974 research outputs found

    Secuencia de Aprendizaje Basada en Problemas en la Asignatura de Protección del Patrimonio Arquitectónico

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    En este trabajo se presenta la secuencia de aprendizaje correspondiente a la evaluación continua de los créditos teóricos de la asignatura de Protección del Patrimonio Arquitectónico de Ciencias Ambientales. El diseño pedagógico del aprendizaje está basado en la resolución de problemas, cuyos resultados se presentan siguiendo la metodología del portafolio. Con el apoyo directo de la plataforma WebCT los alumnos y alumnas pueden realizar doce tareas que demuestren diversas evidencias de aprendizaje, muy relacionadas con competencias que deben adquirir para insertarse en el mercado laboral. Para ello se combinan explicaciones teóricas con aplicaciones prácticas de los contenidos a adquirir con esta asignatura. Al mismo tiempo se tiene en cuenta distintas estrategias de agrupamientos a la hora de realizar estas tareas: individual, grupos de cincoestudiantes, clase dividida en dos grupos y clase completa.Artículo revisado por pare

    Violencia de Género en el Marco del Conflicto Armado y el Desplazamiento Forzado

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    El presente escrito es un análisis, de los derechos que se les fueron violados a las mujeres en el marco del conflicto armado y de los factores que incidieron en la violación de estos derechos, en especial los que violaron los derechos de la integridad sexual, señalando los conceptos esenciales para entender lo influyente y representativa que fue la violencia contra la mujer en el periodo de violencia que vivió nuestro país y el desarrollo normativo, nacional e internacional como principal influencia de antes mencionado y también el desarrollo jurisprudencial que ha permeado la temática de violencia de género y violencia contra la mujer acaecida en el contexto del conflicto interno armado colombiano

    Aportación en torno a la valoración de la calidad resistente del hormigón de estructuras por medio de probetas testigo extraídas por corte

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    In this study of experimental research, two problems related to the control of construction using hardened concrete are studied, namely: 1. The problem of the deterioration suffered by the strentgh of the concrete sample due to the cut needed to extract it and the degree of representativity and confidence supplied by the different diameters of the samples. 2. The verification of the loss of strength in elements which have been drillet to extract a cylindrical sample and the subsequent filling of the resulting hole.Se estudian en este trabajo de investigación experimental dos problemas relacionados con el control de obra de hormigón endurecido: 1.º El del deterioro que experimenta la resistencia del testigo de hormigón debido al corte necesario para su extracción y el grado de representatividad y confianza proporcionados por los diferentes diámetros de los testigos. 2.º Verificar la pérdida de resistencia de elementos a los que se ha perforado, para la extracción de un testigo cilíndrico, procediendo después al relleno del agujero resultante

    Eficacia resistente de pilares de hormigón armado de baja calidad reforzados por dos procedimientos diferentes

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    This research deals with the possibility of the strengthening of bad quality reinforced concrete columns, in isolated stories, by two usual methods: the increase of the cross section with concrete, ?nd the backing up of rolled steel angles to the edges of the column. The experimental work has consisted in the manufacturing, strengthening and testing of eighteen reinforced concrete columns with a low quality concrete. At a certain height above their bases a widening has been provided to represent the presence of a flat slab. From the compression tests data and conclusions concerning the strength efficiency of the two types of strengthening have been obtained, also information on the distribution of forces between the original columns and the strengthening, as well as on the deformations, cracking and type of failure.La investigación trata sobre la posibilidad de refuerzo en pisos aislados de pilares de hormigón armado de baja calidad, por dos métodos usuales: el recrecido de la sección transversal con hormigón y el adosado de angulares de acero a las aristas del pilar. La experimentación ha consistido en la fabricación, refuerzo y ensayo de dieciocho pilares de hormigón armado de baja calidad. A una cierta altura sobre sus bases se dispuso un ensanchamiento para representar la presencia de un forjado plano. De los ensayos de compresión se han sacado datos y conclusiones referentes a la eficacia de los dos procedimientos de refuerzo, distribución de esfuerzos entre pilar original y refuerzo, deformaciones, agrietamientos y forma de rotura

    Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress during Mammalian Follicular Atresia

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    Follicles are ovarian structures that contain a single germ cell. During the mammalian reproductive lifetime, ovarian follicles mature through the process of follicular development, with the aim of selecting oocytes for ovulation. As part of this process, several follicles are eliminated by means of follicular atresia, a mechanism that mainly involves apoptosis. Nevertheless, it has been shown that there are other routes of programmed cell death in the ovary including autophagy, paraptosis, and necroptosis. Surprisingly, the endoplasmic reticulum is involved in these different programmed cell death pathways. Moreover, there are several evidences for the pathways triggered by intra- and extracellular signals in endoplasmic reticulum-induced cell death. Thus, it is important to analyze the participation of endoplasmic reticulum in follicular atresia

    Apertium: a free/open-source platform for rule-based machine translation

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    Apertium is a free/open-source platform for rule-based machine translation. It is being widely used to build machine translation systems for a variety of language pairs, especially in those cases (mainly with related-language pairs) where shallow transfer suffices to produce good quality translations, although it has also proven useful in assimilation scenarios with more distant pairs involved. This article summarises the Apertium platform: the translation engine, the encoding of linguistic data, and the tools developed around the platform. The present limitations of the platform and the challenges posed for the coming years are also discussed. Finally, evaluation results for some of the most active language pairs are presented. An appendix describes Apertium as a free/open-source project.We thank the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project TIN2009-14009-C02-01. Apertium has been mainly funded by the Ministries of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, of Education and Science, and of Science and Technology of Spain, the Government of Catalonia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, the Universitat d’Alacant, the Universidade de Vigo, Ofis ar Brezhoneg and Google Summer of Code (2009, 2010 and 2011 editions). Many companies have also invested in it: Prompsit Language Engineering, ABC Enciklopedioj, Eleka Ingeniaritza Linguistikoa, imaxin|software, etc

    Late holocene tectonic land-level changes and tsunamis at mitla lagoon

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    Resumen Información sedimentológica, estratigráfica y geoquímica registra cambios abruptos de elevación, subsidencia de la costa y cambios en la salinidad de la laguna Mitla, que pueden estar asociados a un tsunami en 3400-3500 AP aproximadamente. Las observaciones son respaldadas por datos de microfósiles (polen, diatomeas y fitolitos) de otros estudios en la costa de Guerrero. Los datos de estratigrafía indican una tasa de sedimentación de aproximadamente 1mm/año. El registro del nivel del mar de corto plazo a partir de 1952 de datos de mareógrafos son comparados con el registro de largo plazo (del registro sedimentario, c. 3500 años AP) de la deformación cosísmica esperada en la costa. Los sismos grandes recientes ocurridos en la zona de subducción Mexicana central rompieron un área de ancho limitado, de aproximadamente ~60 km, pero algunos sismos prehistóricos pudieron romper la interfase de acoplamiento de placas completa hasta la trinchera, generando por tanto subsidencia costera significativa y probablemente un tsunami grande. Palabras clave: Cambios de nivel del mar, holoceno, sismos, tsunami, lagunas costeras tropicales, paleoambientes. Abstract Sedimentological, stratigraphic and geochemical data record abrupt land elevation change, coastal subsidence, and changes in the salinity of Mitla lagoon that may be associated with a tsunami around 3400-3500 yr BP. The observations are supported by microfossil data (pollen, diatoms and phytolith) from other studies on the Guerrero coast. Stratigraphic data indicate an average Late Holocene sedimentation rate of about 1 mm/yr. Shortterm sea-level records from 1952 of tide gauge data are compared with expected coseismic coastal deformation, and long-term records of coastal deformation from the sediment record c. 3500 yr BP. Recent large earthquakes in the Central Mexico subduction zone ruptured an area of limited width of about ~60 km, but some prehistoric earthquakes may have ruptured the entire coupled plate interface almost up to the trench, thus generating significant coastal subsidence and possibly a large tsunami

    An integrated model of structural equations with cognitive and environmental factors for the study of active commuting

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    This work was partially supported with funds from the FEDER Projects /Ministry for Science and Innovation, ECO2017-89452-R, and PGC2018-095786-B-I00, Spain.Introduction: The active commuting can be defined as the action of displacement to the educa-tional or work centre by way of any non-motorised means of transport, usually by walking or cycling. The aim of this study is to identify and evaluate cognitive and environmental factors for the active commuting. Methods: In order to propose a set of beliefs and attitudes that explain the main possible moti-vations for an individual to carry out the active commuting, a model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, health and environment is developed. To compute the results, a structural equations model is proposed instead of another standard regression technique, due to the use of multiple indicators for each latent construct. The proposed model permits to evaluate each of the aspects and to quantify their contribution to the global behavioural intention. Results: The computation of the structural equations model concludes that, for the intention to practise active commuting, the most influential variable is attitude, followed by health and environmental awareness. It is interesting to see that perceived behavioural control exerts a negative influence on the intention, while the subjective norm has no significant effect. Conclusions: From the results of this study can be induced that the perceived behavioural control, health, and environmental awareness exert a significant influence on attitude and intention to practice active commuting. Furthermore, the results also show that attitude influences as a pre-cursor to the intention of practicing and permit to rank the relative weight of each aspect: atti-tude, health and environmental awareness. Hence, political measures that publicise the benefits of active commuting in these particular aspects should have significant results in the promotion of this activity.Universidad Pablo de Olavid