22 research outputs found

    European Stakeholder Round Table on Citizen and DIY Science and Responsible Research and Innovation

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    Göbel, C., Agnello, G., Baïz, I., Berditchevskaia, A., Evers, L., García, D., Pritchard, H., Luna, S., Ramanauskaite, E. M., Serrano, F., Boheemen, P. v., Völker, T., Wyszomirski, P., Vohland, K. (2017): European Stakeholder Round Table on Citizen and DIY Science and Responsible Research and Innovation. Doing-it-Together Science Report. URI: http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1563626 / The report is the result of an event on 8th November 2016 in Berlin. The round table has been organized by ECSA as part of the Doing-it-Together Science project (DITOs) and realized in the framework of the Berlin Science Week

    Demand-Orientated Power Production from Biogas: Modeling and Simulations under Swedish Conditions

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    The total share of intermittent renewable electricity is increasing, intensifying the need for power balancing in future electricity systems. Demand-orientated combined heat and power (CHP) production from biogas has potential for this purpose. An agricultural biogas plant, using cattle manure and sugar beet for biogas and CHP production, was analyzed here. The model Dynamic Biogas plant Model (DyBiM) was developed and connected to the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1). Flexible scenarios were simulated and compared against a reference scenario with continuous production, to evaluate the technical requirements and economic implications of demand-orientated production. The study was set in Swedish conditions regarding electricity and heat price, and the flexibility approaches assessed were increased CHP and gas storage capacity and feeding management. The results showed that larger gas storage capacity was needed for demand-orientated CHP production but that feeding management reduced the storage requirement because of fast biogas production response to feeding. Income from electricity increased by 10%, applying simple electricity production strategies to a doubled CHP capacity. However, as a result of the currently low Swedish diurnal electricity price variation and lack of subsidies for demand-orientated electricity production, the increase in income was too low to cover the investment costs. Nevertheless, DyBiM proved to be a useful modeling tool for assessing the economic outcome of different flexibility scenarios for demand-orientated CHP production

    UCRAID (Ukrainian Citizen and refugee electronic support in Respiratory diseases, Allergy, Immunology and Dermatology) action plan

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    Eight million Ukrainians have taken refuge in the European Union. Many have asthma and/or allergic rhinitis and/or urticaria, and around 100,000 may have a severe disease. Cultural and language barriers are a major obstacle to appropriate management. Two widely available mHealth apps, MASK-air® (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK) for the management of rhinitis and asthma and CRUSE® (Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation) for patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria, were updated to include Ukrainian versions that make the documented information available to treating physicians in their own language. The Ukrainian patients fill in the questionnaires and daily symptom-medication scores for asthma, rhinitis (MASK-air) or urticaria (CRUSE) in Ukrainian. Then, following the GDPR, patients grant their physician access to the app by scanning a QR code displayed on the physician's computer enabling the physician to read the app contents in his/her own language. This service is available freely. It takes less than a minute to show patient data to the physician in the physician's web browser. UCRAID—developed by ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) and UCARE (Urticaria Centers of Reference and Excellence)—is under the auspices of the Ukraine Ministry of Health as well as European (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical immunology, EAACI, European Respiratory Society, ERS, European Society of Dermatologic Research, ESDR) and national societies

    Prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases—The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline

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    Background: The recently published Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment of stages I–IV periodontitis provided evidence-based recommendations for treating periodontitis patients, defined according to the 2018 classification. Peri-implant diseases were also re-defined in the 2018 classification. It is well established that both peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are highly prevalent. In addition, peri-implantitis is particularly challenging to manage and is accompanied by significant morbidity. Aim: To develop an S3 level CPG for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases, focusing on the implementation of interdisciplinary approaches required to prevent the development of peri-implant diseases or their recurrence, and to treat/rehabilitate patients with dental implants following the development of peri-implant diseases. Materials and Methods: This S3 level CPG was developed by the European Federation of Periodontology, following methodological guidance from the Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation process. A rigorous and transparent process included synthesis of relevant research in 13 specifically commissioned systematic reviews, evaluation of the quality and strength of evidence, formulation of specific recommendations, and a structured consensus process involving leading experts and a broad base of stakeholders. Results: The S3 level CPG for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases culminated in the recommendation for implementation of various different interventions before, during and after implant placement/loading. Prevention of peri-implant diseases should commence when dental implants are planned, surgically placed and prosthetically loaded. Once the implants are loaded and in function, a supportive peri-implant care programme should be structured, including periodical assessment of peri-implant tissue health. If peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis are detected, appropriate treatments for their management must be rendered. Conclusion: The present S3 level CPG informs clinical practice, health systems, policymakers and, indirectly, the public on the available and most effective modalities to maintain healthy peri-implant tissues, and to manage peri-implant diseases, according to the available evidence at the time of publication

    The Use of Bio-Waste for Biomethane Production in European Cities

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    The simultaneous energetic use of bio-waste, such as municipal solid waste (MSW) and catering/food waste, and the creation of a closed nutrient cycle is one of the main advantages of anaerobic digestion (AD) biogas plants as they convert waste materials to "desirable" feedstock. When compared to other treatment opportunities of the organic fraction of MSW, AD has several advantages. In comparison to waste incineration plants, AD plants usually need lower investments and the distances for feedstock transport are generally shorter. Nutrients can be easier recovered for agricultural production and wet feedstock does not have to be dried which is required for incineration. Similar to household scale or industrial scale composting, AD processes also recover nutrients, but the energy content of the biomass is not utilised. In many European regions waste management is still a large problem and only few biogas plants use bio-waste for biogas production. Insufficient waste management practices are more dominant in urban areas. At the same time, European countries have to comply with the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC and with the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) 2008/98/EC to considerably reduce land filling of the biodegradable part of MSW. They also have to comply with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) 2009/28/EC. AD from waste has the potential to contribute to the European targets of the above mentioned directives. Adjacent upgrading to biomethane quality and grid injection in the natural gas distribution network is an opportunity to efficiently use renewable energy in urban areas. This approach, Waste-to-Biomethane (WtB), is promoted by the UrbanBiogas project (Urban waste for biomethane grid injection and transport in urban areas; May 2011 – April 2014) which is supported by the Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme of the European Union. The use of the untapped fraction of organic urban waste for biogas production is promoted by a bottom-up approach in which cities (municipalities) are directly involved in all UrbanBiogas activities. The objective is to prepare 5 European target cities for the production of biomethane from urban waste which will be fed into the natural gas grids and optionally used for transport. The target cities are: City of Zagreb (Croatia), Municipality of Abrantes (Portugal), City of Graz (Austria), City of Rzeszów (Poland), and North Vidzeme Region including the City of Valmiera (Latvia). Core of the project is the implementation of working group meetings in the target cities, study tours and city exchange visits, in order to elaborate five WtB concepts for the target cities. The present paper gives an overview on options for the use of bio¬waste for biogas production. It shows current European legislation which supports the use of separate collected bio¬waste in AD facilities. Finally, it presents the UrbanBiogastarget cities and the UrbanBiogas activities in order to promote the WtB concept

    Multivariate analysis of the influence of peri-implant clinical parameters and local factors on radiographic bone loss in the posterior maxilla : a retrospective study on 277 dental implants

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether peri-implant clinical parameters (modified plaque index (mPI), bleeding and/or suppuration on probing (B/SOP)) and local factors (type of prostheses, screw emergence, platform diameter, and abutment angulation) might contribute to the development of additional bone loss and peri-implantitis around dental implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred seventy-seven external hex connection implants placed in the posterior maxilla of 124 patients were retrospectively evaluated. They were divided into two groups: physiologic bone loss < 2 mm (PBL) or additional bone loss ≥ 2 mm (ABL). GEE logistic regression was applied to evaluate the influence of type of prostheses (implant-supported single crown (ISSC), fixed partial denture (ISFPD), and full denture (ISFD)) and clinical parameters (mPI and S/BOP) on bone loss. RESULTS: Among the 277 implants, 159 (57.4%) presented PBL and 118 (42.6%) presented ABL. Within the ABL group, 20.6% implants were diagnosed with peri-implantitis. mPI significantly correlated with the type of prosthesis and the highest value of mPI (index = 3) was observed in ISFD (23.8%). Moreover, peri-implantitis was more frequently associated with ISFD (32.79%) than ISSC and ISFDP (13.79% and 13.48, respectively) CONCLUSIONS: ISFD in the posterior maxilla presented high rates of ABL and showed a higher prevalence of peri-implantitis. None of the local factors seemed to contribute to the development of these conditions. Further investigations are needed to prospectively support the results of the present study. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Patients rehabilitated with ISFD should be carefully monitored and have more frequent maintenance visits to prevent or control peri-implant bone loss