12 research outputs found

    Duration of shedding of respiratory syncytial virus in a community study of Kenyan children

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    Background: Our understanding of the transmission dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection will be better informed with improved data on the patterns of shedding in cases not limited only to hospital admissions. Methods: In a household study, children testing RSV positive by direct immunofluorescent antibody test (DFA) were enrolled. Nasal washings were scheduled right away, then every three days until day 14, every 7 days until day 28 and every 2 weeks until a maximum of 16 weeks, or until the first DFA negative RSV specimen. The relationship between host factors, illness severity and viral shedding was investigated using Cox regression methods. Results: From 151 families a total of 193 children were enrolled with a median age of 21 months (range 1-164 months), 10% infants and 46% male. The rate of recovery from infection was 0.22/person/day (95% CI 0.19-0.25) equivalent to a mean duration of shedding of 4.5 days (95%CI 4.0-5.3), with a median duration of shedding of 4 days (IQR 2-6, range 1-14). Children with a history of RSV infection had a 40% increased rate of recovery i.e. shorter duration of viral shedding (hazard ratio 1.4, 95% CI 1.01-1.86). The rate of cessation of shedding did not differ significantly between males and females, by severity of infection or by age. Conclusion: We provide evidence of a relationship between the duration of shedding and history of infection, which may have a bearing on the relative role of primary versus re-infections in RSV transmission in the community

    L'infiltrazione nazista nella cultura austriaca degli anni Trenta

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    Quest’articolo tratta dell’infiltrazione nazista nella cultura austriaca degli anni Trenta. L’autore chiarisce sin dall’inizio che l’Anschluss dell’Austria al Reich (1938), celebrato dalla propaganda nazista come “Heimkehr der Ostmark ins Reich”, non fu che il punto finale di una sapiente opera di penetrazione ideologica nazista dei vari ambiti della vita pubblica austriaca. In realtà, le strategie nazionaliste, per quanto concerne la politica culturale austriaca, furono concretizzate sul piano della fondazione di organizzazioni, associazioni e circoli culturali (illegali) già molto prima dell’occupazione stessa della Ostmark. Vediamo quanto è essenziale in tutto questo l’attività svolta dagli scrittori filo annessionisti. Infine apprendiamo come cambiò la situazione degli scrittori austriaci dopo l’Anschluss.This essay deals with the Nazi infiltration into the Austrian culture of the 30s. The author clarifies from the beginning that the Anschluss of Austria to the Reich (1938), hailed by the Nazi propaganda as the “Heimkehr der Ostmark ins Reich”, was nothing but the final step of a clever work of Nazi ideological penetration into different areas of the Austrian public life. In fact, the nationalist strategies, as far as the Austrian cultural politics is concerned, were realised on the level of the foundation of organisations, associations and (illegal) cultural societies, long before the occupation of the Ostmark itself. The essay investigates the role played in this by the activities of those authors who favoured the annexation. Finally, the changes experienced by the Austrian writers after the Anschluss are also discussed


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    En la actualidad, con la perenne pol\ue9mica de los abusos sexuales a menores en el seno de la Iglesia y el consiguiente inter\ue9s, por parte de distintas autorida- des, de investigar la magnitud de esta realidad sirvi\ue9ndose de los archivos ecle- si\ue1sticos, es de sumo inter\ue9s dar un poco de luz sobre todo lo que concierte a la protecci\uf3n de datos personales y, en particular, el derecho de acceso a los mismos: las condiciones generales para su ejercicio, los titulares de este derecho, su contenido, l\uedmites, el procedimiento, los diferentes plazos en su ejercicio, las diferentes formas en las que se puede solicitar su tutela, etc. Nos encontramos ante un tema complejo donde tambi\ue9n entran en liza otros derechos individuales como el derecho al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar y a la propia imagen

    Religious Practices On Honoring The Dead: Need For Contextualized Christian Formation

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    Filipinos’ deep respect for the dead impelled the culture of holding wake, interment and memorial as expression of reverence and tribute. Although Filipinos’ daily life are influenced by Catholic teachings, there is an observable lack of knowledge of and formation in the faith. This article investigated on the rich, yet often neglected, literature that surrounds Christian formation and religious practices on honoring the dead in the Philippines. Understood as a heritage in itself, there is a need to preserve, protect, and promote such social practice on honoring the dead. Despite the call of the particular Church in the Philippines towards a renewed catechesis on Christian life, death and afterlife, there have been no available learning module or program for families of the departed that has been created, nor implemented. This study argued that by integrating a contextualized learning resource in the existing learning package for Religious Education, crafting of lessons which are responsive to the educational and social context of learners – specifically on topics that touches Catholic doctrines on life, death and afterlife – will aim at a deeper appreciation of Catholic doctrines, leading to authentic witnessing to the Faith through one’s own cultural identity

    Análisis del agrupamiento de cerdos ibéricos, Duroc y de sus cruces

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    Effectiveness of E-Banking To Customer Life Service

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    This research analyzed the effectiveness of e-banking to customer life service, while at the same time determined the experiences and difficulties met by the respondents in terms of online payment transaction, online fund transfer, and online shopping. Utilizing descriptive-evaluative research design, a validated self-made survey questionnaire composed of sixty-seven (67) indicators were distributed to purposively selected forty-five (45) consistent users of e-banking services across different demography. Results showed that there is no significant difference in the experiences and difficulties encountered by the respondents in e-banking when grouped according to demographic profile. However, significant difference is present on the difficulties encountered in online shopping when grouped according to gross monthly income. Although it can be implied from the results of the data that the respondents still have reservations on the use of e-banking in daily and consistent transactions, it has been found effective in providing good customer life service as respondents would opine that online payment can save time, money and effort. Furthermore, online fund transfer can be trusted, and online shopping is seen to be quick and hassle-free. From a commerce perspective, this study emphasizes that there remain strong points of development towards the integration of e-banking to daily life transactions of customers and other prospects