175 research outputs found

    Višestruka otpornost želučano-crijevnih oblića ovaca na antihelmintike u južnoj Indiji

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    The occurrence of anthelmintic resistance on three institutional sheep farms in Tamil Nadu, India was investigated using the Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) for both benzimidazoles and levamisole, the egg hatch assay for benzimidazole (BZD) and Larval Migration Inhibition Assay (LMIA) for levamisole (LEV). FECR value after treatment with albendazole and levamisole ranged from 69-80 and from 70-82 respectively in the three farms examined. The ED50 values for TBZ in EHA for isolates from three farms were 0.627, 0.678 and 0.388 μg/mL of TBZ and the LM50 values in LMIA for the isolates from three farms were 0.707, 0.437 and 0.377 μg/mL of LEV. The results of the survey indicated multiple resistance in Haemonchus contortus and Teladorsagia sp. to benzimidazoles and levamisole in farm I, simultaneous resistance in Teladorsagia sp. to benzimidazoles and levamisole in farm II and simultaneous resistance in Haemonchus contortus to benzimidazoles and levamisole in farm III.Pojava otpornosti oblića ovaca na antihelmintike istraživana je na trima farmama u Tamil Nadu u Indiji istražena je testom smanjenja broja jajašaca u izmetu za benzimidazol i levamisol, testom izleženih jajašaca za benzimidazol i testom inhibicije migracije ličinaka za levamisol. Vrijednosti za smanjeni broj jajašaca nakon liječenja albendazolom iznosile su 60 do 80, a nakon liječenja levamisolom 70 do liječenja albendazolom iznosile su 60 do 80, a nakon liječenja levamisolom 70 do 82. Vrijednosti ED50 za tiabendazol u testu izleženih jajašaca za izolate sa svake pojedine farme iznosile su 0,627, 0,678 i 0,388 μg/mL tiabendazola, a vrijednosti LM50 u testu inhibicije migracije ličinaka za izolate sa svake od triju farmi iznosile su 0,707, 0,437 i 0,377 μg/mL levamisola. Rezultati pretrage upućuju na višestruku otpornost vrste Haemonchus contortus i Teladorsagia sp. na benzimidazol i levamisol na farmi I, istodobnu otpornost Teladorsagia sp. na benzimidazol i levamisol na farmi II i istodobnu otpornost oblića Haemonchus contortus na benzimidazol i levamisol na farmi III

    Bodovanje jačine patoanatomskih promjena za procjenu virulencije i patogenosti indijskih terenskih izolata ptičjih vrsta roda Eimeria.

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    Chicken coccidiosis caused by the genus Eimeria is a major health impediment causing high morbidity and mortality in commercial poultry. Assessment of the virulence and pathogenicity of Eimeria species are the vital factors for formulating effective control strategies. The gross lesion score was used in this study for assessing the virulence and pathogenicity of indigenous six Eimeria sp. in a controlled experimental trial using six groups of one hundred and twenty chicks of three weeks of age, inoculated with 2 × 10 2 to 2 × 103 numbers of oocysts of six species of Eimeria. While an extended prepatent period (2 - 6 hrs) was confirmed in the majority of the species, the gross lesion scores were mostly within the low score of 1-2 compared to the international reference strains such as Houghton, so indicating possible natural attenuation of the field isolates. The gross lesion scores (GLS) were assessed ranging from a scale of 0 (no gross lesion) to 4 (most severe lesion). This study seems to be the first such attempt to standardize a lesion scoring technique for assessing the virulence and pathogenicity of indigenous isolates of Eimeria in the Indian sub-continent.Kokcidioza uzrokovana vrstama roda Eimeria jedna je od glavnih prijetnji za zdravlje pilića, jer može uzrokovati njihov veliki pobol i pomor. Procjena virulencije i patogenosti vrsta roda Eimeria od velike je važnosti za donošenje učinkovitih kontrolnih mjera. Bodovanje jačine patoanatomskih promjena rabljeno je za procjenu virulencije i patogenosti šest udomaćenih vrsta roda Eimeria u kontroliranim pokusima na šest skupina pilića. U svakoj skupini bilo je 120 pokusnih pilića u dobi od tri tjedna. Pilići su bili zaraženi s 2 ×102 do 2 ×103 oocista šest vrsta Eimeria. Potvrđen je produženi prepatentni period (2 - 6 sati) za većinu vrsta, a patoanatomske promjene procijenjene su većinom s malim brojem bodova i to 1 - 2 u usporedbi s međunarodnim referentnim sojevima poput soja Houghton. To upozorava na moguću prirodnu oslabljelost terenskih izolata. Patoanatomske promjene bile su procijenjene na skali od 0 (bez promjena) do 4 (jako teške promjene). Ovo je istraživanje prvi pokušaj standardizacije bodovanja jačine patoanatomskih promjena za procjenu virulencije i patogenosti izvornih izolata vrsta roda Eimeria na Indijskom potkontinentu

    Imunoglobulini jajeta - alternativni izvor protutijela za dijagnosticiranje zarazne bolesti burze.

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    The current trends for pursuing research programmes warrant abundant, non-invasive experimentation techniques avoiding the use of laboratory animals have led to a search for alternate sources of commercial antibodies for various immunodiagnostic and prophylactic assays. The present experiment exploited the diagnostic property of egg immunoglobulins (IgY) against infectious bursal disease (IBD) as a novel, alternative approach. The anti-IBD -IgY was harvested by the water dilution method, purified by salt precipitation, characterized by SDS - PAGE and assessed for its purity by immunoelectrophoresis. An average 200 - 250 mg. of immunoglobulins were harvested from an egg with 57-60% recovery of specific immunoglobulins. The anti - IBD-IgY thus harvested was found to possess immunodiagnostic potency as assessed by agar gel precipitation test and counter immunoelectrophoresis for replacing the use of conventional antibody.Sadašnje smjernice u provođenju istraživačkih projekata zahtijevaju neinvazivne tehnike u provođenju pokusa, izbjegavanje korištenja laboratorijskih životinja te pronalazak alternativnih izvora komercijalnih protutijela za različite imunodijagnostičke i profilaktičke postupke. Ovaj pokus temeljio se na dijagnostičkim osobinama imunoglobulina jajeta (IgY) protiv zarazne bolesti burze (ZBB) kao novom alternativnom pristupu. Anti-ZBB-IgY dobiveni su metodom razrjeđivanja vodom, pročišćeni pomoću precipitacije solima, obilježeni pomoću SDS-PAGE i pretraženi na čistoću imunoelektroforezom. Prosječna količina od 200-250 mg imunoglobulina dobivenih po jednom jajetu sadržavala je 57-60% specifičnih imunoglobulina. Na ovaj način dobiveni anti-ZBB-IgY posjeduju imunodijagnostičku sposobnost i mogu zamjeniti konvencionalna protutijela, što je i potvrđeno GDP testom i imunoelektroforezom

    Variation in morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular responses of two Eucalyptus species under short-term water stress

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    The genus Eucalyptus occurs in a wide range of environmental conditions, including rainforests, subalpine, arid/semi-arid and moist temperate zones. It includes species with the capacity to cope with extremely low water potential. This study aims to screen water stress tolerance in two Eucalyptus species under nursery conditions. Inter-specific variation in morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular parameters in two Eucalyptus species (E. tereticornis and E. camaldulensis) with contrasting levels of tolerance to progressive short term water-deprived condition was evaluated. Water stress reduced growth measured in terms of root:shoot ratio and specific leaf area (SLA), photosynthetic parameters, leaf water potential and relative water content (RWC) in both genotypes. Biochemical parameters including total sugars, phenol, phytohormones (indole acetic acid and abscisic acid) and proline were found to significantly increase during stress in both genotypes. Water responsive transcripts like osmotin and DREB/CBF registered significant expression variation in the two genotypes, suggesting their key role in regulating water stress tolerance in Eucalyptus

    Recurrence of intestinal metaplasia and early neoplasia after endoscopic eradication therapy for Barrett’s esophagus: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background Conflicting data exist with regard to recurrence rates of intestinal metaplasia (IM) and dysplasia after achieving complete eradication of intestinal metaplasia (CE-IM) in Barrett’s esophagus (BE) patients. Aim (i) To determine the incidence of recurrent IM and dysplasia achieving CE-IM and (ii) to compare recurrence rates between treatment modalities [radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with or without endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) vs stepwise complete EMR (SRER)]. Methods A systematic search was performed for studies reporting on outcomes and estimates of recurrence rates after achieving CE-IM. Pooled incidence [per 100-patient-years (PY)] and risk ratios with 95 %CI were obtained. Heterogeneity was measured using the I 2 statistic. Subgroup analyses, decided a priori, were performed to explore heterogeneity in results. Results A total of 39 studies were identified (25-RFA, 13-SRER, and 2 combined). The pooled incidence of any recurrence was 7.5 (95 %CI 6.1 – 9.0)/100 PY with a pooled incidence of IM recurrence rate of 4.8 (95 %CI 3.8 – 5.9)/100 PY, and dysplasia recurrence rate of 2.0 (95 %CI 1.5 – 2.5)/100 PY. Compared to the SRER group, the RFA group had significantly higher overall [8.6 (6.7 – 10.5)/100 PY vs. 5.1 (3.1 – 7)/100 PY, P = 0.01] and IM recurrence rates [5.8 (4.3 – 7.3)/100 PY vs. 3.1 (1.7 – 4)/100 PY, P &lt; 0.01] with no difference in recurrence rates of dysplasia. Significant heterogeneity between studies was identified. The majority of recurrences were amenable to repeat endoscopic eradication therapy (EET). Conclusion The results of this study demonstrate that the incidence rates of overall, IM, and dysplasia recurrence rates post-EET are not inconsiderable and reinforce the importance of close surveillance after achieving CE-IM.</jats:p

    Three-dimensional anatomical accuracy of cranial models created by rapid prototyping techniques validated using a neuronavigation station

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    In neurosurgery and ear, nose and throat surgery the application of computerised navigation systems for guiding operations has been expanding rapidly. However, suitable models to train surgeons in using navigation systems are not yet available. We have developed a technique using an industrial, rapid prototyping process from which accurate spatial models of the cranium, its contents and pathology can be reproduced for teaching. We were able to register, validate and navigate using these models with common available navigation systems such as the Medtronic StealthStation S7 (R). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Exploring and Expanding the Fatty-Acid-Binding Protein Superfamily in Fasciola Species

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    The liver flukes Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica infect livestock worldwide and threaten food security with climate change and problematic control measures spreading disease. Fascioliasis is also a food borne disease with up to 17 million humans infected. In the absence of vaccines, treatment depends on Triclabendazole (TCBZ) and over-use has led to widespread resistance, compromising future TCBZ control. Reductionist biology from many laboratories has predicted new therapeutic targets. To this end, the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) superfamily have proposed multi-functional roles, including functions intersecting vaccine and drug therapy, such as immune modulation and anthelmintic sequestration. Research is hindered by a lack of understanding of the full FABP superfamily complement. Although discovery studies predicted FABPs as promising vaccine candidates, it is unclear if uncharacterised FABPs are more relevant for vaccine formulations. We have coupled genome, transcriptome and EST data mining with proteomics and phylogenetics, to reveal a liver fluke FABP superfamily of 7 clades: previously identified clades I-III and newly identified clades IV-VII. All new clade FABPs were analysed using bioinformatics and cloned from both liver flukes. The extended FABP dataset will provide new study tools to research the role of FABPs in parasite biology and as therapy targets

    RNAi dynamics in juvenile Fasciola spp. liver flukes reveals the persistence of gene silencing in vitro

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    Fasciola spp. liver fluke cause pernicious disease in humans and animals. Whilst current control is unsustainable due to anthelmintic resistance, gene silencing (RNA interference, RNAi) has the potential to contribute to functional validation of new therapeutic targets. The susceptibility of juvenile Fasciola hepatica to double stranded (ds)RNA-induced RNAi has been reported. To exploit this we probe RNAi dynamics, penetrance and persistence with the aim of building a robust platform for reverse genetics in liver fluke. We describe development of standardised RNAi protocols for a commercially-available liver fluke strain (the US Pacific North West Wild Strain), validated via robust transcriptional silencing of seven virulence genes, with in-depth experimental optimisation of three: cathepsin L (FheCatL) and B (FheCatB) cysteine proteases, and a σ-class glutathione transferase (FheσGST).Robust transcriptional silencing of targets in both F. hepatica and Fasciola gigantica juveniles is achievable following exposure to long (200-320 nt) dsRNAs or 27 nt short interfering (si)RNAs. Although juveniles are highly RNAi-susceptible, they display slower transcript and protein knockdown dynamics than those reported previously. Knockdown was detectable following as little as 4h exposure to trigger (target-dependent) and in all cases silencing persisted for ≥25 days following long dsRNA exposure. Combinatorial silencing of three targets by mixing multiple long dsRNAs was similarly efficient. Despite profound transcriptional suppression, we found a significant time-lag before the occurrence of protein suppression; FheσGST and FheCatL protein suppression were only detectable after 9 and 21 days, respectively.In spite of marked variation in knockdown dynamics, we find that a transient exposure to long dsRNA or siRNA triggers robust RNAi penetrance and persistence in liver fluke NEJs supporting the development of multiple-throughput phenotypic screens for control target validation. RNAi persistence in fluke encourages in vivo studies on gene function using worms exposed to RNAi-triggers prior to infection