25 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Tuberkulosis pada Anak di Kecamatan Ngamprah Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    This research have target is to know the picture from each variable that is nutritional status, immunization, history contact, economic status also to know the relation from each the variable with the occurrence of Tuberculosis of Child. As well, and determine dominant's factor.Research Method used correlation descriptive with the approach of case control, 38 people of case group (TB) and 38 group people control(not TB). Analysis Univariate used analysis percentage, while bivariate analysis used test of Chi Square (α = 0, 05) and analyses the multivariate used logistics regression. Result of research indicated that from all of respondent 76,3 % in good nutritional status, 96,1 % of child have got the BCG immunization, 52,6 % in no history conctact, and 71,1 % in poor economic status. There was a significant relationship between the nutritional status, history contact, economic status with the occurrence of TB (p value= 0,026; 0,000; 0,001), while status immunization showed no significant relationship (p value = 0,240). So, the nursing practices should be more emphasizing of efforts in promoting and preventing the occurrence through streamlining and intensifying relevant health counseling. Immunization of BCG should be done by paying attention to effectively of BCG. Complete medication and monitoring of adult suffering active TB is essential to be conducted

    Family Experiences of Getting Tuberculosis Diagnosis

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    Background: Children who living in tuberculosis (TB) household have a high risk to be transmitted by TB, that become the main reason for those children to be given TB prevention.DiagnosedbyTB,isanentrypointofthefamiliestobeawareoftheriskof TBtransmissionandtheneedofTBprevention,especiallyfortheirchildren.Objectives: This study aimed to explore the family experiences of living with patients diagnosed with tuberculosis. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted from December 2016 to July 2017, among fourteen family caregivers whose a previous adult active-TB and have children living in same households. The key participants were recruited from a lung clinic Bandung-Indonesia and followed up to their home. Data were gathered by in-depth interview. Each interview took 40-90 minutes in the informant’s home. Data were analysed by content analysis. Results: Most families experienced TB diagnosis delayed. They did not notice initial TB symptoms, felt inconvenience with the health care services, and travelled around for the right diagnosis. Conclusions/Importance: ThisstudyhighlightedimportantearlygettingTBdiagnosis, therefor nurses and other health care professionals should enhance family’s knowledge and awareness to TB symptoms and the health care services system, in order to improve family awareness to the risk of TB transmission. Moreover, strengthening of the health care services system is needed to improve the effectiveness and quality of TB diagnosis

    A Systematic Review: What Are the Barriers for Nurses in Providing End of Life Care for Pediatric Patients?

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    Background: Providing care for children at the end-of-life is challenging and distressing for nurses and healthcare professionals. It is important to identify matters that might be a barrier in providing end-of-life care (EOLC). Objectives: A review of the literature focusing on the barriers in providing EOLC for pediatric patients. Methods: Literature published from 2009 to 2019 was obtained from four databases (Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and Science Direct) and critically reviewed using Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal tools. Primary research studies written in English describing barriers experienced by nurses on EOLC provision which published between 2009-2019 were included. Results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. The barriers perceived by nurses in these studies are communication and language barriers; barriers in interdisciplinary team; lack of knowledge; families who cannot accept the child’s poor prognosis; ïŹnancial needs; nurses’ feeling; aggressive intervention received by the patient; and inadequate hospital facilities. Conclusions: Nurses enact a crucial role in caring for dying children and the children’s families. Overcoming barriers in EOLC provision could greatly improve the quality of end-oflife care for dying children. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a conceptual model tosupportnursesandhealthcareprofessionalsinprovidingEOLCforpediatricpatients

    Strategi Regulasi Emosi Kognitif Dan Pola Asuh Orangtua Pada Anak Yang Menjalani Kemoterapi

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    Penelitian sebelumnya telah melihat kaitan antara regulasi emosi pada anak yang sehat dengan pola asuh orangtuanya, namun belum jelas gambaran tentang regulasi emosi pada anak yang sakit kronis dan pola asuh yang diterimanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran strategi regulasi emosi kognitif yang digunakan oleh anak berusia 9–11 tahun dengan kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi dan perbedaan individunya yang terdiri dari pola asuh yang didapat dari orangtuanya serta jenis kelamin anak.Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik sampling menggunakan accidental samplingdan didapatkan sampel sebanyak 42 orang (21 anak dan 21 orangtua). Instrumen menggunakan CERQ-k (Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire-kids) dan PAQ-R (Parental Authority Questionnaire-revised). Analisis data menggunakan skor mean. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa strategi regulasi emosi yang sering digunakan oleh anak adalah planning, rumination, dan putting into perspective. Perbandingan jenis kelamin sampel berimbang. Kemudian pola asuh orangtua yang sering dilakukan menunjukkan secara berturut-turut adalah tipe autoritatif, autoritarian, dan permisif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa regulasi emosi yang dilakukan oleh anak dengan kanker yang melakukan kemoterapi cukup adaptif, sedangkan pola asuh orangtua yang diberikan masih kurang efektif.Kata kunci: Anak, kanker, pola asuh, regulasi emosi The previous study was inquired the correlation between emotion regulations in healthy children and the parenting process. On the other hand, the emotion regulations in children with chronic diseases were little known. The aim of this quantitative descriptive study was to understand the strategic regulation of cognitive emotion that was used by children aged 9-11 years with chemotherapy, and to explore the individual parenting process based on genders. Samples were chosen using the accidental sampling technique. The samples were 21 children and 21 parents. Data were collected using Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for kids (CERQ-k) and Parental Authority Questionnaire-revised (PAQ-R). Mean score were conducted to analyses data. Results showed that ‘planning\u27 was the most strategic used by children, followed by ‘rumination\u27 and ‘putting into perspective\u27. The result also described that the number of samples was balance in sex. Parents used authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive approaches in parenting. In conclusion, the emotion regulation of children with chemotherapy was adaptive and the parenting approach was ineffective

    The Impact of Virtual Reality Simulation on Cognitive Achievement of Nursing Students

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    Introduction: Simulation of nursing care in patients with acute respiratory infections (ARI) requires a method that is high fidelity. This study aims to determine the impact of Virtual Reality Simulation (VRS), as a learning method, on the improvement of cognitive abilities of undergraduate nursing students in conducting nursing care of the ARI case. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with pre and post-test on the control and intervention group. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, with a total of 27 respondents divided into nine respondents in each group, including the control group (group A)  intervention group (Group B and C). There were three different methods in the implementation of VRS as learning activities. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA test. Results: The results showed a significant impact on the application of VRS as a learning method with p <0.05 (0.025). Conclusion: This significant impact was obtained in the implementation of VRS as a stand-alone learning method

    Faktor–faktor Ibu yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah

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    The main contributor fetal mortality is low birth weight baby (LBWB) which according Manuaba (1998) caused by mother's, pregnancy's, fetus's, and others factor. The average of the highest LBWB at Pamulihan PHC (8,7%) in 2006-2008. Maternal's factor can be intervented to prevent LBWB. The aim is curious mother's factors which correlated with LBWB in Pamulihan PHC Health Departement Sumedang Regency in 2008. This research is a correlational quantitative. Sample technique is purposive with 60 delivery mother who has baby and checked her pregnancy. Data collected with documentation then analyzed with univariate and chi-square. The result showed mother's factors which correlate significantly is nutrient status, age, spacing pregnancy, chronic disease, activity of mother when pregnant with ρ value 0.004, 0.036, 0.045, 0.003, 0.016 respectively. Suggestion is increasing lack of proper antenatal care maternal screening nutrient before pregnant, keep successful family planning program, cooperating for risk age and water supply

    Sikap dan Perilaku Pencarian Pelayanan Kesehatan Orang Tua dengan Anak Tuberkulosis saat Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di RSUD Al-Ihsan

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    Peningkatan kasus TBC saat pandemi COVID-19 karena isolasi sosial memicu penularan TBC di rumah akibat kontak erat selama isolasi. Hal ini menyebabkan keterlambatan diagnosis sehingga meningkatkan kejadian tuberkulosis. Sikap memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap terbentuknya perilaku pencarian pelayanan kesehatan orangtua dengan anak TBC. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran sikap dan perilaku pencarian pelayanan kesehatan orang tua dengan anak TBC di RSUD Al-Ihsan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan retrospektif dan teknik purposive sampling. Kriteria sampel adalah orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan TBC sebanyak 67 sampel. Untuk mengukur sikap dan perilaku menggunakan kuesioner KAP Surveys yang dikembangkan oleh WHO. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan distribusi deskriptif  kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian sikap dengan reaksi orang tua ketika anaknya tertular TBC sebagian responden (50,7%) takut tertular TBC dan seluruh responden (95,5%) ketika anaknya tertular penyakit TB mengajak bicara dokter dan tenaga kesehatan. Adapun perilaku pencarian pelayanan kesehatan orangtua dengan anak tuberkulosis sangat bervariasi, lebih banyak responden yang memilih pusat kesehatan, segera ke pelayanan kesehatan setelah gejala TBC muncul dan faktor penghambat pergi ke layanan kesehatan adalah biaya, jarak, dan ketidaktahuan.  Sikap orang tua terhadap TBC sangat serius dan menganggap anaknya berpotensi dapat tertular penyakit TBC. Sikap ini sesuai dengan perilaku pencarian tempat pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan menganalisis determinan sikap dan perilaku orangtua anak dengan TB dalam mengakses pelayanan kesehatan

    Gambaran dukungan keluarga terhadap pengobatan remaja penyandang Thalasemia

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    Family support in adolescents with thalassemia undergoing treatmentBackground: Thalassemia is a chronic disease that affect to body organ caused by the disease itself and medication given in a long term. Compliance of taking medication becomes determing factor of treatment success. Family support is influential factor of therapy success. It includes instrumental support, informational support, assessment support, and emotional support.Purpose: The objective of this research is to know the description of family support therapy of adolescent with thalassemia in Garut.Methods: The method of this research is quantitative descriptive with total sampling technique (N=54) of adolescent with thalassemia population in Garut.Results: The result of this research is most of responden earn high support with maximum value of 70.4%, and medium support with value 29.6%, and there is no respondent with low support. From sub variable result as a whole, they obtained high support which was an instrumental support 70.4%, informational support 64.8%, assessment support 70.4%, and emotional support 53.7%.Conclusion: The result of this research is that most adolescent with Thalassemia obtained high support as many as 70.4%, therefore it can be factor determing therapy receivedKeywords: Family support; Adolescents; Thalassemia; Undergoing treatmentPendahuluan: Thalasemia merupakan penyakit kronis yang berdampak pada organ tubuh disebakan oleh penyakit itu sendiri dan pengobatan yang diberikan dalam jangka panjang. Kepatuhan menjadi faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan pengobatan. Dukungan keluarga merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan pengobatan, yang meliputi dukungan instrumental, informasional, penilaian, dan emosional.Tujuan: Diketahuinya gambaran dukungan keluarga terhadap pengobatan remaja penyandang Thalasemia di kabupaten Garut.Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling (N=54) dengan populasi yaitu penyandang Thalasemia usia remaja di kabupaten Garut.Hasil: Hasil penelitian dukungan keluarga sebagian besar responden mendapatkan dukungan tinggi dengan nilai maksimum yaitu 70.4% dan dukungan sedang dengan nilai minimum yaitu 29.6%, dan tidak terdapat responden yang mendapatkan dukungan rendah, dan dari hasil per subvariabel secara keseluruhan mendapatkan dukungan tinggi yaitu, dukungan instrumental sebesar 77.8%, dukungan informasional sebesar 64.8%, dukungan penilaian sebesar 70.4%, dan dukungan emosional sebesar 53.7%.Simpulan:  dari penelitian ini bahwa remaja penyandang Thalasemia sebagian besar mendapatkan dukungan tinggi sebanyak 70.4%, sehingga dapat menjadi faktor dalam menentukan pengobatan yang diterim