63 research outputs found

    A Spectropolarimetric Study of Pictor A Radio Galaxy with MeerKAT

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    We present the results of a polarimetric study from our new high-sensitivity L-band (0.8--1.7 GHz) observation of Pictor A with the MeerKAT radio telescope. We confirm the presence of the radio jet extending from the nucleus to the western hotspot of this source. Additionally, we show the radio emission expected to be coincident with previously observed X-ray emission in the radio lobes, confirming that the emission mechanism is of inverse Compton origin, as suggested by a previous study. Our spectropolarimetric analysis using the RM-Synthesis technique reveals a relatively uniform mean RM distribution across the lobes of Pictor A, with most lines-of-sight exhibiting single-peaked Faraday spectra. However, a number of the lines-of-sight exhibit single peaked spectra with a wide base or multiple peaks, suggesting the presence of multiple Faraday components or a Faraday thick structure along Pictor A's lines-of-sight. We also confirm the asymmetry in RM variability and depolarization between the two lobes of this source which were reported in a previous study.Comment: 15 pages,15 figures. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in MNRAS following peer review. The version of record [Andati L.A.L. et al., 2024] is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stae59

    GASP - XVII. H I imaging of the jellyfish galaxy JO206:Gas stripping and enhanced star formation

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    We present VLA HI observations of JO206, a prototypical ram-pressure stripped galaxy in the GASP sample. This massive galaxy (M∗=_{\ast} = 8.5 ×\times 1010^{10} M⊙_{\odot}) is located at a redshift of z=z = 0.0513, near the centre of the low-mass galaxy cluster, IIZw108 (σ∼575\sigma \sim575 km/s). JO206 is characterised by a long tail (≥\geq90 kpc) of ionised gas stripped away by ram-pressure. We find a similarly long HI tail in the same direction as the ionised gas tail and measure a total HI mass of 3.2×1093.2 \times 10^{9} M⊙_{\odot}. This is about half the expected HI mass given the stellar mass and surface density of JO206. A total of 1.8×1091.8 \times 10^{9} M⊙_{\odot} (60%) of the detected HI is in the gas stripped tail. An analysis of the star formation rate shows that the galaxy is forming more stars compared to galaxies with the same stellar and HI mass. On average we find a HI gas depletion time of ∼\sim0.5 Gyr which is about four times shorter than that of "normal" spiral galaxies. We performed a spatially resolved analysis of the relation between star formation rate density and gas density in the disc and tail of the galaxy at the resolution of our HI data. The star formation efficiency of the disc is about 10 times higher than that of the tail at fixed HI surface densities. Both the inner and outer parts of JO206 show an enhanced star formation compared to regions of similar HI surface density in field galaxies. The enhanced star formation is due to ram-pressure stripping during the galaxy's first infall into the cluster.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    MeerKAT's discovery of a radio relic in the bimodal merging cluster A2384

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    We present the discovery of a single radio relic located at the edge of the galaxy cluster A2384, using the MeerKAT radio telescope. A2384 is a nearby (zz = 0.092), low mass, complex bimodal, merging galaxy cluster that displays a dense X-ray filament (∼\sim 700 kpc in length) between A2384(N) (Northern cluster) and A2384(S) (Southern cluster). The origin of the radio relic is puzzling. By using the MeerKAT observation of A2384, we estimate that the physical size of the radio relic is 824 ×\times 264 kpc2^{2} and that it is a steep spectrum source. The radio power of the relic is P1.4GHzP_{1.4\mathrm{GHz}} ∼\sim (3.87 ±\pm 0.40) ×\times 1023^{23} W Hz−1^{-1}. This radio relic could be the result of shock wave propagation during the passage of the low-mass A2384(S) cluster through the massive A2384(N) cluster, creating a trail appearing as a hot X-ray filament. In the previous GMRT 325 MHz observation we detected a peculiar FR I radio galaxy interacting with the hot X-ray filament of A2384, but the extended radio relic was not detected; it was confused with the southern lobe of the FR I galaxy. This newly detected radio relic is elongated and perpendicular to the merger axis, as seen in other relic clusters. In addition to the relic, we notice a candidate radio ridge in the hot X-ray filament. The physical size of the radio ridge source is ∼\sim 182 ×\times 129 kpc2^{2}. Detection of the diffuse radio sources in the X-ray filament is a rare phenomenon, and could be a new class of radio source found between the two merging clusters of A2384(N) and A2384(S).Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted in MNRA

    The Detection of a Massive Chain of Dark H i Clouds in the GAMA G23 Field

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    We report on the detection of a large, extended H i cloud complex in the Galaxy and Mass Survey G23 field, located at a redshift of z ∼0.03, observed as part of the MeerKAT Habitat of Galaxies Survey campaign (a pilot survey to explore the mosaicing capabilities of the MeerKAT telescope). The cloud complex, with a total mass of 1010.0 M, lies in proximity to a large galaxy group with M dyn ∼1013.5 M. We identify seven H peak concentrations, interconnected as a tenuous chain structure, extending ∼400 kpc from east to west, with the largest (central) concentration containing 109.7 M in H gas distributed across 50 kpc. The main source is not detected in ultraviolet, optical, or infrared imaging. The implied gas mass-to-light ratio (M H I/L r) is extreme (>1000) even in comparison to other dark clouds. The complex has very little kinematic structure (110 km s-1), making it difficult to identify cloud rotation. Assuming pressure support, the total mass of the central concentration is > 1010.2 M, while a lower limit to the dynamical mass in the case of full rotational support is 1010.4 M. If the central concentration is a stable structure, it has to contain some amount of unseen matter, but potentially less than is observed for a typical galaxy. It is, however, not clear whether the structure has any gravitationally stable concentrations. We report a faint UV-optical-infrared source in proximity to one of the smaller concentrations in the gas complex, leading to a possible stellar association. The system nature and origins is enigmatic, potentially being the result of an interaction with or within the galaxy group it appears to be associated with

    MeerKAT-16 H I observation of the dIrr galaxy WLM

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    We present observations and models of the kinematics and the distribution of the neutral hydrogen (HI) in the isolated dwarf irregular galaxy, Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM). We observed WLM with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and as part of the MeerKAT Early Science Programme, where 16 dishes were available. The HI disc of WLM extends out to a major axis diameter of 30 arcmin (8.5 kpc), and a minor axis diameter of 20 arcmin (5.6 kpc) as measured by the GBT. We use the MeerKAT data to model WLM using the TiRiFiC software suite, allowing us to fit different tilted-ring models and select the one that best matches the observation. Our final best-fitting model is a flat disc with a vertical thickness, a constant inclination and dispersion, and a radially-varying surface brightness with harmonic distortions. To simulate bar-like motions, we include second-order harmonic distortions in velocity in the tangential and the vertical directions. We present a model with only circular motions included and a model with non-circular motions. The latter describes the data better. Overall, the models reproduce the global distribution and the kinematics of the gas, except for some faint emission at the 2-sigma level. We model the mass distribution of WLM with a pseudo-isothermal (ISO) and a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) dark matter halo models. The NFW and the ISO models fit the derived rotation curves within the formal errors, but with the ISO model giving better reduced chi-square values. The mass distribution in WLM is dominated by dark matter at all radii.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 25 pages, 21 figures, 5 table

    MeerKAT-64 discovers wide-spread tidal debris in the nearby NGC 7232 galaxy group

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    We report the discovery of large amounts of previously undetected cold neutral atomic hydrogen (H I) around the core triplet galaxies in the nearby NGC 7232 galaxy group with MeerKAT. With a physical resolution of ∼1 kpc, we detect a complex web of low-surface-brightness HI emission down to a 4σ column density level of ∼1 × 1019 cm-2 (over 44 km s-1). The newly discovered HI streams extend over ∼20 arcmin corresponding to 140 kpc in projection. This is approximately three times the HI extent of the galaxy triplet (52 kpc). The HI debris has an HI mass of ∼6.6 × 109 M⊙, more than 50 per cent of the total HI mass of the triplet. Within the galaxy triplet, NGC 7233 and NGC 7232 have lost a significant amount of HI while NGC 7232B appears to have an excess of HI. TheHI deficiency in NGC 7232 and NGC 7233 indicates that galaxÿCgalaxy interaction in the group concentrates on this galaxy pair while the other disc galaxies have visited them over time. In comparison to the AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies, we find that with regards to its total HI mass the NGC 7232/3 galaxy triplet is not HI-deficient. Despite the many interactions associated to the triplet galaxies, no HI seems to have been lost from the group (yet)

    Revival of the magnetar PSR J1622-4950: observations with MeerKAT, Parkes, XMM-Newton, Swift, Chandra, and NuSTAR

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    New radio (MeerKAT and Parkes) and X-ray (XMM-Newton, Swift, Chandra, and NuSTAR) observations of PSR J1622-4950 indicate that the magnetar, in a quiescent state since at least early 2015, reactivated between 2017 March 19 and April 5. The radio flux density, while variable, is approximately 100x larger than during its dormant state. The X-ray flux one month after reactivation was at least 800x larger than during quiescence, and has been decaying exponentially on a 111+/-19 day timescale. This high-flux state, together with a radio-derived rotational ephemeris, enabled for the first time the detection of X-ray pulsations for this magnetar. At 5%, the 0.3-6 keV pulsed fraction is comparable to the smallest observed for magnetars. The overall pulsar geometry inferred from polarized radio emission appears to be broadly consistent with that determined 6-8 years earlier. However, rotating vector model fits suggest that we are now seeing radio emission from a different location in the magnetosphere than previously. This indicates a novel way in which radio emission from magnetars can differ from that of ordinary pulsars. The torque on the neutron star is varying rapidly and unsteadily, as is common for magnetars following outburst, having changed by a factor of 7 within six months of reactivation.Comment: Published in ApJ (2018 April 5); 13 pages, 4 figure

    The flickering nuclear activity of Fornax A

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    We present new observations of Fornax A taken at 1 GHz with the MeerKAT telescope and at 6 GHz with the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). The sensitive (noise ~16 micro-Jy beam−1^{-1}), high resolution ( < 10'') MeerKAT images show that the lobes of Fornax A have a double-shell morphology, where dense filaments are embedded in a diffuse and extended cocoon. We study the spectral properties of these components by combining the MeerKAT and SRT observations with archival data between 84 MHz and 217 GHz. For the first time, we show that multiple episodes of nuclear activity must have formed the extended radio lobes. The modelling of the radio spectrum suggests that the last episode of injection of relativistic particles into the lobes started ~ 24 Myr ago and stopped approximately 12 Myr ago. More recently (~ 3 Myr ago), a less powerful and short ( < 1 Myr) phase of nuclear activity generated the central jets. Currently, the core may be in a new active phase. It appears that Fornax A is rapidly flickering. The dense environment in which Fornax A lives has lead to a complex recent merger history for this galaxy, including mergers spanning a range of gas contents and mass ratios, as shown by the analysis of the galaxy's stellar- and cold-gas phases. This complex recent history may be the cause of the rapid, recurrent nuclear activity of Fornax A.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Collimated synchrotron threads linking the radio lobes of ESO 137-006

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    We present MeerKAT 1000 MHz and 1400 MHz observations of a bright radio galaxy in the southern hemisphere, ESO 137-006. The galaxy lies at the centre of the massive and merging Norma galaxy cluster. The MeerKAT continuum images (rms ∼0.02 mJy beam−1 at ∼1000 resolution) reveal new features that have never been seen in a radio galaxy before: collimated synchrotron threads of yet unknown origin, which link the extended and bent radio lobes of ESO 137-006. The most prominent of these threads stretches in projection for about 80 kpc and is about 1 kpc in width. The radio spectrum of the threads is steep, with a spectral index of up to α ' 2 between 1000 and 1400 MHz.http://www.aanda.orgpm2021Physic
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