622 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of the Street Lighting System as a Tool for Electrical Energy Savings

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    Street lighting systems today are important consumers of electrical energy. Those systems are also not negligible producers of CO2. Because of that, great efforts are made (especially today) to find optimal solutions to save electrical energy in street lighting. In this paper, we give a literature review in the fields of street lighting energy audit and possibilities of electrical energy savings in street lighting. Then, a case study report of the city of Å iroki Brijeg (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is analyzed. In this case study, one energy audit method is described and applied. After that, several scenario strategies of electrical energy savings based on reconstruction of existing street lighting systems are described and applied, too. As a result, we noticed that high electrical energy savings can be obtained by using optimally sized sodium luminaires or sodium luminaires with step-dimming ballasts. That conclusion was made after the proposed energy audit was done and the proposed scenario strategies of electrical energy savings were examined. The workflow presented here can be used for any case study


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    The journal Acta Clinica Croatica (ACC) was founded in 1962 under the title Anali Bolnice Dr. M. Stojanović. In 1995, the title of the journal was changed into its present form and ever since all papers have been published in English. In 2000, the electronic (online) edition of the ACC was released in addition to the print version. The paper presents development of the journal from 1962 to 2012 based on the analysis of the following SCOPUS citation index parameters: type and number of documents published in the journal; number of citations; and number of domestic and foreign authors. The studied period was analyzed in three time segments: the period from 1995 to 1999, the period from 2000 to 2006 and the period from 2007 to 2012. The same parameters were analyzed in the Web of Science/SCI-Expanded bibliographic and citation index for the 2007-2012 period. The increasing number of documents, authors (both domestic and foreign) and citations demonstrates gradual rise in the quality, visibility and impact of the journal. The fifty years of experience show that a goal, at first very distant and almost unachievable, may be reached by progressing step by step.Časopis Acta Clinica Croatica počeo je izlaziti 1962. godine na hrvatskom jeziku pod nazivom Anali Bolnice Dr. M. Stojanović. Godine 1995. naziv časopisa se mijenja u danaÅ”nji, a svi radovi se objavljuju na engleskom jeziku. Godine 2000. objavljuje se i mrežna (online) verzija. U radu se prati razvoj časopisa od 1962. do 2012. godine temeljem analize vrste i broja radova, broja citata te broja domaćih i stranih autora u indeksnoj i citatnoj bazi SCOPUS (u tri razdoblja). Isti su parametri analizirani u bazi Web of Science/SCI-Expanded za razdoblje od 2007. do 2012. godine. Uzlazna krivulja rasta broja radova, autora i citata svjedoči o postupnom povećanju kvalitete, vidljivosti i značajnosti časopisa. PedesetogodiÅ”nje iskustvo pokazuje da se korak po korak može stići i do na prvi pogled jako udaljenog ili teže ostvarivog cilja

    Plate method for counting proteolytic sulphide-producing bacteria

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    Proteolitičke sulfid-producirajuće bakterije (PSPB) Å”iroko su rasprostranjene u vodi i sedimentu i predstavljaju vrlo dobar pokazatelj ekoloÅ”kog stanja ekosistema. S ekoloÅ”kog glediÅ”ta važno je razlikovati fizioloÅ”ku skupinu PSPB-a od ostalih skupina bakterija koje proizvode H2S iz sulfata i tiosulfata. S tim ciljem razvijen je i iskuÅ”an novi tip podloge, pepton-cistein-amonijak-željezo citratni agar (PCA). Na tom je tipu podloge redovito dolazilo do stvaranja većeg broja PSPB bakterijskih kolonija nego na kontrolnoj podlozi (SIM). Za brojanje PSPB bakterijskih kolonija nastalih iz okoliÅ”nih uzoraka preporuča se simultana inkubacija istih uzoraka u aerobnim i anaerobnim uvjetima te bi za tumačenje rezultata trebalo uzeti veći broj nastalih kolonija.The proteolytic sulphide-producing bacteria (PSPB) are widely distributed in the water and sediment and are a good indicator of the ecological status of ecosystems. From the ecological point of view it is important to distinguish the physiological group of PSPB from other bacteria producing H2S form sulphate or thiosulphate. A new medium named peptone-cysteine-ammonium-iron citrate agar (PCA) was developed and tested. The medium regularly gave higher CFU of PSPB than the used control medium (SIM). For the enumeration of PSPB from environmental samples, simultaneous incubation of the same samples in aerobic and anaerobic conditions is recommended and a higher number should be taken for interpretation

    Bioremediation of pesticides

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    Primjena pesticida poznata je nekoliko tisuća godina, a proizvodnja sintetičkih pesticida započinje polovicom 20. stoljeća. Nakon upotrebe, većina sintetičkih pesticida se dugotrajno zadržava u okoliÅ”u te se njihovi ostaci mogu naći u tlima, morskim i vodenim ekosustavima, pitkoj vodi i podzemnim vodonosnicima. Uz to, zabilježen je povećani mortalitet i ugroženost mnogih skupina organizama. Kroz hranidbeni lanac, ostaci pesticida dospijevaju i do ljudi te uzrokuju različite poremećaje i bolesti. Bioremedijacija je ekonomski isplativa i održiva tehnologija koja na ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljiv način tranformira ili uklanja onečiŔćujuće tvari iz okoliÅ”a pomoću bakterija, biljaka, algi ili gljiva. U ovom radu prikazana su istraživanja bioremedijacije s varijabilnim rezultatima uključujujući bioremedijaciju herbicida, diurona i glifosata te insekticida, imidakloprida i acetamiprida, koristeći različite sojeve bakterija i gljiva. Na kraju su istaknuti problemi koji onemogućavaju masovnu primjenu bioremedijacije u prirodi te je njihovo rjeÅ”enje moguće samo daljnjim istraživanjima.The application of pesticides has been known for several thousand years, and the production of synthetic pesticides began in the mid-20th century. Most synthetic pesticides stay in the environment for a long time after their use and their residues can be found in soils, marine and aquatic ecosystems, drinking water and underground aquifers. Furthermore, increased mortality and endangerment of many groups of organisms is reported. The pesticide residues reach humans through the food chain and cause various disorders and diseases. Bioremediation is a cost-effective and sustainable technology that transforms or eliminates pollutants from the environment by bacteria, plants, algae or fungi in an environmentally friendly way. Bioremediation studies with variable results were presented in this paper, including bioremediation of herbicides, diuron and glyphosate, and insecticides, imidacloprid and acetamiprid, using various bacteria and fungi strains. Finally, problems that prevent the massive application of bioremediation were highlighted and their solution is only possible with further research

    Statistical Approach in Analyzing of Advanced Metering Data in Power Distribution Grid

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    In last period many distribution system operators (DSO) invest significant amount of money in smart metering system. Those investments are in part due to regulatory obligations and in part due to needs of DSO (utilities) for knowledge about electric energy consumption. Term electric energy consumption refers not only on real consumption of electric energy but also on data about peak power, unbalance, voltage profiles, power losses etc. Data which DSO can have depends on type of smart metering system. Further, smart meters as source of data can be implemented in transformer stations (TS) MV/LV and in LV grid at consumer level. Generally, smart meters can be placed in any node of distribution grid. As amount of smart meters is greater, the possibility of data analysis is greater. In this paper a smart metering system of J.P Elektroprivreda HZ HB d.d, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina will be presented. One statistical approach for analyzing of advanced metering data of TS MV/LV will be presented. Statistical approach presented here is powerful tool for analyzing great amount of data from distribution grid in simple way. Main contribution of this paper is in using results obtained from statistical analysis of smart meter data in distribution grid analyzing and in maintenance/investment planning

    PV Plant Influence on Distribution Grid in Terms of Power Quality Considering Hosting Capacity of the Grid

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    Photovoltaic plants penetrate rapidly in distribution grid. Problems with their integration in distribution grid can exist in terms of load flow, protection settings, power quality, etc. This chapter analyzes influence of photovoltaic plants connection in distribution grid (0.4 and 10Ā kV voltage level) on power quality. The main focus will be on influence of photovoltaic plant connection point on distribution grid (hosting capacityā€”strength of the grid) in terms of power quality. Norms and regulations about influence of photovoltaic plants on distribution grid in terms of power quality will be analyzed. Influence of photovoltaic plants on distribution grid in theoretical aspects will be presented. Several case studies then will be described. Those case studies present different connection points of photovoltaic plants on distribution grid. Comparison of theoretical assumptions and real case studies will be compared. Some observations of real case studies and their impact on theoretical aspects, norms, and regulations about photovoltaic plant influence on distribution grid will be introduced

    Jednodnevna dijagnostika

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    At the University Hospital for Tumors, University Hospital Center Sestre milosrdnice about 700 breast cancers and about 150 benign changes of the breast are operated annually. After mammography and ultrasound, basic distinction between benign and malignant is achieved by fine needle (FNAC aspiration) under visual control of various radiological methods, mainly ultrasound (US). Importance of early cancer diagnosis and planned treatment action achieve the best outcomes. In order to bridge the time gap between different diagnostics and reduce psychological stress, we introduced the concept of one-day clinic into our outpatient practice. Service comprises triple diagnostic test when a lesion is suspected along with treatment plan according to the diagnosis in 8 hour time frame. The service has been operating for the past two years and has had positive response from both staff and patients.U Klinici za tumore Kliničkog bolničkog centra Sestre milosrdnice, godiÅ”nje se operira oko 700 karcinoma dojke i oko 150 benignih lezija dojke. Nakon mamografije i ultrazvuka, razlikovanje malignih od benignih tumora se postiže punkcijom pod kontrolom različitih radioloÅ”kih metoda, prvenstveno ultrazvuka. Važnost ranog otkrivanja raka i planiranje liječenja daju najbolje rezultate. Kako bi se premostili vremenski periodi između različitih dijagnostičkih postupaka i reducirao stres koji nastaje iŔčekivanjem rezultata, uveli smo koncept jednodnevne dijagnostike. Usluga se sastoji od trojnog dijagnostičkog testa u slučaju sumnje na tumor i plana liječenja u vremenskom okviru od 8 sati. Jednodnevna dijagnostika djeluje zadnje dvije godine i izazvala je pozitivne reakcije kod pacijenata i kod osoblja

    Different convergence rates of new EU member states: Panel data analysis of the causes

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    This paper, using panel data analysis, tries to identify factors regarding the different convergence rates of CESEE EU member countriesā€™ real income between 2002 and 2018. Stylized convergence facts are identified and the drivers of economic growth based on production function, i.e. the accumulation of labour and capital and total factor productivity (TFP) growth have been analysed. Moreover, paper takes into account other variables that have been recognized as growth determining factors - trade openness, FDI, labour market and integration level, as well as TFP determining factors - institutional quality, innovation and human capital. Based on the research results trade openness and gross capital formation have been identified as key factors regarding real income growth of analysed countries. Also, it has been confirmed that growth of CESEE countries is strongly affected by the growth of Eurozone. Finally, the authorsā€™ conclusion is that several CESEE countries are facing institutional convergence challenges
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