16 research outputs found

    Development of Marine and Coastal Tourism Based on Blue Economy

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    Marine and coastal tourism as one of the largest segments of the maritime economy sector, as well as the largest component of the tourism industry, often leads to controversy over environmental  impact  and  compatibility  with  other  human  activities.  The  application  of economic  and  tourism concepts  that  are  oriented  towards  environmental  conservation  and natural resources is one option to overcome the problem. The Blue Economy concept offers an economic concept based on ecosystem principles, where the development will not only generate economic growth but also ensure ecological and social sustainability. In addition, the concept of ecotourism also offers a tourism activity that prioritizes aspects of nature conservation and improving the welfare of the communit

    Analysis of the Container Dwell Time at Container Terminal by Using Simulation Modelling

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    One of the parameters that affecting efficiency of container terminal is dwell time (DT). The more least the DT the more efficient a container terminal would be. As the government regulations of the Ministry of Transportation that stated in Number PM 25 in 2017 in Article 2 Paragraph 1 explains that the maximum dwell time must not exceed than 3 days. The purpose of this study is to identify the major factor of prolonged DT in a container terminal. The authors used discrete event simulation to model the system inside the container terminal operation by using Arena Simulation software. The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is being used for the data analysis and finding the root cause. The container handling inside the container terminal data is collected, then the effect container of handling the equipment on dwelling time was testified by creating a model then analyzed. The result of the simulation is that there is a small impact from container handling equipment towards DT. From the Problem Tree framework that created based on the operational data and interviews. It shows that the most DT is contributed by the prolonged time of container stay at container yard

    The Assessment of Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR) to Achieve Required Standardised Level and Optimum Throughput: A Case of Oil and Gas Terminal in Kalimantan

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    In many cases of berth occupancy (BOR) level in the port can be one of the factors considering whether the services of port is busy or not. Later, the factors are evaluated including operational, technical or any other thing that makes this parameter to rise and affect the performance of the services of a port . In this study, the BOR assessment is applied by modeling the existing operation of an oil gas and terminal in Kalimantan using ARENA to fulfill fuel oil (BBM) and gas in the eastern part of Indonesia. The model considers various factors as the terminal service capacity and the input of terminal traffic such as increased cargo balance from time to time including ships and cargo traffic. To support the implementation of the terminal acceleration program, the analysis of utility usage dock and equipment loading - unloading (marine loading arms) is an essential item for giving arguments plans facility expansion due to the increasing traffic of ships and the cargo services through a strategic plan providing such as new facilities/equipments and other new managemet arrangement. As a result, the study may provide scenarios as options for the terminal operator to implement in achieving both the optimised throughput and acceptable BOR level by considering operational, technical, commercial and management strategie

    Perencanaan Pengelolaan Limbah Padat di Terminal Jamrud Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini mengambil Terminal Jamrud, salah satu dari tiga terminal yang dimiliki Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak di Surabaya di Provinsi Jawa Timur sebagai studi kasus. Pilihan ini diambil dengan mempertimbangkan aktivitas terminal ini yang dermaga-dermaganya beroperasi terus-menerus tiada henti sehingga dapat dipastikan bahwa terminal ini sangat berkontribusi berkontribusi terhadap pencemaran lingkungan baik di wilayah perairan maupun daratannya. Analisa dilakukan terhadap kebijakan otoritas pelabuhan dan dampak dari kebijakan tersebut, termasuk teknologi yang digunakan, terhadap pengelolaan limbah padat di terminal tersebut, baik dari aktivitas kapal yang bersandar maupun kegiatan-kegiatan yang terjadi di lingkungan pelabuhan. Dari penelitian ini, dalam satu minggu saja, didapati bahwa Terminal Jamrud menghasilkan paling tidak 46,69 ton limbah padat dari kapal dan 237,74 ton dari kawasan pelabuhan. Bagaimana sebaiknya limbah padat yang dihasilkan tersebut dikelola dipresentasikan dalam makalah ini, berikut biaya yang harus dikeluarkan. Dengan pula melihat studi kasus di negara-negara lain, sejumlah simulasi dan analisa dilakukan terhadap empat jenis fasilitas pengelolaan limbah padat yang kelak dapat dipertimbangkan untuk ditempatkan di Terminal Jamrud. Kerugian dan keuntungan penggunaan masing-masing fasilitas tersebut dihitung, termasuk dalam hal efisiensi energi dan manfaat yang dihasilkan dari pengolahan limbah menggunakan fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut. Dari hasil analisa tersebut, didapati kemudian bahwa fasilitas pengomposan dan fasilitas pemisahan material spesifik dapat dipertimbangkan penggunaannya karena yang paling menguntungkan dari segi biaya yang dikeluarkan, efisiensi energi dan manfaat yang diperoleh kelak

    Warehouse Inventory Management System for the Smooth Delivery of Cargo to Reduce Dwelling Time at the Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang

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    Delivery cargo is a job of moving goods from the pile or a heap in the warehouse, handing it to be arranged on the vehicle and sending it to the receiving warehouse (consignee). The delivery of goods in the form of fertilizer carried out by PT. PUSRI (Pupuk Sriwijaya) at the Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang from the first line warehouse to each branch of the receiving warehouse throughout Indonesia experienced problems. The problem faced in the activities of the cargo delivery is the delay in the process of shipping goods caused by one of them by a bad warehouse inventory management system so that dwelling time is getting longer. Therefore, a good warehouse inventory management system is needed. This system has several functions, among others, as storing detailed information of goods and pointing to the location of goods. Warehouse inventory management system created with the Internet of Things was developed to track the goods / products that were previously recorded. In monitoring all information used Aduino. the web was built to provide comfort and ease in finding goods / products. With this system the cost required is low and efficient and very easy to use

    Design of High Rate Blender Hydraulic Power Pack Unit on Stimulation Vessel – Study Case Stim Star Borneo for Offshore Operations at Delta Mahakam area – East Borneo

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    Application of Hydraulic Power technology in world industry today is still continue to increased. Not only in Industrial it’s self, but in  Marine, Onshore and Offshore also use these technologies. Requirement of service in well services - Offshore Delta Mahakam region makes PT. Halliburton Indonesia as a Service Company increase his fleet service. The Type Stimulation Vessel Fleets - Stim Star Borneo is planned to improve the service unit of High Rate Water Pack (HRWP) with High Pressure Pump unit plus Gravel Pack Sand (GP) and High Rate Blender Unit. Blender High Rate is a unit tubular mixing blender driven by hydraulic power, motors blender, sand screw, pump suction and discharge pump that’s is installed unity. For that The authors will plan  system, calculation and specifications of Hydraulic Power Pack Unit for High Rate the Blender. Calculations start from of Operasional Requirement Conditions, and continued with Design Block Diagram, P & ID, and also calculations of systems such as Head, RPM, Pipe Diamater, Pipe Thickness, Main Hydraulic Pump, Reservoir Tank and Cooler. Where The Requirement of Hydraulic Main Pump Power is 950 kW with Electric Motor as prime mover 950 kW. The final result of the design is show as Layout and Detail drawing in attachment

    Analisa Teknis Konversi KM Minajaya 11 Tuna Long Liner Menjadi Kapal Pengangkut Ikan

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    Kapal penangkap ikan Minajaya Tuna Long Liner 11 adalah salah satu kapal dari 24 shipset yang dimiliki oleh PT.PANN. Dilatarbelakangi kapal Minajaya yang memiliki 512 GT sehingga tidak dapat beroperasi untuk menangkap ikan karena regulasi dari pemerintah. Sehingga kapal Minajaya 11 akan dikonversi menjadi kapal pengangkut ikan, skenario kapal pengangkut ikan ini adalah berlayar menuju beberapa titik fishing ground pada WPP 716 di Indonesia. Kapal ini akan melayani dan menjual logistic kepada kapal penangkap ikan berukuran 40-50 GT di fishing ground yang berupa bahan bakar, umpan, es, pertukaran ABK kapal dan penyimpanan frozen tuna. Setelah melakukan proses pengaturan, kalkuasi dan desain, kapal pengangkut ikan dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan bunkering system dilengkapi dengan pompa Iron Gear Pumps yang mampu mengisi penuh tangka bahan bakar 1 kapal penangkap ikan berukuran 40-50 GT selama 20 menit. Dimodifikasi juga dengan menambahkan adsorption system sebuah sistem pendingin yang memanfaatkan gas buang main engine kapal Minajaya dan mampu untuk menghasilkan 500 kg es dalam 1 hari. Loading and Unloading system untuk mengangkut ikan Tuna menggunakan portable conveyor yang disambungkan ship to ship dan diangkut menggunakan provision crane 6 ton. Seluruh desain sistem, konfigurasi, fire and safety plan, rencana umum dari kapal pengangkut ikan dimodifikasi dengan germanischer Lloyd dan SOLAS sebagai acuan untuk memodifikasi yang memenuhi standard. Biaya produksi konversi kapal Minajaya 11 membutuhkan biaya Rp. 2.902.000.000 dengan lama waktu pengerjaan selama 5 bulan dan 6 hari

    Ship Production Cost Analysis of Conversion From Minajaya 11 Tuna Long Liner Ship to Fish Carrier Ship

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    MV Minajaya Tuna Long Liner Ship number 11 is a fishing vessel and one from 24 Minajaya shipsets owned by PT. Industri Kapal Indonesia (IKI). Minajaya 11 has 512 GT capacity hence, it is prohibited by the government to be operated. Therefore Minajaya 11 will be converted into fish carrier vessel, fish carrier vessel scenario itself is sailing to several fishing grounds locate at WPP 716 in Indonesia and to objectify Minajaya 11 as fish carrier vessel, ship production cost has to be analyzed. The Calculation of ship production cost generally divided into three different types, those are reparation, installation and dismantling, from three different groups there are divided into 4 different task, human resources, material, equipment and energy cost. The total cost from reparation is Rp. 850.000.000 with the biggest proportion came from human resources with 49% proportion and the lowest proportion came from energy price with 2% proportion. The total cost from installation is Rp. 1.545.000.000 with the biggest proportion came from material and shipping cost with 88% proportion and the lowest proportion came from energy cost with 0% proportion. The total cost from dismantling is Rp. 25.700.000 with the biggest proportion came from human resources cost with 77 % proportion and the lowest proportion came from material cost with 0% proportion.   Total conversion production cost needed by Minajaya 11 is Rp. 2.902.000.000 while the conversion activities will be finished in 5 months and 6 days approximately