175 research outputs found

    Radykalizm, podmiotowość i sfera publiczna w refleksji Helmutha Plessnera

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    W przedstawionym niżej artykule po pierwsze, argumentujemy za teoretyczną koniecznością uwzględnienia w refleksji dotyczącej ruchów społecznych antropologicznego zagadnienia podmiotowości oraz filozoficzno-politycznej kwestii eidos sfery publicznej. Czynimy to w odniesieniu do stosunkowo słabo znanego teoretykom ruchów społecznych niemieckiego myśliciela Helmutha Plessnera. Po drugie, w ślad za Plessnerem, podejmujemy refleksję na temat radykalizmu społecznego i radykalizmu „jako takiego”. Poszukujemy w nim znaczeń i wartości, które zaginęły w potocznym i strywializowanym jego rozumieniu bądź też są mu przypisywane „na wyrost”. Nie zgadzamy się na stosowanie pojęcia „radykalizm” w odniesieniu do przejawów zwykłego wandalizmu, głupoty lub ksenofobii. Po trzecie, usiłujemy sformułować – wymagające dalszej weryfikacji – zasady „socjologii radykalizmu”. Na przekór utartym poglądom upatrujemy w nim otwartości wypełnionej uczuciem deficytu, niespełnienia, żalem i nadzieją. Dostrzegamy w uczciwym radykalizmie postawę dopuszczającą „obcość”, a więc zasadniczo różną od ekstremizmu lub fundamentalizmu. Na koniec widzimy w nim zjawisko typowe dla małych grup społecznych, które znajdują się w stanie przejściowego „granicznego” wyczekiwania

    Children as an Object of the Right-Wing Populist Politics and Discourse in Poland

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    In Central and Eastern Europe populist regimes are attracting attention as a result of the traumatic legacy of communism, the subsequent overburdening reforms and exhausting systemic transformation, resurgence of ever-lurking nationalism, regional conservatism, parochialism and cultural chauvinism, and/or as an example of the structural shortcomings of young democracies at the borders of civilization. The subject literature also indicates numerous and universal elements of populist governments, present as well in this part of Europe. Without prejudging the aptness and strength of these various concepts and arguments, this article is an attempt to include in these wideranging themes a particular issue that absorbs conservative populists, namely "childhood" and "children". While the problem of children in politics has already received numerous interpretations, the importance of childhood in the right-wing populist discourse and politics has so far remained an issue discussed only occasionally. We put forward the thesis that children play an important and specific role in the right-wing populist superstructure - they constitute an illusory picture of the nation, an allegory of its renewal, as well as a convenient, though inconsistently used, instrument for achieving political, ideological and propaganda goals. Attitudes towards children can be an important characteristic of populism as such, and should be taken into account in research on the subject. We will illustrate these problems using the example of Poland and the populist Law and Justice (PiS) Party that is in power there now

    Biology and metabolism of Glyptonotus antarcticus(Eights)(Crustacea: Isopoda) from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica

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    The Glyptonotus antarcticus population of Admiralty Bay is characterised by the wider range of body sizes than that from the Signy Island region. The sex ratio is similar in both populations. Females of all development stages were captured in Admiralty Bay between March and November, which confirms the lack of seasonal variation in the developmental cycle of this species. Eggs were found in marsupia of females measuring 75mm and more. The relationship between the wet weight(Ww) and the total body length(TL) is similar for immature females and males, equalling Ww=0.0154TL^ and Ww=0.0054TL^, respectively. In the annual cycle, the basic metabolism ratio(a=R/Ww^) of G. antarcticus is lowest in September and does not change significantly during the daily cycle. Two-, four- and six-week long starvation reduces the metabolism level by 30%, 51% and 71%, respectively. Glutamic acid at the concentration of 10mmol increases the metabolism by half, both in animals starved for 2 weeks and in freshly captured individuals. Exposure to kynurenic acid at the concentration 0.1mmol blocks further reactions to the glutamic acid

    Decomposition of macroalgae and the release of nutrient Admiralty Bay, King George, Antarctica

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    On land and in the shore zone macroalgae are a source of organic matter and of nutrients. A crumbled mixture of macroalgae and 10 selected species of macroalge were used in investigations. In long (22-69 days) and short (11-52 hours) term experiments the quantities of released nutrients per 1 kg of dry mass of identified macroalgae were: for nitrogen 10.6-93.7 mg NO2--N, 12.9-406 mg, NO3--N, 74.0-7890 mg NH4+-N, and 1110-22000 mg total-N; for phosphorus the figures were: 718-6110 mg reactive-P and 1370-13400 mg total-P. The amounts of ammonium-N, total-N, reactive-P and total-P, released from the mixture of disintegrated algae collected on the beach, were lower than those from fresh algae. Nitrate-N, reactive-P and total-P were liberated most readily. From the total amounts of nutrients in the long and short term experiments about 80% were released during the first 3 days and the first 3 hours respectively. The decomposition of macroalgae may improve the fertility of poor soils and inland water as well as of sea water, being a source of nutrients

    Effects of starvation on the biochemical composition of blood and body tissue in the Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps (Richardson, 1844) and excreted metabolic products

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    The study was carried out at the Polish Academy of Science H. Arctowski Polar Station during the 29th Antarctic Expedition in 2005. The experiment involved 18 individual Notothenia coriiceps caught in Admiralty Bay. Prior to experimentation, blood was sampled from 12 individuals (six females and six males) and assayed for protein, glucose, triacylglycerol, cholesterol plus cholesterol-HDL fraction levels. Body tissue was also analysed for approximate biochemical composition. Six individuals (four females and two males) were placed in a 400-dm3 aquarium of constantly aerated seawater at 0.0±0.5℃ and starved for 52 days, from mid-April to early June. At the end of the experimental period, blood and body were re-assayed. Starving resulted in body weight reduction and a decrease in blood crude protein content of both males and females. Both males and females showed a significant (P<=0.05) increase in glucose levels. Triacylglycerol content was reduced-significantly (P<=0.05) in females and highly significantly (P<=0.01) (and it is I<=0.01) in males-and was accompanied by a reduction in total cholesterol. On the other hand, HDL-cholesterol levels increased significantly (P<=0.05) both in males and females. The seawater in which the fish were maintained was also assayed for various chemicals. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels were elevated relative to those in clean seawater

    Obywatele ACTA

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: ruchy spo\u142eczne; nowe media; dyskusje publiczne; ruch obywatelski; internet; media cyfrowe; portale spo\u142eczno\u15bciow

    Meso- and macrozooplankton communities in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica

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    The present paper describes composition and abundance of meso- and macrozooplankton in the epipelagic zone of the Weddell Sea and gives a systematic review of encountered species regarding results of earlier expeditions. Material was sampled from 6 February to 10 March 1983 from RV Polarstern with a RMT 1+8 m (320 and 4500 μm mesh size). In agreement with topography and water mass distribution three distinct communities were defined, clearly separated by cluster analysis: The Southern Shelf Community has lowest abundances (approx. 9000 ind./1000 m3). Euphausia crystallorophias and Metridia gerlachei are predominating. Compared with the low overall abundance the number of regularly occurring species is high (55) due to many neritic forms. Herbivores and omnivores are dominating (58% and 35%). The North-eastern Shelf Community has highest abundances (about 31 000 ind./1000 m3). It is predominated by copepodites I–III of Calanus propinquus and Calanoides acutus (61%). The faunal composition is characterized by both oceanic and neritic species (64). Fine-filter feeders are prevailing (65%). The Oceanic Community has a mean abundance of approximately 23 000 ind./1000 m3, consisting of 61 species. Dominances are not as pronounced as in the shelf communities. Apart from abundant species like Calanus propinquus, Calanoides acutus, Metridia gerlachei, Oithona spp. and Oncaea spp. many typical inhabitants of the Eastwind Drift are encountered. All feeding types have about the same importance in the Oceanic Community