25 research outputs found

    Interventional hepatic apoC-III knockdown improves atherosclerotic plaque stability and remodeling by triglyceride lowering.

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    Apolipoprotein C-III (apoC-III) is a critical regulator of triglyceride metabolism and correlates positively with hypertriglyceridemia and cardiovascular disease (CVD). It remains unclear if therapeutic apoC-III lowering reduces CVD risk and if the CVD correlation depends on the lipid-lowering or antiinflammatory properties. We determined the impact of interventional apoC-III lowering on atherogenesis using an apoC-III antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) in 2 hypertriglyceridemic mouse models where the intervention lowers plasma triglycerides and in a third lipid-refractory model. On a high-cholesterol Western diet apoC-III ASO treatment did not alter atherosclerotic lesion size but did attenuate advanced and unstable plaque development in the triglyceride-responsive mouse models. No lesion size or composition improvement was observed with apoC-III ASO in the lipid-refractory mice. To circumvent confounding effects of continuous high-cholesterol feeding, we tested the impact of interventional apoC-III lowering when switching to a cholesterol-poor diet after 12 weeks of Western diet. In this diet switch regimen, apoC-III ASO treatment significantly reduced plasma triglycerides, atherosclerotic lesion progression, and necrotic core area and increased fibrous cap thickness in lipid-responsive mice. Again, apoC-III ASO treatment did not alter triglyceride levels, lesion development, and lesion composition in lipid-refractory mice after the diet switch. Our findings suggest that interventional apoC-III lowering might be an effective strategy to reduce atherosclerosis lesion size and improve plaque stability when lipid lowering is achieved

    Keratins as the main component for the mechanical integrity of keratinocytes

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    For decades, researchers have been trying to unravel one of the key questions in cell biology regarding keratin intermediate filament function in protecting epithelial cells against mechanical stress. For many different reasons, however, this fundamental hypothesis was still unproven. Here we answer this pivotal question by the use of keratin KO cells lacking complete keratin gene clusters to result in total loss of keratin filaments. This lack significantly softens cells, reduces cell viscosity, and elevates plastic cell deformation on force application. Reexpression of single keratin genes facilitates biomechanical complementation of complete cluster loss. Our manuscript therefore makes a very strong case for the crucial contribution of keratins to cell mechanics, with far-reaching implications for epithelial pathophysiology

    ApoC-III inhibits clearance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins through LDL family receptors.

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    Hypertriglyceridemia is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and plasma triglycerides (TGs) correlate strongly with plasma apolipoprotein C-III (ApoC-III) levels. Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) for ApoC-III reduce plasma TGs in primates and mice, but the underlying mechanism of action remains controversial. We determined that a murine-specific ApoC-III-targeting ASO reduces fasting TG levels through a mechanism that is dependent on low-density lipoprotein receptors (LDLRs) and LDLR-related protein 1 (LRP1). ApoC-III ASO treatment lowered plasma TGs in mice lacking lipoprotein lipase (LPL), hepatic heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) receptors, LDLR, or LRP1 and in animals with combined deletion of the genes encoding HSPG receptors and LDLRs or LRP1. However, the ApoC-III ASO did not lower TG levels in mice lacking both LDLR and LRP1. LDLR and LRP1 were also required for ApoC-III ASO-induced reduction of plasma TGs in mice fed a high-fat diet, in postprandial clearance studies, and when ApoC-III-rich or ApoC-III-depleted lipoproteins were injected into mice. ASO reduction of ApoC-III had no effect on VLDL secretion, heparin-induced TG reduction, or uptake of lipids into heart and skeletal muscle. Our data indicate that ApoC-III inhibits turnover of TG-rich lipoproteins primarily through a hepatic clearance mechanism mediated by the LDLR/LRP1 axis

    A protein network map of head and neck cancer reveals PIK3CA mutant drug sensitivity.

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    We outline a framework for elucidating tumor genetic complexity through multidimensional protein-protein interaction maps and apply it to enhancing our understanding of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. This network uncovers 771 interactions from cancer and noncancerous cell states, including WT and mutant protein isoforms. Prioritization of cancer-enriched interactions reveals a previously unidentified association of the fibroblast growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase 3 with Daple, a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor, resulting in activation of Gαi- and p21-activated protein kinase 1/2 to promote cancer cell migration. Additionally, we observe mutation-enriched interactions between the human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) receptor tyrosine kinase and PIK3CA (the alpha catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) that can inform the response to HER3 inhibition in vivo. We anticipate that the application of this framework will be valuable for translating genetic alterations into a molecular and clinical understanding of the underlying biology of many disease areas

    Interpretation of cancer mutations using a multiscale map of protein systems.

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    A major goal of cancer research is to understand how mutations distributed across diverse genes affect common cellular systems, including multiprotein complexes and assemblies. Two challenges—how to comprehensively map such systems and how to identify which are under mutational selection—have hindered this understanding. Accordingly, we created a comprehensive map of cancer protein systems integrating both new and published multi-omic interaction data at multiple scales of analysis. We then developed a unified statistical model that pinpoints 395 specific systems under mutational selection across 13 cancer types. This map, called NeST (Nested Systems in Tumors), incorporates canonical processes and notable discoveries, including a PIK3CA-actomyosin complex that inhibits phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling and recurrent mutations in collagen complexes that promote tumor proliferation. These systems can be used as clinical biomarkers and implicate a total of 548 genes in cancer evolution and progression. This work shows how disparate tumor mutations converge on protein assemblies at different scales