567 research outputs found

    Exponential Smoothing: A Prediction Error Decomposition Principle

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    In the exponential smoothing approach to forecasting, restrictions are often imposed on the smoothing parameters which ensure that certain components are exponentially weighted averages. In this paper, a new general restriction is derived on the basis that the one-step ahead prediction error can be decomposed into permanent and transient components. It is found that this general restriction reduces to the common restrictions used for simple, trend and seasonal exponential smoothing. As such, the prediction error argument provides the rationale for these restrictions.time series analysis, prediction, exponential smoothing, ARIMA models, state space models.

    A Pedant's Approach to Exponential Smoothing

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    An approach to exponential smoothing that relies on a linear single source of error state space model is outlined. A maximum likelihood method for the estimation of associated smoothing parameters is developed. Commonly used restrictions on the smoothing parameters are rationalised. Issues surrounding model identification and selection are also considered. It is argued that the proposed revised version of exponential smoothing provides a better framework for forecasting than either the Box-Jenkins or the traditional multi-disturbance state space approaches.Time Series Analysis, Prediction, Exponential Smoothing, ARIMA Models, Kalman Filter, State Space Models

    A Comparison of Methods for Forecasting Demand for Slow Moving Car Parts

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    This paper has a focus on non-stationary time series formed from small non-negative integer values which may contain many zeros and may be over-dispersed. It describes a study undertaken to compare various suitable adaptations of the simple exponential smoothing method of forecasting on a database of demand series for slow moving car parts. The methods considered include simple exponential smoothing with Poisson measurements, a finite sample version of simple exponential smoothing with negative binomial measurements, and the Croston method of forecasting. In the case of the Croston method, a maximum likelihood approach to estimating key quantities, such as the smoothing parameter, is proposed for the first time. The results from the study indicate that the Croston method does not forecast, on average, as well as the other two methods. It is also confirmed that a common fixed smoothing constant across all the car parts works better than maximum likelihood approaches.Count time series; forecasting; exponential smoothing; Poisson distribution; negative binomial distribution; Croston method.

    Forecasting Intraday Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Cycles Using Parsimonious Seasonal Exponential Smoothing

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    This paper concerns the forecasting of seasonal intraday time series. An extension of Holt-Winters exponential smoothing has been proposed that smoothes an intraday cycle and an intraweek cycle. A recently proposed exponential smoothing method involves smoothing a different intraday cycle for each distinct type of day of the week. Similar days are allocated identical intraday cycles. A limitation is that the method allows only whole days to be treated as identical. We introduce an exponential smoothing formulation that allows parts of different days of the week to be treated as identical. The result is a method that involves the smoothing and initialisation of fewer terms than the other two exponential smoothing methods. We evaluate forecasting up to a day ahead using two empirical studies. For electricity load data, the new method compares well with a range of alternatives. The second study involves a series of arrivals at a call centre that is open for a shorter duration at the weekends than on weekdays. By contrast with the previously proposed exponential smoothing methods, our new method can model in a straightforward way this situation, where the number of periods on each day of the week is not the same.Exponential smoothing; Intraday data; Electricity load; Call centre arrivals.

    A View of Damped Trend as Incorporating a Tracking Signal into a State Space Model

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    Damped trend exponential smoothing has previously been established as an important forecasting method. Here, it is shown to have close links to simple exponential smoothing with a smoothed error tracking signal. A special case of damped trend exponential smoothing emerges from our analysis, one that is more parsimonious because it effectively relies on one less parameter. This special case is compared with its traditional counterpart in an application to the annual data from the M3 competition and is shown to be quite competitive.Exponential smoothing, monitoring forecasts, structural change, adjusting forecasts, state space models, damped trend

    Incorporating a Tracking Signal into State Space Models for Exponential Smoothing

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    It is a common practice to complement a forecasting method such as simple exponential smoothing with a monitoring scheme to detect those situations where forecasts have failed to adapt to structural change. It will be suggested in this paper that the equations for simple exponential smoothing can be augmented by a common monitoring statistic to provide a method that automatically adapts to structural change without human intervention. It is shown that the resulting equations conform to those of damped trend corrected exponential smoothing. In a similar manner, exponential smoothing with drift, when augmented by the same monitoring statistic, produces equations that split the trend into long term and short term components.Forecasting, exponential smoothing, tracking signals.

    Beveridge-Nelson Decomposition with Markov Switching

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    This paper considers Beveridge-Nelson decomposition in a context where the permanent and transitory components both follow a Markov switching process. Our approach incorporates Markov switching into a single source of error state-space framework, allowing business cycle asymmetries and regime switches in the long run multiplier.Beveridge-Nelson decomposition, Markov switching, Single source of error state space models

    The vector innovation structural time series framework: a simple approach to multivariate forecasting

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    The vector innovation structural time series framework is proposed as a way of modelling a set of related time series. Like all multi-series approaches, the aim is to exploit potential inter-series dependencies to improve the fit and forecasts. A key feature of the framework is that the series are decomposed into common components such as trend and seasonal effects. Equations that describe the evolution of these components through time are used as the sole way of representing the inter-temporal dependencies. The approach is illustrated on a bivariate data set comprising Australian exchange rates of the UK pound and US dollar. Its forecasting capacity is compared to other common single- and multi-series approaches in an experiment using time series from a large macroeconomic database.Vector innovation structural time series, state space model, multivariate time series, exponential smoothing, forecast comparison, vector autoregression.

    An Assessment of Alternative State Space Models for Count Time Series

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    This paper compares two alternative models for autocorrelated count time series. The first model can be viewed as a 'single source of error' discrete state space model, in which a time-varying parameter is specified as a function of lagged counts, with no additional source of error introduced. The second model is the more conventional 'dual source of error' discrete state space model, in which the time-varying parameter is driven by a random autocorrelated process. Using the nomenclature of the literature, the two representations can be viewed as observation-driven and parameter-driven respectively, with the distinction between the two models mimicking that between analogous models for other non-Gaussian data such as financial returns and trade durations. The paper demonstrates that when adopting a conditional Poisson specification, the two models have vastly different dispersion/correlation properties, with the dual source model having properties that are a much closer match to the empirical properties of observed count series than are those of the single source model. Simulation experiments are used to measure the finite sample performance of maximum likelihood (ML) estimators of the parameters of each model, and ML-based predictors, with ML estimation implemented for the dual source model via a deterministic hidden Markov chain approach. Most notably, the numerical results indicate that despite the very different properties of the two models, predictive accuracy is reasonably robust to misspecification of the state space form.Discrete state-space model; single source of error model; hidden Markov
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