18 research outputs found

    The ontology of crisis: the sublimity of objet petit a and the Master-Signifier

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    This paper explores how capitalism solidifies its power through Lacanian understanding of subjectivity. The inquiry intervenes in the capitalist ideological fantasy and its inherent antagonisms in order to analyse the way it strives to fill or erase the ruptures it produces in the social order. This is achieved by focusing on the particular proliferation of objects-commodities, which subjectivity transforms into the objects of desire in the framework of capitalist ideology. Furthermore, I focus on the establishment and signification of meaning within the capitalist matrix, as well as its dialectical overlap with the objects proliferated by the socio-economic system in question. The overlap of objects and meaning seems to produce ideological enjoyment, which solidifies capitalist ideology through subjectivity. Therein appears to lie the strength of capitalist ideology and its appropriation of even social phenomena into consumerist categories. This paper therefore tries to understand how capitalism manipulates ideological enjoyment in its quest to create social reality seemingly devoid of its antagonisms. It leans on the much-neglected Lacanian discourse of the Capitalist, revealing how the daily reality of subjects is driven by unconscious fantasy in its dogmatic ideological circle. The text also hints at the homology between Lacan's surplus-jouissance and Marx's surplus-value

    The ontology of crisis: the sublimity of objet petit a and the Master-Signifier

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    This paper explores how capitalism solidifies its power through Lacanian understanding of subjectivity. The inquiry intervenes in the capitalist ideological fantasy and its inherent antagonisms in order to analyse the way it strives to fill or erase the ruptures it produces in the social order. This is achieved by focusing on the particular proliferation of objects-commodities, which subjectivity transforms into the objects of desire in the framework of capitalist ideology. Furthermore, I focus on the establishment and signification of meaning within the capitalist matrix, as well as its dialectical overlap with the objects proliferated by the socio-economic system in question. The overlap of objects and meaning seems to produce ideological enjoyment, which solidifies capitalist ideology through subjectivity. Therein appears to lie the strength of capitalist ideology and its appropriation of even social phenomena into consumerist categories. This paper therefore tries to understand how capitalism manipulates ideological enjoyment in its quest to create social reality seemingly devoid of its antagonisms. It leans on the much-neglected Lacanian discourse of the Capitalist, revealing how the daily reality of subjects is driven by unconscious fantasy in its dogmatic ideological circle. The text also hints at the homology between Lacan's surplus-jouissance and Marx's surplus-value

    Iran as a symptom: A psychoanalytic critique of the ideological structure in the Islamic Republic

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    This thesis offers a systematic analysis of the ideological structure in the Islamic Republic of Iran through the lens of Lacanian psychoanalytic critique of ideology. The Lacanian emphasis on the libidinal constitution of ideology changes the object of analysis from social reality in its empirical aspects to the unconscious or disavowed conditions sustaining social reality in the Islamic Republic. The overall analysis of this thesis is divided into three interrelated research domains: the first domain of political subjectivity examines how subjectivity in Iran is embedded in the ideological order, as well as how that order was constructed through the 1979 Islamic revolution by tapping into the unconscious agency of political subjectivity; the second theologico-political domain inquires into the form of ideology materialised in the socio-political framework of the Islamic Republic and analyses its libidinal sustainability; the third domain explores the political economy in Iran by conflating its historical and ontological inquiry. The analysis of the three domains helps me to discern the inherent contradictions of the ideological structure in contemporary Iran and the peculiar way these contradictions are mediated. Their mediation conversely ensures the reproduction of ideology on an unconscious level. This thesis therefore explores how ideology in the Islamic Republic of Iran enables a consistent experience of social reality and how subjectivity sustains the ideological order through libidinal investments


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    Zaradi pomanjkanja fosilnih virov in negativnega vpliva plastike in polimerov na osnovi nafte na okolje so raziskave usmerjene k njihovi zamenjavi z naravnimi in obnovljivimi viri. V diplomskem delu so prikazane mehanske in druge lastnosti termoplastičnega škroba z dodatki različnih nanodelcev. Namen diplomskega dela je bil razviti biopolimerni film na osnovi škroba za industrijsko rabo in s čim manjšo prepustnostjo vodne pare ter čim boljšimi mehanskimi lastnostmi. Material smo gnetli v Brabenderjevem gnetilniku pri različnih temperaturah in obratih ter ga stisnili na laboratorijski stiskalnici. Določevali smo natezno trdnost, prepustnost vlage skozi vzorec, viskoznost, termično analizo, posnetke površin vzorcev in kemijske spremembe z infrardečo spektroskopijo. Ugotovili smo, da filmi termoplastičnega škroba, ki smo jih uporabili v diplomskem delu, ne zadoščajo pogojem za neposredno industrijsko rabo.Research is focused on replacing petroleum-based plastics and polymers due to the shortage of fossil resources and their impact on the environment with renewable resources. Mechanical and other properties of thermoplastic starch are shown in diploma work with different nanoparticles. The purpose of this diploma work is to develop a biopolymer film based on starch for industrial usage with minimal permeability of water-vapour and with good mechanical properties. Material was processed in Brabender machine with different temperature and rotor speed and pressed on laboratory press. We studied elongation break, effect of humidity on permeability of film sample, viscosity, thermodynamic analysis, pictures of films surface and chemical changes studied with infrared spectroscopy. Regarding the results we can conclude that films of thermoplastic starch that were used in this diploma work can\u27t be used anywhere in industry


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    V svetu v katerem živimo, se ne srečujemo samo z izdelki in s storitvami, temveč vse bolj z blagovnimi znamkami, ki nosijo svoj pomen tudi v posameznikovem odnosu do življenja in družbe. Res je, da nas učijo, da obleka ne naredi človeka, kljub temu pa posameznik, s pomočjo obleke, odraža sebe in svoj stil življenja v družbi. To so, seveda, dobro izkoristila tudi slovenska podjetja in skozi celotno zgodovino Slovenije oblikovala uspešne blagovne znamke v tekstilni industriji. V nadaljevanju smo za razumevanje osnov pojasnili pojem blagovne znamke, njen razvoj, vrste in funkcije blagovne znamke ter oblikovanje blagovne znamke – povzete po številnih priznanih avtorjih. Tekstilna industrija je večja gospodarska panoga, ki pa se je, zaradi svojega pomena, v zgodovini širila in tako odpirala nova vrata številnim podjetjem, ki so nadalje uspešno oblikovala nove blagovne znamke, katera še dandanes veljajo za priznane znamke v Sloveniji in širše. Za primer smo vzeli in obravnavali dve veliki in nekdaj zelo uspešni podjetji Mura in Lisca. Na kratko povzemamo zgodovino podjetja in razvoja njenih blagovnih znamk ter pomembnih dejavnikov, ki so vplivali na razvoj podjetja in ustvarjanje blagovnih znamk.In the world we live in we are not only faced with products and services, but also more and more with trademarks, which have their own importance in the individual’s relationship to life and society. It is true that a suit does not make a man, but nevertheless and individual is using suits to express himself and his life style in the society. Slovenian companies have exploited this fact very well and have designed successful trademarks in the textile industry through the entire Slovenian history. For a better understanding of the basics, the next part of the thesis explains the term trademark and its development, its types and functions and the design of a trademark from the viewpoint of several acknowledged authors. The textile industry is a larger economical branch, which has expanded due to its importance in history and has opened new opportunities for several companies. These companies have then successfully designed new trademarks, which are still well known trademarks in Slovenia and abroad. As an example, the thesis discusses two large and formerly very successful companies Mura and Lisca. The thesis describes the history of the companies, the development of their trademarks and some key factors, which affected the development of the companies and the creation of trademarks

    Hemolymph sugar titers in honeybees (Apis melliefera carnica) from winter cluster

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    V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali koncentracije glukoze, fruktoze in trehaloze v hemolimfi čebel iz zimske gruče. Hemolimfo smo vzorčili pri čebelah iz dveh različnih panjev od 30.12.2013 do 19.2.2014. Tekom raziskave smo ugotovili, da je bila ena od obeh vzorčenih družin okužena z mikrosporidiji Nosema spp., kar je bil glavni vzrok za kasnejši propad celotne družine. Dodatno smo izvedli poskus, kjer smo čebele obeh panjev za 48 ur izpostavili idealnim razmeram v inkubatorju. Za določanje sladkorjev v vzorcih smo uporabili anionsko izmenjevalno tekočinsko kromatografijo visoke ločljivosti s pulzno amperometrično detekcijo (HPAEC-PAD). Ugotovili smo, da je bilo čebele pred vzorčenjem hemolimfe bolj primerno uspavati z ledeno kopeljo kot pa z ogljikovim dioksidom. Naše rezultate smo primerjali z raziskavami koncentracij sladkorjev v hemolimfi čebel spomladi in jeseni ter ugotovili, da imajo zimske čebele nižje nivoje trehaloze. Potrdili smo tudi, da je trehaloza pomemben vir energije za letenje. Nizke koncentracije sladkorjev v hemolimfi zdravih zimskih čebel so posledica neizletavanja ob nizkih zunanjih temperaturah. Pri nosemavih čebelah pa je to posledica zmanjšane absorpcije sladkorjev iz črevesa v hemolimfo. S korelacijsko analizo smo ugotovili povezanost med sladkorji, še posebej močna je bila korelacija med glukozo in fruktozo pri obeh panjih. Pri poskusu z inkubatorjem smo ugotovili, da imajo zdrave in okužene čebele različen metabolizem, čeprav tega nismo potrdili statistično.In the graduation thesis, we investigated the glucose, fructose and trehalose concentrations in the hemolymph of honeybees from the winter cluster. Hemolymph was sampled from the bees of two different hives from 30.12.2013 to 19.2.2014. During the experiment we have noticed that one of the the two colonies was infected with the microsporidia Nosema spp., which was the main cause for the subsequent death off of the whole colony. Additionally, we performed an experiment where the bees from both hives were exposed to the ideal conditions in the incubator. For the evaluation of the concentrations of sugars in hemolymph samples, the high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) was used. We found that prior the sampling the bees should be narcotized using the ice bath rather than carbon dioxide. Our results were compared with the investigations of the sugar levels on the mature autumn and spring bees and we found out that bees from winter cluster have lower trehalose levels. We also confirmed that trehaloze is an important energy source during flight activity. Low concentrations of the sugar titers in the hemolymph of healthy bees are the consequence of staying in the hive at low outside temperatures. In the bees infected with Nosema spp., this is however the effect of reduced absorption of the sugar from the intestine into the hemolymph. Using the corelation analysis, we established the corelation between sugar titers, especially between glucose and fructose in both hives. In the experiment with the incubator we confirmed different metabolism between healthy and unhealthy bees, although this was not confirmed statistically


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    V diplomskem delu z naslovom Kako starši otrok Romov iz Vadarcev doživljajo vrtec in šolo v Bodoncih smo želeli z rezultati anket ugotoviti, ali čutijo starši otrok Romov, da so njihovi otroci s strani vzgojiteljice in svojih vrstnikov obravnavani drugače od svojih vrstnikov zaradi njihove etnične pripadnosti. Prav tako nas je zanimala izobrazba Romov, in ali se staršem otrok Romov zdi pomembna prisotnost romskega koordinatorja pri sporazumevanju in navezovanju stikov. Zanimalo nas je tudi, če se starši otrok Romov odzovejo vabilom na različne delavnice v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej pogledali, kdo so Romi, od kod njihovo poimenovanje ipd. Nato smo obravnavali izvor Romov, kje je njihova domovina, kdaj in zakaj so se pričeli seliti in kdaj so se naselili na tleh slovenskega ozemlja. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika za starše ugotovili, da imajo starši romskih otrok iz Vadarcev končano ali pa še nedokončano osnovno šolo. Njihovo mnenje glede na rezultate anket je, da njihovi otroci niso obravnavani drugače, ker so Romi, ne s strani vzgojiteljice in ne s strani vrstnikov. Večini staršev je pomembno, da je njihovim otrokom pri sporazumevanju v pomoč romski koordinator in prav tako se velika večina staršev romskih otrok odzove vabilom v vrtec na razne delavnice.In diploma work entitled "How parents of Roma children from Vadarci experience kindergarten and school in Bodonci" we wanted with the results of a survey to determine whether the parents of Roma children feel that their children are treated differently from their peers because of their ethnicity. We were also interested in education of Roma parents and whether the parents of Roma children seem important the presence of Roma coordinator in communication and socializing. We were also interested if the parents of Roma children respond to invitations to various workshops in kindergarten. In the theoretical part, we first looked at who are the Roma people, why are they called so and etc. Then we discussed the origins of the Roma, where their homeland is, where and why they began to move and when they settled down on the floor of the Slovenian territory. In empirical part we used a questionnaire for parents and we found out that parents of Roma children have finished or unfinished elementary school. Their opinion based on the results of the survey is that their children are not treated differently because they are Roma, not by educators, not by peers. Most parents think it is important that their children get help in communicating from the Roma coordinator and the majority of parents of Roma children respond to invitation to a variety of workshops in the kindergarten