17 research outputs found
A cross sectional study of polycystic ovarian syndrome among pharmacy students
Polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS] is a common disorder, often complicated by chronic an ovulatory infertility and hyperandrogenism with the clinical manifestation of oligomenorrhoea, hirsutism and acne. The aim of this research is to evaluate polycystic ovarian syndrome which includes sign and symptoms, lifestyle and diet conditions along with their common treatment and self-medication practice for dysmenorrhea among pharmacy students, which are more prone to PCOS. A cross-sectional Questionnaire survey was conducted by online survey forms among pharmacy students in Ezhuthachan College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trivandrum. This study investigates the pattern of physical activity, daily dietary intake, the frequency of PCOS symptoms and other previously diagnosed diseases in normal women with and those having PCOS. In this study, most of the students were in the age of 22 [n=17]. About 23.5% of students had acne and it can be worsen during menstrual period. And also about 19.6% of students had hair loss, which are the main symptoms of PCOS. About 15.2% of students were engaged in regular exercise. The beneïŹts of weight reduction in PCOS are well documented, and the use of meal replacements and structured dietary patterns with higher protein content and/or lower glycemic carbohydrates shows promise. Alternative dietary compositions increase the range of dietary options, and could also potentially lead to greater weight loss, maintenance of weight loss or greater improvements in reproductive and metabolic features of PCOS. However continued follow-up is required to sustain weight loss, and probably outweighs the effects of dietary composition
Positive impacts of integrating flaxseed meal as a potential feed supplement in livestock and poultry production: Present scientific understanding
When it comes to food and fiber production, flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) has been around the longest. Oil makes up over 41% of a flaxseed's total weight; of that, more than 70% is polyunsaturated. Protein, dietary fiber, α-linolenic acid (ALA), flaxseed gum, and many other beneficial compounds are abundant in flaxseed meal (FSM). There is as much as 30% crude protein in FSM. Therefore, FSM can serve as a source of excellent protein for livestock. FSM increases the efficiency and effectiveness of livestock and poultry farming. FSM can be used as an essential protein feed component in cattle and poultry farming, boosting production and profitability. Because it contains anti-nutritional ingredients such as cyanogenic glycosides, tannins, phytic acid, oxalic acid and an anti-vitamin B6 factor, the use of FSM in livestock and poultry diets is restricted. Animal nutritionists have recently shown a growing interest in reducing anti-nutritional elements and boosting FSM's nutritional value. Recently, fermented FSM has been used to feed cattle and poultry; hence its dietary benefits have not yet been fully assessed. The present article, therefore, addresses the chemical make-up, bioactive components, anti-nutritional aspects, and positive impacts of FSM in livestock and poultry production
The Influence Of Maternal Infections On Congenital Heart Defect
Congenital heart defects (CHDs) contribute significantly to heightened infant mortality rates. This review explores the intricate link between maternal infections and CHDs, emphasizing diverse factors influencing fetal development, such as bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral agents. These infections pose reproductive health risks, potentially leading to complications like prematurity, stillbirth and heart defect to the fetus. The TORCH acronym (Toxoplasma, Other infections, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex) identifies infectious teratogens related to congenital issues, emphasizing vertical transmission through the placenta or ascending from the vagina. Rubella and Cytomegalovirus play a significant role in heart defects, particularly when maternal infections amplify CHD risk during pregnancy. Specific scrutiny is placed on Rubella and Cytomegalovirus for their impact on pregnancy outcomes and potential links to congenital heart defects, with preventive strategies discussed, including vaccination and antiviral therapy. The timing and severity of these infections are pivotal in determining their impact on fetal heart development. Environmental exposures and maternal nutrition are critical factors influencing fetal development. Maternal undernutrition in low- and middle-income countries associates with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including congenital heart defects. Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a nutritious maternal diet, rich in essential nutrients, is crucial for improved fetal health and successful pregnancy outcomes. This review offers insights into preventive measures and underscores the need for continued research to enhance prenatal care strategies
Biological Assessment Of Gemcitabine Analogs To Overcome Drug Resistance In Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), often known as pancreatic cancer, is one of the main causes of cancer-related fatalities in the Western world because of early metastases, advanced disease presentation, and a typically relatively low response to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Gemcitabine remains a cornerstone of PDAC treatment in all stages of the disease despite suboptimal clinical effects primarily caused by molecular mechanisms limiting its cellular uptake and activation and overall efficacy, as well as the development of chemoresistance within weeks of treatment initiation. Gemcitabine resistance in PDAC is currently being investigated using a variety of cutting-edge therapeutic approaches, such as chemical modifications of the gemcitabine molecule that result in a variety of new prodrugs and new entrapment designs of gemcitabine in colloidal systems, such as nanoparticles and liposomes. Several of these techniques are claimed to be more efficient than the parent gemcitabine molecule when tested in cellular systems and in vivo in mouse tumour model systems. The chemical composition of analogues of gemcitabine was altered at Dr. Gavande\u27s lab. Then, under the direction of Dr. Mohammed Teiama, we had the chance to make liposomes while working with Dr. Iyer. In vitro biological testing was performed on both these analogues and the liposomal preparations. Therefore, the goal of all these results was to overcome gemcitabine\u27s chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer
Sustainability Impact Validation in the Early Stage of Digital Service Innovation : A Case Study of Digital Mobility Startup
The current business world and customer buying behaviour are strongly considering the environmental, social and economic impact. Several countries have come forward with sustainability visions and policies across all sectors which makes sustainability a mandatory requirement for all organizations including startups. Digital innovations and digitalization contribute towards sustainable development across all industrial sectors. Sustainability is included as a key element in vision, mission and strategies for both digital and non-digital companies. Sustainability is relatively long term and there are various external factors and uncertainties on which sustainability is dependent. These uncertainties make early-stage digital startups and innovators think about high chances of failures. Lean and agile methodologies are adopted by startups to cope up with these uncertainties and challenges. Sustainability measurement in organizations and specific cases are widely researched nowadays but we found that research on validating sustainability impact in the early stage of digital innovation is still lacking. Hence this paper leads to doing research on digital mobility startups and the process of sustainability impact validation during their early stage of the innovation process. The research paper derives the answer to the research question âHow to identify and validate sustainability potential impacts of digital mobility in the early stages of the innovation processâ. A single case study method is adopted for the research. Digital mobility startups in Sweden are considered for the case study. Semi-structured interviews were the main contributors to primary data and later it was qualitatively analysed. Findings were derived from the interviews which detail the adaption of the lean innovation process, sustainability-related problems that contributed towards the ideation process, tools and techniques for validating the sustainability impacts and finally the gaps and challenges in sustainability impact validation during an early stage. From empirical findings, it can be stated that identifying and validating sustainability impacts can be attained by discovering the sustainability problem, aligning with the ecosystem actors who have the similar sustainability views and focus, and also by aligning various validation and sustainability metrics indicators during the early stages of innovation.Det nuvarande nĂ€ringslivet och kundköpsbeteendet beaktar starkt miljöpĂ„verkan, sociala och ekonomiska effekter. Flera lĂ€nder har tagit fram hĂ„llbarhetsvisioner och policyer inom alla sektorer vilket gör hĂ„llbarhet till ett obligatoriskt krav för alla organisationer inklusive nystartade företag. Digitala innovationer och digitalisering bidrar till hĂ„llbar utveckling inom alla industrisektorer. HĂ„llbarhet ingĂ„r som en nyckelfaktor i vision, uppdrag och strategier för bĂ„de digitala och icke-digitala företag. HĂ„llbarhet Ă€r relativt LĂ„ngsiktigt och det finns olika externa faktorer och osĂ€kerheter som hĂ„llbarhet Ă€r beroende av. Dessa faktorer och osĂ€kerheter fĂ„r digitala startups och innovatörer att fundera över den höga risken av misslyckande. Lean- och agila metoder antas av nystartade företag för att klara av dessa osĂ€kerheter och utmaningar. HĂ„llbarhetsmĂ€tning i organisationer och specifika fall undersöks i stor utstrĂ€ckning nuförtiden men vi fann att forskning om validering av hĂ„llbarhetspĂ„verkan i det tidiga skedet av digital innovation fortfarande saknas. DĂ€rför leder denna uppsats till att forska om nystartade företag inom digital mobilitet och processen för validering av hĂ„llbarhetseffekter under deras tidiga skede av innovationsprocessen. Detta examensarbete svarar pĂ„ forskningsfrĂ„gan âHur startups kan identifiera hĂ„llbarhetspotentiella effekter av digital mobilitet i de tidiga stadierna av innovationsprocessenâ. För att förstĂ„ och sammanfatta hypotesen tillĂ€mpas en fallstudie en fallstudie. Nystartade företag inom digital mobilitet i Sverige Ă€r huvudĂ€mnet för fallstudien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer bidrog huvudsakligen till primĂ€ra data som sedan analyserades kvalitativt. Resultaten hĂ€rleddes frĂ„n intervjuerna som beskriver tillĂ€mpningen av Leaninnovationsprocessen, hĂ„llbarhetsrelaterade problem som bidrog till idĂ©processen, verktyg och tekniker för att validera hĂ„llbarhetseffekterna och slutligen gapen och utmaningarna i validering av hĂ„llbarhetseffekter under ett tidigt skede. FrĂ„n empiriska resultat kan det konstateras att identifiering och validering av hĂ„llbarhetseffekter kan uppnĂ„s genom att upptĂ€cka hĂ„llbarhetsproblemet, anpassa sig till de ekosystemaktörer som har liknande hĂ„llbarhetsvisioner och fokus och genom att anpassa olika indikatorer för validering och hĂ„llbarhet under de tidiga innovationsstadier
Forehead against Resistance (FAR): Preliminary Findings from A Clinical Alternative to Shakerâs Type of Exercise
Background. Reduced UES opening is a well-known risk factor for dysphagia. The Shaker exercise and the CTAR are the widely used intervention strategies to bring about effective UES opening. But there are well-known difficulties with the clinical use of these two exercise regimes. The present study proposes a clinical alternative to Shakerâs exercise and CTAR called the forehead against resistance (FAR) and its variants without altering the central principles of these two regimes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of FAR and its variants in bringing about UES opening. Method. The study used a comparative cross-sectional study design, with the nonrandomized convenient sampling that included 27 healthy adults. MBS was carried out in the anterior-posterior and lateral views, while the participants performed FAR and its variants. The UES diameter was measured in the baseline and with the subjects performing FAR maneuver and its variants. Results. The result revealed that the participants had greater UES opening on FAR and its variant than the baseline swallow. Also, mean values of UES opening were greater for FAR with chin tuck when compared to FAR alone, although there was no significant main effect with exercise. Conclusion. FAR and its variant could be one of the options for increasing UES opening in individuals with dysphagia
Remote sensing of flowers
The language of color pervades the natural world, with flowers being prime exemplars of communicating with color. Our understanding of floral colors is predominantly qualitative. It hinders the comprehensive decoding of information relayed through vibrant displays. Here we present the results of quantitative studies of floral colors by integrating hyperspectral remote sensing and color science. Further, we present the Indian Floral Spectral database, comprising spectral reflectance data for 686 angiosperm species in Kerala, India. Analysis of the elements in the database reveals intriguing insights into the altitudinal variability in human-perceived floral colors across nine angiosperm species. Our research introduces a novel approach that utilizes floral spectral reflectance data to study subtle changes in the landscape. Through the examination of floral color variations, we gain valuable insights into intra and inter-specific plant communications. The quantified floral colors posit as an objective plant trait, a prospective Tier I indicator of biodiversity targets
LayerâbyâLayer Construction of Hybrid Film Based on PEI Polymer and PreysslerâType Polyoxometalates: Its Electrochemical and Quartz Crystal Microbalance Measurement
Abstract In this work, Preysslerâtype POM (NH4)14[NaP5W30O110].44H2O (NH4P5W30), has been synthesised and its electrochemical behaviour in solution was examined at the surface of glassy carbon (GC) and gold electrodes. Furthermore, multilayer assemblies of NH4P5W30 POM were constructed onto the surfaces of GCE, gold electrode, and gold quartz electrode via the electrostatic LayerâbyâLayer (LBL) technique employing polyethyleneimine as the cationic layer and POM as an anionic layer. Cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements (EQCM) were used to monitor the LBL assembly as the NH4P5W30 POM layer was being built. These techniques revealed significant differences in film growth. The multilayer film exhibited wellâdefined redox couples associated with POM's tungstenâoxo framework and showed surfaceâconfined behaviour up to 100â
mVsâ1 on both the GC and gold electrodes. The pH dependency and stability of the film were investigated. EIS demonstrated that when the POM layer was the outer layer, the layers were less conductive, and resistance increased as the number of layers increased. In addition, the charge transfer resistance values (Rct) for the layers were calculated. The solvation of ions into the film associated with POM redox activity was studied employing an inâsitu EQCM.
Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the detection of Mesial Temporal Sclerosis - A leading cause of seizure disorder.
Objective: Mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) is widely recognized as a significant underlying cause of temporal lobe epilepsy. Patients with intractable epilepsy may benefit from epilepsy surgery especially if they have a radiologically demonstrable cerebral lesion. Using a dedicated MRI protocol, it is possible to detect the aetiology of seizures & also detect an epileptogenic lesion in 80% of these patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, reliability and prognostic value of MRI identification of MTS.
Methods: A prospective study of 120 patients with clinical impression of seizures from December 2012 to June 2014 were subjected to MRI scanning to evaluate the etiology of seizures. The proportion of Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy was estimated & also significance of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the detection of Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy was evaluated. Five MRI features of MTS were specifically evaluated: 1) Hyperintensity on both T2 W and FLAIR images,2)Loss of hippocampal architecture,3) Small atrophic unilateral hippocampus,4)Loss gray-white matter demarcation in the temporal lobe & 5) Prominance of ipsilateral temporal horn. In Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 3 of the following criteria were evaluated: Decrease in NAA peaks, decrease in NAA/Choline ratio & decrease in NAA/Creatinine ratio.
Results: The MR examination revealed pathological findings in 39 (32.50%) out of 120 patients which includes, 17(43.6%) mesial temporal sclerosis. The % of MRI features evaluated were Hyperintensity on T2W & FLAIR images were noted in 47.1%, loss of Hippocampal architecture in17.6%, small atrophic unilateral hippocampus in 35.3% & loss of grey-white differentiation in 29.4%.
Conclusions: Mesial temporal sclerosis was identified as the leading epileptogenic lesion.MR spectroscopy showed a significant role in the detection of MTS