4,536 research outputs found

    Condensation Phenomena in Nano-Pores - a Monte Carlo Study

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of condensation phenomena in nano-pores is studied via Monte Carlo simulation of a lattice gas model. Hysteretic behavior of the particle density as a function of the density of a reservoir is obtained for various pore geometries in two and three dimensions. The shape of the hysteresis loops depend on the characteristics of the pore geometry. The evaporation of particles from a pore can be fitted to a stretched exponential decay of the particle density ρf(t)exp[(t/τ)β]\rho_f(t) \sim exp [ -(t/\tau)^\beta]. Phase separation dynamics inside the pore is effectively described by a random walk of the non-wetting phases. Domain evolution is significantly slowed down in presence of random wall-particle potential and gives rise to a temperature dependent growth exponent. On the other hand roughness of the pore wall only delays the onset of a pure domain growth.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Universal aging properties at a disordered critical point

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    We investigate, analytically near the dimension duc=4d_{uc}=4 and numerically in d=3d=3, the non equilibrium relaxational dynamics of the randomly diluted Ising model at criticality. Using the Exact Renormalization Group Method to one loop, we compute the two times t,twt,t_w correlation function and Fluctuation Dissipation Ratio (FDR) for any Fourier mode of the order parameter, of finite wave vector qq. In the large time separation limit, the FDR is found to reach a non trivial value XX^{\infty} independently of (small) qq and coincide with the FDR associated to the the {\it total} magnetization obtained previously. Explicit calculations in real space show that the FDR associated to the {\it local} magnetization converges, in the asymptotic limit, to this same value XX^{\infty}. Through a Monte Carlo simulation, we compute the autocorrelation function in three dimensions, for different values of the dilution fraction pp at Tc(p)T_c(p). Taking properly into account the corrections to scaling, we find, according to the Renormalization Group predictions, that the autocorrelation exponent λc\lambda_c is independent on pp. The analysis is complemented by a study of the non equilibrium critical dynamics following a quench from a completely ordered state.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Storage and hydrolysis of seawater samples for inorganic carbon isotope analysis

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    Preservation of seawater samples was tested for total inorganic carbon (ΣCO2), stable carbon isotope (δ13C), and radiocarbon (14C) applications using foil bags and storage by refrigeration and freezing. The aim was to preserve representative samples with minimal storage effects but without using toxic methods such as mercuric chloride poisoning. Hydrolysis of samples to CO2 was based on existing methods. Results of IAEA-C2 standard used with deionized water stored in the foil bags showed complete reaction yields, 14C results within 2σ of the consensus value, and δ13C that were internally consistent, indicating that there were no procedural effects associated with the foil bags. 14C results were statistically indistinguishable across the storage times, for frozen and refrigerated seawater samples from a coastal site, Elie Ness, Fife, UK. The scatter of ΣCO2 concentrations and δ13C was within scatter observed in other studies for lake- and seawater samples preserved by acidification or using mercuric chloride. However, both ΣCO2 and δ13C were less variable for frozen samples compared with refrigerated samples. The foil bags are lighter, safer to transport, and similar in cost to glass bottles and allow sample collection in the field and transfer to the hydrolysis vessel without exposure of the sample to atmosphere. Storage of seawater samples in the foil bags was considered a reliable, alternative method to poisoning for ΣCO2, δ13C, and 14C, and freezing the samples is recommended for storage time beyond a week

    Topologies related to (I)-envelopes

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    We investigate the question whether the (I)-envelope of any subset of a dual to a Banach space XX may be described as the closed convex hull in a suitable topology. If XX contains no copy of 1\ell^1 then the weak topology generated by functionals of the first Baire class in the weak^* topology works. On the other hand, if XX contains a complemented copy of 1\ell^1 or X=C([0,1])X=C([0,1]) no locally convex topology works. If we do not require the topology to be locally convex, the problem is still open. We further introduce and compare several natural intermediate closure operators on a dual Banach space. Finally, we collect several intringuing open problems related to (I)-envelopes.Comment: 23 page

    Remote polarization entanglement generation by local dephasing and frequency upconversion

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    We introduce a scheme for remote entanglement generation for the photon polarization. The technique is based on transferring the initial frequency correlations to specific polarization-frequency correlations by local dephasing and their subsequent removal by frequency up-conversion. On fundamental level, our theoretical results show how to create and transfer entanglement, to particles which never interact, by means of local operations. This possibility stems from the multi-path interference and its control in frequency space. For applications, the developed techniques and results allow for the remote generation of entanglement with distant parties without Bell state measurements and opens the perspective to probe frequency-frequency entanglement by measuring the polarization state of the photons.Comment: 8 page

    Categorization of slope failure in southern Malaysia using total estimated hazard (TEHD) method

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    Slope is a measure of steepness or the degree of inclination of a feature relative to the horizontal plane. One of the phenomenon or incidents of a slope was called as slope failure or landslide. Slope failure was a major natural disaster that had affected the country in terms of injuries, deaths, property damage, destruction of services, public inconvenience and economic as well as financial losses. Slope failure cases were very serious geologic hazard disaster that happened in many countries around the world. The aim of this paper is to determine the category of slope failure in the state of Johor based on Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ). Data were calculated by using Total Estimated Hazard (TEHD) value method which considered six factors effecting the slope failure, including lithology; slope steepness, topography, land use class, annual rainfall and type of soil. Data on the factors were collected from Malaysia Public Works Department (JKR) inspection form, website, and secondary data resource. After that weight for each factor were identified by referring to Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factor (LHEF) rating scheme. Then determination of LHZ was done according to TEHD values which have five hazard zones; (1) very low; (2) low; (3) medium; (4) high; and (5) very high. The results of this study found that out of total fifty two cases there were three medium hazard (MH), twenty seven high hazard (HH) and twenty two very high hazard (VHH). Comparison between actual data from JKR and total 52 locations of slope failure in Johor showed that 94% accuracy, TEHD equation could calculate potential slope failure hazards in Johor very well

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Peningkatan Peranan Wanita Menuju Keluarga Sehat Sejahtera (P2wkss) di Desa Lipai Bulan Kecamatan Kerumutan Kabupaten Pelalawan Periode 2012-2013

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    Development success is largely determind by the ability of officials in formulating policy or program to be implemented by government officials in the community groups that participate jointly implement programs or policies that have been decided who should be endorsed or supported by the existing infrastuctureWith the precision of government see the potential developed by a region, as well as the construction carried out did not result in new problems it is necessary environmental conditions been created for a well-ordered society with the creation of gender equality therein. This is necessary in order to avoid overlapping in the implementation of policies implemented.In this study, the method used is qualitative approach. Whereas the data analysis technique used is describing a situation or event. This research was conducted in Pelalawan district sub-district village Kerumutan Lipai Bulan. Whereas the object of this study in the implementation of an integrated program implemented in the village P2WKSS Lipai Bulan. With the focus on the development program launched by the government district seen from the factors that influence the success of the programs impelemented Lipai Bulan this village. Theory used is the theory advanced by Budi Winarno.After doing some research, the writer can see the success factors that are owned by the district respresented by agency child protection women's empowerment and family planning in implementing an integrated program P2WKSS namely the availability of regulation, the district government's cooperation with the private sector, adequate resources, facilities and infrastructure, then the last one is the budget. With these factors there is also a great good governance in the implementation of programs that do