204 research outputs found

    Analysis of Flexural Strength and Contact Pressure After Simulated Chairside Adjustment of Pressed Lithium Disilicate Glass-Ceramic

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    Statement of problem Research evaluating load-to-failure of pressed lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (LDGC) with a clinically validated test after adjustment and repair procedures is scarce. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of the simulated chairside adjustment of the intaglio surface of monolithic pressed LDGC and procedures intended to repair damage. Material and methods A total of 423 IPS e.max Press (Ivoclar Vivadent AG) disks (15 mm diameter, 1 mm height) were used in the study. The material was tested by using an equibiaxial loading arrangement (n≥30/group) and a contact pressure test (n≥20/group). Specimens were assigned to 1 of 14 groups. One-half was assigned to the equibiaxial load test and the other half underwent contact pressure testing. Testing was performed in 2 parts, before glazing and after glazing. Before-glazing specimens were devested and entered in the test protocol, while after-glazing specimens were devested and glazed before entering the test protocol. Equibiaxial flexure test specimens were placed on a ring-on-ring apparatus and loaded until failure. Contact pressure specimens were cemented to epoxy resin blocks with a resin cement and loaded with a 50-mm diameter hemisphere until failure. Tests were performed on a universal testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Weibull statistics and likelihood ratio contour plots determined intergroup differences (95% confidence bounds). Results Before glazing, the equibiaxial flexural strength test and the Weibull and likelihood ratio contour plots demonstrated a significantly higher failure strength for 1EC (188 MPa) than that of the damaged and/or repaired groups. Glazing following diamond-adjustment (1EGG) was the most beneficial post-damage procedure (176 MPa). Regarding the contact pressure test, the Weibull and likelihood ratio contour plots revealed no significant difference between the 1PC (98 MPa) and 1PGG (98 MPa) groups. Diamond-adjustment, without glazing (1EG and 1PG), resulted in the next-to-lowest equibiaxial flexure strength and the lowest contact pressure. After glazing, the strength of all the groups, when subjected to glazing following devesting, increased in comparison with corresponding groups in the before-glazing part of the study. Conclusions A glazing treatment improved the mechanical properties of diamond-adjusted IPS e.max Press disks when evaluated by equibiaxial flexure and contact pressure tests. Clinical Implications When adjustments are made on the intaglio surface of a pressed lithium disilicate glass-ceramic, a subsequent glazing treatment is recommended to improve strength

    Long-term toxicological effects of paracetamol in rats

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    The analgesic and antipyretic properties of paracetamol were first described in 1893, then it has been widely available as a non-prescription drug, with a therapeutic profile that reflects widespread safety and efficacy as well as paracetamol became the most widely used analgesic and antipyretic in children. It is the most frequently used over-the counter medicine in young children and is nearly universally used in infants. The drug is used by millions of children every day. The study was designed to study the toxicological effect of therapeutic dose of paracetamol after oral administration for three months in laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicous) on the heart, kidney and liver. Results showed oral administration of the paracetamol for three months in laboratory rats showed that this drug has a severe damaging effect on most of the vital organs in the body like kidney, liver and heart

    Factors Influencing the Income on Households Fisherman in Limbungan Village Rumbai Pesisir Sub District Pekanbaru City Riau Province

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    This tudy was conducted on March to April 2016 at Limbungan village Rumbai Pesisir sub district Pekanbaru city Riau province. The method use is survey methodBased on the research that has been done toward the alternative business, of fishermen is farming, worker, commerce, strore service, ponsel service, and cleanning service. The Mean of income that accepted from fishing effort is IDR. 524.91-per month while the average mean that accepted from alternative affort is IDR. 1.126.666 –per month. Analysis result (R2) is 0,174 meaning factors income of work time (X1), amount of burden work (X2), age (X3), and educate (X4) have influence 17 % and show independent variabel can give influence 17 % while the average residue 83 % influence the another factor

    Komunikasi Interpersonal Perawat Dan Pasien Thalasaemia Di Thalasaemia Center RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru

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    Interpersonal communication is a very important interaction in establishing a good relationship between nurses and patient in a Thalasaemia Center. Through interpersonal communication nurse are able to know how to form a good relationship with the Thalasaemia, causing a sense of comfort for patients to spend their Blood Transfusion days in a Thalasaemia Center. The purpose of this study is to explain how the openess, emphaty, positiveness, supportiveness, and equality of interpersonal communication among nurses and thalasaemia patients in Thalasaemia Center.This research was conducted in Thalasaemia Center Arifin Achmad Public Hospital Pekanbaru, located at Diponegoro street Number 4, Pekanbaru. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods that describe and interpret the data. Informants in this study were nurses, the thalasaemia patients, and the parents of thalasaemia patients by using techniques aimed informants, purposive. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation.This study showed that interpersonal communication which conducted by nurses and thalasaemia patients are have run well in Thalasaemia Center Arifin Achmad Public Hospital. The effectiveness of interpersonal communication is able to increased their passion, motivation, and confidence to make thalasaemia patients feel comfortable in Thalasemia Center with considering 5 aspects which are openess, emphaty, postiveness, supportiveness, equality. The Succsses of interpersonal communication which conducted by nurses makes thalasaemia patients feel comfortable and they don't want the nurse is being replace by another nurse


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    The collapse of the banks of the Dondang river at the BLC2 project site of PT. Kutai Energi caused the barge to not dock and the conveyor to be unusable. One of the causes of landslides is changes in river water levels which cause the soil around the river banks to become saturated and unstable. The research begins with a survey and data collection related to the research location. Analysis using GeoStudio (Slope/W) 2012 software was carried out with two models, namely when the river water level is normal and when the river water level is in a flooded condition. The results of the analysis show that the critical condition occurs in the second condition where the river water level is in a flood condition. In these conditions, it is known that in the existing condition of the slope without reinforcement, the value of safety number (SF) = 1.125 is obtained. On the other hand, when the pile reinforcement is given, the slope safety score increases to 1.741 which indicates that the plaster can overcome the sliding on the cliff due to the influence of the river water leve

    Implemestasi E-krs Pada Program Studi D4 Teknik Informatika

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    Seiring dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, komputer telah digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan dan menjadi bagian yang sangat penting untuk menunjang aktifitas maupun pekerjaan dalam segala hal. Pemanfaatan atau pengembangan sistem komputer ini sangat membantu pekerjaan seseorang termasuk dalam kegiatan akademik. Termasuk pula perguruan tinggi Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal, khususnya Program Studi D4 Teknik Informatika. Pada setiap perguruan tinggi tentunya memiliki system pengisian KRS sebagai syarat untuk mengambil matakuliah yang akan ditempuh disemester depan. Namun banyak perguruan tinggi yang masih menggunakan sistem pengisian KRS dengan cara manual termasuk pada Program Studi D4 Teknik Informatika Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal.Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka diperlukan perencanaan sebagai langkah awal, menganalisis data yang diperlukan, merancang sistem yang ada menggunakan UML, serta penerapannya untuk mengimplementasikan sebuah sistem E-KRS pada program studi D4 Teknik Informatika dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi E-KRS pada Program Studi D4 Teknik Informatika sehingga mempermudah mahasiswa dalam mengisi formulir KRS secara online. Sistem dirancang dan dibangun dengan menggunakan teknologi PHP serta Framework Code Igniter, Xampp sebagai web server, MySql sebagai database server. Dan Adobe Dreamweaver sebagai editor


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    Upaya Meningkatkan keterampilan Rool Depan (Senam Lantai) Melalui Metode Alat Bantu Pada Siswa/Siswi Kelas X2 SMA Muhammadiyah Jayapura, dengan rumusan masalah (1) apakah menggunakan metode alat bantu peserta didik dapat memahami pembelajaran senam lantai?. (2) Apakah menggunakan metode alat bantu peserta didik  trampil dan antusias dalam pembelajaran?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk keterampilan senam lantai rool depan menggunakan alat bantu pada siswa/siswi kelas X2 SMA Muhammadiyah Jayapura.Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) penelitian ini teridiri dari dua siklus setiap siklus memiliki tiga kali pertemuan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas X2 SMA Muhammadiyah Jayapura berjumlah 37 peserta didik yang terdiri dari 16 putra dan 21 putri tehnik analisis data menggunakan ststistic deskriptif dengan rumus persentase.Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan: (1) peserta didik sangat antusias dalam pembelajaran, aktif dan berpartisipasi untuk mengikuti pembelajaran. (2) adanya peningkatan hasil belajar senam lantai rool depan mengguakan metode alat bantu pada siswa/siswi kelas X2 SMA Muhammadiyah Jayapura, dengan ketuntasan belajar disiklus 1 sebesar 56,76% (21 anak dari 37) dan peningkatan di siklus 2 sebesar 81,08% (30 dari 37).Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat dsimpulkan bahwa ada peningkatan hasil belajar rool depan menggunakan metode alat bantu pada siswa/siswi kelas x2 SMA Muhammadiya Jayapura
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