175 research outputs found


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    Neonatal period is very crucial phase of life. One has to provide systematic, luxurious and sophisticated neonatal care. Ayurveda mentioned very scientific approach toward newborn care as Jatamatra Paricharya; means a protocol. Abhyanga is one of these care protocols. Neonatal massage with lubricant is in practice around the world and resembles with Ayurveda Abhyanga process. In vitally stable neonates Abhyanga can be done with particular precaution considering the indications and contraindications. Abhyanga and massage are not totally identical. Abhyanga increases the strength, nourishes body, improves skin texture and accelerates the healthy growth and development of newborn. Increased weight gain, reduced pain, enhanced attentiveness, reduced depression and enhanced immune function (increased natural killer cells and natural killer cell activity) are some advantages of newborn massage. During Abhyanga prevent harmful and painful practices and social taboos, like stretching of limbs, pulling of ear and nasal cartilages etc should not be practiced. Oil which is suitable for baby according to local conditions should be use. Bala Taila is one of the best oil among the all oil preparations in Ayurveda. Hence though Abhyanga is consider as complimentary and traditional ancient practice, it is very useful for the healthy newborn and contribution to modern health society. The present article is a systematic review of the neonatal massage across the world to establish the role of Ayurveda newborn care protocols having potential to contribute neonatal health, as key message to modern health world


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    Background: The subjects which are now a day brought in to light as scientific innovations are well described in background in the ancient Indian literature. Ayurveda, the indigenous system of medicine narrates about the genetic principles, embryology, antenatal care, post-partum care, and new born care in a systematic and stepwise manner in the eight chapters of Charaka Samhita Sharira Sthana. Aim and Objectives: To throw a light on the some hidden facts from Charaka Samhita revealing their resemblance with today’s national medical practices and policies. Material and methods: Literature reviewed from different editions of Charaka Samhita, modern scientific literature on subjects like genetics, embryology, obstetrics and paediatrics have been reviewed. Discussion: Charaka Samhita Sharira Sthana is constructed in a very logical manner, which narrates the law of formation of universe and human life, microscopic to macroscopic transformation, consciousness, salvation, importance of non-consanguineous marriage and Beeja Shuddhi to prevent genetic diseases and syndromes, principles of genetics, formation and month wise growth and development of embryo, organogenesis, teratogenicity potentials, anatomy of foetus and nutrition of foetus, daily regime for pregnant lady Garbhini Paricharya (antenatal care), Prasoota and Sutika Paricharya (post-partum care), Jatamatra Paricharya (new born care) in detailed, scientific and step wise manner in eight chapters thoroughly; and found to be time tested with today’s medical practices and national health policies. Conclusion: Charaka Samhita Sharira Sthana elaborates the principles of genetics, embryology, reproductive care, antenatal care, post natal care and new born care as practised in ancient India in scientific way which resembles today’s RMNCH national program of Government of India


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    Ayurveda is the major systems of indigenous medicines and as all of us know it is a science of life. The ancient sages discovered different kinds of Ayurvedic medicines after continuous study, observations, experiments, reflections, trials and judgments. Ayurveda gives us this knowledge of health. Unlike many diseases, which can be attributed to the life style of modern man, asthma is an ancient illness. Childhood Bronchial Asthma has multifactor causation Geographical location, environmental, racial, as well as factors related to behaviors and life-styles are associated with the disease. Tamaka Shwasa is a disease described in Ayurvedic texts that shows close resemblance with bronchial asthma on the basis of clinical manifestations. There is no cure for Asthma as per the Conventional Medical Science. Ayurvedic medicines can be a potential and effective alternative for the treatment against the bronchial asthma. Ayurvedic medicines are used for the treatment of diseases globally so that people all over the world can keep faith on it on the basis of scientific evidences. The present study was a review on the management of Tamaka-Shwasa (Childhood bronchial asthma) who were being managed through Ayurvedic approach that includes a combination of Shodhana Chikista, Ayurvedic drugs, lifestyle management and wholesome diet. Ayurvedic drugs include the respiratory tonics and naturally occurring bronchodilator and immune-modulator. Thus, study result concluded that the Shodhana, Shaman, herbal and herbo-minerals compound drug has got significant anti asthmatic properties


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    Cerebral palsy appear in early childhood due to damage of developing parts of the brain that control the movement, balance, posture and other functions of the body. The early diagnosis of CP is based on the symptoms of poor head control, poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscle, tremors and gross motor developmental delay. As per Ayurveda, all functional activity of the body is regulated by the Vata Dosha. Vitiated Vata shows same symptoms like cerebral palsy due to its Ruksha, Sheeta and Khara gunas. So that the aim of treatment is to pacifying the vitiated Vata Dosha by Panchakarma procedures with normal Murcchita Tila Taila; and assess their effect on spasticity, range of movement and in quality of life in children. Murcchita Tila Taila shows significant response at the end of trail/therapy. In this study, the effect of Panchakarma therapy with Mucchita Tila Taila has shown 78.58% patients with mild response I and 21.42% patients with mild response II on both Modified Ashworth scale and Gross Motor Function Manual Scale, 85.71% patients with mild response I and 14.29% patient with no response on Quality of life scale


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    Ayurveda is one of the earliest medical systems that have got a strong scientific foundation formulated by experiments and observations of ancient wisdom. Kaumarbhritya (pediatrics) is one among eight branches of Ayurveda. Acharya Kashyapa has given prime importance to Kaumarbhritya for the very first time. As far as the branch pediatrics is concerned, in Ayurveda it accompanies a broad area. Virtually every aspect of a growing child is connected with play. Now days, many textbooks of pediatrics are focusing more on pediatric diseases and its management, but the concept of toys, play and its importance remain untouched. Years ago, Acharyas has described characteristics of Kumaragara (Neonatal care unit/pediatric ward), Kumaradhara (guardian), Kridanaka (toys) and Kridabhumi (play ground) which all are the pillars of a healthy and prosperous human being. Here, an effort is made to collect those aspects and validating that data with available evidence based references.


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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition with its onset before the age of three years. It is characterized by abnormalities in communication, impaired social function, repetitive behaviours and restricted interests. There is no effective treatment currently available for ASD and there is a growing need of an alternative treatment modality. A three year six month old male patient, diagnosed with ASD was brought to the OPD for Ayurvedic treatment of ASD. There is no mention of ASD in Ayurveda classics and hence, considered an Anukta Vyadhi. ASD involves vitiation of all the three Doshas mainly Vata Dosha in the lead. The management was primarily based on the associated Doshas and Ayurvedic formulations i.e. Abhaya Ghrita orally for three months and Marsha Nasya with Panchabhautika Taila for forty five days were used. Changes in the clinical features were assessed using Aberrant Behaviour Checklist (ABC) and changes in the severity of disease after treatment was done using Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI). The patient showed significant improvement in the core features of ASD after the treatment duration

    Quality control parameters of Gandhakadi Yoga tablets W. S. R. To its microscopic evaluation

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    Gandhakadi Yoga is a formulation suggested for Loha Sevanajanya Vikara Prashamana (Iron overload) in Ayurveda Prakasha and can be used as iron chelator which might help to decrease the iron overload. The present study was carried out to standardize the finished product Gandhakadi Yoga tablets for confirmation of its identity, quality and purity. Thus a trial was made to establish the Quality assessing parameters for Gandhakadi Yoga tablets by simple microscopic technique. The characters i.e. black debris of Gandhaka treated with Bhringaraja, light yellow brown content of Gandhaka, fragment of spongy parenchyma of Agastya leaf, oil globules and epicarp cells with tannin content of Vidanga etc. were the characteristic features of the finished product

    Contributory factors in Juvenile Diabetes manifestation from Ayurvedic View - A Cohort Survey

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    Over the period of time, human race has evolved and till date the development is going on. There is continuous civilization and change in life style of human being. Due to these changes in life style, human being is constantly struggling against the changing environmental conditions to maintain optimum health and vigor throughout the life. These changes have lead to increase in the disease burden in the society. Juvenile Diabetes is also such condition which is going to increase day by day in children. Children are the most vulnerable community in society. Juvenile diabetes (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – IDDM/ Type 1 DM / T1DM) is the most common endocrine/metabolic disorder of childhood and adolescence. The high prevalence data of Juvenile Diabetes is also alarming. Globally, the incidence of Type 1 DM is increasing in children and youth by about 3% per annum. It is characterized by deficient insulin production and requires daily parenteral administration of insulin, otherwise may prove fatal. The cause of type 1 diabetes is not known and it is not preventable with current knowledge. So a survey of 50 diagnosed juvenile diabetes patients in Jamnagar city of Gujarat state was conducted. With this survey study an effort has been done t

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) related to Pandu Roga (Iron Deficiency Anaemia) among Adolescent Girls attending Ayurveda Tertiary Care Hospital and Nearby Schools - A Survey

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    Introduction: According to Ayurveda, depletion of Rasa and Rakta Dhatu results in yellowish-white discoloration of body known as Pandu Roga. Its features resemble with IDA (Iron Deficiency Anaemia). It is very common among female adolescents. UNICEF observed that more than half of population of adolescent girls in India are anemic. Lack of knowledge is one of the most significant reason for nutritional problems like anaemia. Aim: To evaluate the level of knowledge, attitude and practices regarding Pandu Roga (Iron Deficiency Anaemia) among female adolescents. Material and Methods: In this study 200 adolescent girls aged between 10 to 16 years visiting Kaumarabhritya OPD, A.I.I.A hospital and nearby government schools were assessed on the basis of a ‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Questionnaire’ regarding Pandu Roga (IDA). Result: It was found that most of the screened adolescents had poor knowledge of Pandu Roga (IDA), its causes, prevention and management. Discussion: Pandu Roga (IDA) is a dangerous health problem globally, if not attended in time may result into grave outcomes, hence emphasis should be made on its prevention in addition to the cure. Conclusion: There is a need to focus on various health education programs for prevention of nutritional problems like IDA

    Predicting cervical cancer biopsy results using demographic and epidemiological parameters: a custom stacked ensemble machine learning approach

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    The human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for most cervical cancer cases worldwide. This gynecological carcinoma causes many deaths, even though it can be treated by removing malignant tissues at a preliminary stage. In many developing countries, patients do not undertake medical examinations due to the lack of awareness, hospital resources and high testing costs. Hence, it is vital to design a computer aided diagnostic method which can screen cervical cancer patients. In this research, we predict the probability risk of contracting this deadly disease using a custom stacked ensemble machine learning approach. The technique combines the results of several machine learning algorithms on multiple levels to produce reliable predictions. In the beginning, a deep exploratory analysis is conducted using univariate and multivariate statistics. Later, the one-way ANOVA, mutual information and Pearson’s correlation techniques are utilized for feature selection. Since the data was imbalanced, the Borderline-SMOTE technique was used to balance the data. The final stacked machine learning model obtained an accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, area under curve (AUC) and average precision of 98%, 97%, 99%, 98%, 100% and 100%, respectively. To make the model explainable and interpretable to clinicians, explainable artificial intelligence algorithms such as Shapley additive values (SHAP), local interpretable model agnostic explanation (LIME), random forest and ELI5 have been effectively utilized. The optimistic results indicate the potential of automated frameworks to assist doctors and medical professionals in diagnosing and screening potential cervical cancer patients
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