376 research outputs found

    Channel Estimation for MIMO MC-CDMA Systems

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    The concepts of MIMO MC-CDMA are not new but the new technologies to improve their functioning are an emerging area of research. In general, most mobile communication systems transmit bits of information in the radio space to the receiver. The radio channels in mobile radio systems are usually multipath fading channels, which cause inter-symbol interference (ISI) in the received signal. To remove ISI from the signal, there is a need of strong equalizer. In this thesis we have focused on simulating the MIMO MC-CDMA systems in MATLAB and designed the channel estimation for them


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    An efficient implementation technique for the Lagrange interpolation is derived. This formulation called the Farrow structure leads to a version of Lagrange interpolation that is well suited to time varying FD filtering. Lagrange interpolation is mostly used for fractional delay approximation as it can be used for increasing the sampling rate of signals and systems. Lagrange interpolation is one of the representatives for a class of polynomial interpolation techniques. The computational cost of this structure is reduced as the number of multiplications are minimised in the new structure when compared with the conventional structure

    A Study on Vali Azhal Keel Vayu (வளி அழல் கீல் வாயு)

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    AIM AND OBJECTIVES: Vali azhal keel vayu is a universal disease affecting 3% of the total population, involving poor as well as rich people and causing disabilities and deformities. Vast studies on this disease and as per the opinions from the concerned specialists reveal that still there is not a total curative therapy for this disease. The signs and symptoms of the disease are correlative with Rheumatoid arthritis. The author has selected this disease and treated with the help of gwq;fpg;gl;il ,urhadk; (Parangipattai Rasayanam) 1-2 gms 2 times Morning and Evening after food a day internally and fPy;thjj;jpw;F Ie;njd;nza; (Keelvathathuku Iynthennai) externally. • To collect authentic measures and review the ideas mentioned in ancient siddha literature about the disease. • To study the clinical features of the disease vali azhal keel vayu. • To review the altered Tridosha or mukkutram and changes in the physiology as per siddha aspect. • To study the disease Vali azhal keel vayu on the basis of Udal thathu, paruva kaalam, food, taste, age, sex,socio-economic status, ennvagai thervu, neerkuri and neikuri. • To expose the unique diagnostic procedure mentioned in siddha literature for the disease Vali azhal keel vayu. • To diagnose the disease on the basis of modern parameters. • To have a detailed analysis to prove the clinical efficacy of the drugs through the pharmacological and biolchemical analysis. SUMMARY: Valiazhal keelvayu is one among a common problem in clinical practice. It has received an international attention in search of finding out of a new drug for the ailment of the sufferers. Valiazhal keelvayu is a chronic multi system connective tissue disorder of unknown aetiology. The characteristic feature of Rheumatoid arthritis is persistant inflammatory synovitis usually involve the peripheral joints in a symmetrical fashion. The potential of the synovial inflammation to cause cartilage destruction and bone erosion and subsequent joint deformity is the hall mark of the disease. Joint pain, Swelling, tenderness which may be aggravated on motion. Morning stiffness of 2 to 3 hours duration, easy fatigability, anaemia, occasional fever are the common manifestation of the disease. Extra articular manifestations are Rheumatoid nodules, lymph adenopathy, Spleenomegaly, Rheumatoid vasculitis, ophthalmic manifestations include scleritis, kerato conjunctivitis and pleuritis, fibrous alveolitis. The study on Valiazhal keelvayu (R.A) was with trial drugs. 1. Parangipattai Rasayanam 1-2 gms B.D. Internal. 2. Keelvathathirku Iynthennai External. Twenty cases of both sexes, and of various age groups were chosen and the study was carried out. 90% of the patients belonged to pitha kaalam. 45% of the cases were seemed to develop the disease during pinpani kaalam (maasi – panguni). All the cases came from Marutha nilam. Seventy percent of cases belonged to poor class families. Considering aetiology ten percent of the cases had a positive family history. 85% of the cases had a gradual on set of disease. All the cases had joint pain, swelling, morning stiffness. 75% of the cases had restricted movements. 75% of the cases had initial involvement of joints of the upper limb. In all the cases proximal interphalangeal joints and meta carpophalangeal joints were involved. Ten percent of the cases had deformities in their interphanlangeal, metacarpophalangeal joints and wrist joint. Regarding uyir thathukkal, viyanan and was were affected in 100% of the cases abanan was affected in 50% of cases samanan was affected in 75% of cases anala pitham was affected in 50% of the cases. In 60% of the cases ranjakam was affected and in 75% of the cases sathaka pitham was affected. And santhigam were affected in all the cases, kilethagam was affected in 50% of cases. Saaram and enbu were affected in all the cases. Senneer was affected in 60% of the cases. Regarding Enn vagai thervugal, sparism. Naadi were affected in all the cases. Neerkuri was found straw in colour. Neikuri indicated Vatha neer in 50% of the cases. Malam was affected in 50% of cases. 50% of the cases had moderate restriction but with an ability to perform normal activities. R.A. factor was positive in thirteen cases. 50% of the cases showed a decrease in haemoglobin percentage. E.S.R. was raised in all the cases. The trial medicines were given to 20 Cases with Valiazhal keel vayu. The internal drug was Parangipattai Rasayanam in the dose of 1-2 gms twice a day after food. The external drug was Keelvathathirku Iynthennai which was applied externally to the affected joints. Hot water fomentation was given after the application of external drug. All the patients were advised to follow the balanced dietary habit. All the patients were also advised to follow the preventive measures like avoiding exposure to cold weather and advised to take bath in warm water. The observation made during this study, showed that the trial medicines were clinically effective. The potency of the drugs were studied by pharmacological and biochemical analysis. It shows that the drugs has acute anti inflammatory, anti pyretic and analgesic actions. CONCLUSION: In this study, results were found to be good in 50% of the cases. No adverse effects were noticed during the treatment period. Further follow up of these patients showed good recovery and fine improvement in the general well beings as they could carry out their day to day activities. The preparation of both medicines are simple and expiry is six months for Rasayanam and one year for Iynthennai. So they can be stored and used. The trial medicine has acute anti inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic actions. Early diagnosis and prompt management prevents the disabilities and deformities resulting from Rheumatoid arthritis. So it is concluded that the treatment with Parangipattai Rasayanam, Keelvathathirku Iynthennai is good in the view of efficacy and safety

    Analysis of the pattern of ADR’s reported to an ADR monitoring center in South India: a prospective study

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    Background: All medicines with an ability to produce a desired therapeutic effect will also have the potential to cause unwanted adverse effects. It has been established that ~ 2.9%-5.6% of all hospital admissions are caused by Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) & as many as 35% of the hospitalized patients experience an ADR during their hospital stay. An incidence of fatal ADRs is 0.23%-0.41%. In some countries, ADRs rank among the top 10 leading causes of mortality. In order to increase awareness, observe the pattern of ADRs and communicate scientific data to prevent ADRs, this study was undertaken.Methods: It was a prospective observational study conducted at a tertiary hospital in Kochi. All the spontaneously reported ADRs were assessed and analyzed for type, severity and causality.Results: A total of 120 ADRs were reported during the study period. Most of the ADRs were seen in females in the age group of 61-70 years. Skin and appendage disorders were the most common manifestation of different type of ADRs (49.2%). Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (30.8%), followed by anti-infectives for systemic use (29.2%) were mostly implicated in the causation of ADRs. Majority of the ADRs were of mild to moderate in severity (89.2%).Conclusions: Although small, but significant number of patients had severe ADRs. Hence, we require a robust system for monitoring the medication use process. So that we can prevent and reduce the morbidity and mortality due to therapeutic agents

    WSN Based Power Monitoring for Smart Grids

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    Electrical power system consists of vast and complex network of transmission and distribution power lines. Transmission systems are managed by huge substations and are largely stable and operate within the limits. Distribution systems, on the other hand, are largely complex and are often pushed to the limits of its operation (operating voltages and currents). There is no ecient methodology for monitoring the large electrical distribution systems which are often exposed to faults, disturbances and interruptions. Along with ecient monitoring, an in-depth analysis of the behavior of the distribution systems is needed to design a more robust and ecient power system. The upcoming smart grid technology is a promising one to make the power systems more robust and ecient with the distributed energy sources supplying power to the grid. In this work, an ecient power monitoring system based on the wireless sensor network technology is proposed to enhance the functioning of large distribution systems

    Hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes and related materials

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    Adsorption of hydrogen at 300 K has been investigated on well-characterized samples of carbon nanotubes, besides carbon fibres by taking care to avoid many of the pitfalls generally encountered in such measurements. The nanotube samples include single- and multi-walled nanotubes prepared by different methods, as well as aligned bundles of multi-walled nanotubes. The effect of acid treatment of the nanotubes has been examined. A maximum adsorption of ca. 3.7 wt% is found with aligned multi-walled nanotubes. Electrochemical hydrogen storage measurements have also been carried out on the nanotube samples and the results are similar to those found by gas adsorption measurements

    Further records of rare brachyuran crab Eucrate indica (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura Euryplacidae) along the Chennai coast, Tamil Nadu, India

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    This study reports further occurrence of the crab Eucrate indica (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Euryplacidae) along the Chennai coast, Tamil Nadu, India. The crabs were obtained from a depth of 40-60 m in the trawl by-catch. The morphological features, color and distribution of these crabs are given

    A Modified Enhanced Method of Audio – Video Steganography for High Security Data Transmission

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    Steganography is an art of convert communication, which offers secrete and secure way of communication. It has many application areas such as audio-video synchronization,in defense forces etc… The audio data is converted into binary format and encrypted using a XOR encryption algorithm. Then the encrypted audio data converted into XL data form. The video frames are divided into non-overlapping blocks, and the difference between the adjacent pixels in each block is computed to obtain a reference matrix. Each block is then iterated through, if the difference between adjacent pixels is greater than or equal to the average difference in the reference matrix, the MPVD (Modified Pixel Value Differencing) based LSB of the pixel value is modified to embed the encrypted audio data bit. The embedded bit is then XORed with the corresponding LSB of adjacent pixel in the same block. The modified video frames can be sent over an unsecured channel without revealing the embedded encrypted audio data. To extract the encrypted audio message from the stego video, the embedded bits are XORed with the corresponding LSB of the adjacent pixel in the same block, and the modified LSBs are extracted and decrypted using the same encryption algorithm and key

    WSN based power monitoring in smart grids

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    Smart grid technology is one of the recent developments in the area of electric power systems that aid the use of non-conventional sources of energy in parallel with the conventional sources of energy. Monitoring and control of smart grids is essential for its efficient and effective functioning. In this paper, we propose an architecture for monitoring power in smart grid applications using wireless sensor network (WSN) technology. A prototype power sensing module is designed and developed to calculate the power for any kind of loads. Using WSN technology, the monitored power is communicated to the sink at periodic intervals. Multi hop wireless mesh network is set up using IRIS motes to enhance the communication between the power sensing nodes and the sink. The data collected is a rich source of repository for data analysis and modelling. A number of smart actions and applications, such as power theft detection, energy efficient building design, smart automation systems and smart metering can evolve out of the proposed model. A novel Power theft detection algorithm is proposed and simulated in this paper. The system is also scaled using GSM technology to extend the range of communication. Load monitoring can aid distributed architecture in smart grids with automated technology to switch between the non-conventional source of energy and the grid