1,465 research outputs found

    Noiseless Linear Amplification and Distillation of Entanglement

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    The idea of signal amplification is ubiquitous in the control of physical systems, and the ultimate performance limit of amplifiers is set by quantum physics. Increasing the amplitude of an unknown quantum optical field, or more generally any harmonic oscillator state, must introduce noise. This linear amplification noise prevents the perfect copying of the quantum state, enforces quantum limits on communications and metrology, and is the physical mechanism that prevents the increase of entanglement via local operations. It is known that non-deterministic versions of ideal cloning and local entanglement increase (distillation) are allowed, suggesting the possibility of non-deterministic noiseless linear amplification. Here we introduce, and experimentally demonstrate, such a noiseless linear amplifier for continuous-variables states of the optical field, and use it to demonstrate entanglement distillation of field-mode entanglement. This simple but powerful circuit can form the basis of practical devices for enhancing quantum technologies. The idea of noiseless amplification unifies approaches to cloning and distillation, and will find applications in quantum metrology and communications.Comment: Submitted 10 June 200

    Climate change promotes parasitism in a coral symbiosis.

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    Coastal oceans are increasingly eutrophic, warm and acidic through the addition of anthropogenic nitrogen and carbon, respectively. Among the most sensitive taxa to these changes are scleractinian corals, which engineer the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth. Corals' sensitivity is a consequence of their evolutionary investment in symbiosis with the dinoflagellate alga, Symbiodinium. Together, the coral holobiont has dominated oligotrophic tropical marine habitats. However, warming destabilizes this association and reduces coral fitness. It has been theorized that, when reefs become warm and eutrophic, mutualistic Symbiodinium sequester more resources for their own growth, thus parasitizing their hosts of nutrition. Here, we tested the hypothesis that sub-bleaching temperature and excess nitrogen promotes symbiont parasitism by measuring respiration (costs) and the assimilation and translocation of both carbon (energy) and nitrogen (growth; both benefits) within Orbicella faveolata hosting one of two Symbiodinium phylotypes using a dual stable isotope tracer incubation at ambient (26 °C) and sub-bleaching (31 °C) temperatures under elevated nitrate. Warming to 31 °C reduced holobiont net primary productivity (NPP) by 60% due to increased respiration which decreased host %carbon by 15% with no apparent cost to the symbiont. Concurrently, Symbiodinium carbon and nitrogen assimilation increased by 14 and 32%, respectively while increasing their mitotic index by 15%, whereas hosts did not gain a proportional increase in translocated photosynthates. We conclude that the disparity in benefits and costs to both partners is evidence of symbiont parasitism in the coral symbiosis and has major implications for the resilience of coral reefs under threat of global change

    Subcompartmentalisation of Proteins in the Rhoptries Correlates with Ordered Events of Erythrocyte Invasion by the Blood Stage Malaria Parasite

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    Host cell infection by apicomplexan parasites plays an essential role in lifecycle progression for these obligate intracellular pathogens. For most species, including the etiological agents of malaria and toxoplasmosis, infection requires active host-cell invasion dependent on formation of a tight junction - the organising interface between parasite and host cell during entry. Formation of this structure is not, however, shared across all Apicomplexa or indeed all parasite lifecycle stages. Here, using an in silico integrative genomic search and endogenous gene-tagging strategy, we sought to characterise proteins that function specifically during junction-dependent invasion, a class of proteins we term invasins to distinguish them from adhesins that function in species specific host-cell recognition. High-definition imaging of tagged Plasmodium falciparum invasins localised proteins to multiple cellular compartments of the blood stage merozoite. This includes several that localise to distinct subcompartments within the rhoptries. While originating from the same organelle, however, each has very different dynamics during invasion. Apical Sushi Protein and Rhoptry Neck protein 2 release early, following the junction, whilst a novel rhoptry protein PFF0645c releases only after invasion is complete. This supports the idea that organisation of proteins within a secretory organelle determines the order and destination of protein secretion and provides a localisation-based classification strategy for predicting invasin function during apicomplexan parasite invasion. © 2012 Zuccala et al

    Heralded Noiseless Amplification of a Photon Polarization Qubit

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    Non-deterministic noiseless amplification of a single mode can circumvent the unique challenges to amplifying a quantum signal, such as the no-cloning theorem, and the minimum noise cost for deterministic quantum state amplification. However, existing devices are not suitable for amplifying the fundamental optical quantum information carrier, a qubit coherently encoded across two optical modes. Here, we construct a coherent two-mode amplifier, to demonstrate the first heralded noiseless linear amplification of a qubit encoded in the polarization state of a single photon. In doing so, we increase the transmission fidelity of a realistic qubit channel by up to a factor of five. Qubit amplifiers promise to extend the range of secure quantum communication and other quantum information science and technology protocols.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Functional significance of phylogeographic structure in a toxic benthic marine microbial eukaryote over a latitudinal gradient along the East Australian Current

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    Genetic diversity in marine microbial eukaryotic populations (protists) drives their ecological success by enabling diverse phenotypes to respond rapidly to changing environmental conditions. Despite enormous population sizes and lack of barriers to gene flow, genetic differentiation that is associated with geographic distance, currents, and environmental gradients has been reported from planktonic protists. However, for benthic protists, which have reduced dispersal opportunities, phylogeography and its phenotypic significance are little known. In recent years, the East Australian Current (EAC) has intensified its southward flow, associated with the tropicalization of temperate waters. Benthic harmful algal species have been increasingly found in south-eastern Australia. Yet little is known about the potential of these species to adapt or extend their range in relation to changing conditions. Here, we examine genetic diversity and functional niche divergence in a toxic benthic dinoflagellate, Ostreopsis cf. siamensis, along a 1,500 km north-south gradient in southeastern Australia. Sixty-eight strains were established from eight sampling sites. The study revealed long-standing genetic diversity among strains established from the northern-most sites, along with large phenotypic variation in observed physiological traits such as growth rates, cell volume, production of palytoxin-like compounds, and photophysiological parameters. Strains from the southern populations were more uniform in both genetic and functional traits, and have possibly colonized their habitats more recently. Our study reports significant genetic and functional trait variability in a benthic harmful algal species, indicative of high adaptability, and a possible climate-driven range extension. The observed high trait variation may facilitate development of harmful algal blooms under dynamic coastal environmental conditions

    FCNC Processes from D-brane Instantons

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    Low string scale models might be tested at the LHC directly by their Regge resonances. For such models it is important to investigate the constraints of Standard Model precision measurements on the string scale. It is shown that highly suppressed FCNC processes like K0- bar K^0 oscillations or leptonic decays of the D0-meson provide non-negligible lower bounds on both the perturbatively and surprisingly also non-perturbatively induced string theory couplings. We present both the D-brane instanton formalism to compute such amplitudes and discuss various possible scenarios and their constraints on the string scale for (softly broken) supersymmetric intersecting D-brane models.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, reference added, 1 typo corrected, style file adde

    Super-Resolution Dissection of Coordinated Events during Malaria Parasite Invasion of the Human Erythrocyte

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    Erythrocyte invasion by the merozoite is an obligatory stage in Plasmodium parasite infection and essential to malaria disease progression. Attempts to study this process have been hindered by the poor invasion synchrony of merozoites from the only in vitro culture-adapted human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Using fluorescence, three-dimensional structured illumination, and immunoelectron microscopy of filtered merozoites, we analyze cellular and molecular events underlying each discrete step of invasion. Monitoring the dynamics of these events revealed that commitment to the process is mediated through merozoite attachment to the erythrocyte, triggering all subsequent invasion events, which then proceed without obvious checkpoints. Instead, coordination of the invasion process involves formation of the merozoite-erythrocyte tight junction, which acts as a nexus for rhoptry secretion, surface-protein shedding, and actomyosin motor activation. The ability to break down each molecular step allows us to propose a comprehensive model for the molecular basis of parasite invasion. © 2011 Elsevier Inc

    Just Click Here : A Brief Glance at Absurd Electronic Contracts and the Law Failing to Protect Consumers

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    As e-commerce explodes around the world, consumers’ rights have been left behind. Before the completion of virtually every transaction on the Internet, the onus is placed on consumers to read and agree to an onslaught of terms and conditions. Often hidden in the middle of this extremely lengthy list of terms are massive exemption and limitation of liability clauses that deny consumers most if not all of their rights as “equal” trading partners. The common law principle that all onerous clauses in a contract need to be brought to the attention of the consumer for them to be binding seems to have been lost with the invention of the “click here to agree” button for signing online contracts. As the courts in Canada have not provided clear guidance on this issue thus far, other means must be pursued in order to protect consumers from the near-tyrannical control of unencumbered electronic standard form contracts in e-commerce. This paper will describe the principle of sufficiency of notice as it applies to paper contracts, and then contrast it with the newer jurisprudence that has refused to apply the principle to electronic contracts. The reasons for the refusal will be explored, followed by an examination of why the principle of sufficiency of notice needs to be applied and strengthened to respond to the increasingly onerous provisions hidden in electronic contracts. Finally, some other options for achieving the goal of consumer protection from hidden onerous clauses will be briefly explored. These other options include introducing stiffer consumer protection legislation domestically, the creation of international treaties, developing voluntary standards of contracting, and relying on Internet self-regulation