262 research outputs found

    Environment Aspects in Moondraam Ulagappor Novel

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    "Moondram Ulaga Por" is a novel written by the Great Poet Vairamuthu on Global warming and its threats. It was chosen as the best novel among the World Tamil novels by Dutto Sri Soma Trust and was awarded a cash prize of 10,000 American Dollars. The novel throws light on the ill effects of population explosion, materialism, modernism, excessive use of automobiles which pollutes the environment. Karuthamayee, Ishimoora, Chinnapandi and Emily are the main characters of the novel. Karuthamaayee is introduced as a proud farmer and he is depicted as a familiar character from our neighbourhood. Chinnapaandi is an efficient young man who has been graduated in Agriculture. He inspires the youngsters of his village with his knowledge and vigour. The writer tries to implore the readers by emphasizing on the fact that discipline and environmental sustainability are possible only if there is change individual's behaviour. The writer produces statistical evidences thereby creating awareness to the selfish society. This article focuses on the eco-critical reading of the novel as environmental sustainability is the need of the hour and more over it is the social responsibility of each and every individual

    Harmonic Mean Labelling For Some Special Graphs

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    A graph G=(V,E) with p vertices and q edges is said to be a mean graph if it is possible to label the vertices with distinct elements f(x) from 0,1,2,…..q in such a way that when each edge is labelled with if is even and if is odd, then the resulting edge labels are distinct. is called a mean labelling of G. Here, we investigate the mean labelling of caterpillar, dragon, arbitrary super subdivision of a path and some graphs which are obtained from cycles and stars

    An Study On Organizational Climate Of The Selected Sugar Mills In Tamil Nadu

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    The organisational atmosphere is the common experience of workers who work and live in the organisation. It is the sum of people's opinions about an organization's procedures, policies, and activities. It represents the psychological environment of the company, which is made up of individual perspectives framed over time on micro events that affect them and those around them. It is a set of measurable work environment characteristics that have an effect on the participants' job and happiness, either directly or indirectly. Employees' knowledge of organisations and their work is shaped and enhanced by organisational climate variables. With innovative individual motivation to exchange knowledge among group members, a cooperative environment unlocks the right to use among group members and offers more efficiency. In order to boost the country's economic situation, corporate management should strive to create a welcoming organisational atmosphere. The sugar industry plays a complementary role in generating foreign exchange. Apart from text tails, the sugar industry is the largest in the manufacturing sector, employing thousands of technicians and a shortage of trained and unskilled workers. Thousands of people are still involved in the sugar trade and the transportation of sugar cane. As a result, the study focuses primarily on the organisational climate of selected sugar mills in Tamil Nadu

    Anomalous common peroneal nerve supplying the gluteus maximus muscle with high division of sciatic nerve

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    On dissection of a 60-year-old adult male cadaver, a high division of the sciatic nerve was observed on the right side along with an accessory slip of the piriformis. In this case, the common peroneal nerve pierced through and the tibial nerve passed below the accessory slip of the piriformis. Additionally, there was an unusual finding in which the common peroneal nerve was found to innervate the gluteus maximus. This finding is of academic interest and clinical significance as this variation may contribute to clinical conditions such as piriformis syndrome and foot drop with injury to the gluteal region.Keywords: Sciatica, Common peroneal nerve, Gluteus maximus, Inferior gluteal nerve, variation

    Molecular Studies and Clinical Evaluation of Primary Congenital Glaucoma

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    PURPOSE: Clinical evaluation of primary congenital glaucoma and Identification of polymorphism in CYP1B1 gene in patients diagnosed to have PCG. METHODOLOGY: 20 patients of Primary Congenital Glaucoma are registered for this study conducted in the Regional Institute of Ophthalmology and Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Chennai. Detailed clinical evaluation was done including measurement of corneal diameters, measurement of intraocular pressure and fundus examination. Blood samples will be collected from patients after informed consent. DNA isolated from these samples will be subjected to PCR for amplifying the coding exons of the CYP1B1 gene using gene-specific oligonucleotide primers. PCR products will be sequenced and analyzed to identify mutations in CYP1B1. RESULTS: Out of the 20 children who were diagnosed to have Primary Congenital Glaucoma before the age of 1, 10% of the children presented with symptoms of PCG within 1 month after birth, 65% of them presented within 1 to 6 months of age and 25% of them presented after 6 months. 90% of the children had bilateral involvement. Only 5% of the eyes had clear cornea. 62.5% of eyes had mild haze where fundus could still be visualized. 32.5% had severe haziness where it was not possible to visualize the fundus. Common Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms which are suggestive of published CYP1B1 mutations in PCG individuals are found in 2 patients out of the 20 patients included in this study group. CONCLUSION: The technological advances in molecular diagnostics and genetics can aid us to characterize pathologic gene changes providing further insight into the molecular pathogenesis of this disorder and improve management strategies of PCG including genetic counselling

    Detecting Emerging Areas in Social Streams

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    Detecting the emerging areas becomes interest by the fast development of social networks. As the information exchanged in social networks post include not only the text but also images, URLs and video therefore conventional-term-frequency-based approaches may not be appropriate in this context. Emergence of areas is focused by social aspects of these networks. To detect the emergence of new areas from the hundreds of users based on the responds in social network posts. A probability model is proposed for mentioning behavior of social networks by the number of mentions per post and the occurrence of users taking place in the mentions. The basic assumption is that a new emerging topic is something people feel like discussing, stating or forwarding the data further to their friends. In the proposed system the link anomaly model is combined with word based and text based approach. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15039

    Assessment of normal cerebral sulcal development in foetus using MRI

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    BACKGROUND & PURPOSE: The timing of the appearance of different types of sulci in a feotus is so precise that neuropathologists consider gyration to be a reliable estimate of gestational age and consequently a good marker of fetal brain maturation . our purpose is to establish, with a considerable prospective series, the normal sulcation landmarks according to gestational age by using in utero MR imaging in our local population. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to provide a standard of reference that can be used to assess normality of fetal sulcation. our objective is to determine the utility and capability of antenatal foetal MRI in postulating a normogram for sulcal development in antenatal fetuses to estimate the correct gestational age. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Assessment of cerebral sulcation by two experienced radiologists is done in 74 ultrasonically labelled normal fetuses of gestational age 22 to 36 weeks using foetal MRI standard turbo spin echo sequence (HASTE) after blinding the gestational age of the foetuses. RESULTS : Based on the observation of sequential development of the various cerebral sulci , inutero 6 stages of sulcal development is proposed with respect to gestational age ranging from 22 to 33 weeks. CONCLUSION: This kind of evaluation of the developmental stages of sulcal formation using fetal MR images tends to allow the evaluation of fetal maturation in relation to gestational age during the second and third trimesters because the fetal brain is a dynamic structure, it is important for radiologists to get familiarize with the normal appearance of the fetal brain at different gestational ages in order to identify and characterize abnormalities of foetal brain better

    Secure Login of Statistical Data With Two Parties

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    Privacy-containing data publishing shows the problem of releasing sensitive data while the mining of useful information. Among present privacy models, SHA privacy algorithm provides more security and privacy model. In this paper, we address the problem of released private data, where different dataset for the same set of user are held by two parties. Here, we present an algorithm for sensitive private data released on web in the form of statistical data. After this, we propose a SHA algorithm that releases differentially private data in a secure way during the privacy computation. Experimental results on real-scenario suggest that the proposed algorithm can effectively preserve information during mining of private information. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150312

    A Prospective study of Earlier Prediction of Lung Toxicity in Patients receiving Bleomycin for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Germcell Tumours

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    BACKGROUND: Bleomycin is one of the important chemotherapy commonly given for the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma and germ-cell tumours, the most highly curable cancers. But bleomycin can cause severe life-threatening lung injury, which ranges from hypersensitivity pneumonitis and bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) to acute interstitial pneumonia and progressive pulmonary fibrosis. Hence, early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of limiting toxicities such as bleomycin-induced lung injury, is very important. This study aims at of earlier prediction of bleomycin induced lung toxicity in hodgkin’s lymphoma & germcell tumours. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To identify the patients developing lung toxicity for Bleomycin in hodgkin’s lymphoma and germcell tumourby PFT and HRCT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: STUDY POPULATION: The study is conducted on 30 patients admitted to Government Rajaji Hospital & Madurai Medical College during the study period from March 2018 to August 2018. Inclusion criteria: Newly diagnosed Hodgkins lymphoma and germ cell tumour patients with age more than 18 years confirmed by histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry. Exclusion Criteria: Underlying lung disease. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION: Hodgkin’s lymphoma and germ cell tumour patients of varying age and sex were selected their consent was taken. The history was elicited. Age, height weight were recorded. Thorough clinical examination were carried out. Design of Study: Prospective and observational study. Period of Study: Six months (March 2018 to August 2018). The performance of baseline PFT was carried out. In all the patients relevant information will be collected in a predesigned proforma. The patients are selected based on clinical examinations, histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry. The patients are followed over a period of 6 months with pulmonary function test and HRCT at regular intervals.Complete blood count,Liver function test, Renal function test, Sputum AFB, Sputum Culture and sensitivity, HPE, IHC, Chest X ray, PFT, HRCT will be done in all patients to screen for pre existing lung disease. RESULT: Totally 30 patients among which 18 hodgkin’s lymphoma and 12 germ cell tumour patients admitted in the Govt. Rajaji Hospital were studied for bleomycin induced lung toxicity during march 2018 to August 2018. Selected patients were free from previous lung disease as screened by PFT and HRCT. After completing the course of chemotherapy for HL and GCT patients they were assessed. 12 patients developed symptoms among which 9 had dry cough and 3 had dyspnoea. All patients were subjected to PFT at the end of the treatment. 9 of them developed abnormal PFT in the form of obstruction in 5 patients, restrictive pattern in 3 patients and mixed form in 1 patient. When HRCT was repeated for these patients they did not show any abnormality. Since bleomycin toxicity is not only dose dependent these patients have to be further followed up from earlier course of treatment to a minimum of 2 years for earlier identification of bleomycin induced toxicity. CONCLUSION: Bleomycin-induced lung injury is a major pulmonary toxicity. The mortality of this complication is high, ranging from 10 to 20%, and significantly impacts quality of life and five-year overall survival. The diagnosis of interstitial lung disease and BIP is particularly challenging and often depends on clinical, radiological, and cytological findings. Progress in understanding the mechanisms behind the therapeutic efficacy and unwanted toxicity of bleomycin, as well as elucidation of its biosynthetic pathway, may lead to the development of agents capable of preventing or treating BIP. Until then, physicians administrating bleomycin should be aware of potential lung toxicity, especially in the presence of risk factors

    A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on cord blood banking among staff nurses in Sree Mookambika Medical College Hospital at Kanyakumari District

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    INTRODUCTION: Umbilical cord blood is used as a source of hematopoietic stem cells for bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of malignant and nonmalignant disease. Many serious or life-threatening diseases have already been treated with cord blood, so storing the cord blood is a once in life time opportunity, It knocks just once. It is now possible to store cord blood to a public bank or store it in a private bank for future use. The Obstetric and Gynaecology nurses must know about the value of cord blood storage, who are in contact with the pregnant patient and her family. OBJECTIVE: The over all aim of the study was to find the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on cord blood banking among staff nurses by compairing the pre and post knowledge score. METHODOLOGY: The research design selected for the study was quasi experimental one group pretest and post test design. A random sampling technique was followed to obtain a sample of 30 staff nurses. A structured knowledge questionnaire regarding cord blood banking was prepared and used for the data collection. During the data collection, pretest was conducted on the first day, followed by structured teaching regarding cord blood banking was given. Finally, post test was done on the seventh day for the same staff nurses using the same questionnaire in the same manner. RESULTS: The major study findings were noted as follows, The data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The pretest mean score was 12.8 ±1.64; the post test mean score was23.8 ±2.44. ‘t’ test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the structured teaching programme at 0.05 level. It was found that the t test value was statistically significant at p<0.05 level ( t= 28.8). In the present study there was no association between the knowledge level of staff nurses and demographic variables. CONCLUSION: Based on the study findings following conclusions were drawn. The level of knowledge on cord blood banking among staff nurses has increased after structured teaching programme and was significant at 0.05 level. There was no significant association found between the level of knowledge and selected demographic variables
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