313 research outputs found


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    In today’s competitive world education is a necessity. Education for women is even more significant as she plays a crucial role in nurturing the society. While checkup the data of literacy rate in India (74.04%), women scores only 65.46% (census, 2011). Girls tend to show higher dropout rates than boys. School dropout rate among adolescent girls is also high (63.5%) (MoSPI, 2012). Rajasthan is known for low girl child enrolment and retention in all levels. Especially in the state of Rajasthan, the birth of girl child not welcomed as it does with boys. Discrimination on the basis of gender is common in school and home. Keeping the above context in perspective, the present study tries to identify the available institutional mechanism for promoting girl child education in rural Rajasthan and factors that contribute to dropping out of a girl child at the secondary or higher secondary level. The study is descriptive in nature focusing on girls who are enrolled in govt. schools of the villages in secondary or higher secondary level especially in Kishangarh block of Ajmer district. The Findings clearly indicates discrimination faced by girls in getting quality education at all levels

    Nitrogen management of wheat cultivars for higher productivity - A review

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    The increased population pressure has led to the maximum use of chemical fertilizers especially in the major crops such as rice, wheat and maize production. India has an ever growing population needing food and also the growing urban middle class with higher standards of living is on the lookout for better quality product. The introduction of improved seeds increases the utility of traditional inputs and their consumption as well. Because of genetic variation, BVC 223, Qingnong 8, IPA99, CT 01217, Luomai 8, Seher 06, Sistan, Punjab 2011, Rasco 2005, PBW 343, Halna, HP 1744, VL Gehun 892, WH 1022, PBW 621, and PBW 550 cultivars of wheat crop differ in growth and development behaviour and respond higher to different nitrogen management practices. However, ever increasing prices of Nitrogen (N) fertilizers and possibilities of environmental pollution and groundwater contamination warn for their judicious and efficient use. The application of essential plant nutrients particularly N nutrient in optimum quantity (120-150 kg/ha) and right proportion (3-4 splits) through correct methods and time of application (LCC and green seeker based) is the key to increased and sustained crop production. The increase in quality due to nitrogen fertilization (120-330 kg/ha) may be due to its role in activation of cells division, metabolic and photosynthesis process and nutritive status of wheat plant. Keeping in view above all facts in mind, performance of wheat cultivars as influenced by different nitrogen rates will be discussed in this review

    Comparing the Seed Cotton and Wheat Marketing Chains in Sindh

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    This paper contrasts the operation of seed cotton and wheat marketing systems in Sindh. Analysis of marketing margins indicates that the private sector cotton marketing chain appears to be working efficiently, given the many adverse aspects of its socioeconomic environment. There is evidence that higher domestic prices resulting from alignment with world markets have been transmitted through the marketing chain to producers, and that production has increased. In contrast to cotton, the government continues to be heavily involved in wheat procurement and storage, with private traders usually acting as intermediaries between the Food Department and the grower. Despite expensive involvement of the same private traders as in cotton, the wheat market is characterised by bureaucratic failure and rent-seeking behaviour, leading to stagnation of incentives and production. For cotton, the primary recommendations are to sustain liberalisation of the market and to support the developing beneficial model of private competition through improvements in communications and transport infrastructure. The practical means to improve the grading of cotton lint and seed cotton should also be developed and promoted to provide incentives for higher quality output. For wheat, the main recommendations are to liberalise farmgate prices, reduce the state’s role in procurement, and privatise government godowns. Research is needed on how this might best be achieved, with attention to the conditions necessary for private financing of storage activities, and to ways of minimising price and supply fluctuations. The impact of higher flour prices on poor consumers also needs to be addressed.

    Research Notes : India : Comparative performance of near-isogenic lines for yellow 93 mosaic virus infection in soybean

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    The yellow mosaic disease of soybean is a serious disease in the foothills of Uttar Pradesh and other parts in northern India. It is transmitted through white fly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.). Breeding for resistance to yellow mosaic has been one of our breeding objectives (Ram et al., 1985)

    Research Notes : Dry matter in yield and branching ability as selection parameters in soybean

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    During the process of varietal development, a large number of new breed-ing lines of soybean (PK-series) generated through hybridization and selection are evaluated each year at this centre and elite ones (about 40) are maintained for further use. A brief report of some of these lines has been published (Ram et al., 1982). A path-coefficient analysis using typical yield components and the physiological parameters of yield, viz. dry matter yield (above ground parts), harvest index and seed yield efficiency, was carried out in 50 soybean genotypes (40 new PK-series lines + 10 parental/check cultivars) evaluated during rainy season 1980

    Performance Evaluation of Channel Estimation in OFDM System for Different QAM and PSK Modulations

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    To recover accurate transmitted data at the receiver end, the information regarding channel state derived from channel estimation methods play a very important role in any communication system. In this paper the performance evaluation of different types of QAM and PSK modulations with three different channel estimation methods in OFDM system for wireless communication in frequency domain for slow fading channel is compared. The results must be useful in OFDM based applications like IEEE 802.16(d) and equivalent standards.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v1i2.14
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