174 research outputs found

    Dynamic and Channel Adaptive Error Control Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The application of wireless technology is increasingly influencing the deployment of sensor networks at low cost and maintainance in all walks of life. Poor channel conditions, severe power constraints, fading, interference and the low power communication requirements magnify the need for energy efficient and preferably cross layer error control schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The main goal of error control mechanisms in WSNs is to reduce the energy expenditure while taking care of reliable and fast delivery of the sensed data. In this paper, we propose a FFFD;Dynamic and Channel Adaptive Error Control Scheme in Wireless Sensor NetworksFFFD; (DCAECS) that estimates the channel errors and controls errors dynamically based on channel characteristics and noise power observed at the receiver. This motivates the error control strategy to vary as the channel conditions change in terms of noise level. In this paper, we have come up with the models for both the error and channel estimation. Analysis and simulation results for various message sizes and error conditions show that there is an improvement in terms of throughput, BER and the probability of retransmission as compared to FFFD;ARQ Scheme With Adaptive Error ControlFFFD; (ASAEC)

    Management of Shakhasrita Kamala as Pre-Hepatic Jaundice

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    Kamala is a Pittajananatmaja and Raktapradoshaja Vyadhi, where the skin, eye and mucous membrane take yellowish discoloration. It can be correlated with jaundice according to its resemblance in signs and symptoms. Shakhasrita Kamala is considered as Rudhapada Kamala or Vatakapha Pradhana. The line of management adopted in this condition is Kaphahara Chikitsa and Shamanaushadi thus removing the Margavarana. This can be correlated to prehepatic jaundice, which arises from the blood before enters the liver. This can be understood by assessing the blood investigation and other imaging studies. The line of treatment can be decided by analyzing the investigation and clinical findings

    Diagnostic criteria for Amadosha

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    Ama is the outcome of improper digestion. The product which brings discomfort in Srotas is Ama. Agni is having great role in the formation of Ama. Ama formation takes place in Jataragni, Bhutagni and Dhatuagni level, mainly due to hypo functioning state of digestive fire.[1] Ama can be identified in body through urine examination, stool examination, blood investigation and biochemical test. Based on this, the concept of inflammatory condition, autoimmune diseases and other non communicable diseases can be identified and treated in Ayurveda. Thus for the treatment of Ayurveda understanding the concept of Ama is important

    Effect of chloride and sulfate ions on the advanced photo Fenton and modified photo Fenton degradation process of Alizarin Red S

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    The degradation of Alizarin Red S (ARS) was carried out by heterogeneous advanced photo Fenton processes (HAPFP) of the type Fe0/H 2O2/UV and heterogeneous modified photo Fenton process (HMPFP) of the type Fe0/ammonium persulfate (APS)/UV. The influence of various reaction parameters like pH, catalyst loading, concentration of the oxidants and the influence of inorganic anions such as Chloride (Cl-) and Sulfate (SO42-) ions on processes were investigated. Quenching of the hydroxyl radical by inorganic anions was confirmed by the decrease in the degradation rate constant for the HAPFP from 3.33 � 10-2 to 0.19 à 10-2 (for Cl- (1 M)) and 0.29 à 10-2 min-1 (for SO42- (1 M)). Similar decrease in rate constant for HMPFP is from 4.67 à 10 -2 to 0.41 à 10-2(for Cl- (1 M)) and 0.51 à 10-2 min-1 (for SO42- (1 M)) process. The combined effect of concentration of sulfate and chloride ions on the rate constant for the degradation of ARS with APS and H2O 2 as oxidants is investigated. The initial degradation mechanism involves the cleavage of a quinone group to catechol as detected by UV-visible and GC-MS analysis. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Survey on data aggregation based security attacks in wireless sensor network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) has applications in military, health care, environmental monitoring, infrastructure, industrial and commercial applications. The WSN is expected to maintain data integrity in all its network operations. However, due to the nature of wireless connectivity, WSN is prone to various attacks that alter or steal the data exchanged between the nodes. These attacks can disrupt the network processes and also the accuracy of its results. In this survey paper, we have reviewed various attacks available in the literature till date. We have also listed existing methods that focus on data aggregation based security mechanisms in WSN to counter the attacks. We have classified and compared these methods owing to their encryption techniques. This paper intends to support researchers to understand the basic attacks prevalent in WSN and schemes to counter such attacks

    An Ayurvedic approach to Koshtashakashrita Kamala w.s.r. to Alcoholic Hepatitis - A Case Study

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    Kamala explained in Ayurvedic texts is a disease therefore it cannot be correlate to jaundice as it is only sign which means yellowishness. But it can be correlated to hepatitis of either cause viral or nonviral. Yakrit Vikara is developed due to excessive consumption of Madya continuously for a prolonged period and is chronic in nature. Excessive alcohol consumption could result in alcoholic, fatty liver disease or steatosis, alcoholic hepatitis (AH), and eventually cirrhosis. Alcoholic hepatitis is a severe syndrome of alcoholic liver disease (ALD), characterized by rapid onset of jaundice, malaise, tender hepatomegaly, and with subtle features of systemic inflammatory response. Ayurveda is traditionally skilful in treating liver diseases since centuries. The description of Hepatocellular jaundice is similar to Ayurvedic description of Kamala Vyadhi. Here a case report of a 46 years male who is chronic alcoholic having Bahupitta Kamala who was treated with herbo mineral medicines and which gave effective result by Pitta Sramasana (lowering Pitta) in the same case

    Management of Shirobhitapa w.s.r to Essential Hypertension - A Case Study

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    Hypertension is called a silent killer because it rarely causes symptoms before it damages the heart, kidneys or brain. It is estimated that 600 million people are affected worldwide with hypertension. By the year 2025, approximately 1 in 3 adults aged over 20 years, totally 1.56 billion people worldwide, will have hypertension. Many works have been carried out on hypertension to evaluate the perfect diagnosis and mode of treatment on the basis of Ayurvedic principles, different nomenclatures also have been adopted by Ayurvedic scholars like Shonitamada, Raktagata Vyana Vayu, Shiragatavata, Rakta Chapa, Raktavrita Vata, Raktavriddhi, Raktavata etc
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