12 research outputs found

    Analisis bibliometrik terhadap bahan penerbitan berhubung kapur barus: meneliti potensi penyelidikan terbaru / Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin... [et al.]

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    Kapur barus (camphor) merupakan khazanah alam semulajadi yang amat bernilai. Trend penerbitan penyelidikan berkenaan kapur barus telah dikaji. Kajian ditumpukan kepada pengumpulan dan analisis kandungan terutamanya dalam bidang penyelidikan utama berhubung kapur barus. Merujuk hasil ‘literature review’, pengkaji mendapati penyelidikan lepas mengenai kapur barus didominasi oleh artikel jurnal (65.6%) dan buku (26.2%). Melihatkan metode analisis yang pernah dilakukan, penyelidikan lepas berkenaan kapur barus kebanyakannya berkisar tentang analisis saintifik (kajian makmal). Bagi kajian sains sahaja, telah terbahagi kepada lima bidang kajian. Fokus aspek perbincangan saintifik terhadap kapur barus meliputi bidang Pharmacology, Bio-Teknologi, Sains Botani, Bio-Perubatan dan Bio-Kimia. Dinilai dari jumlah penyelidikan, sebanyak 43 jenis bahan melibatkan kajian dari aspek saintifik dibandingkan hanya 3 berasaskan pengajian Islam (Islamic Studies) dan 15 berkaitan sejarah (histories). Namun, penyelidikan mengenai pokok dan sifat kapur barus spesies Asia Tenggara Tenggara (jenis Dryobalanops Camphora Aromatica) amat kurang. Kajian paling banyak berkisar mengenai kapur barus yang hanya terdapat di China dan Jepun (jenis Cinnamomum camphora). Oleh itu, bahan ilmiah berkaitan pokok kapur barus Asia Tenggara, Dryobalanops Camphora Aromatica dari kedua sudut agama, juga perincian saintifik amat terhad. Justeru, usaha lanjutan terhadap kapur barus diharapkan mampu menghasilkan sesuatu bagi manfaat Malaysia

    Information visualization with vocabulary tracking for word recognition in Qur’anic verses / Raja Jamilah Raja Yusof

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    Muslims read or recite the Qur‘an which is a source of guidance in all aspects of life. However, their recitation is sometimes without comprehension especially to those who do not understand Arabic language. To help reduce this comprehension problem, visualization is proposed based on the theory that the learning process involves the perception and the processing stages. In particular, the visualization helps to support the perception stage and is used as a strategy to solve the word recognition with meaning retrieval problem. The occurrences of the Arabic words are visualized since the Qur’anic verses contain many repeated words. This is achieved through Parallel Coordinate and word segmentation visualization technique. The next stage is to process the information and this is supported through a vocabulary tracking system. The system is able to track a user‘s personal vocabulary with the presentation of the percentage and position in context of the Qur’an. In direct consequence the users know their ability of recognizing the Arabic words in relation to the whole Qur’an to achieve reading comprehension. The hypothesis is that visualization with vocabulary tracking mechanism supports Arabic word recognition in the Qur‘anic verses. The research methodology of this thesis starts with a preliminary study of identifying problems of Qur’an reciters and in solving the problem a study was carried out on how visual elements can help in reading comprehension. Then, an interface system called Parallel Coordinate of the Qur’an (PaCQ) was developed with appropriate functions and finally tested for its effectiveness. Particularly, PaCQ was tested for any improvement in the word recognition percentage scores and the time taken to complete word recognition exercise. An experimental study was set up starting with a pre-test of Arabic Word Recognition Test (AWRT) to all the targeted participants. Then stratified sampling was used to divide the participants into the control and the experimental group for the AWRT post-test. It was found that the AWRT score percentage rank for participants after using PaCQ interface was significantly higher compared to before using PaCQ. The average AWRT percentage scores of set 4, 5 and 6 (the post-test) for the PaCQ group, show significant difference in the rank score compared to the control group. The average rank time to complete the post-test for the PaCQ group is significantly faster compared to the control group. The average time to complete AWRT for age group >= 35 had been significantly improved in the experimental group compared to the control group. It can be concluded that visualization and vocabulary tracking mechanism through the PaCQ interface improve word recognition performance both in the score and the time taken to complete the test

    DroidbotX: Test Case Generation Tool for Android Applications Using Q-Learning

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    Android applications provide benefits to mobile phone users by offering operative functionalities and interactive user interfaces. However, application crashes give users an unsatisfactory experience, and negatively impact the application’s overall rating. Android application crashes can be avoided through intensive and extensive testing. In the related literature, the graphical user interface (GUI) test generation tools focus on generating tests and exploring application functions using different approaches. Such tools must choose not only which user interface element to interact with, but also which type of action to be performed, in order to increase the percentage of code coverage and to detect faults with a limited time budget. However, a common limitation in the tools is the low code coverage because of their inability to find the right combination of actions that can drive the application into new and important states. A Q-Learning-based test coverage approach developed in DroidbotX was proposed to generate GUI test cases for Android applications to maximize instruction coverage, method coverage, and activity coverage. The overall performance of the proposed solution was compared to five state-of-the-art test generation tools on 30 Android applications. The DroidbotX test coverage approach achieved 51.5% accuracy for instruction coverage, 57% for method coverage, and 86.5% for activity coverage. It triggered 18 crashes within the time limit and shortest event sequence length compared to the other tools. The results demonstrated that the adaptation of Q-Learning with upper confidence bound (UCB) exploration outperforms other existing state-of-the-art solutions

    Qur'anic words stemming

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    Arabic words are known to have complex morphological structure. The different structures produce various word patterns or derivatives from a root word. This paper attempts to identify various word patterns that originate from a root word. These word patterns are compared to the words in the 30th part of the Qur'an. Nine stemming test cases were outlined for words in the 30 th part of the Qur'an. Analysis showed that stemming nouns and particles leads to a lower percentage error compared to stemming the 10 alphabets that can be added as affixes in a root word. A rule-based stemming engine (RSE) was also implemented and the stemming accuracy achieved was 62.5 and the average time taken to stem 1000 word tokens was 11.7ms. The accuracy of the results was comparable to other stemming engines such as the Khoja stemmer, Buckwalter Morphological Analyzer (BAMA), Tri-literal Root Extraction (TRE) algorithm, and Voting algorithm

    Islamic art and the ethos of spirituality within a civilizational context

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    Islamic art is characterized by a deep-rooted vitality and distinct form of expression that arises from its intimate position with regard to Islamic civilization. While civilizational turning points and major occurrences have held deep ramifications for its growth and development, the most prominent catalysts of civilizational status are not only found in the realm of the political and economic, but rather within a deeper expanse of ideas, spirituality, and societal consciousness; of which Islamic art acts as a prime indicator. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach. This paper would seek to survey the depths inherent within Islamic spirituality’s relationship with Islamic art, and further isolate the reasons and source of their subsistence and continued prevalence. The paper further delves into the relationship shared by spirituality and art, and the influences they exert upon one another. Moreover, it attempts to delineate between the mundane and transcendental spheres of civilizational growth and development, while seeking to come to terms with the sustainability of Islamic art, and its position with respect to Islamic civilization. The paper concludes that Islamic art is sustained and defined by means of a unique catalyzing ethos responsible for Islamic civilizational culture that is altogether distinct from the temporal mundane reality of socio-political conditions of civilization

    Gesture interfacing for people with disability of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) for smart door controls: goms analysis

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    People with disabilities may interact with their environment differently from other human beings. This is also the case with people with the disability of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH). However, most environments do not include supportive design for DASH. This study aimed to explore and analyze the body parts used by people with DASH to open doors in a real-world environment and to find an efficient interface design for people with DASH to open doors through a computer interface. This study was conducted in three parts: interviews of three people with DASH, observation of the videos of people with DASH opening doors, and GOMS analysis of five designed interfaces for people with DASH to open doors/windows through a computer interface. It was found that head gesture was suitable to be used as an interaction medium and through the GOMS analysis that the Type 5 (every task has a different head gesture movement) and Type 3 (positioning heads at different vertical or horizontal positions) are two most efficient designed interfaces for head gesture with regards to opening a door

    The Study of Malay’s Prosodic Features Impact on Classical Arabic Accents Recognition

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    Modeling individual’s variation in speech pattern can be challenging in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). In Classical Arabic (CA) language, 20 Quranic accents are permitted for Quranic recitation. An ASR system for CA with accent detection requires a modeling method that can capture speech pattern changes. Here, we study the accentual influences on Malay speakers’ pronunciation and its prosodic impacts towards ASR system for CA language with seven Quranic accents identification. The proposed ASR system was developed over three stages. First, a dataset of Surah Al-Fatihah recitation was recorded from 14 Malay speakers in seven Quranic accents, forming a total of 5,684 words. Second, various spectral and prosodic features are extracted from the dataset for further classification process. The final stage includes training and testing the classification model. The existing ASR systems are often enabled by Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) because of its capability to represent a wide range of sample distributions. However, GMM is susceptible to overfitting when the model complexity is high, due to the presence of singularities. To support identification of seven Quranic accents, Universal Background Model (UBM) is adapted to GMM using Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation method. The UBM models were trained over each of Quranic accents, and combined to establish final UBM with 512 mixture components. The proposed ASR system utilizing the GMM-UBM outperformed k-NN, GMM, and GMM-iVector in identifying Al-Fatihah recitation to the corresponding Quranic accents. The GMM-UBM yields a testing accuracy of 86.148%, which is an increment of 4.435% from utilizing GMM alone

    A Systematic Literature Review in Robotics Experiential Learning With Computational and Adversarial Thinking

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    The rise of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the increasing reliance on the digital economy drive the need for a new set of skills, especially in robotics learning, that includes computational thinking (CT) and adversarial thinking (AT) for the young generation. The need for CT-related skills includes various fields, such as robotics, engineering, computer science, mathematics, music, arts, and humanities. Therefore, adopting robotic learning with CT and AT can enhance learning skills over the conventional learning model. This paper presents a systematic literature review on CT and AT practices in robotics learning to improve educational methods. This study conducts a systematic literature review from four databases: ACM, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and ScienceDirect. Sixty-five studies in robotics learning to increase CT and AT skills were analyzed by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study’s findings show that CT and AT are significant in training students to engage in robotics learning activities. These considerations will lead to strengthening their skill and critical thinking. The study also suggests that integrating these skills can prepare teachers for critical thinking and boost student learning. The findings suggest that CT and AT can directly adopt digital adversarial learning skills to improve overall robotics learning activities. For future studies, the difference in learning ages related to robotics activities with CT and AT applications can be studied to deeply comprehend the effectiveness of CT and AT applications