66 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of bay (Syzygium polyanthum W.) and suji (Dracaena angustifoliaRoxb.) leaves against Shigella dysenteriae and the amount of potassium to the discovery of anti-dysentery drug candidates.Methods: Testing activities and comparative value activities performed by the agar diffusion method, whereas the determination of minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was done with the subculture media incubation test followed with microdilution method on Mueller Hinton Agar medium sterile. Potassium levels of the extract were carried out quantitatively using atomic absorption spectrophotometry.Results: The test results showed that the ethanol extract of both leaves had antibacterial activity against S. dysenteriae with MBC values were in the range of 10-20% w/v. Value comparative effectiveness suji leaf ethanol extract to the bay leaf was 1:0.4. Potassium levels ethanol extract of bay and suji leaves were 1.027% and 3.795%, respectively.Conclusion: It can be concluded that the ethanol extract of bay and suji leaves has antibacterial activity against bacteria S. dysenteriae ATCC 13313. Rated comparative activity of the ethanol extract of the suji leaves with bay leaves ethanol extract was 1:0.4 which means to generating resistor diameter equal to 1 part suji leaf ethanol extract equivalent to 0.4 parts of the ethanol extract of bay leaves. The minimum kill concentration ethanol extract of bay and suji leaves ethanol extract was in the range of 10-20% w/v. Both bay and suji leaves have potential as a supplier of potassium in patients with hypokalemia dysentery.Keywords: Bay leaves, Suji leaves, Shigella dysenteriae, Potassium, Atomic absorption spectrophotometry.Ă‚

    Pengenalan dan Edukasi Deteksi Dini Penyakit Kulit di Daerah Pesisir Pantai Ampenan, Lombok NTB

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    Background: Skin health problems are one of the most common diseases in coastal communities, caused by various factors, including personal hygiene, water conditions, and humidity. In the research that has been done, it is said that skin disease in coastal communities is a major problem for people living in coastal areas. Until now, skin diseases in coastal areas are still a problem for most Indonesian people, most of whom live on the coast. Situation Analysis: Health workers play an important role in disseminating knowledge about skin diseases that often appear in coastal communities, one of which is by organizing early detection counseling activities. Through this activity, it is hoped that there will be an increase in public knowledge about early detection of skin diseases that may appear in coastal communities. Method: The approach steps taken in this program consist of counseling the general public regarding the early detection of skin diseases in coastal communities. Results and Conclusions: In the provision of education which was preceded by a pre-test first, it showed that the people of the coastal area of Ampenan had low awareness and level of knowledge related to Skin Health, from 30 people who had been given education it was known that 25 people got a score of less than 50. After being given education about skin health and early detection of skin health, then an evaluation was carried out. It was found that there was an increase in the score to 20 people with a score above 50. Through these results, it is known that education on the introduction and early detection of skin diseases is important because it can prevent the severity and increase the number pain caused by skin disease

    Hubungan Power Otot Lengan Bahu dan Power Otot Tungkai dengan Ketepatan Smash Bola Voli pada Tim Bola Voli Putra Smk Negeri 2 Teluk Kuantan

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    The problem in this research is when doing smash the height of jump is very less, so the reach of hand does not exceed top net, which causes the athlete difficult to direct the ball, the opposing player can block the ball and the smash is not sharp, so it does not generate points. The ball is not strong and not fast enough, so the ball can be used again by the opponent to counterattack. From the description of the above problems, it is suspected to be less muscle power shoulder arm and leg muscle power when doing smash volleyball. This study aims to determine whether there is a reletionship of muscle power shoulder arm and leg muscle power with precision smash volleyball on the ball team volley boy SMK Negeri 2 Teluk Kuantan. Sampling technique that is the total population ( total sampling ) atheletes volleyball men SMK Negeri 2 Teluk Kuantan amounted to 12 people. This reseach using correlation techniques. Then, the test data using the normality test, product moment correlation test, and test that Lcalculate variable X1 = 0,1373, Lcalculate variable X2 = 0,1081 and Lcalculate variable Y = 0,1897 where Ltable obtained 0,242 (α = 0,05), with so Lcalculate = 0,1373 < L table 0,242 on variable X1, Lcount 0,1081 < Ltable = 0,242 on the variable X2 and Larithmetic = 0,1897 < Ltable = 0,242 on variable Y, in other words it is concluded that X1, X2 and Y data are distributed normal


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    This study identifies the results of some test results clustering methods. The data set used in this test method Clustering. The third method of clustering based on these factors than the size of the data set and the extent of the cluster. The test results showed that the SOM algorithm produces better accuracy in classifying objects into matching groups. K-means algorithm is very good when using large data sets and compared with Hierarchical SOM algorithm. Hierarchical grouping and SOM showed good results when using small data sets compared to using k-means algorithm


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    This study identifies the results of some test results clustering methods. The data set used in this test method Clustering. The third method of clustering based on these factors than the size of the data set and the extent of the cluster. The test results showed that the SOM algorithm produces better accuracy in classifying objects into matching groups. K-means algorithm is very good when using large data sets and compared with Hierarchical SOM algorithm. Hierarchical grouping and SOM showed good results when using small data sets compared to using k-means algorithm

    Implementation of Mamdani Fuzzy Method in Employee Promotion System

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    Nowadays, employees are big assets to an institution. Every employee has a different educational background, degree, work skill, attitude and ethic that affect the performance. An institution including government institution implements a promotion system in order to improve the performance of the employees. Pangandaran Tourism, Industry, Trade, and SME Department is one of government agency that implements a promotion system to discover employees who deserve to get promotion. However, there are some practical deficiencies in the promotion system, one of which is the subjectivity issue. This work proposed a classification model that could minimize the subjectivity issue in employee promotion system. This paper reported a classification employee based on their eligibility for promotion. The degree of membership was decided using Mamdani Fuzzy based on determinant factors of the performance of employees. In the evaluation phase, this model had an accuracy of 91.4%. It goes to show that this model may minimize the subjectivity issue in the promotion system, especially at Pangandaran Tourism, Industry, Trade, and SME Departmen

    Design of smart system to detect ripeness of tomato and chili with new approach in data acquisition

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    Manual laxity of fruit ripeness classification is highly influenced by operator subjectivity, thus there is inconsistency for some periods in the classification process. Information Technology development allows fruit identification based on color characteristic by computer aids. A developed system was designed to work on a mobile device with the ability to detect four levels of ripeness of tomato and chili fruits. The acquisition of training data is done with a new approach. Training data came from objective observation of the same fruit of tomato and chili, captured since one month before harvesting until harvesting period. Image segmentation uses K-Means Clustering Method while ripeness detection uses fuzzy logic. The system output consists of types and level of ripeness grouped into four categories: unripe 1, unripe 2, medium, and ripe. This article explains preliminary results of the testing system in static and partial condition using a personal computer before being applied into a mobile-based integrated system. The results showed the level of success for fruit segmentation was 80% for tomato and 100% for chili. The fault is due to the similarity of fruit sample size. The level of success for detecting fruit ripeness is 80% for tomato and 90% for chili. By 10 training data of each, it is shown that the good result with an overall accuracy level of average ripeness detection is 85%

    Theoretical Investigation of Inclusion Complex between Omeprazole Enantiomers and Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin

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    Host-guest inclusion complexes between R/S-Omeprazole (R/S-OME) enantiomers with Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin (CM-β-CD) is proposed to predicts the separation of its enantiomers that considering the interaction energy and inclusion geometry. The inclusion complex structures were built into two orientations i.e. 1:1 and 2:1 as the ratio of host to guest. All structures were optimized by two methods i.e. molecular mechanic docking and quantum semi empiric PM3. Based on the value of binding energy obtained from the computational modelling, it was found that inclusion complex of S-Omeprazole with Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin (SOME/CM-β-CD) is more stable than the inclusion complex of R-Omeprazole with Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin (R-OME/CM-β-CD). Moreover, R/S-Omeprazole can form stable inclusion complexes with Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin by the ratio of host: guest equal to 2:1. Other thermodynamic parameter values, i.e. Enthalpy (ΔH), Entropy (ΔS), and Gibbs free energy (ΔG) show that the inclusion complex of S-OME/CM-β-CD is more exothermic, more spontaneous, and preferably formed when compared to inclusion complex of R-OME/CM-β-CD. In addition, the formation of the R/S-OME inclusion complex with Carboxymethyl-β-Cyclodextrin (CM-β-CD) is an enthalpy driven process based on these values

    Dose–effect relationships in neuroendocrine tumour liver metastases treated with [166Ho]-radioembolization

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    Purpose: Aim of this study was to investigate a dose-response relationship, dose-toxicity relationship, progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in neuroendocrine tumour liver metastases (NELM) treated with holmium-166-microspheres radioembolization ([166Ho]-radioembolization). Materials and methods: Single center, retrospective study included patients with NELM that received [166Ho]-radioembolization with post-treatment SPECT/CT and CECT or MRI imaging for 3 months follow-up. Post-treatment SPECT/CT was used to calculate tumour (Dt) and whole liver healthy tissue (Dh) absorbed dose. Clinical and laboratory toxicity was graded by Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE), version 5 at baseline and three-months follow-up. Response was determined according to RECIST 1.1. The tumour and healthy doses was correlated to lesion-based objective response and patient-based toxicity. Kaplan Meier analyses were performed for progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Results: Twenty-seven treatments in 25 patients were included, with a total of 114 tumours. Median follow-up was 14 months (3 – 82 months). Mean Dt in non-responders was 68 Gy versus 118 Gy in responders, p = 0.01. ROC analysis determined 86 Gy to have the highest sensitivity and specificity, resp. 83% and 81%. Achieving a Dt of ≥ 120 Gy provided the highest likelihood of response (90%) for obtaining response. Sixteen patients had grade 1–2 clinical toxicity and only one patient grade 3. No clear healthy liver dose-toxicity relationship was found. The median PFS was 15 months (95% CI [10.2;19.8]) and median OS was not reached. Conclusion: This study confirms the safety and efficacy of [166Ho]-radioembolization in NELM in a real-world setting. A clear dose–response relationship was demonstrated and future studies should aim at a Dt of ≥ 120 Gy, being predictive of response. No dose-toxicity relationship could be established

    Detecting change in the Indonesian Seas

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Sprintall, J., Gordon, A. L., Wijffels, S. E., Feng, M., Hu, S., Koch-Larrouy, A., Phillips, H., Nugroho, D., Napitu, A., Pujiana, K., Susanto, R. D., Sloyan, B., Yuan, D., Riama, N. F., Siswanto, S., Kuswardani, A., Arifin, Z., Wahyudi, A. J., Zhou, H., Nagai, T., Ansong, J. K., Bourdalle-Badie, R., Chanuts, J., Lyard, F., Arbic, B. K., Ramdhani, A., & Setiawan, A. Detecting change in the Indonesian Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, (2019):257, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00257.The Indonesian seas play a fundamental role in the coupled ocean and climate system with the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) providing the only tropical pathway connecting the global oceans. Pacific warm pool waters passing through the Indonesian seas are cooled and freshened by strong air-sea fluxes and mixing from internal tides to form a unique water mass that can be tracked across the Indian Ocean basin and beyond. The Indonesian seas lie at the climatological center of the atmospheric deep convection associated with the ascending branch of the Walker Circulation. Regional SST variations cause changes in the surface winds that can shift the center of atmospheric deep convection, subsequently altering the precipitation and ocean circulation patterns within the entire Indo-Pacific region. Recent multi-decadal changes in the wind and buoyancy forcing over the tropical Indo-Pacific have directly affected the vertical profile, strength, and the heat and freshwater transports of the ITF. These changes influence the large-scale sea level, SST, precipitation and wind patterns. Observing long-term changes in mass, heat and freshwater within the Indonesian seas is central to understanding the variability and predictability of the global coupled climate system. Although substantial progress has been made over the past decade in measuring and modeling the physical and biogeochemical variability within the Indonesian seas, large uncertainties remain. A comprehensive strategy is needed for measuring the temporal and spatial scales of variability that govern the various water mass transport streams of the ITF, its connection with the circulation and heat and freshwater inventories and associated air-sea fluxes of the regional and global oceans. This white paper puts forward the design of an observational array using multi-platforms combined with high-resolution models aimed at increasing our quantitative understanding of water mass transformation rates and advection within the Indonesian seas and their impacts on the air-sea climate system. IntroductionJS acknowledges funding to support her effort by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number OCE-1736285 and NOAA’s Climate Program Office, Climate Variability and Predictability Program under Award Number NA17OAR4310257. SH was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 41776018) and the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS (QYZDB-SSW-SYS023). HP acknowledges support from the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Programme. HZ acknowledges support from National Science Foundation under Grant No. 41876009. RS was supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. OCE-07-25935; Office of Naval Research Grant No. N00014-08-01-0618 and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant No. 80NSSC18K0777. SW, MF, and BS were supported by Center for Southern Hemisphere Oceans Research (CSHOR), which is a joint initiative between the Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM), CSIRO, University of New South Wales and University of Tasmania
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