65 research outputs found

    The impact of involvement on engagement with brand posts

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    UID/CCI/04667/2016This paper aims to look at the effects of different levels of involvement (high and low) on social media (Facebook) users' engagement (likes, shares and comments) with different types and formats of brand content. Design/methodology/approach: The authors analyzed user reactions to 1,156 Facebook posts from eight business-to-consumer brands (goods and services). Based on a post hoc test, four product/services were identified as belonging to the group of high-involvement and the other four as low involvement. Findings: The data suggest that, when involvement is low, users in general engage more with brand posts regardless their format (text, image and post) or type (hedonic and informative), or even the interaction of both. Moreover, low involvement leads users prefer to comment on brand content, whereas higher involvement is associated with to sharing it. Exceptions were observed for images (both hedonic and informative) and for hedonic image and video in both low and high involvement users. Research limitations/implications: The goal was not to measure users’ attention to each type of post. Moreover, the authors did not have access to information regarding which devices were used to access the online content and whether that aspect might have an impact on users’ reactions. Neither do they claim that engagement necessarily reflects positive reactions, as any content analysis of users’ reactions was beyond the scope of this project. Practical implications: These findings are expected to help brand managers and social media strategists to better select content based on their marketing goals, as well as to provide a potential explanation for the success of campaigns. Originality/value: As far as we are aware, no previous study has attempted to observe the mediated effect of consumer involvement on brand posts considering their type and format. We also believe that this is the first observation of how behavior differentiates according to the target audience’s level of involvement. This paper also proposes a convenient framework for categorizing social network sites content. Suggestions for future research are made at the end.authorsversionpublishe

    Novos modelos de negócio da economia circular: barreiras e incentivos à sua implementação

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    Dissertação de mestrado em EconomiaAs problemáticas ambientais, nomeadamente a problemática do esgotamento dos recursos, necessitam urgentemente de uma resolução, e a adaptação por parte das empresas aos pressupostos da Economia Circular é fundamental não só para uma atividade mais sustentável, mas também como meio para a alteração dos hábitos de consumo. Torna-se assim urgente a implementação de modelos de negócio sustentáveis, porém existem facilitadores e obstáculos a esta implementação, abordados neste trabalho, que influenciam as decisões das empresas. Percebendo a importância da transição, quer ambientalmente quer economicamente, e reconhecendo as empresas como um dos seus motores, este trabalho pretende perceber quais as barreiras e incentivos à mudança na forma como estas atuam. Para esta análise foi realizado um enquadramento teórico, onde são abordados pontos necessários para a compreensão do tema, posteriormente complementado por dados obtidos por via de questionários direcionados a empresas nacionais. Do estudo realizado conclui-se que Portugal apresenta potencial no que toca à transição para uma economia circular. Contudo, é necessário um maior apoio governamental à criação de condições que permitam a sua aceleração, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à quebra de barreiras para a implementação de novos modelos de negócio. Este estudo revelou que as maiores barreiras enfrentadas são a falta de diretrizes estratégicas, informação e apoio à transição, e os hábitos e mentalidades dos consumidores. Por outro lado, a necessidade de inovação, os possíveis benefícios económicos para a empresa e a preocupação ambiental empresarial foram classificados como principais incentivos.Environmental issues, such as resource depletion, urgently require a resolution, and adaptation by companies to the Circular Economy assumptions is fundamental not only for a more sustainable activity, but also to change the habits of consumption. It is thus urgent to implement sustainable business models, but there are facilitators and obstacles to this implementation, discussed in this paper, that influence the decisions of companies. Realizing the importance of the transition, both environmentally and economically, and recognizing companies as one of their promoters, this work intends to perceive the barriers and incentives to change the way they operate. For this analysis, a theoretical framework was elaborated, where necessary points for the understanding of the subject were approached, later complemented by data obtained through questionnaires directed to national companies. The results obtained show that Portugal has potential in the transition to a circular economy. However, there is a need for government support and the creation of conditions to accelerate the transition, particularly regarding breaking down barriers to the implementation of new business models. This study revealed that the major barriers faced are the lack of strategic guidelines, information and transition support, and consumer habits and mentalities. On the other hand, the need for innovation, the possible economic benefits to the company and the awareness and concern about environmental issues and sustainability were pointed as main incentives

    Aquisição do plural nos nomes terminados em ditongo nasal : estudo com crianças entre os 3 e os 7 anos

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    O principal objectivo deste estudo é o de fornecer dados de referência sobre a aquisição do plural em nomes terminados em ditongo nasal, em PE. Para a recolha de dados, construiu-se uma prova de nomeação, que foi aplicada a 130 crianças portuguesas entre [3;00-7;01] anos. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que, inicialmente (3 e 4 anos), as crianças usam produções que reflectem o impacto da regra de formação do plural (acrescente-se [ʃ] à forma de singular) – efeito gramatical: recorrem preferencialmente ao formato [ɐʃ], independentemente do paradigma a que pertencem, tanto em palavras como em pseudopalavras. Posteriormente, começam a dar gradual atenção ao formato com maior produtividade no PE ([õʃ]), sendo [ɐʃ] usado como formato não marcado em contextos problemáticos até aos 5 anos e não se registando, nas faixas etárias mais baixas, um efeito de frequência. O formato [ɐʃ] revela-se o mais problemático e não se encontra estabilizado aos 6 anos. Apesar de a marcação do plural emergir cedo em PE, a estabilização do plural em nomes terminados em ditongo nasal ocorre tardiamente devido à complexidade morfofonológica que lhe está associada, não estando a estrutura ainda adquirida aos 6 anos. Os resultados disponibilizados na presente tese são de utilidade para terapeutas da fala, educadores de infância, professores de 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e linguistas, que os poderão usar como valores de referência para o estudo e para a estimulação do desenvolvimento linguístico associado a esta estrutura. -- ABSTRACT: The main goal of this study is to provide reference data on the acquisition of plural in nouns ending with nasal diphthongs in EP. For data collection, a naming test was built consisting of 36 stimuli – training items, target stimuli (words and nonwords) and distracters – that was applied to 130 Portuguese children between [3, 00-7; 01] years. The results revealed that young children (3 and 4 year olds) tend to use a grammatical strategy (adding [ʃ] to the singular form); they use the format [ɐʃ] to build the plural in words (for all paradigms) and nonwords. The [õʃ] shape, which is the most frequent paradigm in EP, appears later, at 5 years old, although, [ɐʃ] is still used as unmarked in problematic contexts up to that age. We can conclude then that the frequency effect is not relevant for the youngest children. The [ɐʃ] paradigm is the most problematic: it isn´t stabilized at six years. As a general conclusion, we assume that although the nasal diphthong [ɐw] ending in nouns seems to emerge early, it is stabilized lately – assumedly after 6 - due to the morphologic and phonologic complexity associated with it. The results presented in this investigation are useful for speech and language pathologists, education professionals and linguists, who can use them as reference values for the study and stimulation of linguistic development associated with this structure

    Aquisição fonológica na criança: tradução e adaptação de um instrumento de avaliação interlinguístico para o português europeu

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    A avaliação fonológica da criança em contexto clínico envolve o controlo de aspetos específicos, devendo permitir avaliar de forma detalhada, célere, eficaz e dirigida para a intervenção. Considerando estes aspetos, a presente investigação tem como objetivo principal desenvolver e validar um teste de avaliação fonológica infantil, assente em pressupostos de fonologia não-linear. O instrumento desenvolvido insere-se no âmbito de um projeto internacional, o Crosslinguistic Chid Phonolgy Project (CLCP), sedeado na University of British Columbia (Canadá). Na construção e validação da versão portuguesa do instrumento (CLCP-PE), contemplaram-se vários procedimentos para conferir validade e fiabilidade ao mesmo. Para a seleção dos itens, definiram-se critérios de natureza linguística e extralinguística, tendo sido usadas as seguintes variáveis fonológicas: i) inventário segmental (todas as classes naturais); ii) constituência silábica (Ataque simples, Ataque ramificado e Coda); iii) acento de palavra (contraste posição tónica /átona); iv) posição na palavra (inicial, medial, final); v) extensão de palavra (medida em número de sílabas). A versão inicial do CLCP-PE, com 157 palavras e 44 cenários complexos (imagens complexas, agrupadas por temas semanticamente relacionados), foi apresentada às crianças em suporte digital e em formato de história. O teste foi aplicado a 87 crianças com desenvolvimento linguístico típico e a 3 crianças com alterações fonológicas. Posteriormente, procedeu-se à validação das variáveis fonológicas testadas e validação psicométrica. É, assim, atestada a fiabilidade e validade do CLCP-PE (de constructo e de conteúdo), disponibilizando-se uma versão com 150 itens e 42 imagens. As variáveis fonológicas testadas mostraram-se, globalmente, relevantes e produtivas, tendo sido identificadas como estruturas mais problemáticas: i) as fricativas (estabilização do traço [anterior]); ii) a distribuição prosódica das líquidas; iii) a constituência silábica (Ataque ramificado e Coda); iv) o acento de palavra (posição átona nos grupos etários mais baixos); v) a posição na palavra (Coda medial); vi) a extensão de palavra (palavras polissilábicas); Abstract: Phonological acquisition in children: adaptation and validation procedures of Crosslinguistic Child Phonology - European Portuguese Children´s phonological assessment in clinical context involves the use of tools able to assess the child´s phonological system in a short period of time, providing detailed information to be recruited during intervention. Considering the above mentioned aspects, the main goal of the present investigation is to develop and validate an assessment tool framed in the nonlinear phonological theory. The test under construction in this investigation is part of an international project, the Crosslinguistic Child Phonology Project (CLCP), developed at the University of British Columbia (Canada). In order to validate the CLCP-PE, the European Portuguese version of the test, validity and reliability procedures were included. Linguistic and non-linguistic criteria were considered; the phonological variables selected were: i) consonantal inventory of European Portuguese (all natural classes); ii) syllable structure (Branching Onset; Simple Onset and Coda); iii) word stress (stressed and unstressed contrast); iv) position within the word (initial, medial, final; v) word extension (measured in syllables). The initial version of the CLCP-PE, validated under this investigation, included 157 word and 44 complex pictures (grouped by semantic networks contexts). It was presented to 87 typically developing children and to 3 children with phonological disorders. Data was analysed by using statistical analysis in order to verify validity and reliability. Validity (of construct and of content) and reliability were demonstrated. A final version of CLCP-PE (with 150 words and 42 complex pictures) is presented. The phonological variables considered were valid to distinguish the children’s phonological behaviours; the most problematic structures identified were: i) fricatives (setting of the feature [anterior]); ii) prosodic distribution of liquids; iii) syllable constituency (Branching Onset, Coda); iv) word stress (unstressed syllables in the youngest children; v) position within the word (medial Coda); vi) word extension (polysyllabic words)

    Sobre a aquisição da Fonologia do Português Europeu como L1: caminhos por trilhar

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    This text presents a set of reflections on the state of the art regarding phonological acquisition in European Portuguese as L1. Taking the existing research accomplishments as its starting point, the discussion presented here will focus on what still needs to be done and known in different domains: regarding the construction, validation and availability of corpora and tools for phonological assessment; in the study of typical and atypical development; in the relationships between research and clinical and pedagogical intervention. Among the paths to be followed, emphasis will be placed on the need to instill multidisciplinary and multimodal approaches in phonological acquisition research, combining data from production, perception and metaphonological processing.BD13-D01B-7BB4 | MARIA CLARA FIGUEIREDO AMORIMN/

    Família e escola: Perspetivas sobre a utilização de meios tecnológicos e segurança

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    Pretende-se compreender como os jovens reportam a utilização de meios tecnológicos e conhecer a perceção que encarregados de educação e professores têm acerca dessa utilização. Propôs-se perceber se estes monitorizam a utilização que os jovens fazem dos meios tecnológicos e que práticas de sensibilização utilizam. Foram aplicados o Inventário de Incidentes Observados de Cyberbullying a 269 adolescentes e o Inventário sobre Segurança Online e Cyberbullying a 155 encarregados de educação e 28 professores. Evidenciam-se diferenças significativas entre a utilização reportada pelos alunos e as perceções dos encarregados de educação e professores

    CFTR Cl− channel function in native human colon correlates with the genotype and phenotype in cystic fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by over 1000 mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene and presents with a widely variable phenotype. Genotype-phenotype studies identified CFTR mutations that were associated with pancreatic sufficiency (PS). Residual Cl- channel function was shown for selected PS mutations in heterologous cells. However, the functional consequences of most CFTR mutations in native epithelia are not well established. METHODS: To elucidate the relationships between epithelial CFTR function, CFTR genotype, and patient phenotype, we measured cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-mediated Cl- secretion in rectal biopsy specimens from 45 CF patients who had at least 1 non-DeltaF508 mutation carrying a wide spectrum of CFTR mutations. We compared CFTR genotypes and clinical manifestations of CF patients who expressed residual CFTR-mediated Cl- secretion with patients in whom Cl- secretion was absent. RESULTS: Residual anion secretion was detected in 40% of CF patients, and was associated with later disease onset (P < 0.0001), higher frequency of PS (P < 0.0001), and less severe lung disease (P < 0.05). Clinical outcomes correlated with the magnitude of residual CFTR activity, which was in the range of approximately 12%-54% of controls. CONCLUSIONS: Specific CFTR mutations confer residual CFTR function to rectal epithelia, which is related closely to a mild disease phenotype. Quantification of rectal CFTR-mediated Cl- secretion may be a sensitive test to predict the prognosis of CF disease and identify CF patients who would benefit from therapeutic strategies that would increase residual CFTR activity