535 research outputs found

    Social and economic dimensions of Southern Ural dekulaked peasants (1930-1934)

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    'This paper envisages a regional case study of a major turning point in the rural history of modern Russia, namely, the elimination of well-to-do peasants as a group and the collectivization of agriculture. By making a database 'Dekulaked Peasants of Southern Ural (1930-1934)' (database 'DPSU') that is enough representative and consists of 1024 dekulaked peasant families (11.8%; of the general set) social and economic attributes of Southern Ural dekulaked peasants are considered in order to analyze what Southern Ural dekulaked peasants were. It is also an explicit test of the property rights argument. It is important to disentangle the effects of the property rights regime change and of the loss of human and physical capital on agricultural productivity.' (author's abstract)

    The generalized correlation for the evaluation of the influence of the Stefan flow on the heat transfer coefficient

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    The analytical equations for the steady-state heat-and-mass transfer in the steam evaporation/condensation processes from the steam-gas mixtures on the planar and spherical surfaces are derived. The vapor flow through the motionless dry gas is considered according to the method proposed by Maxwell for the solution of the diffusion problems. The relationships for the calculation of the coefficients taking into account an increase in the mass output and an increase or a decrease in the heat emission (depending on the directions of the heat-and-mass flows) as a result of the influence of the Stefan flow are presented. The derived relationships can be used to calculate the apparatuses in which the steam evaporation or condensation from the steam-gas mixture occurs (the coolers of the vapor from deaerators, the apparatuses for the deep utilization of the heat of the combustion products, the condensation boilers, etc.). © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Evaluation of Lightning Incidence to Elements of a Complex Structure: A Monte Carlo Approach

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    There are complex structures for which the installation and positioning of the lightning protection system (LPS) cannot be done using the lightning protection standard guidelines. As a result, there are some "unprotected" or "exposed" areas. In an effort to quantify the lightning threat to these areas, a Monte Carlo statistical tool has been developed. This statistical tool uses two random number generators: a uniform distribution to generate origins of downward propagating leaders and a lognormal distribution to generate returns stroke peak currents. Downward leaders propagate vertically downward and their striking distances are defined by the polarity and peak current. Following the electrogeometrical concept, we assume that the leader attaches to the closest object within its striking distance. The statistical analysis is run for 10,000 years with an assumed ground flash density and peak current distributions, and the output of the program is the probability of direct attachment to objects of interest with its corresponding peak current distribution

    A New Lightning Instrumentation System for Pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center Florida

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    This viewgraph presentation describes a new lightning instrumentation system for pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center Florida. The contents include: 1) Background; 2) Instrumentation; 3) Meteorological Instrumentation; and 4) Lessons learned. A presentation of the data acquired at Camp Blanding is also shown

    Effective attraction between oscillating electrons in a plasmoid via acoustic waves exchange

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    We consider the effective interaction between electrons due to the exchange of virtual acoustic waves in a low temperature plasma. Electrons are supposed to participate in rapid radial oscillations forming a spherically symmetric plasma structure. We show that under certain conditions this effective interaction can result in the attraction between oscillating electrons and can be important for the dynamics of a plasmoid. Some possible applications of the obtained results to the theory of natural long-lived plasma structures are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages in LaTeX2e, two columns, 3 eps figures; minimal changes, some typos are corrected; version published on-line in Proc. R. Soc.

    Triggered-Lightning Interaction with a Lightning Protective System: Current Distribution and Electromagnetic Environment

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    A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC3913) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes the synchronized recording of six high-speed video cameras; currents through the nine downconductors of the new lightning protection system for LC3913; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. A 20:1 scaled down model of the new Lightning Protection System (LPS) of LC39B was built at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing, Camp Blanding, FL. This scaled down lightning protection system was instrumented with the transient recorders, digitizers, and sensors to be used in the final instrumentation installation at LC3913. The instrumentation used at the ICLRT is also a scaled-down instrumentation of the LC39B instrumentation. The scaled-down LPS was subjected to seven direct lightning strikes and six (four triggered and two natural nearby flashes) in 2010. The following measurements were acquired at the ICLRT: currents through the nine downconductors; two dl-/dt, 3-axis stations, one at the center of the LPS (underneath the catenary wires), and another 40 meters south from the center of the LPS; ten dE/dt stations, nine of them on the perimeter of the LPS and one at the center of the LPS (underneath the catenary wire system); and the incident current. Data from representative events are presented and analyzed in this paper

    Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS II and U.S. NLDN Using Ground-Truth Dalta from Launch Complex 398, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

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    A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system has been designed for Launch Complex 39B (LC39B) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This new instrumentation system includes seven synchronized high-speed video cameras, current sensors installed on the nine downconductors of the new lightning protection system (LPS) for LC39B; four dH/dt, 3-axis measurement stations; and five dE/dt stations composed of two antennas each. The LPS received 8 direct lightning strikes (a total of 19 strokes) from March 31 through December 31 2011. The measured peak currents and locations are compared to those reported by the Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS II) and the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). Results of comparison are presented and analyzed in this paper

    Heat exchange in the microchannel condensers for refrigerating machines

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    This paper describes the design of an industrial experimental facility designed to explore the prototypes and production samples of air cooled Freon condensers, made of aluminum microchannel tubes with a louvered fins. Theoretical calculations of heat transfer coefficient in microchannel are performed. The obtained results are used to determine technical design characteristics of heat exchangers, as well as to create equipment selection program for the required parameters.В работе описана конструкция промышленной испытательной установки, предназначенной для изучения опытных и серийных образцов конденсаторов фреона с воздушным охлаждением, выполненных из алюминиевых микроканальных труб с развитым оребрением. Приведены теоретические расчеты коэффициентов теплоотдачи в микроканальных конденсаторах. Результаты работы используются для определения конструктивных технических характеристик теплообменных аппаратов, а также с целью создания программы подбора оборудования по требуемым параметрам