30 research outputs found

    Investigating the nephrogenic potential of mouse embryonic stem cells and their derivatives

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    The kidneys are important organs that regulate the level of water and salts in the blood, produce hormones that help to control blood pressure, and maintain homeostasis of the organism by filtering waste products. Kidney disease can either be acute or chronic, the latter progressively worsening over time to become end stage renal disease (ESRD) – a stage when kidneys are non-functional. At present, the only treatment options for ESRD are transplantation or dialysis, which both have severe drawbacks in terms of morbidity, mortality and economic cost. Moreover, the incidence of ESRD is rising annually and an alternative therapy is needed. Therefore, in order to regenerate kidney tissue or prevent worsening of the kidney condition, a new therapy should be developed. One approach is to use embryonic stem cells

    The adrenal capsule is a signaling center controlling cell renewal and zonation through <i>Rspo3</i>

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    Adrenal glands are zonated endocrine organs that are essential in controlling body homeostasis. How zonation is induced and maintained and how renewal of the adrenal cortex is ensured remain a mystery. Here we show that capsular RSPO3 signals to the underlying steroidogenic compartment to induce β-catenin signaling and imprint glomerulosa cell fate. Deletion of RSPO3 leads to loss of SHH signaling and impaired organ growth. Importantly, Rspo3 function remains essential in adult life to ensure replenishment of lost cells and maintain the properties of the zona glomerulosa. Thus, the adrenal capsule acts as a central signaling center that ensures replacement of damaged cells and is required to maintain zonation throughout life

    Measures of kidney function by minimally invasive techniques correlate with histological glomerular damage in SCID mice with adriamycin-induced nephropathy

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    Maximising the use of preclinical murine models of progressive kidney disease as test beds for therapies ideally requires kidney function to be measured repeatedly in a safe, minimally invasive manner. To date, most studies of murine nephropathy depend on unreliable markers of renal physiological function, exemplified by measuring blood levels of creatinine and urea, and on various end points necessitating sacrifice of experimental animals to assess histological damage, thus counteracting the principles of Replacement, Refinement and Reduction. Here, we applied two novel minimally invasive techniques to measure kidney function in SCID mice with adriamycin-induced nephropathy. We employed i) a transcutaneous device that measures the half-life of intravenously administered FITC-sinistrin, a molecule cleared by glomerular filtration; and ii) multispectral optoacoustic tomography, a photoacoustic imaging device that directly visualises the clearance of the near infrared dye, IRDye 800CW carboxylate. Measurements with either technique showed a significant impairment of renal function in experimental animals versus controls, with significant correlations with the proportion of scarred glomeruli five weeks after induction of injury. These technologies provide clinically relevant functional data and should be widely adopted for testing the efficacies of novel therapies. Moreover, their use will also lead to a reduction in experimental animal numbers

    Quantum Dots Do Not Affect the Behaviour of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and Kidney Stem Cells and Are Suitable for Short-Term Tracking

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    Quantum dots (QDs) are small nanocrystals widely used for labelling cells in order to enable cell tracking in complex environments in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. They present many advantages over traditional fluorescent markers as they are resistant to photobleaching and have narrow emission spectra. Although QDs have been used effectively in cell tracking applications, their suitability has been questioned by reports showing they can affect stem cell behaviour and can be transferred to neighbouring cells. Using a variety of cellular and molecular biology techniques, we have investigated the effect of QDs on the proliferation and differentiation potential of two stem cell types: mouse embryonic stem cells and tissue-specific stem cells derived from mouse kidney. We have also tested if QDs released from living or dead cells can be taken up by neighbouring cells, and we have determined if QDs affect the degree of cell-cell fusion; this information is critical in order to assess the suitability of QDs for stem cell tracking. We show here that QDs have no effect on the viability, proliferation or differentiation potential of the two stem cell types. Furthermore, we show that the extent of transfer of QDs to neighbouring cells is <4%, and that QDs do not increase the degree of cell-cell fusion. However, although the QDs have a high labelling efficiency (>85%), they are rapidly depleted from both stem cell populations. Taken together, our results suggest that QDs are effective cell labelling probes that are suitable for short-term stem cell tracking

    Organ In Vitro Culture: What Have We Learned about Early Kidney Development?

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    When Clifford Grobstein set out to study the inductive interaction between tissues in the developing embryo, he developed a method that remained important for the study of renal development until now. From the late 1950s on, in vitro cultivation of the metanephric kidney became a standard method. It provided an artificial environment that served as an open platform to study organogenesis. This review provides an introduction to the technique of organ culture, describes how the Grobstein assay and its variants have been used to study aspects of mesenchymal induction, and describes the search for natural and chemical inducers of the metanephric mesenchyme. The review also focuses on renal development, starting with ectopic budding of the ureteric bud, ureteric bud branching, and the generation of the nephron and presents the search for stem cells and renal progenitor cells that contribute to specific structures and tissues during renal development. It also presents the current use of Grobstein assay and its modifications in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering today. Together, this review highlights the importance of ex vivo kidney studies as a way to acquire new knowledge, which in the future can and will be implemented for developmental biology and regenerative medicine applications

    Signaling during Kidney Development

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    The kidney plays an essential role during excretion of metabolic waste products, maintenance of key homeostasis components such as ion concentrations and hormone levels. It influences the blood pressure, composition and volume. The kidney tubule system is composed of two distinct cell populations: the nephrons forming the filtering units and the collecting duct system derived from the ureteric bud. Nephrons are composed of glomeruli that filter the blood to the Bowman’s capsule and tubular structures that reabsorb and concentrate primary urine. The collecting duct is a Wolffian duct-derived epithelial tube that concentrates and collects urine and transfers it via the renal pelvis into the bladder. The mammalian kidney function depends on the coordinated development of specific cell types within a precise architectural framework. Due to the availability of modern analysis techniques, the kidney has become a model organ defining the paradigm to study organogenesis. As kidney diseases are a problem worldwide, the understanding of mammalian kidney cells is of crucial importance to develop diagnostic tools and novel therapies. This review focuses on how the pattern of renal development is generated, how the inductive signals are regulated and what are their effects on proliferation, differentiation and morphogenesis

    Embryonic stem cells derived kidney organoids as faithful models to target programmed nephrogenesis

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    Abstract The kidney is a complex organ that is comprised of thousands of nephrons developing through reciprocal inductive interactions between metanephric mesenchyme (MM) and ureteric bud (UB). The MM undergoes mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) in response to the signaling from the UB. The secreted protein Wnt4, one of the Wnt family members, is critical for nephrogenesis as mouse Wnt4−/− mutants fail to form pretubular aggregates (PTA) and therefore lack functional nephrons. Here, we generated mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) line lacking Wnt4 by applying the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated systems 9 (Cas9). We describe here, differentiation of the wild type and Wnt4 knockout mESCs into kidney progenitors, and such cells induced to undergo nephrogenesis by the mouse E11.5 UB mediated induction. The wild type three-dimensional (3D) self-organized organoids depict appropriately segmented nephron structures, while the Wnt4-deficient organoids fail to undergo the MET, as is the case in the phenotype of the Wnt4 knockout mouse model in vivo. In summary, we have established a platform that combine CRISPR/Cas9 and kidney organoid technologies to model kidney development in vitro and confirmed that mutant organoids are able to present similar actions as in the in vivo studies

    3D bioprinting of the kidney—hype or hope?

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    Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is an evolving technique that is expected to revolutionize the field of regenerative medicine. Since the organ donation does not meet the demands for transplantable organs, it is important to think of another solution, which may and most likely will be provided by the technology of 3D bioprinting. However, even smaller parts of the printed renal tissue may be of help, e.g. in developing better drugs. Some simple tissues such as cartilage have been printed with success, but a lot of work is still required to successfully 3D bioprint complex organs such as the kidneys. However, few obstacles still persist such as the vascularization and the size of the printed organ. Nevertheless, many pieces of the puzzle are already available and it is just a matter of time to connect them together and 3D bioprint the kidneys. The 3D bioprinting technology provides the precision and fast speed required for generating organs. In this review, we describe the recent developments in the field of developmental biology concerning the kidneys; characterize the bioinks available for printing and suitable for kidney printing; present the existing printers and possible printing strategies. Moreover, we identify the most difficult challenges in printing of the kidneys and propose a solution, which may lead to successful bioprinting of the kidney

    Development of embryonic stem cells in recombinant kidneys

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    Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are self-renewing and can generate all cell types during normal development. Previous studies have begun to explore fates of ESCs and their mesodermal derivatives after injection into explanted intact metanephric kidneys and neonatal kidneys maturing in vivo. Here, we exploited a recently described recombinant organ culture model, mixing fluorescent quantum dot labeled mouse exogenous cells with host metanephric cells. We compared abilities of undifferentiated ESCs with ESC-derived mesodermal or non-mesodermal cells to contribute to tissue compartments within recombinant, chimeric metanephroi. ESC-derived mesodermal cells downregulated Oct4, a marker of undifferentiated cells, and, as assessed by locations of quantum dots, contributed to Wilms’ tumor 1-expressing forming nephrons, synaptopodin-expressing glomeruli, and organic ion-transporting tubular epithelia. Similar results were observed when labeled native metanephric cells were recombined with host cells. In striking contrast, non-mesodermal ESC-derived cells strongly inhibited growth of embryonic kidneys, while undifferentiated ESCs predominantly formed Oct4 expressing colonies between forming nephrons and glomeruli. These findings clarify the conclusion that ESC-derived mesodermal cells have functional nephrogenic potential, supporting the idea that they could potentially replace damaged epithelia in diseased kidneys. On the other hand, undifferentiated ESCs and non-mesodermal precursors derived from ESCs would appear to be less suitable materials for use in kidney cell therapies