vives critiques suscitées quant à l'implantation de l'approche par compétences dans les écoles québécoises. Cette recherche vise à apporter un éclairage quant aux façons de faire d'enseignants de la 6e année du primaire à toutes les étapes de la démarche d'évaluation en lecture, écriture et mathématique en les situant dans des perspectives nouvelles ou traditionnelles de l'évaluation et en observant si la fréquence des énoncés reliés aux façons de faire diffère selon les caractéristiques personnelles des enseignants. Suivant une méthodologie de type simultanée imbriquée, 55 enseignants ont rempli un questionnaire et 14 d'entre eux ont participé à des entrevues semi-dirigées. L’analyse des données montre que tout au long de la démarche d'évaluation, les façons de faire des enseignants varient, et ce, dans les trois matières: ils utilisent des façons de faire qui sont situées tantôt dans un continuum allant des perspectives traditionnelles aux perspectives nouvelles de l'évaluation comme dans la planification, la collecte de données, l'interprétation et la communication et tantôt dans les nouvelles perspectives de l'évaluation comme dans l'étape du jugement, et ce, selon leurs caractéristiques sociodémographiques. Nous avons ainsi pu catégoriser les enseignants selon le modèle de Schwartz, Bransford et Sears (2005) en distinguant ceux qui sont efficients de ceux qui ne le sont pas, même s'ils innovent. Afin d’améliorer les pratiques des enseignants à chaque étape de la démarche d’évaluation, nous pensons qu'il serait intéressant de valider un tableau synthèse inspiré de Scallon (2004) et l'OCDE (2005) afin de créer une métagrille pour analyser la pertinence et la cohérence des façons de faire des enseignants en cours de cycle dans une optique d’évaluation intégrée à l’apprentissage.The paradigm shift brought by the competency-based approach in the educational system of Québec at the beginning of this millennium has compelled teachers to adopt new practices prescribed by the Politique en évaluation des apprentissages (MEQ, 2003) geared towards promoting assessment for learning. On her part, Brookhart (2004) suggests that research concerning learning and assessment in primary schools are limited and Boutin (2007) is unsure whether teachers have really changed their teaching practices because there were sharp criticisms as regards the implementation of the competency-based approach in the schools of Québec. This research therefore aims to shed light on the practices of 6th grade teachers in all the stages of the evaluation process in reading, writing and mathematics. We will also assess whether the practices adopted are found in the traditional or new perspectives and whether the frequency of the items related to their practices differ according to the personal characteristics of teachers. Using a concurrent nested design, 55 teachers filled in a questionnaire and 14 of them participated in semi-structured interviews. Data analysis reveals that all along the evaluation process, teaching practices vary, and in all three disciplines: they use practices found on a continuum from the traditional to the new perspectives of assessment in the planning, data collection, interpretation and communication phases and use new perspectives in the judgement phase, depending on their personal characteristics. We have thus been able to categorise these teachers using the model of Schwartz, Bransford and Sears (2005) by distinguishing less efficient teachers from those who really are even if all innovate in their practices. In order to enhance teacher practices at each phase of the evaluation process, we feel it would be interesting to validate a table inspired by Scallon (2004) and the OECD (2005) with the aim of creating a rubric used for analysing the relevance of and consistency in teaching practices throughout the school year, when assessment should be integrated to learning

    Factors affect the social engagement among community dwelling older person: community nurses perspective.

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    INTRODUCTION: Remaining involved in activities that are meaningful and purposeful and maintaining chose relationship. METHOD: Descriptive qualitative research approach. CONCLUSION: Promoting a considerate cultures in all levels of society is fundamental to create friendly and conducive environment for all people

    Profiling online and manual tax filers: Results from an exploratory study in Penang, Malaysia

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    The Malaysian Government has been promoting an Internet tax filing called the e-Filing which was introduced in 2006 as part of its E-government initiative. There has been some public outcry when the government announced that beginning 2007 they will not be sending the income tax forms and that all tax payers have to submit their taxes using this new method. After deliberation, the government has announced that both the system is acceptable and will be continued in the coming year. Although the Internet tax filing is a much more convenient and economical way of tax filing, not many tax payers have used them in their tax filing in the year 2006.Thus the purpose of this paper is to profile the users and non-users of the e-Filing method. This exploratory study elicited information using a structured questionnaire from loo respondents from Penang. The results show not much difference in terms of the demographic profile of the online and manual tax filing except that Chinese respondents formed a bigger proportion of those who filed their taxes online compared to the other races. There were no significant differences in terms of sex, age, marital status, education level, occupation, income and some Internet usage statistics.One of the main issue was the 16-digit PIN number that was needed to be obtained directly from the income tax office was one of the barriers to many respondents.E-filers had less concern in terms of the risk as compared to the manual filers. Some recommendations are forwarded for the policy makers

    Documenter les façons de faire d’enseignants de 6e année du primaire en mathématiques, en lecture et en écriture dans toutes les étapes de la démarche d’évaluation

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    Au début des années 2000, l’approche par compétences devait conduire les enseignants à adopter de nouvelles façons de faire. Nous voulons apporter un éclairage quant aux pratiques d’enseignants de 6e année du primaire à toutes les étapes de la démarche d’évaluation en français (lecture et écriture) et en mathématiques. Cinquante-cinq enseignants ont rempli un questionnaire et 14 d’entre eux ont participé à des entrevues semi-dirigées. Les résultats montrent que les façons de faire des enseignants varient, et ce, dans les trois matières. Nous pensons que les enseignants ont besoin d’être encadrés pour qu’ils puissent bien évaluer les élèves en cours de cycle

    Effects of delay, length, and frequency on onset RTs and word durations:Articulatory planning uses flexible units but cannot be prepared

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    There is debate regarding whether most articulatory planning occurs offline (rather than online) and whether the products of off-line processing are stored in a separate articulatory buffer until a large enough chunk is ready for production. This hypothesis predicts that delayed naming conditions should reduce not only onset RTs but also word durations because articulatory plans will be buffered and kept ready. We have tested this hypothesis with young control speakers, an aphasic speaker , and an age and education-matched speaker, using repetition, reading and picture-naming tasks. Contrary to the off-line hypothesis, delayed conditions strongly reduced onset RTs, but had no benefit for word durations. In fact, we found small effects in the opposite direction. Moreover, frequency and imageability affected word durations even in delayed conditions, consistent with articulatory processing continuing on-line. The same pattern of results was found in CS and in control participants, strengthening confidence in our results. There is debate regarding whether most articulatory planning occurs offline (rather than online) and whether the results of off-line processing are stored in a separate articulatory buffer until a large enough chunk is ready for production. This hypothesis predicts that delayed naming conditions should reduce not only onset RTs but also word durations because articulatory plans will be buffered and kept ready. We have tested young control speakers, an aphasic speaker, and an age and education matched speaker, using repetition, reading and picture naming tasks. Contrary to the off-line hypothesis, delayed conditions strongly reduced onset RTs, but had no benefit for word durations. In fact, we found small effects in the opposite direction. Moreover, frequency and imageability affected word durations even in delayed conditions, consistent with articulatory processing continuing on-line. The same pattern of results was found in CS and in control participants, strengthening confidence in our results