191 research outputs found

    Effect of Dynamic Platform Lateral Step-Up versus Stable Platform Lateral Step-Up Weight Bearing Exercise in Hip Abductor Strengthening on Healthy Male Volunteers - Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Objective & Background: To determine the effect of the dynamic platform lateral step-up and stable platform lateral step-up weight bearing standing exercise in strengthening of hip abductor. Many researchers have reported that strengthening of hip muscles as important component especially hip abductors in lower extremity rehabilitation program. Study Design: Single blinded randomized comparative clinical trial. Methodology: Sixty five healthy college going male subjects (Age group of 18 – 24 years) volunteered for this study. They were randomly assigned to one of the 2 groups. One group received the dynamic platform lateral step-up and the other received stable platform lateral step-up weight bearing standing exercise. The strength measurements were recorded using hand held dynamometer. Results: The results indicate that both groups had a positive effect on the outcome measures. The strength of hip abductors in dynamic platform group improved from a mean value (SD) of 19.47(3.59) to 26.93(3.19) and in stable platform group from 19.07(2.32) to 22.67(2.46). Significant difference is also observed between the two groups at p value .05. Conclusion: The study shows that dynamic platform lateral step-up exercise is more beneficial than stable platform lateral step-up weight bearing standing exercise in improving hip abductor muscle strength

    Solvent Diffusion Model for Aging of Lithium-Ion Battery Cells

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    This work presents a rigorous continuum mechanics model of solvent diffusion describing the growth of solid-electrolyte interfaces (SEIs) in Li-ion cells incorporating carbon anodes. The model assumes that a reactive solvent component diffuses through the SEI and undergoes two-electron reduction at the carbon-SEI interface. Solvent reduction produces an insoluble product, resulting in increasing SEI thickness. The model predicts that the SEI thickness increases linearly with the square root of time. Experimental data from the literature for capacity loss in two types of prototype Li-ion cells validates the solvent diffusion model. We use the model to estimate SEI thickness and extract solvent diffusivity values from the capacity loss data. Solvent diffusivity values have an Arrhenius temperature dependence consistent with solvent diffusion through a solid SEI. The magnitudes of the diffusivities and activation energies are comparable to literature values for hydrocarbon diffusion in carbon molecular sieves and zeolites. These findings, viewed in the context of recent SEI morphology studies, suggest that the SEI may be viewed as a single layer with both micro- and macroporosity that controls the ingress of electrolyte, anode passivation by the SEI, and cell performance during initial cycling as well as long-term operatio

    Rectifying the output of vibrational piezoelectric energy harvester using quantum dots

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    Piezoelectric energy harvester scavenges mechanical vibrations and generates electricity. Researchers have strived to optimize the electromechanical structures and to design necessary external power management circuits, aiming to deliver high power and rectified outputs ready for serving as batteries. Complex deformation of the mechanical structure results in charges with opposite polarities appearing on same surface, leading to current loss in the attached metal electrode. External power management circuits such as rectifiers comprise diodes that consume power and have undesirable forward bias. To address the above issues, we devise a novel integrated piezoelectric energy harvesting device that is structured by stacking a layer of quantum dots (QDs) and a layer of piezoelectric material. We find that the QD can rectify electrical charges generated from the piezoelectric material because of its adaptable conductance to the electrochemical potentials of both sides of the QDs layer, so that electrical current causing energy loss on the same surface of the piezoelectric material can be minimized. The QDs layer has the potential to replace external rectification circuits providing a much more compact and less power-consumption solution

    Cytochrome P450 induced differentially in endothelial cells cultured from different organs of Anguilla rostrata

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2004. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Society for In Vitro Biology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal 41 (2005): 57-63, doi:10.1290/0409063.1.Endothelial cells are a structural barrier and an active regulator of many bodily processes. CYP1A activity is induced in the endothelium of teleosts and mammals exposed to lipophilic xenobiotics, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and can have significant consequences for endothelial functions. We exposed cultures of characterized endothelial cells from the heart, kidney and rete mirabile of the eel, Anguilla rostrata, to AhR agonists. In heart endothelial cells the maximum response (based on EROD activity) to TCDD, 113 pmol/mg-min, was at 1 nM TCDD and the peak response to βNF, 135 pmol/mg-min, was at 3 μM βNF. The maximum response to TCDD in the kidney endothelial cells is 12 pmol/mg-min at 0.3 nM TCDD. The rete mirabile capillary endothelial cells responded minimally or not at all to exposure to TCDD and βNF. Both the heart and kidney endothelial cells (but not the rete mirabile capillary cells) have a low level of EROD activity (12.7 and 5.2 pmol/mg-min respectively) in untreated or DMSO-treated cells. The robust response of the heart endothelial cells to induction and the lack of response in the rete mirabile capillary endothelial cells indicate that these cells are a good resource to use to investigate the physiological consequences of AhR agonist exposure and CYP1A induction in different areas of the vasculature.The Faculty Research Council of Fordham University provided partial support for RAG. This research was supported by NIH grant 5-P42-ES07381 and by U.S.EPA grant R827102-01-0

    Comparison of Two Multilocus Sequence Based Genotyping Schemes for Leptospira Species

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    Two independent multilocus sequence based genotyping schemes (denoted here as 7L and 6L for schemes with 7 and 6 loci, respectively) are in use for Leptospira spp., which has led to uncertainty as to which should be adopted by the scientific community. The purpose of this study was to apply the two schemes to a single collection of pathogenic Leptospira, evaluate their performance, and describe the practical advantages and disadvantages of each scheme. We used a variety of phylogenetic approaches to compare the output data and found that the two schemes gave very similar results. 7L has the advantage that it is a conventional multi-locus sequencing typing (MLST) scheme based on housekeeping genes and is supported by a publically accessible database by which genotypes can be readily assigned as known or new sequence types by any investigator, but is currently only applicable to L. interrogans and L. kirschneri. Conversely, 6L can be applied to all pathogenic Leptospira spp., but is not a conventional MLST scheme by design and is not available online. 6L sequences from 271 strains have been released into the public domain, and phylogenetic analysis of new sequences using this scheme requires their download and offline analysis

    Conservation of the S10-spc-α Locus within Otherwise Highly Plastic Genomes Provides Phylogenetic Insight into the Genus Leptospira

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    S10-spc-α is a 17.5 kb cluster of 32 genes encoding ribosomal proteins. This locus has an unusual composition and organization in Leptospira interrogans. We demonstrate the highly conserved nature of this region among diverse Leptospira and show its utility as a phylogenetically informative region. Comparative analyses were performed by PCR using primer sets covering the whole locus. Correctly sized fragments were obtained by PCR from all L. interrogans strains tested for each primer set indicating that this locus is well conserved in this species. Few differences were detected in amplification profiles between different pathogenic species, indicating that the S10-spc-α locus is conserved among pathogenic Leptospira. In contrast, PCR analysis of this locus using DNA from saprophytic Leptospira species and species with an intermediate pathogenic capacity generated varied results. Sequence alignment of the S10-spc-α locus from two pathogenic species, L. interrogans and L. borgpetersenii, with the corresponding locus from the saprophyte L. biflexa serovar Patoc showed that genetic organization of this locus is well conserved within Leptospira. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of four conserved regions resulted in the construction of well-defined phylogenetic trees that help resolve questions about the interrelationships of pathogenic Leptospira. Based on the results of secY sequence analysis, we found that reliable species identification of pathogenic Leptospira is possible by comparative analysis of a 245 bp region commonly used as a target for diagnostic PCR for leptospirosis. Comparative analysis of Leptospira strains revealed that strain H6 previously classified as L. inadai actually belongs to the pathogenic species L. interrogans and that L. meyeri strain ICF phylogenetically co-localized with the pathogenic clusters. These findings demonstrate that the S10-spc-α locus is highly conserved throughout the genus and may be more useful in comparing evolution of the genus than loci studied previously

    Author Correction: Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.

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    Importance of Non-Selective Cation Channel TRPV4 Interaction with Cytoskeleton and Their Reciprocal Regulations in Cultured Cells

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    BACKGROUND: TRPV4 and the cellular cytoskeleton have each been reported to influence cellular mechanosensitive processes as well as the development of mechanical hyperalgesia. If and how TRPV4 interacts with the microtubule and actin cytoskeleton at a molecular and functional level is not known. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the interaction of TRPV4 with cytoskeletal components biochemically, cell biologically by observing morphological changes of DRG-neurons and DRG-neuron-derived F-11 cells, as well as functionally with calcium imaging. We find that TRPV4 physically interacts with tubulin, actin and neurofilament proteins as well as the nociceptive molecules PKCepsilon and CamKII. The C-terminus of TRPV4 is sufficient for the direct interaction with tubulin and actin, both with their soluble and their polymeric forms. Actin and tubulin compete for binding. The interaction with TRPV4 stabilizes microtubules even under depolymerizing conditions in vitro. Accordingly, in cellular systems TRPV4 colocalizes with actin and microtubules enriched structures at submembranous regions. Both expression and activation of TRPV4 induces striking morphological changes affecting lamellipodial, filopodial, growth cone, and neurite structures in non-neuronal cells, in DRG-neuron derived F11 cells, and also in IB4-positive DRG neurons. The functional interaction of TRPV4 and the cytoskeleton is mutual as Taxol, a microtubule stabilizer, reduces the Ca2+-influx via TRPV4. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: TRPV4 acts as a regulator for both, the microtubule and the actin. In turn, we describe that microtubule dynamics are an important regulator of TRPV4 activity. TRPV4 forms a supra-molecular complex containing cytoskeletal proteins and regulatory kinases. Thereby it can integrate signaling of various intracellular second messengers and signaling cascades, as well as cytoskeletal dynamics. This study points out the existence of cross-talks between non-selective cation channels and cytoskeleton at multiple levels. These cross talks may help us to understand the molecular basis of the Taxol-induced neuropathic pain development commonly observed in cancer patients

    Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.

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    Although machine learning (ML) has shown promise across disciplines, out-of-sample generalizability is concerning. This is currently addressed by sharing multi-site data, but such centralization is challenging/infeasible to scale due to various limitations. Federated ML (FL) provides an alternative paradigm for accurate and generalizable ML, by only sharing numerical model updates. Here we present the largest FL study to-date, involving data from 71 sites across 6 continents, to generate an automatic tumor boundary detector for the rare disease of glioblastoma, reporting the largest such dataset in the literature (n = 6, 314). We demonstrate a 33% delineation improvement for the surgically targetable tumor, and 23% for the complete tumor extent, over a publicly trained model. We anticipate our study to: 1) enable more healthcare studies informed by large diverse data, ensuring meaningful results for rare diseases and underrepresented populations, 2) facilitate further analyses for glioblastoma by releasing our consensus model, and 3) demonstrate the FL effectiveness at such scale and task-complexity as a paradigm shift for multi-site collaborations, alleviating the need for data-sharing