853 research outputs found

    Effect of Dynamic Platform Lateral Step-Up versus Stable Platform Lateral Step-Up Weight Bearing Exercise in Hip Abductor Strengthening on Healthy Male Volunteers - Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Objective & Background: To determine the effect of the dynamic platform lateral step-up and stable platform lateral step-up weight bearing standing exercise in strengthening of hip abductor. Many researchers have reported that strengthening of hip muscles as important component especially hip abductors in lower extremity rehabilitation program. Study Design: Single blinded randomized comparative clinical trial. Methodology: Sixty five healthy college going male subjects (Age group of 18 – 24 years) volunteered for this study. They were randomly assigned to one of the 2 groups. One group received the dynamic platform lateral step-up and the other received stable platform lateral step-up weight bearing standing exercise. The strength measurements were recorded using hand held dynamometer. Results: The results indicate that both groups had a positive effect on the outcome measures. The strength of hip abductors in dynamic platform group improved from a mean value (SD) of 19.47(3.59) to 26.93(3.19) and in stable platform group from 19.07(2.32) to 22.67(2.46). Significant difference is also observed between the two groups at p value .05. Conclusion: The study shows that dynamic platform lateral step-up exercise is more beneficial than stable platform lateral step-up weight bearing standing exercise in improving hip abductor muscle strength

    A Survey on Image Mining Techniques: Theory and Applications

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    Image mining is a vital technique which is used to mine knowledge straightforwardly from image. Image segmentation is the primary phase in image mining. Image mining is simply an expansion of data mining in the field of image processing. Image mining handles with the hidden knowledge extraction, image data association and additional patterns which are not clearly accumulated in the images. It is an interdisciplinary field that integrates techniques like computer vision, image processing, data mining, machine learning, data base and artificial intelligence. The most important function of the mining is to generate all significant patterns without prior information of the patterns. Rule mining has been adopting to huge image data bases. Mining has been done in accordance with the integrated collections of images and its related data. Numerous researches have been carried on this image mining. This paper presents a survey on various image mining techniques that were proposed earlier in literature. Also, this paper provides a marginal overview for future research and improvements. Keywords— Data Mining, Image Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Segmentation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Rule Mining, Datasets

    Processor design space exploration and performance prediction

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    The use of simulation is well established in processor design research to evaluate architectural design trade-offs. More importantly, Cycle by Cycle accurate simulation is widely used to evaluate the new designs in processor research because of its accurate and detailed processor performance measurement. However, only configuration in a subspace can be simulated in practice due to its long simulation time and limited resources, leading to suboptimal conclusions that might not be applied to the larger design space. In this thesis, we propose a performance prediction approach which employs a state-of-the-art technique from experimental design, machine learning and data mining. Our model can be trained initially by using Cycle by Cycle accurate simulation results, and then it can be implemented to predict the processor performance of the entire design space. According to our experiments, our model predicts the performance of a single-core processor with median percentage error ranging from 0.32% to 3.01% for about 15 million design spaces by using only 5000 initial independently sampled design points as a training set. In CMP the median percentage error ranges from 0.50% to 1.47% for about 9.7 million design spaces by using only 5000 independently sampled CMP design points as a training set. Apart from this, the model also provides quantitative interpretation tools such as variable importance and partial dependence of the design parameters

    Air piston approach to wave power generation

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    Scientists have calculated that, by tapping just 0.2% of the energy produced by the world\u27s oceans we can provide for all the worlds current energy needs. It is generally accepted that a combination of traditional energy production methods, (oil, coal, gas, nuclear) mixed with a combination of renewable energy production approaches is the future in providing for an increasingly energy hungry world. Wind, solar and biomass have moved into the public arena only in the last few years. The proposed patented device (US Patent No.: 7,468,563) Ocean Wave Energy Converter harnesses the energy of ocean waves by continually raising and lowering a float, which in turn raises or lowers one side of a lever arm about a stationary pivot point. This, thereby, raises or lowers a piston, which is attached to the opposite side of the lever through a cylinder, which causes large volumes of air to move. This air is funneled through drive turbines, which produce electric power. This thesis focuses on analyzing the piston and the lever arm mechanism in order to determine the overall output of the system. A 2-D, 3-D model of the piston and lever arm mechanism along with the simulation of the air flow through the piston was done using ANSYS 11.0, the results and the source codes are discussed in the following chapters. Also discussed are the mathematical equations, which help us determine the ratio of the lever arm and hence the output force transferred to the piston

    Das Verhalten von DASPMI in lebenden Zellen : spektral- und ortsaufgelöste Messungen der Fluoreszenz-Abklingzeit

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    Cellular metabolism can be envisaged by fluorescence lifetime imaging of fluorophores sensitive to specific intracellular factors such as [H+], [Ca2+], [O2], membrane potential, temperature, polarity of the probe environment, and alterations in the conformation and interactions of macromolecules. Lifetime measurements of the probes allow the quantitative determination of the intracellular factors. Fluorescence microscopy taking advantage of time-correlated single photon counting is a novel method that outperforms all other techniques with its single photon sensitivity and picoseconds time resolution. In this work, a time- and space-correlated single photon counting system was established to investigate the behavior of 2-(4-(dimethylamino)styryl)-1-methylpyridinium iodide (DASPMI) in living cells. DASPMI is known to selectively stain mitochondria in living cells. The uptake and fluorescence intensity of DASPMI in mitochondria is a dynamic measure of membrane potential. Hence, an endeavour was made to elucidate the mechanism of DASPMI fluorescence by obtaining spectrally-resolved fluorescence decays in different solvents. A bi-exponential decay model was sufficient to globally describe the wavelength dependent fluorescence in ethanol and chloroform. While in glycerol, a three-exponential decay model was necessary for global analysis. In the polar low-viscous solvent water, a mono-exponential decay model fitted the decay data. The sensitivity of DASPMI fluorescence to solvent viscosity was analysed using various proportions of glycerol/ethanol mixtures. The lifetimes were found to increase with increasing solvent viscosity. The negative amplitudes of the short lifetime component found in chloroform and glycerol at the longer wavelengths validated the formation of new excited state species from the initially excited state. Time-resolved emission spectra in chloroform and glycerol showed a biphasic increase of spectral width and emission maxima. The spectral width had an initial fast increase within 150 ps and a near constant thereafter. A two-state model based on solvation of the initially excited state and further formation of TICT state has been proposed to explain the excited state kinetics and has been substantiated by the de-composition of time-resolved spectra. The knowledge of DASPMI photophysics in a variety of solvents now provides the means of deducing complex physiological parameters of mitochondria from its behavior in living cells. Spatially-resolved fluorescence decays from single mitochondria or only very few organelles of XTH2 cells signified distinctive three-exponential decay kinetics of viscous environment. Based on DASPMI photophysics in a variety of solvents, these lifetimes have been attributed to the fluorescence from locally excited state (LE), intramolecular charge transfer state (ICT) and twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) state. A considerable variation in lifetime among mitochondria of different morphology and within single cell was evident corresponding to the high physiological variations within single cells. Considerable shortening of the short lifetime component (τ1) under high membrane potential condition, such as in the presence of ATP and/or substrate, was similar to quenching and dramatic decrease of lifetime in polar solvents. Under these conditions τ2 and τ3 increased with decreasing contribution. Upon treatment with ionophore nigericin, hyperpolarization of mitochondria resulted in remarkable shortening of τ1 from 159 ps to 38 ps. Inhibiting respiration by cyanide resulted in notable increase of mean lifetime and decrease of mitochondrial fluorescence. Increase of DASPMI fluorescence on conditions elevating mitochondrial membrane potential has been attributed to uptake according Nernst distributions, to de-localisation of π electrons, quenching processes of the methyl pyridinium moiety and restricted torsional dynamics at the mitochondrial inner membrane. Accordingly, determination of anisotropy in DASPMI stained mitochondria in living XTH2 cells, revealed dependence of anisotropy on membrane potential. Such changes in anisotropy attributed to restriction of the torsional dynamics about the flexible single bonds neighboring the olefinic double bond revealed the previously known sub-mitochondrial zones with higher membrane potential along its length. Membrane-potential-dependent changes in anisotropy have further been demonstrated in senescent chick embryo fibroblasts. In conclusion, spectroscopic observations of excited-state kinetics of DASPMI in solvents and its behavior in living cells had revealed for the first time its localisation, mechanism of voltage sensitive fluorescence and its membrane-potential-dependent anisotropy in living cells. The simultaneous dependence of DASPMI photophysics on mitochondrial inner membrane viscosity and transmembrane potential has been highlighted.Der Zellstoffwechsel kann durch die räumliche Messung der Fluoreszenz-Abklingzeit von Fluorophoren, die auf spezifische Änderungen intrazellulärer Bedingungen reagieren, wie z.B. [H+], [Ca2+], [O2], Membranpotential, Temperatur, lokale Polarität und Konformationsänderungen oder Interaktion von Makromolekülen ins Auge gefasst werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Versuchsstand zur Zeit- und Orts-korrelierten Einzelphotonenregistrierung aufgebaut und spektral und ortsaufgelöste Messungen der Fluoreszenz-Abklingzeit von 2-(4-(dimethylamino)styryl)-1-methylpyridinium iodide (DASPMI) in lebenden Zellen durchgeführt. DASPMI reichert sich in lebenden Zellen in den Mitochondrien an, wobei sowohl der Grad der Anreicherung als auch die Fluoreszenzintensität vom mitochondrialen Membranpotential abhängen. Um den Mechanismus der Fluoreszenz von DASPMI aufzuklären wurden zunächst zeitaufgelöste Spektren in unterschiedlich polaren Lösungsmitteln aufgenommen: In Ethanol und Chloroform konnte der Fluoreszenzabfall global durch ein bi-exponentielles Modell beschrieben werden, wogegen in Glycerin ein tri-exponentielles Modell notwendig war. In Wasser, das stark polar und niedrig viskös ist war ein mono-exponentielles Modell hinreichend. Der Einfluss der Lösungsmittelviskosität wurde in Ethanol / g-Mischungelyzerinn unterschiedlicher Verhältnisse untersucht. Mit zunehmender Viskosität des Lösungsmittels stieg auch die Fluoreszenz-Abklingzeit. Das Auftreten einer negativen Amplitude der kurzen Abklingzeit in Chloroform und Glycerol bei größeren Wellenlängen belegt die Entstehung eines weiteren angeregten Zustandes aus dem anfänglichen angeregten Zustand. Die zeitaufgelösten Emissionsspektren in Chloroform und Glycerol zeigten einen biphasischen Anstieg des Emissionsmaximums und der spektralen Breite. Die spektrale Breite stieg anfänglich stark an und blieb nach 150 ps nahezu konstant. Um die Kinetik des angeregten Zustands zu erklären, wurde ein zweistufiges Modell entwickelt, das auf der Solvation des initialen angeregten Zustands und des TICT Zustands basiert. Die Untersuchung von einzelnen Mitochondrien bzw. wenigen Organellen von XTH2-Zellen zeigte eine tri-exponentielle Kinetik des Fluoreszenzabfalls. Auf Basis der photophysikalischen Eigenschaften von DASPMI in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln wurden die gefundenen Fluoreszenz-Abklingzeiten drei unterschiedlichen angeregten Zuständen zugeordnet (locally excited (LE), intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) und twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) state. Eine bemerkenswerte Variation in der Abklingzeit von Mitochondrien unterschiedlicher Form innerhalb einer Zelle war offensichtlich, was den hohen Variabilitaten der Zellphysiologie entspricht. Die starke Verringerung der kurzen Abklingzeit (1) unter Bedingungen hohen Membranpotentials, wie z. B. in Anwesenheit von ATP oder Substrat entsprach dem Quenching und der dramatischen Abnahme der Abklingzeit in polarem Lösungsmittel. Unter diesen Bedingungen nahmen 2 und 3 mit abnehmendem Beitrag zu. Nach Behandlung mit dem Ionophor Nigericin, führte die Hyperpolarisation der Mitochondrien zu einer bemerkenswerten Verkürzung von 1 von 159 ps auf 38 ps. Die Hemmung der Zellatmung mit Cyanid führte zu einer beachtlichen Zunahme der Abklingzeit und einer Abnahme der mitochondrialen Fluoreszenz. Die Zunahme der DASPMI Fluoreszenz unter Bedingungen eines erhöhten mitochondrialen Membranpotentials ist einer Aufnahme entsprechend einer Nernst-Verteilung, der Delokalisation von -Elektronen, Quenching der Methylpyridinium-Gruppe und der eingeschränkten Torsionsdynamik an der inneren Mitochondrienmembran zugeschrieben worden. Dementsprechend enthüllte die Bestimmung der Anisotropie von DASPMI-markierten Mitochondrien in lebenden XTH2-Zellen, die Abhängigkeit der Anisotropie vom Membranpotential. Solche Änderungen in der Anisotropie, die der Beschränkung der Torsionsdynamik um die flexiblen Einzelbindungen in Nachbarschaft der olefinischen Doppelbindung zugeschrieben werden, erwiesen die bereits vorher bekannten submitochondrialen Zonen erhöhten Membranpotentials entlang des Mitochondriums. Der direkte Einfluss des lokalen elektrischen Feldes auf das Übergangsdipolmoment des Farbstoffs und seiner Torsionsdynamik spiegelt Veränderungen des mitochondrialen Energiestatus in lebenden Zellen wieder. Membranpotential-abhängige Veränderungen der Anisotropie wurden darüber hinaus in seneszenten Hühnerembryo-Fibroblasten nachgewiesen. Zusammenfassend wurden spektroskopische Beobachtungen der Kinetik des angeregten Zustands von DASPMI in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln sowie in lebenden Zellen durchgeführt. Damit konnte zum ersten Mal die genaue Lokalisierung, der Mechanismus spannungssensitiver Fluoreszenz und die Membranpotential-abhängige Anisotropie in lebenden Zellen gezeigt werden

    A Study on Techniques for Handling Transmission Error of IPV6 Packets over Fmer Optic Links

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    Problem identification of the existing error control mechanism is very important to find out a new suitable design to solve the problem of ineffective error control.The identification results become main basic of designing a new mechanism.Hence, the design obtained truly solves the problem accurately

    Sarcasm Detection on Text for Political Domain— An Explainable Approach

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    In the era of social media, a large volume of data is generated by applications such as the industrial internet of things, IoT, Facebook, Twitter, and individual usage. Artificial intelligence and big data tools plays an important role in devising mechanisms for handling this vast volume of data as per the required usage of data to form important information from this unstructured data. When the data is publicly available on the internet and social media, it is imperative to treat the data carefully to respect the sentiments of the individuals. In this paper, the authors have attempted to solve three problems for treating the data using AI and data science tools, weighted statistical methods, and explainability of sarcastic comments. The first objective of this research study is sarcasm detection, and the next objective is to apply it to a domain-specific political Reddit dataset. Moreover, the last is to predict sarcastic words using counterfactual explainability. The textare extracted from the self-annotated Reddit corpus dataset containing 533 million comments written in English language, where 1.3 million comments are sarcastic. The sarcasm detection based model uses a weighted average approach and deep learning models to extract information and provide the required output in terms of content classification. Identifying sarcasm from a sentence is very challenging when the sentence has content that flips the polarity of positive sentiment into negative sentiment. This cumbersome task can be achieved with artificial intelligenceand machine learningalgorithms that train the machine and assist in classifying the required content from the sentences to keep the social media posts acceptable to society. There should be a mechanism to determine the extent to which the model's prediction could be relied upon. Therefore, the explination of the prediction is essential. We studied the methods and developed a model for detecting sarcasm and explaining the prediction. Therefore, the sarcasm detection model with explainability assists in identifying the sarcasmfrom the reddit post and its sentiment score to classify given textcorrectly. The F1-score of 75.75% for sarcasm and 80% for the explainability model proves the robustness of the proposed model

    Content Based Image Retrieval based on Shape with Texture Features

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    In areas of state, domain and hospitals, massive collections of digital pictures are being created. These image collections are the merchandise of digitizing existing collections of analogue images, diagrams, drawings, paintings, and prints. Retrieving the specified similar image from a large dataset is very difficult. A new image retrieval system is obtainable in this paper, for feature extraction HSV color space and wavelet transform approach are used. Initially constructed one dimension feature vector and represented the color feature it is made by that the color space is quantified in non-equal intervals. Then with the help of wavelet texture feature extraction is obtained. At last by using of wavelet transform combined the color feature and texture feature method. The illustration features are susceptible for different type images in image retrieval experiments. The color features opted to the rich color image with simple variety. Texture feature opted to the complex images. At the same time, experiments reveal that HSV texture feature based on wavelet transform has better effective performance and stability than the RGB. The same work is performed for the RGB color space and their results are compared with the proposed system. The result shows that CBIR with the HSV color space is retrieves image with more accuracy and reduced retrieval time. Keywords--Content Based Image Retrieval, HSV, RG


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    V. Ramadass & D. Kalpana, “Representations of Edge Regular Bipolar Fuzzy Graphs”, International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, Page Number 267-272, 2017