269 research outputs found

    Revisión de la prevalencia de caries en los escolares de los colegios públicos de Palma. Campaña de prevención de caries dental 1996-97- 98 y evaluación de la intervención.

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    Durante el curso escolar 1996-1997 se realizó la exploración bucal de 2.220 niños de 12 Y 5 2 de EGB, de ellos, los que habían presentado caries derivadas, 1.204, fueron revisados de nuevo un año después (al cursar 22 y 62 de EGB). para comprobar si las caries derivadas habían sido tratadas. En 1997-98 también se revisaron 2.597 niños de 12 Y 5 2 de EGB, para proceder a la comparación de la prevalencia de caries temporales y permanentes durante el segundo año de la campaña. Ademas de las revisiones buco-dentales, se realizaron charlas de higiene dental, se distribuyeron carteles, folletos, y fichas de resultados de la revisión, en cada una de las aulas participantes, en presencia de los maestros. En el momento de la exploración se comunicó el estado de salud bucodental a cada niño, así como las recomendaciones higiénicas pertinentes. El valor del índice CAO' (media) en los niños de 10 años ha sido de 1.21 (96-97), Y del 0.89 (97-98), aunque estos índices son bajos, cuando estudiamos los colegios con los índices mas altos,vemos que en algunos de ellos, se han mantenido altos, durante los dos cursos escolares. El porcentaje de niños derivados al dentista por caries y no tratados ha sido de 37.4%. • (CAO: cociente de piezas permanentes, cariadas obturadas y ausentes por número de niños reconocidos)

    Les claus d'IB3, la televisió de les Illes Balears

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    Love or war? - neural circuits and decisions

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    Behaviors are sophisticated motor responses to complex stimulus. The study of innate robust behaviors has resulted in the identification of neural circuits behind them and has shed light on how these circuits function. Importantly, while innate behaviors determine the evolutionary success of species, they also need to adapt to the internal state of the animal and the environment. The study of Drosophila melanogaster behaviors, in particular male courtship and aggression, has been paramount to learn circuit function and decision making. These sexually dimorphic behaviors are genetically controlled through the expression of sex-specific gene isoforms which translate into dimorphisms between the female and male neural circuits. In addition, since according to environmental stimuli males will have to choose between mating or fighting, the neural circuits regulating these behaviors are intimately related. Multisensory integration into a cluster of neurons that work as a switch will determine whether the male courts or fights the conspecific fly it encounters. Once this switch favors one behavior or the other, the animal is committed to that particular motor pattern. However, not every time a male encounters a female it courts her, or every time it comes across another male aggression is triggered. The internal state of the animal plays an important role in decision making through neuromodulation. Neuropeptides and hormones among others can act on the circuit to enhance or dampen sensitivity at the level of sensory inputs and/or integration nodes. This way robust genetically hardwired behaviors can be flexible and coordinate with the environmental conditions and the internal state of the individuals. Importantly, the general concepts and functional strategies described in the fly are also present in other vertebrates such as mice, and thus could be conserved in others organisms

    Preliminary assessment of sediment retention by macrophytes in secondary channels of the Middle Paraná River

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    La sedimentación de materiales finos en el sistema fluvial del Paraná, ha sido un proceso vinculado comúnmente con las inundaciones, siendo la sedimentación en el interior mismo de los cauces y el rol de las hidrófitas en este proceso, fenó- menos recientemente sugeridos. Dos cauces secundarios del sistema fueron seleccionados con el objetivo de evaluar la superficie ocupada por las hidrófitas arraigadas, y su potencial efecto en los procesos de sedimentación. Las hidrófitas cubrieron entre un 6% y un 54% de esos cauces en los últimos 10 años. Cada 100 gramos de las especies más frecuentes (Panicum elephantipes, “canutillo” y Polygonum ferrugineum, “catay”), se registraron valores medios de 201 gr y 129 gr de sedimento, principalmente de limos y arcillas. Considerando las superficies totales ocupadas por hidrófitas y las cantidades atrapadas por unidad de superficie, se estimó una retención potencial de sedimentos de 1,8 y 9,1 toneladas por kilómetro de cauce, sólo en superficie y acumulados en un máximo de 17 meses. Complementariamente, tasas de sedimentación puntuales de hasta 3,8 mm/día fueron registradas en sitios vegetados del interior de los cursos de agua. Las velocidades del flujo medidas en los ensambles indicaron condiciones favorables para la sedimentación de finos. Estos primeros resultados evidencian un rol activo de las hidrófitas en la sedimentación intra-cauce en el sistema del río Paraná. Palabras claves: sedimentación intra-cauce, vegetación acuática arraigada, río Paraná.Sedimentation of silts and clays in the Paraná River fluvial system has been a process associated to floods. Differently, sedimentation within channels themselves and the hydrophytes role in this process has been an aspect recently suggested. In order to evaluate the surface occupied by hydrophytes and their potential effects on sedimentation processes, two secondary channels of the system were studied. Near 6% and 54% of the channel surfaces were covered by hydrophytes during the last 10 years. Mean values of 201 gr and 129 gr of sediment, mainly silt and clay, were recorded by 100 gr of more frequent species (Panicum elephantipes, “canutillo”, and Polygonum ferrugineum, “catay”). From the total surface occupied by hydrophytes and the retained quantities of sediments by surface unit, a potential rate of retained sediment of 1.8 and 9.1 Tons/km of channel was estimated, just on the channel surface and during a maximum of 17 months. Furthermore, punctual sedimentation rates up to 3.8 mm/day were recorded in vegetated sites of the channels. Flow velocities measured into vegetation assemblages showed favorable conditions to silting of fine sediments. These first results evidence an active role of the hydrophytes in the within-channel sedimentation in this fluvial system.Fil: Marchetti, Zuleica Yael. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Ramonell, Carlos Guillermo. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentin

    Open-source terrestrial laser scanner for the virtualization of geometrical entities in AEC classrooms

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    This paper depicts a case study that shows an open-source Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) for use on the virtualization of simple yet precise geometrical entities in AEC classrooms. For bringing this technology to AEC classrooms, an open-source TLS was developed. The physical model was built using digital fabrication, its connectivity was established using accessible, affordable, open-source sensors and actuators and its digital representation was developed using generative design tools. All elements together are synchronized in real-time and the TLS becomes live, digitally twinned, geometry generator. The points that are generated by the TLS are gathered in a 3D virtual space in the form of virtual points. The present digitally twinned vision of laser scanning has thus three identified educational uses: (i) illustration of the measuring principle using open-source hardware together with mathematics and statistics, (ii) illustration of the generation and visualization of point clouds in real-time within a CAD environment, and (iii) perhaps with a vaster scope in AEC classrooms, illustration of the usage, analysis and identification of these point clouds. The development of this tool belongs to a vaster project for infusing Construction 4.0 technologies in AEC classrooms under development at the School of Civil Engineering of UPC-BarcelonaTech. The illustration to students of all these concepts with accessible technological tools is expected to enlarge their vision of more advanced constructional technologies such as cyber-physical systems for monitoring and surveying as well as digital technologies for reproducing “As-Built” models.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatPostprint (published version

    Estudi higiènicosanitari de la situació de les guarderies i centres d’educació infantil de 0 a 3 anys a Palma 2010-2011

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    The aim of this study is to offer an insight into the health and hygiene conditions of all the kindergartens and infant education centres for children aged from 0 to 3 in the municipality of Palma during the period from 2010 to 2011. The results are based on health and hygiene inspections carried out by the medical staff of Palma City Council’s Municipal Health Centre.El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer el estado higiénico-sanitario de todas las guarderías y centros de educación infantil de 0 a 3 años del término municipal de Palma durante los años 2010-2011. Los resultados han sido obtenidos a partir de las inspecciones higiénico-sanitarias realizadas por el personal técnico médico del Centro Municipal de Salud del Ayuntamiento de Palm

    Effects of Low-Oxygen Atmosphere on the Growth and Development of Arabidopsis Thaliana (L.) Heynh.

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    Interest in the improvement of crop productivity through repression of photorespiration led to experimental growth of plants in low O2 and the surprising finding that reproduction is inhibited under these conditions. Using Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Columbia, studies were undertaken to understand the mechanism behind oxygen control of plant development. The hypothesis that developmental changes observed in low O 2 are due to repression of the plant hormones ethylene and brassinolide (which require O2 for biosynthesis) was tested. Arabidopsis was grown for 35 days in Sun bags in one of five altered O 2 atmospheres (210, 160, 100, 50, 25 mmol/mol) with 0.35 mmol/mol CO 2 in N2. Molecular analysis of ethylene biosynthesis was accomplished using cDNAs encoding ACC synthase and ACC oxidase in ribonuclease protection assays and in situ hybridizations. To understand if low O2 inhibition of brassinolide biosynthesis was responsible for developmental changes in low O2, brassinolide-replacement experiments were performed. Arabidopsis was grown for 10 days on nutrient agar or nutrient agar + 10-7 M brassinolide in magenta vessels coupled to gas mixtures of 210 or 25 mmol/mol O2, 0.35 mmol/mol CO2 in N2. When grown in 25 mmol/mol O2, plants exhibited dwarf morphology resembling the brassinolide-deficient mutant det2, and this line was incorporated into the brassinolide studies at low O2 for comparison. Leaf development under low O2 resulted in changes in leaf size, stomatal density and stomatal patterning. Stomatal density increased in all low O2 treatments but was not linked to changes in ethylene or brassinolide. Low O2 changes in leaf size, however, were mediated through depression of brassinolide biosynthesis. There was a loss of ethylene biosynthesis in siliques from plants grown at 50 and 25 mmol/mol O2, and silique ACC oxidase mRNA increased as O2 was lowered. As O2 decreased, tissue-specific patterning of ACC oxidase and ACC synthase gene expression shifted from the embryo to the silique wall. Loss of ethylene in the silique was tightly correlated with loss of the embryo in seeds produced in low O2. These data show that changes in development under low oxygen can be explained by repression of O2-sensitive plant hormones