90 research outputs found

    Literatura, un camino argumentado hacia la sensibilización: Propuesta pedagógica a partir del discurso literario para el fortalecimiento de la competencia argumentativa, en estudiantes del ciclo 5-1 de la jornada sabatina en la institución educativa INEM Felipe Pérez de Pereira

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    El presente trabajo de grado, está orientado al fortalecimiento de la competencia argumentativa en estudiantes del ciclo 5-1 de la jornada sabatina en la institución educativa INEM Felipe Pérez, ya que a través de entidades como el Ministerio de educación y de textos fundamentales en el ejercicio docente como la “Ley General de Educación 115 de 1994”, los “Lineamientos Curriculares” y los “Estándares Básicos en competencias”, se ha encontrado que el saber hacer y el saber ser, deben estar articulados a la hora de buscar un mejoramiento en la calidad educativa y de atender a las diferentes necesidades de la sociedad actual; por tanto posibles soluciones se pueden lograr a través de la búsqueda de estrategias adecuadas a la hora de concordar el conocimiento tanto cognitivo como axiológico en la práctica cotidiana. Los estudiantes de grados superiores tienen dificultades para desarrollar discursos argumentados y críticos desde posturas propias, por lo anterior se busca aterrizar teorías que ayuden al fortalecimiento de la competencia argumentativa, tomando como base a lingüistas contemporáneos como Luis Alfonso Ramírez Peña y María Cristina Martínez, ya que ambos proponen el discurso desde un enfoque dialógico y dinámico, en el cual predomina la construcción de una representación frente al otro, teniendo en cuenta que la formación del individuo como sujeto discursivo se sustenta en la interacción social, en el encuentro de voces o posturas que se evenemencializan en el contexto real. Se cita también a la autora norteamericana Martha Nussbaum, quien considera que el discurso, especialmente el literario a diferencia del discurso científico, político, económico o religioso, se muestra como una herramienta eficaz a la hora de proyectar en los estudiantes una imagen de cultura, de humanidad, de reconocimiento de otros mundos y realidades paralelas a las que viven en su inmediatez, lo que conlleva no sólo a tener una visión más crítica, enfocada en la justicia y la exaltación de la vulnerabilidad, un aspecto inmanente al hombre, sino también a asumir posturas argumentadas teniendo en cuenta las perspectivas de Christian Plantin, para quien el debate es un elemento fundamental a la hora de potencializar la competencia argumentativa. En síntesis, el interés del presente proyecto se sustenta en la creación de estrategias pedagógicas desarrolladas mediante la aplicación de una secuencia didáctica, que permita extraer la literatura del campo netamente ficcional para trasladarla a la praxis en las aulas de clase y de esta manera invitar a los lectores a identificarse con los personajes y sus respectivas problemáticas, asumiendo un discurso más argumentado e integral, que le facilite a los estudiantes la interacción, reflexión y participación en diferentes contextos y realidades

    Las diferencias en los síntomas psicológicos durante el embarazo y el postparto antes y después del COVID-19: un estudio transversal

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    Pregnant women are especially vulnerable to mental health problems, including stress, anxiety, and depression. This risk has been increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and differences in psychological symptoms in pregnancy and postpartum before and during COVID-19 exists. Mental health problems can have adverse effects on both the woman, and the neonate, including miscarriages, premature births, low birth weight, and higher rates of cesarean sections and instrument-assisted deliveries. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of psychological symptoms of pregnant women before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the psychological profile in a sample of pregnant women selected before the pandemic and a sample of women studied during the first wave of the pandemic. A total of 122 women were selected prior to the pandemic and 181 women during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90-R) was used to assess depression and anxiety during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Results: The prevalence of symptoms of depression and anxiety during pregnancy were higher in the sample of women studied during the pandemic (SCL-90-R: M = 54.6 vs. 42.6 and M = 62.6 vs. 51.7 respectively). In the postpartum the difference between both samples of women was even higher for depression and anxiety (SCL-90-R: M = 50.4 vs. 35.0 and M = 51.3 vs. 36.0 respectively). Being a pregnant woman at the COVID-19 outbreak was directly associated with a higher score of depression symptoms (aOR = 8.67, 95% CI [3.26, 23.02], p < .001). Anxiety during childbirth was more frequently reported by women before the pandemic (aOR = 5.13, 95% CI [2.53, 10.44], p < .001). The variable stage (before /during pandemic) was also associated with having a clinical SCL-90-R score above 70 (aOR = 7.61, 95% CI [2.7, 21.47], p < .001). Conclusion: During the pandemic, pregnancy and postpartum were associated with the presence of anxiety and depression. The main factor associated with postpartum depression was maternal age. These finding highlights the vulnerability of pregnant in front of the pandemic, in which psychological health and mental well-being are affected, not only during pregnancy, but also in the postpartum.Las mujeres embarazadas son especialmente vulnerables a los problemas de salud mental, como el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión. Este riesgo se ha incrementado durante la pandemia de COVID-19, habiendo diferencias en los síntomas psicológicos en el embarazo y el puerperio antes y después de la pandemia. Los problemas de salud mental pueden tener efectos perjudiciales tanto en la mujer como en el recién nacido, como abortos espontáneos, partos prematuros, bajo peso al nacer y tasas más altas de cesáreas y partos asistidos. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de síntomas psicológicos de gestantes antes y durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal para evaluar el perfil psicológico en una muestra de mujeres embarazadas seleccionadas antes de la pandemia y una muestra de mujeres estudiadas durante la primera ola de la pandemia. Se seleccionó un total de 122 mujeres antes de la pandemia y 181 mujeres durante el brote de COVID-19. Se utilizó la Inventario de Verificación de Síntomas-90 Revisada (SCL-90-R) para evaluar la depresión y la ansiedad durante el embarazo y el puerperio. Resultados: La prevalencia de síntomas de depresión y ansiedad durante el embarazo fue mayor en la muestra de mujeres estudiadas durante la pandemia (SCL-90-R: M = 54.6 vs. 42.6 y M = 62.6 vs. 51.7 respectivamente). En el postparto la diferencia entre ambas muestras de mujeres fue aún mayor para depresión y ansiedad (SCL-90-R: M = 50.4 vs. 35.0 y M = 51.3 vs. 36.0 respectivamente). Ser mujer embarazada en el brote de COVID-19 se asoció directamente con una mayor puntuación de síntomas de depresión (aOR = 8.67, IC 95% [3.26, 23.02, p < .001). Las mujeres manifestaron ansiedad durante el parto con mayor frecuencia antes de la pandemia (aOR = 5.13, IC 95% 2.53, 10.44], p < .001). La variable estadio (antes/durante la pandemia) también se asoció con tener una puntuación clínica SCL- 90-R superior a 70 (aOR = 7.61, IC 95% [2.7, 21.47], p < .001). Conclusión: Durante la pandemia, el embarazo y el postparto se asociaron con la presencia de ansiedad y depresión. El principal factor asociado a la depresión posparto fue la edad materna. Estos hallazgos resaltan la vulnerabilidad de las mujeres embarazadas ante la pandemia, en la que la salud psicológica y el bienestar mental se ven afectados, no solo durante el embarazo, sino también en el posparto.Junta de Andalucía (RH-0069-2021)

    Retinal Macroglial Responses in Health and Disease

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    Due to their permanent and close proximity to neurons, glial cells perform essential tasks for the normal physiology of the retina. Astrocytes andM¨uller cells (retinal macroglia) provide physical support to neurons and supplement them with several metabolites and growth factors.Macroglia are involved in maintaining the homeostasis of extracellular ions and neurotransmitters, are essential for information processing in neural circuits, participate in retinal glucose metabolism and in removing metabolic waste products, regulate local blood flow, induce the blood-retinal barrier (BRB), play fundamental roles in local immune response, and protect neurons from oxidative damage. In response to polyetiological insults, glia cells react with a process called reactive gliosis, seeking to maintain retinal homeostasis. When malfunctioning, macroglial cells can become primary pathogenic elements. A reactive gliosis has been described in different retinal pathologies, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetes, glaucoma, retinal detachment, or retinitis pigmentosa. A better understanding of the dual, neuroprotective, or cytotoxic effect of macroglial involvement in retinal pathologies would help in treating the physiopathology of these diseases.The extensive participation of the macroglia in retinal diseases points to these cells as innovative targets for new drug therapies

    Infección y colonización faríngea asintomática de niños por Streptococcus pyogenes

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    RESUMEN: Establecer la frecuencia de estreptococo beta hemolítico del grupo A (Streptococcus pyogenes) en niños, mediante una prueba rápida de inmunoensayo cromatográfico. Métodos: estudio piloto de tipo transversal en una muestra no probabilística de 144 niños entre 3 y 13 años, asistentes a centros infantiles de Medellín y su área metropolitana y a una institución educativa de Bogotá. Se tomaron muestras de garganta por frotis para la prueba rápida de S. pyogenes y se recolectó información demográfica y de antecedentes personales mediante una encuesta. Se calcularon los promedios con sus desviaciones estándar y los porcentajes de acuerdo con la naturaleza de las variables de interés. Resultados: la edad promedio del grupo fue 5,5 ± 2,8 años con distribución similar por sexo. Veintiún niños (14,6%) fueron positivos para S. pyogenes, diez de ellos fueron posibles infecciones y 11, portadores asintomáticos. De los 144 niños, 45 (31,3%) tenían síntomas faríngeos, de los cuales 10 (22,2%) tenían S. pyogenes. Un total de 99 (68,8%) niños fueron asintomáticos y 11 de estos (11,1%) presentaron prueba positiva para S. pyogenes. Discusión: la alta frecuencia de S. pyogenes en este grupo es un llamado de atención sobre la necesidad de implementar protocolos de manejo con pruebas rápidas para la detección del microorganismo. Palabras Clave: Amigdalitis; Diagnóstico; Infecciones Estreptocócicas; Prueba de Laboratorio; Salud Pública; Streptococcus pyogenesABSTRACT Objective: To establish the frecuency of Streptococcus pyogenes infection or asymptomatic carriage in a group of children, by means of a rapid antigendetection test. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a non-probabilistic sample of 144 children aged between 3 and 13 years, in two educational institutions in Bogotá and Medellin. A single throat specimen was obtained from each child to carry out the rapid test; demographic data and information on pertinent symptoms and signs were obtained by means of a survey. Mean and standard deviation and percentages were calculated according to the nature of the variables. Results: Average age was 5.5 ± 2.8 years, with even distribution by gender. Twenty one children (14,6%) were positive for S. pyogenes; out of them, 10 had possible infection and 11 were asymptomatic throat carriers. Forty five children (31.3%) reported pharyngeal symptoms and 10 (22.2%) out of them were positive in the rapid test. Ninety nine children (68.7%) were asymptomatic and of them 11 (11.1%) were also positive. Discussion: Management protocols for S. pyogenes infection would benefit from the detection based on rapid tests. Key words: Diagnosis; Laboratory Test; Public Health; Streptococcus pyogenes; Streptococcal Infections; Tonsilliti

    Effects of Hypercholesterolaemia in the Retina

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    © 2012 Triviño et al., licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Unidad Docente de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)Fundación Mutua MadrileñaUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Dental fluorosis in children of private schools. Medellín, Colombia, 2007

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    ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of dental fluorosis among 6-13-year-old children who attended private schools in 2007 in Medellin, Colombia. Methods: seven hundred and fifty two children of 20 private schools selected at random were examined. Two dentists who were trained and calibrated in dental fluorosis diagnosis carried out the clinical evaluation of the children after dental brushing. The labial surfaces of maxillary teeth were examined by visual inspection and with natural light. Thylstrup and Fejerskov index (TFI) for dental fluorosis was used to diagnose and register the alteration. Results: the prevalence of dental fluorosis among school children was 79.1% (TFI ≥ 1); of which 50.8% had only mild degree (TFI1 or 2 ), while 5.1% of the children had severe fluorosis (TFI ≥ 5). Besides, it was found that 17% had TFI ≥ 1 in 50% or less of the teeth. Conclusions: the prevalence of dental fluorosis in children of private schools of Medellin was high, although a mild degree was more prevalent. Formulation of intervention strategies by health authorities are needed in order to contribute to the risk control processes of dental fluorosis.RESUMEN: El propósito de este estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de fluorosis dental en escolares entre los 6 y 13 años de edad, asistentes en 2007 a instituciones educativas privadas de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Métodos: se examinaron 752 niños de 20 colegios, seleccionados al azar. Dos odontólogas entrenadas y calibradas en el diagnóstico de fluorosis dental, realizaron la evaluación clínica de los escolares previo cepillado dental. Se examinaron las superficies vestibulares de los dientes superiores, mediante inspección visual y con luz natural. Se utilizó el índice de Thylstrup y Fejerskov (TFI) para el diagnóstico y registro de la fluorosis dental. Resultados: la prevalencia de fluorosis dental en los escolares fue 79,1% (TFI ≥ 1); de los cuales el 50,8% tenía únicamente grados leves (TFI1 ó 2 ), mientras que el 5,1% presentó grados severos, TFI ≥ 5. Se encontró que el 17% de los niños, tenía TFI ≥ 1 en el 50% o menos de los dientes. Conclusiones: en los escolares de los colegios privados de Medellín la prevalencia de fluorosis dental fue alta. Se requiere la formulación de estrategias de intervención por parte de las autoridades de salud, que contribuyan al control de los procesos de riesgo para la fluorosis

    Automatic Counting of Microglial Cells in Healthy and Glaucomatous Mouse Retinas

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    Proliferation of microglial cells has been considered a sign of glial activation and a hallmark of ongoing neurodegenerative diseases. Microglia activation is analyzed in animal models of different eye diseases. Numerous retinal samples are required for each of these studies to obtain relevant data of statistical significance. Because manual quantification of microglial cells is time consuming, the aim of this study was develop an algorithm for automatic identification of retinal microglia. Two groups of adult male Swiss mice were used: age-matched controls (naïve, n = 6) and mice subjected to unilateral laser-induced ocular hypertension (lasered; n = 9). In the latter group, both hypertensive eyes and contralateral untreated retinas were analyzed. Retinal whole mounts were immunostained with anti Iba-1 for detecting microglial cell populations. A new algorithm was developed in MATLAB for microglial quantification; it enabled the quantification of microglial cells in the inner and outer plexiform layers and evaluates the area of the retina occupied by Iba-1+ microglia in the nerve fiber-ganglion cell layer. The automatic method was applied to a set of 6,000 images. To validate the algorithm, mouse retinas were evaluated both manually and computationally; the program correctly assessed the number of cells (Pearson correlation R = 0.94 and R = 0.98 for the inner and outer plexiform layers respectively). Statistically significant differences in glial cell number were found between naïve, lasered eyes and contralateral eyes (P<0.05, naïve versus contralateral eyes; P<0.001, naïve versus lasered eyes and contralateral versus lasered eyes). The algorithm developed is a reliable and fast tool that can evaluate the number of microglial cells in naïve mouse retinas and in retinas exhibiting proliferation. The implementation of this new automatic method can enable faster quantification of microglial cells in retinal pathologies

    FooDrugs: a comprehensive food–drug interactions database with text documents and transcriptional data

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    Food–drug interactions (FDIs) occur when a food item alters the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of a drug. FDIs can be clinically relevant, as they can hamper or enhance the therapeutic effects of a drug and impact both their efficacy and their safety. However, knowledge of FDIs in clinical practice is limited. This is partially due to the lack of resources focused on FDIs. Here, we describe FooDrugs, a database that centralizes FDI knowledge retrieved from two different approaches: a natural processing language pipeline that extracts potential FDIs from scientific documents and clinical trials and a molecular similarity approach based on the comparison of gene expression alterations caused by foods and drugs. FooDrugs database stores a total of 3 430 062 potential FDIs, with 1 108 429 retrieved from scientific documents and 2 321 633 inferred from molecular data. This resource aims to provide researchers and clinicians with a centralized repository for potential FDI information that is free and easy to use

    Nutrient removal and yield of different maize hybrids

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    Objective: to determine the macro and micronutrient removal values and potential yield of different hybrids, and, also to determine the relationship between grain nutrient removal and grain yield. Design/methodology/approach: to assess correlations and determine the association degree between the nutrient removal values and grain yield. Results: the total nutrient removal values were in N&gt; K&gt; Ca&gt; Mg&gt; P, and Mn&gt; Fe&gt; Zn&gt; B&gt; Cu order, which are higher values when compared to another research. Also, these provide the mineral content in grains, which is a nutritional quality-related parameter. Limitations on study/implications: increasing the number of hybrids, different fertilization rates, different soil conditions, and crop management practices should be evaluated to assess whether these influence/inhibit the final nutrient concentration and total removal in grain. Findings/conclusions: The total grain nutrient removal values varied as a function of hybrids, yield goal, and nutrient concentration in tissues. These values allow the adjustment of current fertilization rates. The same hybrids under different management practices (fertilization dose), or soil types, substantially influence the grain nutrient concentration and therefore total nutrient removal

    Neuroprotective Effects of Low-Dose Statins in the Retinal Ultrastructure of Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits

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    To evaluate the pleiotropic effects to statins, we analyze the qualitative and quantitative retinal changes in hypercholesterolemic rabbits after a low-dosage statin treatment. For this purpose, New Zealand rabbits were split into three groups: control (G0; n = 10), fed a standard diet; hypercholesterolemic (G1; n = 8), fed a 0.5% cholesterol-enriched diet for 8 months; and statins (G2; n = 8), fed a 0.5% cholesterol-enriched diet for 8 months, together with the administration of statin (pravastatin or fluvastatin sodium) at a dose of 2 mg / kg / day each diet. The retinas were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry (glial fibrillary acidic protein). The retinal thickness of nuclear and plexiform layers were quantified in semi-thin sections. The results revealed that the low-statin-treated rabbits in comparison with the hypercholesterolemic group showed: i) a more preserved structure in all retinal layers; ii) a significant reduction in retinal thickness; iii) a decrease in cell death in the nuclear-and ganglion-cell layers; iv) a reduction of hydropic degeneration in the plexiform and nerve-fiber layers; v) a preservation of astrocytes and of the retinal area occupied by them; and vi) a better-preserved retinal vascular structure. Our findings indicate that low doses of statins can prevent retinal degeneration, acting on retinal macroglia, neurons and retinal vessels, despite that hypercholesterolemia remained unchanged. Thus, the pleiotropic effects of the statins may help safeguard the retinal ultrastructure