12 research outputs found

    Malignant asbestos‐related disease in a population exposed to asbestos

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    Abstract Objectives: The first asbestos fiber cement plant in Spain operated in Cerdanyola, in the Barcelona metropolitan area, between 1907 and 1997. We describe clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with the malignant asbestosrelated disease (ARD) in the area of the plant between 2007 and 2016. Methods: A prospective, descriptive study was undertaken in the 12 municipalities of the county of Barcelona most proximate to the plant. We describe malignant ARD cases by time of diagnosis, source of exposure, periods of exposure and latency, and distribution by sex. Cumulative incidence and age‐standardized incidence rates (ASIR) are calculated. Results: Of 477 patients diagnosed with ARD between 2007 and 2016, 128 (26%) presented with asbestos‐associated malignancy. Pleural mesothelioma was noted in 105 patients (82.0%) with a linear trend Z‐score of −0.2 (NS) in men and 2.7 (P < .01) in women. The highest ASIRs for malignant ARD (6.1/100 000 residents/year; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.2‐13.3) and pleural mesothelioma (4.8/100 000 residents/ year; 95% CI, 1.5‐11.6) occurred in municipalities closest to the focal point of contamination. The origin of malignant ARD was nonoccupational in 32.2% of men and 81.6% of women (P < .001). Conclusions: More than 20 years after the closure of the fiber cement plant, the grave consequences of exposure to asbestos remain. The detection of cases of pleural mesothelioma in men seems to have plateaued whereas in women an ascending trend continues, which principally has its origin in nonoccupational exposures

    Risk factors of mortality from all asbestos-related diseases: A competing risk analysis.

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    Background. The mortality from all malignant and nonmalignant asbestos-related diseases remains unknown. The authors assessed the incidence and risk factors for all asbestos-related deaths. Methods. The sample included 544 patients from an asbestos-exposed community in the area of Barcelona (Spain), between Jan 1, 1970, and Dec 31, 2006. Competing risk regression through a subdistribution hazard analysis was used to estimate risk factors for the outcomes. Results. Asbestos-related deaths were observed in 167 (30.7%) patients and 57.5% of these deaths were caused by some type of mesothelioma. The incidence rate after diagnosis was 3,600 per 100,000 person-years. In 7.5% of patients death was non-asbestos-related, while pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma were identified in 87 (16.0%) and 18 (3.3%) patients, respectively. Conclusions. Age, sex, household exposure, cumulative nonmalignant asbestos-related disease, and single malignant pathology were identified as risk factors for asbestos-related death. These findings suggest the need to develop a preventive approach to the community and to improve the clinical follow-up process of these patients

    Risk factors associated with asbestos-related diseases: a community-based case-control study

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    Abstract Background: Asbestos is a first level carcinogen. However, few epidemiological studies analyse the risk and protective factors associated with asbestos-related diseases and follow up these conditions in the general population. Pleural mesothelioma, caused by inhalation of asbestos fibres at work, at home or in the environment, is the most representative asbestos-related disease. The objectives of this study are to analyse the risk and protective factors associated with asbestos-related diseases and to investigate the incidence of new clinical manifestations in patients already diagnosed with some form of ARD. Methods/Design: We have designed a matched case-control study with follow up of both cohorts from a population of a health district of the Barcelona province that has been exposed to asbestos for a period of 90 years. Discussion: A better understanding of asbestos-related diseases should improve i) the clinical and epidemiological follow up of patients with this condition; ii) the design of new treatment strategies; iii) and the development of preventive activities. At the end of the study, the two cohorts created in this study (affected cases and healthy controls) will constitute the basis for future research

    Prospective study of asbestos-related diseases incidence cases in primary health care in an area of Barcelona province

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Asbestos related diseases include a number of conditions due to inhalation of asbestos fibres at work, at home or in the environment, such as pleural mesothelioma, asbestosis and calcified pleural plaques. Few epidemiological studies have established the incidence of asbestos related diseases in our area. The present proposal is based on a retrospective study externally funded in 2005 that is currently taking place in the same area and largely carried out by the same research team.</p> <p>The aim of the study is to achieve a comprehensive and coordinated detection of all new cases of Asbestos Related Diseases presenting to primary care practitioners.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>This is a multicentre, multidisciplinary and pluri-institutional prospective study.</p> <p><b>Setting</b></p> <p>12 municipalities in the Barcelona province within the catchment area of the health facilities that participate in the study.</p> <p><b>Sample</b></p> <p>This is a population based study, of all patients presenting with diseases caused by asbestos in the study area.</p> <p><b>Measurements</b></p> <p>A clinical and epidemiological questionnaire will be filled in by the trained researchers after interviewing the patients and examining their clinical reports.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Data on the incidence of the different Asbestos Related Diseases in this area will be obtained and the most plausible exposure source and space-time-patient profile will be described. The study will also improve the standardization of patient management, the coordination between health care institutions and the development of preventive activities related with asbestos exposure and disease.</p

    Normativa del asma ocupacional

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    Estudi pilot: els resultats acadèmics a la Facultat de Dret des de l'any 1981-82 fins al 1985-86

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    El treball que tot seguit presentem és una proposta. Es tracta del recull d'informació referida ais resultats acadèmics de la Facultat de Dret durant cinc anys escolars, des de 1981-82 a 1985-86. Aquesta informació permet l'anàlisi deis resultats acadèmics segons les diferents assignatures que conformen la carrera de Dret. Pensem que la generalització d'aquests tipus d'estudis a d'altres Facultats de la Universitat de Barcelona i, fins i tot, a d'altres Universitats pot tenir força interès

    Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa en trabajadores de la limpieza

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    En este trabajo se describen las características de 5 trabajadores de la limpieza que fueron diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa no aguda de causa desconocida mediante biopsia pulmonar quirúrgica. La edad media fue de 64 años y 4 fueron mujeres. Las exposiciones más frecuentes fueron el salfumán y lejía, y ninguno de los pacientes utilizó protección adecuada. Las características más llamativas de estos pacientes se observaron en la TACAR y la histopatología que mostraron afectación intersticial y de las vías aéreas periféricas en todos los casos. Todos los pacientes presentaron progresión de su enfermedad hasta la insuficiencia respiratoria.En aquest treball es descriuen les característiques de 5 treballadors de la neteja diagnosticats de malaltia pulmonar intersticial difusa no aguda de causa desconeguda per biòpsia pulmonar quirúrgica. L'edat mitjana era de 64 anys i 4 eren dones. Les exposicions més freqüents varen ser el salfumant i el lleixiu, i cap pacient va utilitzar protecció adequada. Les característiques més destacables d'aquests pacients es varen observar en la TACAR i la histopatologia que varen mostrar afectació intersticial i de les vies aèries perifèriques en tots els casos. Tots els pacients varen presentar progressió de la seva malaltia fins arribar a la insuficiència respiratòria

    Risk factors associated with asbestos-related diseases: a community-based case-control study

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    Abstract Background: Asbestos is a first level carcinogen. However, few epidemiological studies analyse the risk and protective factors associated with asbestos-related diseases and follow up these conditions in the general population. Pleural mesothelioma, caused by inhalation of asbestos fibres at work, at home or in the environment, is the most representative asbestos-related disease. The objectives of this study are to analyse the risk and protective factors associated with asbestos-related diseases and to investigate the incidence of new clinical manifestations in patients already diagnosed with some form of ARD. Methods/Design: We have designed a matched case-control study with follow up of both cohorts from a population of a health district of the Barcelona province that has been exposed to asbestos for a period of 90 years. Discussion: A better understanding of asbestos-related diseases should improve i) the clinical and epidemiological follow up of patients with this condition; ii) the design of new treatment strategies; iii) and the development of preventive activities. At the end of the study, the two cohorts created in this study (affected cases and healthy controls) will constitute the basis for future research

    Risk factors associated with asbestos-related diseases: a community-based case-control study

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    Abstract Background: Asbestos is a first level carcinogen. However, few epidemiological studies analyse the risk and protective factors associated with asbestos-related diseases and follow up these conditions in the general population. Pleural mesothelioma, caused by inhalation of asbestos fibres at work, at home or in the environment, is the most representative asbestos-related disease. The objectives of this study are to analyse the risk and protective factors associated with asbestos-related diseases and to investigate the incidence of new clinical manifestations in patients already diagnosed with some form of ARD. Methods/Design: We have designed a matched case-control study with follow up of both cohorts from a population of a health district of the Barcelona province that has been exposed to asbestos for a period of 90 years. Discussion: A better understanding of asbestos-related diseases should improve i) the clinical and epidemiological follow up of patients with this condition; ii) the design of new treatment strategies; iii) and the development of preventive activities. At the end of the study, the two cohorts created in this study (affected cases and healthy controls) will constitute the basis for future research