4 research outputs found

    Hectopsylla pulex (Haller, 1880) (Siphonaptera:聽Tungidae) infestation on Eptesicus聽furinalis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Central Andes of Colombia

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    Bat ectoparasites have a complex natural history narrowly tied to their hosts at ecological, behavioral, and evolutionary scales. As flying and social organisms, bats represent a potential mechanism of dispersal, a source of feeding, and a roost for ectoparasite reproduction. The chiggerflea Hectopsylla pulex (Siphonaptera: Tungidae) is widely distributed across the Neotropics. Females of this ectoparasite have been found in their neosomal form on bats of the family Molossidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, and Vespertilionidae. Here we present the record of infestation of chiggerfleas on the Argentine bat, Eptesicus furinalis (Vespertilionidae) in Colombia, representing the first record of the flea on this species, and providing novel genetic information of this poorly known flea species

    On the availability of the name Cuniculus hernandezi Castro, L贸pez y Becerra, 2010 (Rodentia: Cuniculidae)

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    ABSTRACT: In this article we discuss the reasons why the bin omen Cuniculus hernandezi Castro, L贸pez y Bercerra, 2010, is not an available name according to the rules of the current International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Among these reasons are the lack of a precise description of the taxon and the failure to identify a type specimen. In addition, we highlight problems in the research design of the description of the bin omen that affect the conclusions regarding the taxonomic distinctiveness between the populations of the populations of the Oriental and Cental Cordilleras of Colombia.RESUMEN: En el presente trabajo se argumentan las razones por las cuales el binomio Cuniculus hernadezi Castro, L贸pez y Becerra, 2010, no constituye un nombre disponible de acuerdo a la reglamentaci贸n del vigente C贸digo Internacional de Nomenclatura Zool贸gica (ICZN). Entre estas razones se encuentran la carencia de una descripci贸n precisa y la no asignaci贸n de un ejemplar tipo. Adicionalmente, resaltamos problemas en el dise帽o de la investigaci贸n en la cual el binomio fue descrito, que afectan las conclusiones acerca de una distinci贸n taxon贸mica entre las poblaciones de las cordilleras Oriental y Central de Colombia

    Preservaci贸n en campo y extracci贸n de ADN en sangre de mam铆feros silvestres: m茅todos y factores claves para estudios de biodiversidad

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    Los estudios sobre salud p煤blica y biodiversidad de mam铆feros silvestres incluyen un componente gen茅tico. Para las muestras de sangre, se debe tener condiciones 贸ptimas de colecci贸n, ya que pueden afectar la preservaci贸n y la extracci贸n del ADN. Este estudio evalu贸 el uso de m茅todos de preservaci贸n de ADN l铆quido y seco y m茅todos de extracci贸n de ADN comerciales y no comerciales, en muestras de sangre, recolectadas en campo. Para ello, se recogieron 264 muestras de sangre totales de mam铆feros salvajes. Se preserv贸 un primer grupo de muestras en clorhidrato de guanidina (GuHCl) y se extrajo el ADN, utilizando seis kits comerciales: Bioline, Norgen, Invitrogen, Promega y Qiagen, adem谩s de dos protocolos no comerciales: fenol-cloroformo isoamil alcohol (PC) y guanidina tiocianato (GIT). Otro grupo de muestras, se preserv贸 en tarjetas Whatman庐 FTA庐 y se extrajo el ADN, con PC y GIT. Las extracciones con GIT y PC mostraron los valores y variaciones m谩s altas en la concentraci贸n de ADN (ng/碌L), mientras que el kit comercial mostr贸 una baja variaci贸n. La preservaci贸n de la muestra en tarjetas Whatman庐 FTA庐 proporcion贸 una baja variaci贸n y cantidad de ADN extra铆do, en comparaci贸n con el uso de GuHCl. En cuanto a la calidad del ADN, los kits comerciales produjeron una mayor pureza (A260/280), mientras que los protocolos basados en GIT y PC proporcionaron resultados muy variables. Adem谩s, el uso de GIT y PC origin贸 una mayor cantidad de ADN, pero de calidad variable. En general, la extracci贸n basada en kits comerciales y la conservaci贸n Whatman庐 FTA庐 permiti贸 obtener calidades y cantidades de ADN m谩s estandarizadas.Studies on public health and wild mammal biodiversity include a genetic component. For blood samples, there must be optimal sample collection conditions since these can affect DNA preservation and extraction. This study evaluated the use of liquid and dry DNA preservation methods and commercial and non-commercial DNA extraction methods on field-collected blood samples. For this, 264 total blood samples were collected from wild mammals. A first group of samples was preserved in guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) and DNA was extracted using six commercial kits: Bioline, Norgen, Invitrogen, Promega, and Qiagen, in addition to phenol-chloroform isoamyl alcohol (PC) and guanidine thiocyanate (GIT). Another group of samples was preserved in Whatman庐 FTA庐 cards and DNA was extracted with PC and GIT. The extractions with GIT and PC showed the highest values (ng/碌L) and variation in DNA concentration, while the commercial kit showed low variation. Sample preservation in Whatman庐 FTA庐 cards provided low variation and quantity of the extracted DNA compared with the use of GuHCl. Concerning DNA quality, the commercial kits yielded higher purity, while GIT and PC-based protocols provided highly variable results. Furthermore, the use of GIT and PC yielded a higher amount of DNA, yet, of variable quality. Overall, extraction based on commercial kits and Whatman庐 FTA庐 preservation allowed obtaining more standardized DNA qualities and quantitiesIncluye referencias bibliogr谩fica