139 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) terhadap ketahanan pemberian ASI eksklusif dan status gizi. Desain penelitian adalah hybrid dengan desain cross sectional study dan retrospective study. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dan besar sampel ditentukan menggunakan tabel Isaac dan Michael sehingga didapatkan jumlah sampel 55 ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 6-12 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kumbewaha Kecamatan Siotapina Kabupaten Buton pada bulan September sampai Desember 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik usia (p = 0,764), pendidikan (p = 0,485), pekerjaan (p = 0,203), paritas (p = 0,430), dan penghasilan keluarga (p = 0,324) tidak memiliki hubungan secara bermakna dengan ketahanan pemberian ASI eksklusif (p value > 0,05). Sedangkan tingkat pengetahuan (nilai p value = 0,023) dan status pemberian IMD (nilai p value = 0,002) menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan (p value <0,05) terhadap ketahanan pemberian ASI eksklusif, namun tidak terdapat pengaruh bermakna antara status pemberian IMD terhadap status gizi berdasarkan BB/U (p = 0,493), status gizi berdasarkan PB/U (p = 0,364), dan status gizi berdasarkan BB/PB (p = 0,869). Status pemberian IMD paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap ketahanan pemberian ASI eksklusif berdasarkan hasil uji statistic Regresi Logistik dengan nilai Exp (B) 5,602 (CI : 95% ; 1,673-18,891) yang berarti bahwa pemberian inisiasi menyusu dini 5,621 kali lebih cenderung mempengaruhi ketahanan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi dibandingkan dengan yang tidak mendapatkan IMD

    Efficacy of ultrasound imaging to detect periodontal bone defects

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    Objectives. Clinicians are always searching for a non-invasive method to diagnose periodontal defects. Two-dimensional radiographs are limited in the ability to describe a three-dimensional periodontal defect. Ultrasound has been used in dentistry for caries detection and enamel cracks diagnosis. Its non-ionizing radiation properties are attractive to clinical use in dentistry. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the efficacy of ultrasound imaging to accurately detect periodontal defects.;Methods. Twenty mandibles with simulated defects of specific dimensions were imaged using ultrasound and measured. The measurements were compared to the actual defects and to 2-D radiographs measurements. A panel of three evaluators compared ultrasound images of simulated defects to 2-D radiographs of the same defects. 3-D reconstructed images of two mandibles with natural periodontal defects were compared to cone beam images of the same mandibles.;Results. The results have shown that conventional radiographs were not accurate in imaging the posterior mandible, while measurements made from ultrasound images were accurate for both anterior and posterior mandibles. Measurements of the simulated defects from ultrasound images were accurate. The ultrasound images were rated favorably in image clarity, image detail, overall image quality and fatigue level in comparison to conventional radiographs and cone beam imaging.;Conclusions. These results suggest that ultrasound imaging may provide a reliable diagnostic alternative to conventional two-dimensional radiographs. Optimizing ultrasound technology for use in dentistry may increase interest in its use. Enough interest exists for further clinical evaluation

    Structure, Gender, Tribalism, And Workplace Power In Libya

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    The study examines the nature of workplace power in a Libyan oil company and how is power distributed, managed, and maintained within the structure of this workplace. I also examine how gender and tribal identities affect who has power in the workplace setting. I also look at the types of decisions workers have control over, depending on their rank and status within the organization, time with company, gender and tribal identity. In this proposal, I argue that workplace power is not only about decision making within the company, but it also mirrors larger social and political inequalities in the society at large. The goal of this quantitative study is to examine employee authority and influence within workplace. Specifically, the research objectives are: 1) to describe the standardization of workplace power regarding structural characteristics, as defined by formalization, centralization, and specialization; 2) to investigate the relationship between gender and the ability to make decisions and influence decision making; 3) to examine the relationship between tribalism identification and the ability to make decisions and influence decision making, and 4) to explore work commitment and the ability to make decisions and influence decision making. This study intends to determine which variables explain the most variance in the distribution of workplace power. Data was gathered using a self-administered questionnaire given to a disproportionate stratified random sampling of employees working at Azzawiya Oil Refining Company. The findings show that power is unevenly distributed by gender and women’s power in the workplace remains constrained. Also, workplace power affected by tribal identities. Workers who belong to a powerful tribe can be involved in the process of decision making. Keywords— , , , workplace powe


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    The first house we bought in West Virginia was sandwiched between two cemeteries. The larger one stood behind our house and was hidden by a patch of trees, so we could see it only in the winter when the trees lost their leaves and the headstones emerged, rectangular specks visible between the bare branches. The smaller cemetery perched on top of a low hill across from our house, on the other side of the narrow, dead-end street

    Hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu nifas dalam perawatan tali pusat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wajo Kota Baubau

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    Sangat penting bagi ibu untuk mengetahui tentang perawatan tali pusat, terutama bagi ibu yang post partum, agar ibu dapat merawat bayinya secara maksimal, membantu tumbuh kembangnya dengan baik dan sehat, tidak terinfeksi melalui tali pusatnya. Setiap ibu seharusnya mengetahui cara merawat tali pusat bayi yang baru lahir dengan baik, namun pada kenyataannya masih banyak ibu yang belum mengetahui cara merawat tali pusat yang benar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu nifas dalam perawatan tali pusat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wajo Kota Baubau tahun 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dimana subjek penelitian yaitu ibu nifas. Metode pengumpulan data dengan cara lembar kuesioner yang dibuat oleh peneliti berisi beberapa pertanyaan. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah Analisa data univariat bivariat. Hasil: Analisis uji Chi square nilai P value yang diperoleh (0,02) kurang dari 0,05, maka H1 diterima. Dimana ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu nifas dalam perawatan tali pusat. Simpulan  Saran dalam penelitian ini agar menekankan pentingnya penerapan praktik kebersihan yang baik dalam perawatan tali pusat, seperti mencuci tangan sebelum memegang tali pusat dan menggunakan alat yang steril saat memotong tali pusat

    Maternal overnutrition impacts offspring adiposity and brain appetite markers-modulation by postweaning diet

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    Maternal obesity has long-term consequences for the development of hypothalamic neurones involved in energy homeostasis and the metabolic profile in offspring. In the present study, we compared the effects of maternal obesity induced by longstanding high-fat diet (HFD) with milder postnatal overfeeding during suckling induced by litter size reduction. Female Sprague-Dawley rats consumed chow (C) or HFD. On postnatal day 1, litters from chow dams were adjusted to three per dam (small litter, CS) versus 12 control (normal litter, CN). Litters from HFD dams were adjusted to 12 per dam and fed HFD after weaning to induce obesity (HN). Thus, two degrees of maternal overnutrition were produced (CS and HN). To test whether postweaning diet can amplify the effects of maternal obesity, male offspring weaned onto chow or HFD were followed to 21 weeks. Maternal postnatal overnutrition (CS) and HFD-induced maternal obesity (HN) increased body weight and fat mass in offspring compared to those from control dams (CN). Significant glucose intolerance was induced by both degrees of maternal overnutrition, but only in offspring consuming HFD. HFD-induced maternal obesity (HN) was linked to increased offspring leptin, insulin, lipids, insulin resistance and hyperphagia, and was exaggerated by postweaning HFD. No effect of maternal postnatal overnutrition (CS) was seen on these parameters. Hypothalamic signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 and suppressor of cytokine signalling-3 mRNA were significantly elevated by maternal HFD (HN) in the HFD-fed offspring. The data obtained suggest that even mild maternal overnutrition (CS) led to increased adiposity, glucose intolerance and altered brain appetite regulators in offspring. A greater impact of HFD-induced maternal obesity was evident. Marked additive effects were observed when animals consumed a HFD postweaning. © 2010 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    L’education de la fille dans la famille Algerienne traditionnelle

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    Dans le cadre de la problématique du changement social en Algérie, l’éducation familiale nous a paru être un sujet très important, elle est même le centre de la confirmation de ce changement  et  de la rupture avec le modèle traditionnelle. Par cet article nous voulons aborder quelques détailles de l’éducation de la fille dans la famille algérienne traditionnelle. Une éducation basée sur la reproduction du système social existant, et qui transmis aux filles comme aux garçons des rôles et des statuts bien définis, qu’ils ne doivent pas transgresser. La famille traditionnelle, à travers l’éducation, inculque à la fille, dés sa naissance, des qualités, des valeurs et des comportements complètement différents de ceux du garçon, comme nous allons le montrer.الملخص:تعد التربية الأسرية، في اطار اشكالية التغير الاجتماعي في الجزائر، موضوعا جد مهم. حيث تعتبر احد اهم المؤشرات الدالة على تأكيد التغير و على حدوث القطيعة مع النموذج التقليدي. سنحاول من خلال هذا المقال ان نتناول بعض حيثيات تربية الفتاة في الاسرة الجزائرية التقليدية. هذه التربية المبنية على اعادة انتاج نسق اجتماعي ينقل للفتاة كما للذكر مكانات و ادوار مختلفة لا يسمح لهما بتجاوزها. تربية تقوم على غرس مجموعة من الصفات، القيم و السلوكات و على صقل شخصية الفتاة بطريقة جد خاصة تجعلها تتوافق و متطلبات و خصائص المجتمع الابوسي القائم في الفترة التي تلت الاستقلال كما سنعرضه فيما يلي.

    Shift in the role of criminology in criminal law: Reflecting the doctrinal change

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    Purpose: The study's aim is to assess how criminology's role in criminal law has changed over time. In addition, the author suggested that criminology can be used to test and suggest explanatory theories for criminal law rather than doctrinal shifts. Research methodology: The authors use literature-based observational analysis to assess how criminology's role in criminal law has evolved. Methodical investigation of logical literature uncovered the shift in the role of criminology in criminal law. Results: The authors claim that doctrinal changes have shifted perceptions of criminality, but the study's findings suggest otherwise. Doctrine changes mysteriously and without judicial acknowledgement, revealing shifting facts and suggests that the role of criminology in criminal law may be changing. Limitations: Even after a doctrinal shift, the authors argue, having criminological theories and perspectives helps assign proper rules to criminal law. Contribution: The study's findings support the often-criticized objectivist view of criminology but disagree on the subjectivist view of doctrine shifts. This study suggests that a new field will emerge that transcends both criminology and criminal laws rather than doctrine changes


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    Objectives: Piper chaba, native to South and Southeast Asia, has been traditionally used as a medicinal plant. Aim of this study was to evaluate the antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activities of P. chaba root extracts (RE) in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats along with its antimicrobial activity. Methods: Diabetes was induced in Wister rats through the intraperitoneal administration of STZ (50 mg/kg b.w.). Antidiabetic and antilipidemic activities of the RE (in methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate and distilled water) were evaluated by administering oral dose (200 mg/kg b.w.) for 21 days. Metformin (12.1 mg/kg b.w.) was used as a positive control. Blood samples of rats were drawn by tail vein puncture and cardiac puncture to determine the fasting blood glucose (FBG) and serum level of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), respectively. Standard protocols were followed to determine the antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities against two different strains of bacteria. Results: Oral administration of P. chaba RE for 21 days resulted in a significant (p< 0.001) decrease in FBG and TC, TG, and LDL levels (p<0.001), when compared to the untreated diabetic rats. Significant (p<0.001) increase of HDL was observed when ethyl acetate and aqueous RE were administered. Out of four, two extracts showed varying antimicrobial activities, particularly against the gram-positive bacteria.  Conclusion: It became evident for the first time that P. chaba extracts possess antimicrobial activities and can serve as biochemical compounds with great alternative therapeutic potential in the management of diabetes and hypercholesterolemia

    Lymphocyte Cell-Cycle Inhibition by HLA-G Is Mediated by Phosphatase SHP-2 and Acts on the mTOR Pathway

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    Human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) is involved in regulating T-cell responses through its interaction with inhibitory receptors belonging to the immunoglobulin-like transcript family (ILT). In this context, we investigated the pathways involved in the control of cell-cycle entry of T cells following HLA-G interaction with its inhibitory receptor. We show that HLA-G acts through its interaction with the LILRB1 receptor expressed on T lymphocytes. Both HLA-G and LILRB1 antibodies block the inhibitory effect of HLA-G and restore T-cell proliferation. The interaction of HLA-G with T lymphocytes is associated with phosphorylation of SHP-2 phosphatase, but not SHP-1. In addition, in activated T cells, their incubation with HLA-G is not associated with a decrease in the TCR or CD28 downstream pathways, but is associated with dephosphorylation of the mTOR molecule and p70S6K. In contrast, Akt, which acts upstream of mTOR, is not affected by HLA-G. The inhibition of SHP-2 by NSC-87877(5 µM), a chemical inhibitor of SHP-2, or the use of siRNA, abrogates dephosphorylation of mTOR and impairs the overexpression of p27kip in the presence of HLA-G. Together, these results indicate that HLA-G is associated with activation of phosphatase SHP-2, which inhibits the mTOR pathway and favors the inhibition of the cell-cycle entry of human-activated T cells