200 research outputs found

    Tauma de mano: diagnóstico y manejo inicial

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    RESUMEN Debido a la rica anatomía de la mano, existen lesiones que pueden fácilmente ser pasadas por alto en una primera instancia y posteriormente pueden convertirse en deformaciones y/o alteraciones funcionales significativas de manejo mucho más complejo. A un paciente con trauma de mano se le debe realizar un examen ñsico completo, evaluando los sistemas vascular, nervioso, músculo-tendinoso y osteoarticular para llegar a un diagnostico acertado e iniciar un manejo temprano y adecuado. Palabras clave: Mano, traumatismo de la mano, lesiones de la mano SUMMARYBecause of the rich anatomy of the hand there are injuries that can be easily over looked on a first evaluation and can produce significant deformity and functional despair requiring a much more complex approach later on. Apatient with hand trauma requires a fuU physical evaluation, studying its vascular, nervous, tendinomuscular and ostheoarticular systems, in order to reach a right diagnosis and initiate an early and adequate management. Keywords: Hand, hand injuries, hand trauma, upper extremity

    Tauma de mano: diagnóstico y manejo inicial

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    RESUMEN Debido a la rica anatomía de la mano, existen lesiones que pueden fácilmente ser pasadas por alto en una primera instancia y posteriormente pueden convertirse en deformaciones y/o alteraciones funcionales significativas de manejo mucho más complejo. A un paciente con trauma de mano se le debe realizar un examen ñsico completo, evaluando los sistemas vascular, nervioso, músculo-tendinoso y osteoarticular para llegar a un diagnostico acertado e iniciar un manejo temprano y adecuado. Palabras clave: Mano, traumatismo de la mano, lesiones de la mano SUMMARYBecause of the rich anatomy of the hand there are injuries that can be easily over looked on a first evaluation and can produce significant deformity and functional despair requiring a much more complex approach later on. Apatient with hand trauma requires a fuU physical evaluation, studying its vascular, nervous, tendinomuscular and ostheoarticular systems, in order to reach a right diagnosis and initiate an early and adequate management. Keywords: Hand, hand injuries, hand trauma, upper extremity

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Dipoles in Microtubules: Pseudo-Spin Model

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    We perform a theoretical study of the dynamics of the electric field excitations in a microtubule by taking into consideration the realistic cylindrical geometry, dipole-dipole interactions of the tubulin-based protein heterodimers, the radial electric field produced by the solvent, and a possible degeneracy of energy states of individual heterodimers. The consideration is done in the frames of the classical pseudo-spin model. We derive the system of nonlinear dynamical ordinary differential equations of motion for interacting dipoles, and the continuum version of these equations. We obtain the solutions of these equations in the form of snoidal waves, solitons, kinks, and localized spikes. Our results will help to a better understanding of the functional properties of microtubules including the motor protein dynamics and the information transfer processes. Our considerations are based on classical dynamics. Some speculations on the role of possible quantum effects are also made.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures. The high resolution figure files are available by reques

    Green economy metrics as a promoter of sustainable development in universities. Case study: El Bosque University

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    The exchange that occurs in universities when they participate in international rankings is an important space to share and grow in the academic production of teachers and in the training of students. At the beginning, the sustainable social responsibility system was adhered only to the industry due to the increase in large-scale production; however, the academy has taken a voice and vote on this climate phenomenon. This is why projects aimed at sustainability have been proposed in universities that aim at a green economy. Likewise, the UI Green Metric Rankings allows higher education institutions worldwide to measure their sustainable actions in different categories on a voluntary basis.For this reason, this article presents the best practices of the University El Bosque against the different indicators that the UI Green Metric measures, such as infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transport and education. Consequently, the concept of sustainability has become a vital element for the development of programs that involve the institution in internationalization through the global recognition generated by being participants and being able to be in the range of green universities.As a conclusion of this exchange, Based on responsible production methods with the natural and social environment or Clean Modalities, a production cycle is proposed that opens the possibility of integrating with other related production systems that receive their waste as raw materials in a network, this is Symbiotic Cycle. To arrive at the approach of a symbiotic disposal of waste as inputs with other production systems in such a way as to consolidate a set of sustainable organizations that collaborate with each other and that continuously recover the value to increase efficiency.Keyword: sustainability, green economy, sustainable developmen

    Representaciones de algunos docentes y alumnos de 4º año de ESB sobre la ciencia biológica que se enseña

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    Se presenta una experiencia de exploración realizada en tres colegios de la ciudad de La Plata, con el fin de indagar sobre las representaciones de alumnos, que han alcanzado el 4to año de la educación secundaria básica, y docentes del área de biología, acerca de la ciencia biológica que se enseña. Se pretende, a través de una encuesta de opinión, analizar cuáles son estas representaciones desde un enfoque constructivista activo de la enseñanza y establecer el grado de correlación entre las representaciones de alumnos y docentes sobre la misma temática indagada. A partir de ésta aproximación al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se plantean algunas preguntas y preocupaciones tendientes al mejoramiento de la práctica educativa. La presente experiencia se enmarca dentro de un trabajo requerido por la cátedra.Trabajos del área Ciencias NaturalesDepartamento de Ciencias Exactas y Naturale

    Representaciones de algunos docentes y alumnos de 4º año de ESB sobre la ciencia biológica que se enseña

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    Se presenta una experiencia de exploración realizada en tres colegios de la ciudad de La Plata, con el fin de indagar sobre las representaciones de alumnos, que han alcanzado el 4to año de la educación secundaria básica, y docentes del área de biología, acerca de la ciencia biológica que se enseña. Se pretende, a través de una encuesta de opinión, analizar cuáles son estas representaciones desde un enfoque constructivista activo de la enseñanza y establecer el grado de correlación entre las representaciones de alumnos y docentes sobre la misma temática indagada. A partir de ésta aproximación al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se plantean algunas preguntas y preocupaciones tendientes al mejoramiento de la práctica educativa. La presente experiencia se enmarca dentro de un trabajo requerido por la cátedra.Trabajos del área Ciencias NaturalesDepartamento de Ciencias Exactas y Naturale

    Forestación de bosques en sabanas de la altillanura colombiana: relevancia de las condiciones ambientales para el establecimiento de plántulas

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    One way to counteract climate change is to plant forests with high carbon storage capacity. In this study we report the results of a reforestation project in savannas of the Tomogrande Reserve, in Vichada Department, Colombia. We restricted fire in six one-hectare plots: in two seasonally inundated and two highland savannas we planted seedlings of trees found in the Orinoco Basin and nearby gallery forests and in two of them we did not plant seedlings (control plots). Out of 200 seedlings planted in well-drained savannas, only 17 % survived after two and a half years (33 % came from nearby forest and 12 % from other areas). None of the 182 seedlings planted in flooded savannas survived at the end of the study. The main mortality cause in well-drained savannas was wilting. We concluded that in addition to the control of fire, seedling establishment of forest trees in savannas is highly affected by climatic and light conditions and for this reason the trees with highest potential for restoration are the ones already found at the site in the same ecological conditions (e.g. forest edge).Una forma de contrarrestar el cambio climático es la generación de bosques con alta capacidad de almacenamiento de carbono. En este trabajo se reportan los resultados de una iniciativa de reforestación de bosque en sabanas de la rserva Tomogrande. Se crearon barreras contra el fuego en seis áreas: dos inundables y dos no inundables, para sembrar plántulas de bosques de la Orinoquia, y manteniendo dos más como control sin adición de plántulas. De 200 plántulas sembradas en sabanas no inundables, únicamente el 17 % de ellas sobrevivieron por más de dos años (33 % para las especies de bosques aledaños y 12 % para las de otros lugares de la Orinoquia). Ninguna de las 182 plántulas trasplantadas a zonas inundables sobrevivió por más de dos años. La principal causa de mortalidad en sabanas bien drenadas fue el marchitamiento. Se concluye que a pesar de que la ausencia de fuego puede ayudar al establecimiento de árboles, las condiciones climáticas y lumínicas de la sabana disminuyen las probabilidades de que las plantas de bosque se establezcan y las que logran mayor probabilidad de supervivencia son las especies que viven en los bosques de galería aledaños (especialmente en bordes de bosque)

    Mitochondrial Aging and Metabolism: The Importance of a Good Relationship in the Central Nervous System

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    The mitochondrial theory of aging suggests that mitochondria have a decrease in production capacity of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The question may seem trivial, but it becomes more complex when considering that dysfunctional mitochondria can be eliminated by lysosomal digestion and that cell with dysfunctional mitochondria can undergo the process of apoptosis. In organs with regenerative capacity, like the liver, cell proliferation can almost completely hide mitochondrial dysfunction. However, evidence indicates selective damage in mitochondria during aging, and so the mitochondrial aging theory is gaining recognition and respect. There is solid evidence that accumulated DNA damage in mitochondria is a cause directly related to metabolic disorders such as diabetes and degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The central nervous system is particularly susceptible to oxidative damage due to several factors, among which are its high oxygen consumption, its dependence on aerobic carbohydrate metabolism, and its complex composition of membrane lipids. Free radicals are generated at many cell sites, and the mitochondrial respiratory chain is one of the main sources. While many studies have been conducted in experimental animal models, the results are relevant because at least some of their interventions suggest a directing aim at reducing the effects of aging