253 research outputs found

    Copy Neutral LOH Affecting the Entire Chromosome 6 Is a Frequent Mechanism of HLA Class I Alterations in Cancer

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    Total or partial loss of HLA class I antigens reduce the recognition of specific tumor peptides by cytotoxic T lymphocytes favoring cancer immune escape during natural tumor evolution. These alterations can be caused by genomic defects, such as loss of heterozygosity at chromosomes 6 and 15 (LOH-6 and LOH-15), where HLA class I genes are located. There is growing evidence indicating that LOH in HLA contributes to the immune selection of HLA loss variants and influences the resistance to immunotherapy. Nevertheless, the incidence and the mechanism of this chromosomal aberration involving HLA genes has not been systematically assessed in different types of tumors and often remains underestimated. Here, we used SNP arrays to investigate the incidence and patterns of LOH-6 and LOH-15 in a number of human cancer cell lines and tissues of different histological types. We observed that LOH in HLA is a common event in cancer samples with a prevalence of a copy neutral type of LOH (CN-LOH) that affects entire chromosome 6 or 15 and involves chromosomal duplications. LOH-6 was observed more often and was associated with homozygous HLA genotype and partial HLA loss of expression. We also discuss the immunologic and clinical implications of LOH in HLA on tumor clonal expansion and association with the cancer recurrence after treatment.ISCIII Research Institute co-financed by the European Union and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FEDER-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional and National Plan 2020, MICIN) (PI17/00197, PI18/00826, and PID2020-115087GB-100)Junta de Andalucía in Spain (Group CTS-143 and B-CTS-410-UGR-20)Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía through the contract “Nicolás Monardes” [C-0013-2018

    Long-term results of sirolimus treatment in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: a single referral centre experience

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    Diagnòstic; Farmacoteràpia; Malalties del tracte respiratoriDiagnóstico; Farmacoterapia; Enfermedades del tracto respiratorioDiagnosis; Drug therapy; Respiratory tract diseasesThere are few published data on long-term treatment with sirolimus in lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). The objective of this study was to describe the long-term effect of sirolimus in a series of LAM patients followed up in a referral centre, focusing on pulmonary function. We retrospectively reviewed a series of 48 patients with LAM diagnosed, followed up and treated with sirolimus in a single centre. Response to sirolimus was evaluated at 1 and 5 years. A negative sirolimus response was defined as an FEV1 decline greater than − 75 ml/year. A mixed-effects model was used to estimate the longitudinal changes in FEV1 (average slope), both as absolute (ml/year) and as predicted values (%predicted/year). From a total of 48 patients, 9 patients underwent lung transplantation and 4 died during the study. Mean (95% CI) FEV1 slope over 5 years was − 0.14 (− 26.13 to 25.85) ml/year in the whole LAM group, 42.55 (14.87 to 70.22) ml/year in the responder group, − 54.00 (− 71.60 to − 36.39) ml/year in the partial responder group and − 84.19 (− 113.5 to − 54.0) ml/year in the non-responder group. After 5 years of sirolimus treatment 59% had a positive response, 30% had a partial response and 11% had a negative response. Our study found that sirolimus treatment had a positive long-term effect on most LAM patients.E.R.L. received a pre-doctoral Grant from the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery

    Promotion of physical activity after hospitalization for COPD exacerbation: A randomized control trial

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    COPD exacerbation; Hospitalization; Physical activityExacerbació de la MPOC; Hospitalització; Activitat físicaExacerbación de la EPOC; Hospitalización; Actividad físicaBackground and Objective Physical activity worsens during exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and notably after hospitalizations. Pedometer-based interventions are useful to increase physical activity in stable patients with COPD. However, there is little information concerning the implementation of such programs following severe exacerbation. This study assessed the efficacy of a physical activity program after hospitalization for a COPD exacerbation. Methods We performed a prospective, 12-week, parallel group, assessor-blinded, randomized control trial in COPD patients hospitalized for an exacerbation. After discharge, physical activity and other secondary variables were assessed. Patients were allocated (1:1) to a physical activity promotion program (intervention group, IG) or usual care (control group, CG). Based on a motivational interview and accelerometer physical activity assessment, a patient-tailored, pedometer-based, progressive and target-driven program was designed. Linear mixed effect models were used to analyse between-group differences. Results Forty-six out of 61 patients recruited were randomized and 43 (IG = 20, CG = 23) completed the study. In-hospital and baseline characteristics were similar in both groups. After 12 weeks of intervention, the mean steps difference between groups was 2093 steps/day, p = 0.018, 95% CI 376–4012, favouring the IG. Only the IG significantly increased the number of steps/day compared to baseline (mean difference [95% CI] 2932 [1069–4795] steps; p = 0.004). There were no other between-group differences. Conclusion After hospitalization for a COPD exacerbation, a patient-tailored physical activity program based on a motivational interview and the use of pedometers, with progressive and customized targets, improved the number of steps/day.Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR), Grant/Award Number: 125-2015; Fundació Catalana de Pneumolgia (FUCAP), Grant/Award Number: SILVIA2017-202

    Self-reported daily walking time in COPD: relationship with relevant clinical and functional characteristics

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    Background: Quantifying physical activity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is important as physical inactivity is related to poor health outcomes. This study analyzed the relationship between patients' self-reported daily walking time and relevant characteristics related to COPD severity. Methods: Pooled analysis was performed on data from four observational studies on which daily walking time was gathered from a personal interview. Patients were classified as physically inactive if walking time was 3, post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in the first second 4, and CAT score >30. Conclusion: Lower self-reported walking times are related to worse markers of disease severity in COPD

    Difficulty of Chemistry concepts. How to make easy the learning. Gamification

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    Chemistry is considered highly complex by students. To achieve meaningful learning, it is necessary to show its usefulness in daily life, in the development of a country and a society. Learning will be significant when the student can incorporate it into the structures of prior knowledge that they possess, acquiring significance for them. In this specific case, the research aims to contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning processes of Chemistry in the studies of the Degree in Engineering. In this work we studied how gamification facilitates the learning of our students. For this reason, the research group has used an Escape Room based on the topics of our subject. The Escape Room is called Was it a murder or a suicide? They will find material in the classroom, and they will have to decide if it was a murder. In the end, the students who participate in these activities have increased their calcification in the matter by around 1-2 points. And in the final questionnaire, they have said that they would like to use gamification in other subjects. Some students told us that it was their first time taking an exam and that it was fun.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Near-normal aerobic capacity in long-term survivors after lung transplantation

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    Lung transplant; Survivors; Aerobic capacityTrasplantaments de pulmó; Supervivents; Capacitat aeròbicaTrasplantes de pulmón; Supervivientes; Capacidad aeróbicaThe clinical course of lung transplantation (LT) is diverse: some patients present chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) and progressive decline in pulmonary function, but others maintain normal spirometric values and active lives. Objectives The aim of this study was to elucidate whether long-term LT survivors with normal spirometry achieve normal exercise capacity, and to identify predictive factors of exercise capacity. Methods This was a cross-sectional multicentre study, where bilateral LT recipients who survived at least 10 years after LT, with normal spirometry, no diagnosis of CLAD and modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea degree ≤2 underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Results 28 LT recipients were included with a mean±sd age of 48.7±13.6 years. Oxygen uptake (V′O2) had a mean±sd value of 21.49±6.68 mL·kg−1·min−1 (75.24±15.6%) and the anaerobic threshold was reached at 48.6±10.1% of the V′O2max predicted. The mean±sd heart rate reserve at peak exercise was 17.56±13.6%. The oxygen pulse increased during exercise and was within normal values at 90.5±19.4%. The respiratory exchange ratio exceeded 1.19 at maximum exercise. The median (25–75th percentile) EuroQol-5D score was 1 (0.95–1), indicating a good quality of life. The median (25–75th percentile) International Physical Activity Questionnaire score was 5497 (4007–9832) MET-min·week−1 with 89% of patients reporting more than 1500 MET-min·week−1. In the multivariate regression models, age, sex and diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide remained significantly associated with V′O2max (mL·kg−1·min−1); haemoglobin and forced expiratory volume in 1 s were significantly associated with maximum work rate (watts), after adjusting for confounders. Conclusion We report for the first time near-normal peak V′O2 values during CPET and normal exercise capacity in long-term LT recipients without CLAD.Support statement: This study was financed by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/01076); the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), FUCAP, Astellas, Novartis and Chiesi. Funding information for this article has been deposited with the Crossref Funder Registry.Ojanguren is a researcher supported by the “Pla Estratègic de Recerca i Innovació en Salut (PERIS)” 2016–2020 (SLT008/18/00108;G60594009)

    Predictors of right atrial dilatation and long-term function after right ventricular outflow tract surgical repair: Quantification of restrictive physiology matters

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    Right diastolic dysfunction; Right atrium function; Restrictive physiologyDisfunción diastólica derecha; Función de la aurícula derecha; Fisiología restrictivaDisfunció diastòlica dreta; Funció de l'aurícula dreta; Fisiologia restrictivaRight ventricular (RV) diastolic dysfunction in patients with a surgically-repaired RV outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction merits further studies. Right atrial (RA) dilation and function may be related to (RV) diastolic dysfunction in this setting. The end-diastolic forward flow (EDFF) in the pulmonary artery (PA) has been suggested as a non-invasive marker of poor RV compliance, however, there is controversy regarding its true significance; EDFF quantification may help elucidate this controversy. Objective to study predictors of RA enlargement and dysfunction in patients with a surgically-repaired RVOT obstruction and its relationship with quantitative EDFF. Methods In 81 consecutive patients (mean age: 37.5 (±7) years), transthoracic echocardiography (Echo) and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) were performed. Echo parameters: RA size (indexed RA area (iRAA)), RA function (RA global strain (RAGS)) and maximum EDFF velocity-time integral (VTI-EDFF) obtained during a whole respiratory cycle. CMR-indexed RA area (imRAA) was also obtained. Patients were divided into three groups according to iRAA, imRAA and RAGS; bivariate analysis was performed. A multivariate model was then applied using variables that were found to be statistically significant in the bivariate analysis. Results Upon multivariate analysis, higher VTI-EDFF values and the presence of significant tricuspid regurgitation proved to be independent factors associated with increased iRAA and imRAA and lower RAGS, whereas RV volumes, function and pulmonary regurgitant fraction were not. Conclusion VTI-EDFF linearly correlated with the degree of RA dilation and deformation; EDFF quantification as against qualitative assessment may be considered a non-invasive tool for diastolic RV dysfunction

    Long-term results of sirolimus treatment in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: a single referral centre experience

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    There are few published data on long-term treatment with sirolimus in lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). The objective of this study was to describe the long-term effect of sirolimus in a series of LAM patients followed up in a referral centre, focusing on pulmonary function. We retrospectively reviewed a series of 48 patients with LAM diagnosed, followed up and treated with sirolimus in a single centre. Response to sirolimus was evaluated at 1 and 5 years. A negative sirolimus response was defined as an FEV1 decline greater than - 75 ml/year. A mixed-effects model was used to estimate the longitudinal changes in FEV1 (average slope), both as absolute (ml/year) and as predicted values (%predicted/year). From a total of 48 patients, 9 patients underwent lung transplantation and 4 died during the study. Mean (95% CI) FEV1 slope over 5 years was - 0.14 (- 26.13 to 25.85) ml/year in the whole LAM group, 42.55 (14.87 to 70.22) ml/year in the responder group, - 54.00 (- 71.60 to - 36.39) ml/year in the partial responder group and - 84.19 (- 113.5 to - 54.0) ml/year in the non-responder group. After 5 years of sirolimus treatment 59% had a positive response, 30% had a partial response and 11% had a negative response. Our study found that sirolimus treatment had a positive long-term effect on most LAM patients