262 research outputs found

    Multi-Analytical Techniques to Define the Mineralogical and Petrophysical Characteristics and Provenance of Siliceous Lithic Findings: The Case Study of La Calvera Rock Shelter (Cantabria, Spain)

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    This archaeometric study aims at characterizing the archaeological finds belonging to the lithic industry from La Calvera rock shelter (Camaleño, Cantabria) and at hypothesizing the possible provenance of each material. The site, located in the mountainous area of Picos de Europa National Park (more than 1000 m a.s.l.) close to the megalithic complex of Peña Oviedo, is characterized by the presence of hearths and charcoal remains, ancient pottery, and a rich lithic assemblage composed of siliceous rocks dating back to >8000 BP and linked to the first Holocene occupations of the Cantabrian Mountains. For the study of the rock shelter’s lithic assemblage, a multi-analytical approach was used: SEM-EDS and XRD analyses were performed to define the microtextural characteristics of samples and to identify the amorphous/crystalline phases; physical and mechanical tests were conducted to define the petrophysical properties (density, porosity, imbibition and saturation indexes, mechanical strength) of the samples. Preliminary data of chemical compositions, obtained by portable XRF, are also presented. The results show that the different siliceous materials (quartzite, cherts, hyaline quartz) can be distinguished through the basic analytical techniques used here. In addition, most of the archaeological samples have mineralogical and petrographic features similar to the natural samples coming from nearby outcrops, corroborating the hypothesis of a local material supply. The presence of local sources of useful raw materials could have favoured the site’s occupation. Finally, the diverse compositional and textural feature of the analysed materials result in different mechanical properties (porosity, density, hardness, workability), so they likely had different uses and technical functions

    Experimental characterization of leak detection systems in HLM pool using LIFUS5/Mod3 facility

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    In the framework of the European Union MAXSIMA project, the safety of the steam generator (SG) adopted in the primary loop of the Heavy Liquid Metal Fast Reactor has been studied investigating the consequences and damage propagation of a SG tube rupture event and characterizing leak rates from typical cracks. Instrumentation able to promptly detect the presence of a crack in the SG tubes may be used to prevent its further propagation, which would lead to a full rupture of the tube. Application of the leak-before-break concept is relevant for improving the safety of a reactor system and decreasing the probability of a pipe break event. In this framework, a new experimental campaign (Test Series C) has been carried out in the LIFUS5/Mod3 facility, installed at ENEA Centro Ricerche Brasimone, in order to characterize and to correlate the leak rate through typical cracks occurring in the pressurized tubes with signals detected by proper transducers. Test C1.3_60 was executed injecting water at about 20 bars and 200°C into lead-bismuth eutectic alloy. The injection was performed through a laser microholed plate 60 μm in diameter. Analysis of the thermohydraulic data permitted characterization of the leakage through typical cracks that can occur in the pressurized tubes of the SG. Analysis of the data acquired by microphones and accelerometers highlighted that it is possible to correlate the signals to the leakage and the rate of release

    Climacteric Lowers Plasma Levels of Platelet-Derived Microparticles: A Pilot Study in Pre-versus Postmenopausal Women

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    Background: Climacteric increases the risk of thrombotic events by alteration of plasmatic coagulation. Up to now, less is known about changes in platelet-(PMP) and endothelial cell-derived microparticles (EMP). Methods: In this prospective study, plasma levels of microparticles (MP) were compared in 21 premenopausal and 19 postmenopausal women. Results: No altered numbers of total MP or EMP were measured within the study groups. However, the plasma values of CD61-exposing MP from platelets/megakaryocytes were higher in premenopausal women (5,364 x 10(6)/l, range 4,384-17,167) as compared to postmenopausal women (3,808 x 10(6)/l, range 2,009-8,850; p = 0.020). This differentiation was also significant for the subgroup of premenopausal women without hormonal contraceptives (5,364 x 10(6)/l, range 4,223-15,916; p = 0.047; n = 15). Furthermore, in premenopausal women, higher plasma levels of PMP exposing CD62P were also present as compared to postmenopausal women (288 x 10(6)/l, range 139-462, vs. 121 x 10(6)/l, range 74-284; p = 0.024). This difference was also true for CD63+ PMP levels (281 x 10(6)/l, range 182-551, vs. 137 x 10(6)/l, range 64-432; p = 0.015). Conclusion: Climacteric lowers the level of PMP but has no impact on the number of EMP in women. These data suggest that PMP and EMP do not play a significant role in enhancing the risk of thrombotic events in healthy, postmenopausal women. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    PW06-05 The predictive role of anxiety disorders on depressive phenomenology during post-partum period

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    Aims:To investigate the predictive role of any specific (DSM-IV) Anxiety Disorders (AD) on depressive symptoms and Major or Minor Depressive Disorder (MDD, mDD) during early postpartum period.Method:Women (at the 12th-15th gestational week, N=1066) were recruited in the framework of the Program 'Perinatal Depression - Research & Screening Unit (PND-ReScU)". Depressive symptoms were assessed by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and Axis-I disorders (AD, MDD, mDD) were diagnosed with the Structured Clinical Interview for Axis-I Disorders (SCID-I).Results:Any current AD at baseline (3rd month of pregnancy) was detected in 231 (21.7%). Having at least one current AD, was associated with a greater likelihood of having MDD or mDD during the early postpartum period, even after the adjustment for the confounding factor of having a lifetime history of MDD (RR=3.86 95%CI 1.58-9.42).In particular, women affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (N=17; 1.6%) or Panic Disorder (N=43; 4%) had at higher risk to develop depressive symptoms (EPDS≥13) during the postpartum period than women without these AD (RR=6.9 and 6.7 respectively). As for the risk of developing PPD, the strongest association was found for women with Panic Disorder (RR=7.6 95% CI 2.62-22.0).Conclusions:AD are associated with a greater likelihood to develop depressive symptoms and MDD or mDD during the early postpartum period. Women with current PD have the strongest risk to develop both MDD or mDD and depressive symptoms during early postpartum period compared to other anxiety disorders

    ISTH guidelines for antithrombotic treatment in COVID-19

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    Antithrombotic agents reduce risk of thromboembolism in severely ill patients. Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may realize additional benefits from heparins. Optimal dosing and timing of these treatments and benefits of other antithrombotic agents remain unclear. In October 2021, ISTH assembled an international panel of content experts, patient representatives, and a methodologist to develop recommendations on anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents for patients with COVID-19 in different clinical settings. We used the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association methodology to assess level of evidence (LOE) and class of recommendation (COR). Only recommendations with LOE A or B were included. Panelists agreed on 12 recommendations: three for non-hospitalized, five for non-critically ill hospitalized, three for critically ill hospitalized, and one for post-discharge patients. Two recommendations were based on high-quality evidence, the remainder on moderate-quality evidence. Among non-critically ill patients hospitalized for COVID-19, the panel gave a strong recommendation (a) for use of prophylactic dose of low molecular weight heparin or unfractionated heparin (LMWH/UFH) (COR 1); (b) for select patients in this group, use of therapeutic dose LMWH/UFH in preference to prophylactic dose (COR 1); but (c) against the addition of an antiplatelet agent (COR 3). Weak recommendations favored (a) sulodexide in non-hospitalized patients, (b) adding an antiplatelet agent to prophylactic LMWH/UFH in select critically ill, and (c) prophylactic rivaroxaban for select patients after discharge (all COR 2b). Recommendations in this guideline are based on high-/moderate-quality evidence available through March 2022. Focused updates will incorporate future evidence supporting changes to these recommendations

    Exactitud de la punción aspiración con aguja fina en el diagnóstico de cáncer diferenciado de tiroides

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    La importancia clínica de los nódulos tiroideos (NT) radica en la necesidad de excluircáncer de tiroides (7 al 15% de los casos). En Argentina representa el 2,2% y 0,5% de los cánceres queocurren anualmente en mujeres y hombres respectivamente. La citología por punción aspiración con agujafina (PAAF) de NT estima el riesgo de malignidad y es la prueba confirmatoria de elección para eldiagnóstico, con una especificidad reportada del 94%.OBJETIVO: Determinar la exactitud diagnóstica de los criterios citopatológicos del Sistema Bethesda (SB)obtenidos por PAAF de NT para el diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides. Establecer la frecuencia de cadacategoría del SB en nuestra población. Calcular el porcentaje de malignidad para cada categoría del SB ennuestra población.PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, de pruebas diagnósticas. Se incluyeronpacientes adultos con NT sospechosos de malignidad por ecografía y PAAF. Se analizaron las historiasclínicas de pacientes de ambos sexos intervenidos mediante cirugía tiroidea entre el 1 de enero de 2012 yel 31 de diciembre de 2018 en la Clínica Universitaria Reina Fabiola de la Ciudad de Córdoba. Se evaluóla sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivo y negativo de los criterios citopatológicos del SBobtenidos por PAAF de NT tomando como estándar de oro el resultado anatomopatológico.RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 191 pacientes. De ellos el 82,20% eran de sexo femenino y la media deedad fue 43,45 ± 13,29. Presentaron diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides 89 pacientes, correspondiendo latotalidad a CDT. Las tasas de malignidad para las categorías del SB II, III, IV y V fueron del 18,5; 31,6;62,8 y 90,5%, respectivamente. Al analizar la utilidad del SB como prueba de screening encontramos unasensibilidad para detectar malignidad del 84,6%, con una especificidad del 72,6%, un VPP del 76,7%, unVPN del 81,5% y una exactitud diagnóstica global del 78,8%. Este análisis, en punciones altamentesospechosas, aumentó la exactitud diagnóstica de la prueba hasta el 85,2%, sensibilidad 76,5%,especificidad 93%, VPP 90,7% y VPN 81,5%.CONCLUSIONES: La exactitud diagnóstica de los criterios citopatológicos del Sistema Bethesda (SB)obtenidos por PAAF de nódulos tiroideos para el diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides es buena, por lo cual esuno de los métodos recomendados en el algoritmo diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides

    O–H–Sr–Nd isotope constraints on the origin of the Famatinian magmatic arc, NW Argentina

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    We report a study of whole-rock O–H–Sr–Nd isotopes of Ordovician igneous and metamorphic rocks exposed at different crustal palaeodepths along c. 750 km in the Sierras Pampeanas, NW Argentina. The isotope compositions preserved in the intermediate rocks (mostly tonalite) (average δ18O = +8.7 ± 0.5‰, δD = −73 ± 14‰, 87Sr/86Srt = 0.7088 ± 0.0001 and eNdt = −4.5 ± 0.6) show no major difference from those of most of the mafic rocks (average δ18O = +8 ± 0.8‰, δD = −84 ± 18‰, 87Sr/86Srt = 0.7082 ± 0.0016 and eNdt = −4 ± 1.1), suggesting that most of their magmas acquired their crustal characteristics in the mantle. The estimate of assimilation of crustal material (δ18O = +12.2 ± 1.7‰, δD = −89 ± 21‰, 87Sr/86Srt = 0.7146 ± 0.0034 and eNdt = −6.9 ± 0.7) by the tonalite is in most samples within the range 10–20%. Felsic magmas that reached upper crustal levels had isotope values (δ18O = +9.9 ± 1.5‰, δD= −76 ± 5‰, 87Sr/86Srt = 0.7067 ± 0.0010, eNdt = −3.5 ± 1.4) suggesting that they were not derived by fractionation of the contaminated intermediate magmas, but evolved from different magma batches. Some rocks of the arc, both igneous (mostly gabbro and tonalite) and metamorphic, underwent restricted interaction with meteoric fluids. Reported values of δ18O of magmatic zircons from the Famatinian arc rocks (+6 to +9‰) are comparable to our δ18O whole-rock data, indicating that pervasive oxygen isotope exchange in the lower crust was not a major process after zircon crystallization.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    Serotonin transporter (SERT) and translocator protein (TSPO) expression in the obese ob/ob mouse

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    Background: An ever growing body of evidences is emerging concerning metabolism hormones, neurotransmitters or stress-related biomarkers as effective modulators of eating behavior and body weight in mammals. The present study sought at examining the density and affinity of two proteins related to neurotransmission and cell metabolism, the serotonin transporter SERT and the cholesterol import-benzodiazepine site TSPO (translocator protein), in a rodent leptin-lacking mutant, the obese ob/ob mouse. Binding studies were thus carried out in brain or peripheral tissues, blood platelets (SERT) and kidneys (TSPO), of ob/ob and WT mice supplied with a standard diet, using the selective radiochemical ligands [(3)H]-paroxetine and [(3)H]-PK11195. Results: We observed comparable SERT number or affinity in brain and platelets of ob/ob and WT mice, whilst a significantly higher [(3)H]-PK11195 density was reported in the brain of ob/ob animals. TSPO binding parameters were similar in the kidneys of all tested mice. By [(3)H]-PK11195 autoradiography of coronal hypothalamic-hippocampal sections, an increased TSPO signal was detected in the dentate gyrus (hippocampus) and choroids plexus of ob/ob mice, without appreciable changes in the cortex or hypothalamic-thalamic regions. Conclusions: These findings show that TSPO expression is up-regulated in cerebral regions of ob/ob leptin-deficient mice, suggesting a role of the translocator protein in leptin-dependent CNS trophism and metabolism. Unchanged SERT in mutant mice is discussed herein in the context of previous literature as the forerunner to a deeper biochemical investigation