56 research outputs found

    Uticaj toplotnog tretmana na sadržaj tanina i antioksidativni efekat ekstrakta hrastovog žira quercus cerris

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    The results of investigation of the tannin content in the oak acorn kernel Quercus cerris, qualitative analysis of tannin and antioxidation effect of ethanol extracts of acorn on porcine lipid (prime steam lard) as a substrate are presented in this paper. Experiments were carried out on kernel samples of the domestic oak acorn, from the location Zaglavak, near by the town of Bajina Bašta. Tannin content was determined by spectrophotometric procedure using phosphorus Wolframic acid on wave length of 715 nm. Qualitative analysis of tannin included sediment and stain responses as well as tannoform test with formalaldehyde and HCl. Antioxidant effect of ethanol extracts was investigated on fat samples treated at the temperature of 600C in the dark (Schaaloven test). The rate of oxidation was determined by measuring Peroxide value (Pb) and TBA value. The investigated extracts were obtained based on drying of acorn kernel and extracts based on thermal treatment - dry frying of acorn kernel. The obtained results show that dried acorn kernel contains 11.69 % of tannin and thermally treated acorn kernel 8.55%. Qualitative analysis confirmed the presence of gallic acid (pyrogallic, hydrolysing) tannins based on positive general sediment and stain responses on tannins. Ethanol extracts demonstrate antioxidation traits on porcine lipids in trial conditions. Synergistic effect of citric acid with primary anti oxidant was not proved. Thermal treatment of acorn kernel does not reduce the antioxidation activity of extracts.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja sadržaja tanina u jezgru hrastovog žira Quercus cerris, kvalitativna analiza tanina i antioksidaciono dejstvo etanolnih ekstrakata žira na svinjsku mast (pripremljenu vlažnim postupkom) kao supstratu. Ogledi su vršeni na uzorcima jezgra hrastovog žira domaćeg porekla, sa lokaliteta Zaglavak, okolina Bajine Bašte. Sadržaj tanina određivan je spektrofotometrijskim postupkom sa fosforvolframovom kiselinom na talasnoj dužini od 715 nm. Kvalitativna analiza tanina obuhvatila je taložne i bojene reakcije kao i tanoformsku probu sa formaldehidom i HCl. Zaštitni efekat etanolnih ekstrakata ispitivan je na uzorcima masti koji su temperirani na 600C u mraku. Tok oksidacije masti praćen je određivanjem TBA vrednosti ekstincije na 532 nm i peroksidnog broja. Ispitivani ekstrakti su dobijeni na bazi osušenog jezgra žira i ekstrakata na bazi termički tretiranog - suvo prženog žira. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da osušeno jezgro hrastovog žira sadrži 11,69% tanina a termički tretirano 8,55%. Kvalitativnim analizama dokazano je prisustvo galnih (pirogalnih hidrolizujućih) tanina na osnovu pozitivnih opštih taložnih i bojenih reakcija na tanine. Etanolni ekstrakti ispoljavaju antioksidaciona svojstva na svinjsku mast pri uslovima ogleda, sinergistički efekat limunske kiseline sa primarnim antioksidantom nije dokazan, termički tretman jezgra hrastovog žira ne smanjuje antioksidacionu aktivnost ekstrakata

    Productivity traits of rye (secale cereale), khorasan wheat (triticum turgidum, ssp taranicum mckey) and quinoa (chenopodium quinoa willd) grown on degraded soil

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    The productivity traits of rye, khorasan wheat and quinoa on degraded soil were investigated in a three-year research (2010-2012). The research was carried out in two localities: Stanari (ST) (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and at "TENT 2" in Obrenovac (OB) (Serbia). A significant interdependence between grain yield and aboveground biomass yield was observed in the investigated genotypes and localities. The resulting average grain yields in these localities ranged between 1,166-1,702 kg ha-1 (rye), 1,826-1,943 kg ha-1 (khorasan wheat) and 520-966 kg ha-1 (quinoa). Fluctuations in grain yields were due to different soil conditions different nutrient contents and the distribution of precipitation at initial stages of crop development. This research confirmed that rye is a crop with minimum soil requirements and it can be successfully grown in poor soil. The second best biomass yield was obtained by khorasan wheat, while the lowest biomass yield was obtained by quinoa

    Architects and Builders in Mostar during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1878-1918)

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    Tema su ovoga rada arhitekti, graditelji i mjernici (geometri) na prostoru grada Mostara u razdoblju austrougarske uprave, ali i u posljednjem razdoblju osmanske vladavine. Otkrivene su njihove biografije, pozicije koje su zauzimali u graditeljskoj strukturi i autorstvo nad objektima ili urbanistièkim potezima. Utvrđeni su uvjeti unutar kojih su radili, zakonodavno-pravni okvir i metode rada koje su dovele do promjena slike grada.This paper presents the Mostar-based architects, builders, and surveyors in the period of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy as well as in the last phase of the Ottoman Empire. It looks at their biographies, professional positions and authorship of some structures and urban planning interventions. It also analyses their professional work in terms of the circumstances, legislative and legal framework, and methods of work that eventually changed the image of the city

    Path analiza produktivnih osobina vrsta roda Sorghum

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    This research studied the phenotypic correlation coefficients between three Sorghum species, namely forage sorghum S. bicolor Moench. (c. NS-Džin), Sudan grass S. sudanense L. (c. Zora) and interspecies hybrid S. bicolor x S. sudanense (c. Siloking). The analyses were performed on plant material samples taken from the first cutting, when plants were in the beginning phase of tasseling. The following morphologic traits were studied: plant height, number of leaves per plant, stem leaf weight and mean stem weight. Additionally, their direct and indirect effect on dependent variable green biomass yield was analyzed, for which path coefficients were calculated. This method enables more quality and full insight into relations existing among the studied traits, more precise establishment of cause-effect connections among them, as well as to separate direct from indirect effects of any particular trait on dependent variable, being biomass yield in this case. The analysis of phenotypic coefficients revealed differences in direct and indirect effect of certain traits on dependent variable. Sudan grass had the highest stem (2.281 m) and most leaves per plant (7.917). Forage sorghum had the largest leaf weight per plant (49.05 g), while interspecies hybrid had the highest mean stem weight (80.798 g). Variations of these morphologic traits among species were found to be significant and very significant. Morphologic traits - stem height and weight significantly affected sorghum green biomass yield. Leaf number and leaf portion in total biomass were negatively correlated with yield. Cultivars differed significantly regarding morphologic and productive traits. Sudan grass had the lowest green biomass yield, while forage sorghum and interspecies hybrid had significant yield increase.Predmet istraživanja ove studije su fenotipski koeficijenti korelacije tri vrste roda Sorghum, i to krmni sirak S. bicolor Moench. (genotip NS-Džin), sudanska trava S. sudanense L. (genotip Zora) i interspecies hibrid S. bicolor x S. sudanense (genotip Siloking). Analize su urađene na uzorcima biljnog materijala iz prvog otkosa kada su biljke bile u početku faze metličenja. Proučavane su sledeće morfološke osobine: visina biljke, broj listova po biljci, masa listova na stablu i prosečna masa stabla i analiziran je njihov direktan i indirektan uticaj na zavisno promenljivu prinos zelene biomase za koju su izračunati path koeficijenti. Ovom metodom moguće je kvalitetnije i potpunije sagledati odnose koji postoje između proučavanih osobina, preciznije ustanoviti uzročno-posledične veze između njih i razdvojiti direktne i indirektne efekte jedne osobine na zavisno promenjivu osobinu, u ovom slučaju prinos biomase. Analizom fenotipskih koeficijenata uočavaju se razlike u direktnom i indirektnom delovanju nekih pokazatelja na zavisno promenljivu. Najveću vrednost visine stabla imala je sudanska trava (2.281 m), kao i broj listova po biljci (7.917). Najveća masa listova po biljci bila je u krmnog sirka (49.05 g), a najveću prosečnu masu stabla imale su biljke interspecies hibrida (80.798 g). Variranja ovih morfoloških pokazatelja po vrstama bila su signifikantna i vrlo signifikantna. Morfološke osobine, visina i masa stabla značajno su uticali na prinos zelene biomase sirkova. Broj listova, kao i njihov udeo u ukupnoj biomasi ispoljio je negativan uticaj na prinos. Genotipovi su se po morfološkim i proizvodnim osobinama značajno razlikovali. Najmanji prinos zelene biomase imala je sudanska trava. Značajno povećanje prinosa bilo je u genotipova krmnog sirka i interspecijes hibrida

    Efekti nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja Kriminalističko-policijske akademije

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    The aim of this research was to determine effects of Specialized physical education classes and effects of 'functional training method' programme application on body composition of female students, during 12 weeks. The research was carried out on sample of 54 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) from Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, aged from 19 to 21 years, divided into experimental group (22 female, BH=169.05±5.03cm, BW=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m2) and into control group (32 female, BH=168.29±4.68cm, BW=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m2), respectively. Experimental group has applied 'functional methods' of strength development, twice a week, during 12 weeks, no longer than 20 minutes by classes. Female students were tested at the beginning and at the end of the experimental programme, by standardized procedures for body composition assessment. Results of MANCOVA showed, at general level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes in effects between experimental and control group, in case of application of experimental programme on body composition of female students (p=0.610), during 12 weeks. Results of ANCOVA of female students, showed at the individual level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes. It can be concluded that the application of 'functional training method' programme on female students of ACPS, during 12 weeks, had no statistically significant effects on the change of all parameters body composition isn't statistically significantly affected in any of parameters, with some minor changes of observed parameters.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje efekata nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja i primene dvanaestonedeljnog programa 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga na telesnu kompoziciju ispitanica. Uzorak istraživanja činile su 54 studentkinje Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) u Beogradu, uzrasta od 19 do 21 godine, podeljenih na eksperimentalnu (22 studentkinje, TV=169.05±5.03cm, TM=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m²) i kontrolnu grupu (32 studentkinje, TV=168.29±4.68cm, TM=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m²), respektivno. Eksperimentalna grupa primenjivala je 'funkcionalni metod' razvoja snage u periodu od 12 nedelja dva puta nedeljno, ne duže od 20 minuta po času. Ispitanice su testirane na početku i na kraju eksperimentalnog programa standardizovanim procedurama za procenu telesne kompozicije. Rezultati multivarijantne analize kovarijanse (MANCOVA) pokazali su da kada su efekti dvanaestonedeljnog eksperimentalnog programa na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja (p=0.610) u pitanju, na generalnom nivou, nije došlo do statistički značajnih promena između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe. Univarijantna analiza kovarijanse (ANCOVA), ni na pojedinačnom nivou, nije pokazala statistički značajan prirast parametara telesne kompozicije, kao i da nije postignut statistički značajan prirast rezultata kako na generalnom, tako i na pojedinačnom nivou. Može se zaključiti da primena dvanaestonedeljnog 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga, na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja KPA, nije statistički značajno uticala ni na jedan od parametara, uz neznatne promene posmatranih parametara

    Fluorination of aliphatic compounds. Driving force in crystal structures

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    Statistical analysis of crystal structures from CSD (Crystallographic database) has shown the F...F contacts are the second group of interactions (23050 structures), immediately after the hydrogen bonds (43397 structures), that are mainly of aliphatic C−H...F type. There is no clear tendency of F...F contacts toward some certain values of d parameter, but it is possible to notice noticeable clear tendency of numerous structures to d values greater than 2.9 Å. There is a pronounced maximum in the range of torsion angle T from 160 to 180° corresponding to trans orientation of interacting C−F and X−Y fragments.На основу анализе кристалних структура преузетих из Кембричке базе кристалографских података (CSD) показано је да се алифтичне C−H...F водоничне везе издвајају као најбројније интеракције флуорованих алифатичних група (43397 стуктура). Далеко испод (23050 структура), на другом месту су F...F интеракције. Уочљиво је да су вредности F...F растојања (d параметар) претежно изнад 2,9 Å. Међутим, не постоји јасно изражена тенденција према одређеној вредности d параметра. Пошто се за највећи број структура вредности торзионог угла C-F-X-Y (Т параметар) крећу између 160 и 180° може се закључити да интерагујуће C−F и X−Y групе међусобно заузимају trans оријентациј

    Organisation of Cervical Cytology Screening in Croatia: Past, Present and Future

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    This presentation highlights strengths and weaknesses of cervical cytology screening in Croatia, with particular reference to the opportunistic screening, the use of conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) test and the analysis of some organizational, educational and performance issues that are associated with it. Its aim is to propose measures to improve the efficacy of cervical cytology screening in order to reduce cervical cancer mortality. Currently, in excess of 450,000 Pap tests/ year are examined at 35 laboratories scattered throughout the country. All of these laboratories use standard operating procedures including internal and external quality control. They employ a total of 68 cytologists and 91 cytotechnologists. The sensitivity of cervical screening in Croatia is 90.0%, specificity 98.6%, positive predictive value 92.3%, negative predictive value 98.1% and overall diagnostic accuracy 97.2%. The high diagnostic accuracy of cervical cytology is attributed to the long-standing tradition of education and training of cytologists (postgraduate MSc course since 1967, independent residency since 1974) and cytotechnologists (since 1968). This tradition spanning more than half a century means that today in Croatia there is a developed network of cytology laboratories staffed by highly competent cytologists and trained cytotechnologists. The high accuracy of cancer detection through Pap tests provides strong evidence in support of cervical cytology screening remaining the basic method of prevention for cervical carcinoma. However, some modifications to the current situation are needed. These relate primarily to opportunistic screening. The current screening coverage rate is 68%, although there is capacity, which would allow for all women at risk, i.e. those aged 25–64, to be screened once in three years. The screening coverage relates mainly to those women visiting gynecological out patient clinics for unrelated conditions. A properly organized and controlled national screening programme should replace this. This should be accompanied by the introduction of alternative, highly sensitive methods of sample collection and preparation, such as are available through the introduction of new technologies, e.g. liquid based cytology

    Značaj izučavanja metabolizma u razvoju novih lekova - in vitro pristup

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    In recent years there has been a significant paradigm shift in pre-clinical drug metabolism studies. Most importantly, this has included a reduced reliance on animal models and increased use of human tissues (i.e. human liver microsomes and other subcellular fractions, primary culture of human hepatocytes, recombinant human enzymes/transgenic cell lines). During the pre-clinical phase of drug development such studies assess the metabolic stability, reaction phenotyping (elucidation of specific enzyme(s) involved in phase I and II metabolism), metabolic fingerprinting (identification and structural determination of the metabolic end products) and drug interaction issues pertaining to enzyme inhibition and induction. Such studies are now increasingly being used for qualitative and quantitative prediction of drug biotransformation in humans and in the identification of likely determinants of metabolism following drug administration to humans, including possible drug interactions. Results from a multitude of such experiments help in identifying/optimizing a lead compound and rejecting compounds that are likely to be problematic with regards to causing toxicity or adverse drug-drug interactions. Therefore, well designed in vitro methodologies are vital to reducing the number of human trials during the late stages of drug development.Upotreba eksperimentalnih životinja i in vitro modela životinjskog porekla u pretkliničkim studijama metabolizma lekova je u velikoj meri potisnuta in vitro eksperimentalnim modelima poreklom od humanih tkiva. Danas se najviše koriste komercijalno dostupni preparati ljudske jetre, kao što su rekombinantni enzimi/transgenske ćelijske linije, subcelularne frakcije (mikrozomi, citozol i S9 frakcija) i primarni hepatociti. Primenom ovih modela u toku pretkliničke faze razvoja novog leka ispituje se stepen metaboličke transformacije leka, vrši se fenotipizacija metaboličkih reakcija (identifikacija specifičnog/ih enzima uključenih u I i II fazu metabolizma leka), određivanje metaboličkog profila (metabolic fingerprinting - identifikacija i određivanje strukture krajnjih produkata metabolizma leka) i razmatra se potencijal za stupanje u interakcije sa drugim lekovima, sa aspekta inhibicije i indukcije metaboličkih enzima. Primena in vitro - in vivo korelacije uz dobro razumevanje farmakokinetičkih principa omogućava predviđanje metabolizma i interakcija lekova in vivo na osnovu dobijenih in vitro podataka. Rezultati brojnih in vitro eksperimenata imaju značajnu ulogu u identifikaciji/optimizaciji vodećeg kandidata za novi lek. Dobro dizajnirane in vitro studije omogućavaju smanjenje broja kliničkih ispitivanja kod ljudi, koja se sprovode u kasnijim fazama razvoja leka

    Crosstalk between vitamin status and gut microbiota: The key to maintaining immune homeostasis in the gut

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    The human gut microbiota is a diverse ecosystem that harbours a variety of microorganisms, including proteobacteria, bacteria, viruses, fungi, protists, and archaea. These microorganisms are collectively involved in several vital functions, including nutrient metabolism, vitamin synthesis, immune system regulation, neurotransmitter production, drug metabolism, and communication with the central nervous system. Dysbiosis within the gut microbiota has been shown to be a critical factor in the development of chronic disease. Investigating the effects of gut microbiota composition on overall health holds promise for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and the development of new therapeutic interventions. One notable aspect of the functionality of the gut microbiota is its involvement in the production of essential B vitamins. These vitamins exert a significant influence on immune responses and the composition of the gut microbiota. Competition may occur between the host and the gut microbiota for B vitamins, which some bacteria obtain from food or from synthesis by other gut bacteria. Thus, the availability of B vitamins in the diet has the potential to influence the composition of the gut microbiota and thus immune homeostasis. The profile of the gut microbiota varies individually, with diet proving to be an important modulator of both its composition and functional properties. However, further extensive research efforts are needed to understand the complex interplay between the gut microbiota, vitamins, and immune response mechanisms. Such investigations have the potential to develop innovative therapeutic strategies for a spectrum of inflammatory diseases, opening new avenues for improved patient outcomes

    Fluorination of aromatic groups. The effects of coordination on fluorine interactions

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    Statistical analysis of crystal structures obtained from Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) showed that the most numerous are structures in which carbon atom is bound to interacting fluorine atom.Statistička analiza kristalnih struktura iz Kembričke baze strukturnih podataka pokazuje da su najbrojnije one strukture kod kojih je ugljenikov atom vezan za interagujući atom fluora. One u kojima je fluor vezan za aromatičnu grupu su malo manje zastupljene