10 research outputs found


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    Background: Diclofenac sodium is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which has anti-inflammatory and pain effects. Transdermal administration of diclofenac sodium can control the release of diclofenac sodium from its base, which is expected to avoid side effects in the stomach and first pass metabolism in the liver. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of chitosan polymers and polyvinyl alcohol crosslinked sodium tripoli phosphate on the penetration character of diclofenac sodium film. Method: Transdermal film is made by mixing chitosan solution and polyvinyl alcohol solution with the addition of glycerin and sodium diclofenac until the film is formed and then dried. Drop the sodium tripoli phosphate solution until a crosslink reaction occurs, then dried. Transdermal films were made in six formulas using chitosan (2%), polyvinyl alcohol (8%) with a ratio of 30:70 adding sodium tripolyphosphate solution at 10 minutes crosslink time (F1) and 20 minutes (F2), 50:50 crosslink time 10 minutes (F3) and 20 minutes (F4), 70:30 cross time 10 minutes (F5) and 20 minutes (F6). Evaluation of film character includes organoleptic observation, weight test, thickness, moisture content (%), interactions between ingredients, levels of active substances. Drug release was determined using Franz diffusion cells in phosphate buffer (pH7.4). All transdermal films meet the test requirements for uniformity in weight, thickness and moisture content. Penetration test in vitro film shows the formulation with 10 minutes crosslink time has cumulative percent and release flux is better than 20 minutes crosslink time. The release of dicofofen sodium transdermal film follows the release of a zero order erosion mechanism. FTIR examination showed no interaction between sodium diclofenac and excipients. Conclusion: Chitosan polymer, polyvinyl alcohol and sodium tripoli phosphate affect organoleptic properties and penetration through the skin. Transdermal film making with a 10 minute crosslink time results in a better release profile than a 20 minute crosslink time. Keywords: diclofenac sodium, chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, sodium tripoli phosphate, glycerin, release kinetics

    Profil Penggunaan Obat Antidiabetes Tipe II Di RSUD Dr. Husni Thamrin Natal Medan, Sumatera Utara

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    The pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot use the insulin it produces effectively. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the balance of blood sugar levels. (hyperglycemia). This research was conducted with a non-experimental descriptive method with a cross-sectional design that was carried out every month. Sampling was carried out in the internal medicine section of RSUD by Dr. Husni Thamrin Natal. Samples were taken retrospectively every month using secondary data, namely medical records of patients using oral antidiabetics (drugs) in the period from January to June 2019. The data obtained was presented in the form of table proportions and graphs. The results showed that the largest percentage of use of antidiabetic drugs was male, as many as 67 people (57.26%), over 50 years old, as many as 97 people (82.91%), and the type of work was self-employed for as many as 47 people (40, 17%). The most widely used antidiabetic drug groups are the biguanide groups (75.17%), the combination type of drug with a combination of metformin and glimepiride (93.33%), and the frequency of use of the drug metformin (74.15%). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the highest prevalence is in the male sex, and the average age is over 50 years. The pattern of prescribing antidiabetic drugs based on the most widely used drug class is the biguanide group, which is a combination of metformin and glimepiride types of drugs, and the frequency of drug use is metformin.Pankreas tidak memproduksi cukup insulin atau tubuh tidak dapat menggunakan insulin yang diproduksi secara efektif. Insulin adalah hormon yang mengatur keseimbangan kadar gula darah. Akibatnya terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi glukosa di dalam darah (hiperglikemia). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif non-eksperimental dengan desain penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan setiap bulan, pengambilan sampel dilakukan di bagian penyakit dalam RSUD dr. Husni Thamrin Natal. Sampel diambil retrospektif setiap bulan menggunakan data sekunder, yaitu data rekam medis pasien pengguna antidiabetis oral (obat minum) pada periode Januari hingga Juni 2019. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk persentase tabel dan grafik.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase penggunaan obat antidiabetes terbesar adalah jenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 67 orang (57,26%), usia di atas 50 tahun sebanyak 97 orang (82,91%), jenis pekerjaan adalah wiraswasta sebanyak 47 orang (40,17%). Golongan obat antidiabetes yang paling banyak digunakan golongan biguanida (75,17%), kombinasi obat sejenis dengan kombinasi metformin dan glimepirid (93,33%), dan frekuensi penggunaan obat metformin (74,15%). Berdasarkan  hasil  penelitian,  dapat  diperoleh  kesimpulan  bahwa prevalensi tertinggi adalah pada jenis kelamin laki-laki, dan usia di atas 50 tahun. Pola peresepan obat antidiabetes berdasarkan golongan obat yang paling banyak digunakan adalah  golongan biguanida, kombinasi  obat  sejenis metformin dan glimepirid, dan frekuensi penggunaan obat adalah metformin

    Uji Efektivitas Mukolitik Ekstrak Umbi Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill) Urb)

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    Dayak Onions are a typical Borneo plant that have been used by generations of Dayaks as herbal medicine. Empirically, tubers can be used as cough medicines. The purpose of this study was to determine the mucolytic effect of Dayak onion tuber extract by in vitro and the concentration range which gaves an equivalent effect with the effect of 0.1% acetylcysteine. This study conducted extraction using maceration. The test solution was made with a concentration of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% mixed with a mucus-phosphate buffer pH 7 20:80. The test solution was incubated for 30 minutes at 37oC. Further, positive control used was 0.1% acetylcysteine drug and the negative control was mucus solution without extract. Viscosity values obtained were analyzed using the One-way Anova statistical test with a confidence level of 99% (α 0.01). Based on the results, it was revealed that the extract of Dayak tuber with a concentration of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% showed a significant difference and a concentration of 0.5%.  Mucolytic effectiveness was better than positive controls (acetylcysteine)


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    Face mask is a beauty mask that serves as a carrier of active ingredients for skin health that is able to remove dead skin cells.. Peel-off face masks have several benefits, including being able toclean dirt on the face whileremoving dead skin cells, preventing skin damage caused by exposure to free radicals, such as acne and black patches, removing fine wrinkles due to premature aging, cleaning oil on the face and moisturizing and nourishing the skin.. The methods in this study use experimental. This research method is experimental. The study included, the creation of pell-off gel mask base orientation, formulating 3% moringa leaf ethanol extract and in combination with vitamin E with concentration variations of1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% in pell-off gel maskpreparations, preparation evaluation tests including organoleptis, homogeneity, pH, scatter power, irritation tests on volunteer skin, as well as dry time, testing of pell-off gel masks. The results showed the evaluation test of the preparation of pell-off gel mask extract of moringa leaf combination of vitamin E in the homogeneity test of all homogeneous concentrations, the pH test showed all dosage concentrations met the pH requirement which ranged from 5-8, in the irritation test all preparations did not cause redness and on the dry time test all preparations met the requirements of under 30 minutes. The conclusion of ethanol extract of moringa leaves combination of vitamin E shows it can be used as an alternative to cosmetics and can be used as a reference for use as a natural cosmetic

    UJI EFEK ANTIPIRETIK DAUN SENDUDUK (Melastoma malabathricum L.) PADA TIKUS PUTIH JANTAN (Rattus Norvegicus)

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    The antipyretic effect of flavonoid in senduduk leaf (Melastoma malabathricum L.) is one of the traditional medicines that people used. The goal of this study is to determine the antipyretic effect of the extract of Senduduk leaf (Melastoma malabathricum L.) in male white mice and compare it to paracetamol. The design of this experimental study was a post-test only controlled group design. Twenty-five Wistar furrow mice, aged two months and weighing 200 grams, were utilized as animal models. The mice were divided into five groups, one of which was the negative control group (2 ml water), First dosage of Senduduk leaf extract (100 mg/200 g body weight mice), second dose of the extract (200 mg/200 g body weight mice), and third dose of the extract (300 mg/200 g body weight mice). Temperature measurements were taken before and after the DPT vaccination was administered to mice, and every 30 minutes post treatment until 150 minutes. The result after observing treatment at 30 minutes for dose I (37.930C), dose II (37.760C), and dose III (37.450C). The results at 150 minutes for dose I (37,470C), for dose II (37,150C), and for dose III (36.880C). The result of the research was to analyzed using the one way ANOVA test. The results of statistical observations using the one way ANOVA method showed the significant value was p < 0.05 (0.000). This indicates there are differences from each treatment in antipyretic testing. If continued with the Tukey test, a significant value of p> 0.05 (0.9480), the research concluded that there is no difference in terms of antipyretic testing at a dose of 300mg/KgBW compared to paracetamol. The research concluded is the EEDS at a dose of 300mg/KgBW has the best antipyretic properties compared to paracetamol

    Formulation And Evaluation Of Hand Sanitizer Gel From Clove Flower Extract (Eugenia aromatica L.)

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    Clove flower (Eugenia aromatica L.) is a plant from the Myrtaceae family, the compounds contained in clove flowers are flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and saponins that can function as antibacterial. In addition, clove flowers also function as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiemetic, stimulant, and local anesthetic. The purpose of this study was to determine does clove flower extract (Eugenia aromatica L.) could be used as a hand sanitizer gel preparation. Clove flower simplicia powder was extracted with ethanol 96% by maceration. The extract obtained was then screened for phytochemicals, then formulated in the form of a hand sanitizer gel, by adding clove flower extract to each formula with different concentrations. The clove flower extract concentrations used were 5%, 10%, and 15%. After the hand sanitizer gel preparation was formed, the clove flower extract was then tested for the stability of the gel preparation. The clove flower extract obtained was 116.4 grams of thick extract. The results of phytochemical screening of clove flower extract showed the presence of secondary metabolites, namely flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins. Based on the evaluation of the hand sanitizer gel preparation, clove extract showed that it was physically stable during storage. Based on the acceptability or liking test conducted on 20 respondents using a questionnaire sheet, the results showed that the respondents really liked the aroma of formula F3


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      Objective: This study aims to see the effect of methadone dose on patient retention in following the program.Materials and Methods: This study is a clinical study with cross-sectional study design. Data obtained from the patient's medical record and patient's primary data. The study was conducted at Methadone Clinic of H.Adam Malik Hospital Medan. Results: The number of research samples is injecting drug users who follow PTRM as many as 39 people. From a study of 39 patients, the percentage of male patients (100%) was obtained; age between 25 and 35 years (64.1%); junior high school education equal to 84.6%; already married 46.2%; already working 69.2%; and the distance of the average residence with the clinic is 16.93 km. The results showed that the smallest maintenance dose of maintenance phase was 2 mg; the largest maintenance dose in the maintenance phase was 165 mg; the mean maintenance stage dose of 62.35 mg with a retention value >2 years or more (>730 days) was 79.5%.Conclusion: There was a significant effect on retention which is the biggest maintenance dose with p=0.04 value and take home dose with p=0.027. Percentage of drug use and other substances that is benzodiazepines (BZO) (64,1%); amphetamines (AMP) (38.5%); methamphetamine (MET) (20.5%); and THC (20.5%). There was no significant effect between the use of other substance to retention with p value of BZO (0.389); p AMP (0.360); p MET (0.195); and p THC (0.470). It can be concluded that the greater the dose of methadone has an effect on its retention

    Uji Efektivitas Sediaan Salep Ekstrak Daun Saga (Abrus precatorius Linn) Untuk Pengobatan Luka Pada Kelinci (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    Saga leaf (abrus precatorius Linn) contained flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids are able to provide an antibacterial effect. The purpose of the study was to made a balm extract from saga leaf (abrus precatorius Linn)and test the effectiveness of ointments against the treatment of wounds on rabbit skin. Proces of balm extract from saga leaf has qualified the standard and tested on rabbit with 5 treatment groups, is injuries without negative control, positive control, saga leaf ointment 10%, 20% and 30%. All the rabbit were sliced 1,5 cm long and given 0,2 mL of saga leaf extract ointment. The wounds were applied with ointment three times daily. Observations was conducted everyday for 8 days. The result shows differences that the saga leaf formulation meets the ointment test requirement according to farmakope Indonesia edition III, wounds were narrowed, scabs were formed and then wounds were closed.Daun saga (abrus precatorius Linn) memiliki kandungan flavonoid, tanin, triterpenoid yang mampu memberikan efek antibakteri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat salep dari ekstrak daun saga (abrus precatorius Linn) dan uji efektivitas sediaan salep terhadap pengobatan luka pada kulit kelinci. Pembuatan salep ekstrak daun saga yang telah memenuhi syarat dan diujikan pada hewan uji kelinci sebanyak 5 ekor dengan perlakuan, dasar salep berlemak (kontrol negatif), gentamicin salep (kontrol positif), ekstrak daun saga 10%, 20% dan 30%. Semua kelinci disayat sepanjang 1,5cm dan diberikan sediaan salep ekstrak daun saga sebanyak 0,2 mL. Luka diolesi tiga kali sehari dengan salep yang diuji.Pengamatan luka dilakukan setiap hari selama 8 hari.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan formulasi salep ekstrak daun saga memenuhi persyaratan uji salep menurut Farmakope Indonesia edisi III.Luka sayat yang dioleskan salep ekstrak daun saga mengalami penyempitan luka, membentuk keropeng dan menutup luka mulai hari ke 3


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    Green apples (Malus domestica) contain antioxidants which are very good for skin health. Skin is the most important part of the body that needs to be considered in skin beauty. An understanding of the anatomy and physiology about the skin will help facilitate skin care to get fresh, moist, smooth, supple and clean facial skin. The purpose determined the green apple peel extraction (Malus domestica) can be formulated as a sheet mask preparation and to determine the antioxidant test content of the green apple peel extraction with sheet mask (Malus domestica). The extraction method used is the maceration method with 70% ethanol as solvent. The green apple extraction with sheet mask formula is glycerin, butylene glycol, PEG Hydrogenate catsoroil, Xanthan gum, Nipagin, 70% ethanol, Parfum, Aquades and variations of apple fruit extract 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% (w/v). Evaluation of the preparations carried out was homogeneity, stability, organoleptic test, measurement of pH, and antioxidant content using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil) method. The results show the concentration of green apple peel extraction (Malus domestica) was homogeneous and stable. The result of the pH test which is below the skin limit is F5, pH is 4, so F4 ​​is used as the optimum formula because it has the highest extract content. The results of the antioxidant activity test obtained an IC50 value of 128.09 ppm with a medium level category.Buah  apel  hijau (Malus domestica) mengandung senyawa antioksidan yang bagus dalam menjaga Kesehatan kulit. Kulit adalah bagian tubuh yang paling penting untuk diperhatikan dalam hal kecantikan kulit. Memahami anatomi dan fisiologi dari kulit memudahkan perawatan kulit untuk menjaga kulit wajah tetap segar, lembab, halus, kenyal dan bersih. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah hasil ekstraksi kulit buah apel hijau (Malus domestica) dapat diformulasikan sebagai sediaan masker sheet serta mengetahui kandungan uji antioksidan pada masker sheet ekstrak kulit buah apel hijau (Malus domestica). Ekstrak diperoleh dengan cara metode maserasi menggunakan larutan etanol 70% sebagai pelarut. Formula masker sheet ekstrak buah apel hijau adalah gliserin, butilen glikol, PEG Hydrogenate catsoroil, Xanthan gum, Nipagin, Etanol 70%, Parfum, Aquades dan variasi ekstrak buah apel 2, 4, 6, 8, dan 10 % (b/v). Evaluasi sediaan yang dilakukan adalah uji homogenitas, stabilitas, organoleptis, pengukuran pH, dan kandungan antioksidan dengan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi sediaan ekstrak kulit buah apel hijau (Malus domestica) homogen dan stabil. Hasil uji pH yang berada di bawah batas kulit adalah F5 yaitu pH 4, sehingga F4 digunakan sebagai sediaan optimum dengan kandungan ekstrak tertinggi. Hasil pengujian aktivitas antioksidan diperoleh nilai IC50 sebesar 128.09 ppm dengan kategori tingkat sedang