768 research outputs found


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    Building and transportation sectors together account for two-thirds of the total energy consumption in the US. There is a need to make these energy systems (i.e., buildings and vehicles) more energy efficient. One way to make grid-connected buildings more energy efficient is to integrate the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system of the building with a micro-scale concentrated solar power (MicroCSP) sys- tem. Additionally, one way to make vehicles driven by internal combustion engine (ICE) more energy efficient is by integrating the ICE with a waste heat recovery (WHR) system. But, both the resulting energy systems need a smart supervisory controller, such as a model predictive controller (MPC), to optimally satisfy the en- ergy demand. Consequently, this dissertation centers on development of models and design of MPCs to optimally control the combined (i) building HVAC system and the MicroCSP system, and (ii) ICE system and the WHR system. In this PhD dissertation, MPCs are designed based on the (i) First Law of Thermo- dynamics (FLT), and (ii) Second Law of Thermodynamics (SLT) for each of the two energy systems. Maximizing the FLT efficiency of an energy system will minimise energy consumption of the system. MPC designed based on FLT efficiency are de- noted as energy based MPC (EMPC). Furthermore, maximizing the SLT efficiency of the energy system will maximise the available energy for a given energy input and a given surroundings. MPC designed based on SLT efficiency are denoted as exergy based MPC (XMPC). Optimal EMPC and XMPC are designed and applied to the combined building HVAC and MicroCSP system. In order to evaluate the designed EMPC and XMPC, a com- mon rule based controller (RBC) was designed and applied to the combined building HVAC and MicroCSP system. The results show that the building energy consump- tion reduces by 38% when EMPC is applied to the combined MicroCSP and building HVAC system instead of using the RBC. XMPC applied to the combined MicroCSP and building HVAC system reduces the building energy consumption by 45%, com- pared to when RBC is applied. Optimal EMPC and XMPC are designed and applied to the combined ICE and WHR system. The results show that the fuel consumption of the ICE reduces by 4% when WHR system is added to the ICE and when RBC is applied to both ICE and WHR systems. EMPC applied to the combined ICE and WHR system reduces the fuel consumption of the ICE by 6.2%, compared to when RBC is applied to ICE without WHR system. XMPC applied to the combined ICE and WHR system reduces the fuel consumption of the ICE by 7.2%, compared to when RBC is applied to ICE without WHR system

    Five Level Flying-Capacitor Multilevel Converter Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)

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    This paper deals with dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) controlled by a five-level flying-capacitor multi level converter. To decrease the power-quality disturbances in distribution system, such as voltage imbalances, harmonic voltages, and voltage sags. The organisation of this paper has been divided into three parts; the first one eliminates the modulation high-frequency harmonics using filter increase the transient response. The second one deal with the load voltage; and the third is flying capacitors charged with balanced voltages. The MATLAB simulation results effectively for five level flying capacitor multilevel converters charged with balanced voltage regulation

    Evaluation of Elderly Fall Detection Systems using Data Analysis

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    As the global population continues to age, it is more important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of senior citizens. Falls are a frequent and dangerous concern for elders, frequently resulting in fatalities or very serious injuries. Modern technology, such as the Elderly Fall Detection System, have been created to solve this issue. This technology attempts to detect falls quickly and react to them, offering aid right away and maybe saving lives. These studies identify a fall when the tri-axial accelerometer reading from a wearable device exceeds the predetermined threshold. Less complexity and computational expense compared to other approaches is one of the main benefits of adopting threshold-based methods. Finding the right threshold value, however, to accurately identify all falls without confounding them with certain ADL, has proven to be a challenging issue. Early Intervention and Medical Aid: Being independent and able to live in one's own house are two things that many elderly people enjoy. Support for carers and peace of mind: detection systems not only aid the elderly but also provide their carers peace of mind. Cost-cutting: Falls among the elderly frequently lead to hospital stays, rehab, and higher healthcare expenses. The Weighted Product Model (WPM) is a technique for ranking and evaluating alternatives based on a variety of factors. It is an easy and obvious method that enables decision-makers to weigh the relative weight of many variables and make wise decisions. Smart surveillance system, Smart cane, Smart Carpet, Smart phone/watch and app. Unobtrusiveness, reliability, privacy, Cost. As the global population continues to age, it is more important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of senior citizens. Falls are a frequent and dangerous concern for elders, frequently resulting in fatalities or very serious injuries The Weighted Product Model (WPM) is a technique for ranking and evaluating alternatives based on a variety of factors Unobtrusiveness, reliability, privacy, Cost, smart phone is the highest and smart carpet is the lowes

    Annealing studies and electrical properties of SnS-based solar cells

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    Thin films of SnS (tin sulphide) were thermally evaporated onto glass and CdS/ITO (cadmium sulphide/indium tin oxide) coated glass substrates and then annealed in vacuum with the aim of optimising them for use in photovoltaic solar cell device structures. The chemical and physical properties of the layers were determined using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, x-ray diffraction, and transmittance versus wavelength measurements. “Superstrate configuration” devices were also made using indium tin oxide as the transparent conductive oxide, thermally evaporated cadmium sulphide as the buffer layer and evaporated copper/indium as the back contact material. Capacitance-voltage data are given for the fabricated devices. Capacitance- voltage, spectral response and I-V data are given for the fabricated devices

    Optimization of culture conditions of Streptomyces rochei (MTCC 10109) for the production of antimicrobial metabolites

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    Fermentation and culture conditions were studied in shaken-flask culture to induce the production of greater amounts of antimicrobial metabolites by Streptomyces rochei (10109). Antimicrobial metabolite production started after 48 h incubation and reached its optimum level at 20% inoculum size at 120 h, at which point the metabolites showed maximum antifungal and antibacterial activity against selected human pathogenic microorganisms (Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli). Optimal production occurred at pH 7.5 and temperature 32°C, with 2% glycerol and 1% peptone as the carbon and nitrogen sources respectively. The effects of adding sea water (optimum 30%) and NaCl (optimum 1%) were also evaluated.Keywords: human pathogen

    User’s Awareness towards Adaptive Equipment Technologies in University Libraries of Karnataka

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study revealed that still most of the university libraries in Karnataka are struggling with have lack of AET facilities and failing the effective fulfil the different disability users informative needs and expectations. This study will prove useful for the LIS professionals and the research community to provide an insight into the current status of the AET available in university libraries in Karnataka. Design/Methodology/Approach - A structured questionnaire was framed and relevant were collected through survey method used as the basic tool for data collection. total 29 disabilities users from 8 libraries were selected randomly on the basis of willingness of the users to participate in the study. Collected data were tabulated and analyzed with descriptive statistics methods and tools were used in this study. Findings – The study findings revealed that people with disabilities have a good to fair understanding about the AET products, services and facilities. Most of the disability users were ‘strongly agreed’ with towards need of the AET technological applications are most essential to all disabilities to work in the digital environment. Originality/Value – The present study is original in nature. The study will be useful to the people with disabilities to understand the Awareness towards Adaptive Equipment Technologies in University Libraries of Karnatak

    Design and Analysis of Multiplexer based Approximate Adder for Low Power Applications

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    Low power consumption is crucial for error-acceptable multimedia devices, with picture compression approaches leveraging various digital processing architectures and algorithms. Humans can assemble useful information from partially inaccurate outputs in many multimedia applications. As a result, producing exact outputs is not required. The demand for an exact outcome is fading because new innovative systems are forgiving of faults. In the domain where error-tolerance is accepted, approximate computing is a new paradigm that relaxes the requirement for an accurate modeling while offering power, time, and delay benefits. Adders are an essential arithmetic module for regulating power and memory usage in digital systems. The recent implementation and use of approximate adders have been supported by trade-off characteristics such as delay, lower power consumption. This study examines the delay and power consumption of conventional and approximate adders. Also, a simple, fast, and power-efficient multiplexer-based approximate adder is proposed, and its performance outperforms the adders compared with existing adders. The proposed adder can be utilized in error-tolerant and various digital signal processing applications where exact results are not required. The proposed and existing adders are designed using EDA software for the performance calculations. With a delay of 81 pS, the proposed adder circuit reduces power consumption compared to the exact one. The experiment shows that the designed approximate adder can be used to implement circuits for image processing systems because it has a smaller delay and uses less energy

    Formation of polycrystalline SnS layers by a two-step process

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    Thin films of SnS have been produced by a novel two-stage process. This involved the deposition of thin films of Sn onto glass substrates using d.c. magnetron sputtering followed by conversion of the metallic layers into the compound by annealing in the presence of elemental sulfur. All the layers synthesised were found to be polycrystalline, the grain size and crystallinity of the layers increasing with increasing annealing temperature. The precursor layers sulfurised at temperatures 350°C, were found to be non-stoichiometric and X-ray diffraction data indicated the presence of a range of binary phases other than SnS. The best SnS layers were synthesised for annealing temperatures between 300 and 350°C. These layers were found to be stoichiomentric with a strong {111} preferred orientation. The stoichiometric SnS layers had resistivities of 1.5×102 ?cm and Arrhenius plots of the resistivity gave an activation energy of 0.65 eV. The optical energy band gap of the layers was 1.35 eV. These p-type layers could find application as absorber layers in thin film solar cells
