643 research outputs found

    The Monument as Ruin: Natality, Spectrality, and the History of the Image in the Tirana Independence Monument

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    This article examines the Tirana Independence Monument, first inaugurated in November of 2012 on the hundredth anniversary of Albanian independence from the Ottoman Empire. The monument, designed by Visar Obrija and Kai Roman Kiklas, swiftly fell into disrepair until it was recently renovated in November of 2015. The article analyzes the monument’s function in terms of its doubled existence as a sign of perpetual natality (the possibility of the rebirth of national consciousness) and as a ruin with a spectral pseudo-presence (as an object that continually reminds us of the disjunctures that divorce the present from its historicity). It considers the way the monument’s inauguration relates to the politics of monumentality in contemporary Albania, and argues that the monument’s gradual ruination between 2012 and 2015 can be read as a particular manifestation of the history of the image in late capitalist society

    Solar gamma rays and modulation of cosmic rays in the inner heliosphere

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    The first evidence of the gamma-ray emission from the quiescent Sun was found in the archival EGRET data that was later confirmed by Fermi-LAT observations with high significance. This emission is produced by Galactic cosmic rays (CRs) penetrating the inner heliosphere and inter- acting with the solar atmosphere and optical photons. The solar emission is characterized by two spatially and spectrally distinct components: (i) disk emission due to the CR cascades in the solar atmosphere, and (ii) spatially extended inverse Compton (IC) emission due to the CR electrons scattering off of solar photons. The intensity of both components associated with Galactic CRs anti-correlate with the level of the solar activity being the brightest during solar minimum. In this paper we discuss updates of the models of the IC component of the emission based on CR measurements made at different levels of solar activity, and we make predictions for e- ASTROGAM and AMEGO, proposed low-energy gamma-ray missions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC201

    Chitosani multifunzionali contenenti gruppi tiolici protetti: sintesi e valutazione delle caratteristiche mucoadesive

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    Sono stati preparati derivati multifunzionali del chitosano contenenti gruppi ammonici quaternari e gruppi tiolici al fine di migliorare le caratteristiche mucoadesive del chitosano. Tuttavia si è riscontrata l’instabilità dei gruppi tiolici che tendono a formare ponti disolfuro inter- e intra-catena che di fatto limita la loro mucoadesività. Per questo si è pensato di proteggere i gruppi tiolici con un ottimo gruppo uscente in modo da promuovere la bioadesione del polimero con i gruppi tiolici di proteine presenti nel muco. Metodi: sono stati sintetizzati derivati del chitosano a partire da chitosano a basso PM, caratterizzati da piccole catene laterali formate da gruppi ammonici quaternari adiacenti (sigla, N+Ch). Successivamente su tali derivati sono stati introdotti gruppi tiolici (sigla, N+Ch-SH) mediante formazione di legami ammidici con acido tioglicolico. A partire dai derivati N+Ch-SH è stata sintetizzata una nuova classe di composti, chiamati chitosano-S-protetti (sigla N+Ch-S-protetti) mediante l’addizione, ai gruppi tiolici liberi, del ligando aromatico 6-mercaptonicotinammide. I polimeri così ottenuti non solo non sono soggetti a ossidazione ma interagiscono maggiormente con le subunità ricche di cisteina delle glicoproteine del muco, esibendo dunque un maggior carattere mucoadesivo rispetto ai polimeri progenitori. I derivati del chitosano-S-protetti sono stati caratterizzati per contenuto in gruppi tiolici e in ligando aromatico e sono stati resi fluorescenti per reazione con fluoresceina isotiocianato. Il polimero fluoresceinato è stato utilizzzato per valutare la sua mucoadesività ex-vivo su intestino isolato di ratto. La mucoadesività è stata valutata anche mediante sinergismo reologico che è stato proposto come un indice della forza del legame mucoadesivo (Hassan-Gallo, 1990), utilizzando muco porcino fresco. È stato infatti riportato che un aumento di viscosità all’interfaccia muco/polimero è direttamente correlato con le proprietà mucoadesive del polimero. Risultati: Sono stati ottenuti derivati del chitosano-S-protetti mediante l’addizione del ligando aromatico 6-mercaptonicotinammide, solubili in acqua. Tali polimeri sono risultati più mucoadesivi dei relativi polimeri tiolati non protetti. Conclusioni: Derivati del chitosano-S-protetti possono essere considerati il punto di partenza per la preparazione di nanoparticelle mucoadesive come veicolo per il trasporto dei farmaci attraverso la mucosa gastrointestinale


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan tindak pidana pembunuhan anak dalam KUHP dan bagaimana peran/fungsi ilmu kriminalistik dalam mengungkap pembunuhan anak. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Bahwa pengertian kriminalistik adalah ilmu penyidik kejahatan dan dalam menyidik kejahatan secara teknis dibutuhkan ilmu-ilmu bantu sepertiilmu Kedokteran Kehakiman (Medicolegal Forensic). Ilmu Kimia Kehakiman (Chemist Forensic), Ilmu Racun Kehakiman (Toxicologie Forensic), Ilmu Balistik Kehakiman (Ballistics Forensic), Ilmu Sidik Jari (dactyloscopy), Ilmu Tulis Menulis (Schrifkunde) dan ilmu pengetahuan lainnya sepanjang dapat diterapkan guna menjernihkan peristiwa yang terjadi apakah merupakan peristiwa pidana atau bukan, serta mengusut/menyidik tindak pidana dimaksud guna menemukan tersangkanya. 2. Bahwa tindak pidana pembunuhan anak dengan sengaja yang dikenal dengan istilah “kinderdoodslagâ€secara tegas diatur melalui bunyi rumusan Pasal 341 KUHP, yang meliputi unsur-unsurnya (1), seorang ibu; (2). dengan sengaja; (3). menghilangkan jiwa anaknya; (4). ketika dilahirkan atau tidak lama sesudah dilahirkan dan (5). karena takut ketahuan bahwa ia telah melahirkan anak. Jadi untuk dapat dipidana menurut maksud rumusan pasal di atas, penuntut umum harus membuktikan kelima unsur tersebut telah dipenuhi oleh ibu (petindak) dari tindak pidana tersebut. Kata kunci: Pembunuhan, anak, kriminalisti

    Chapter 11 The Triad of Uncertainty

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    "This chapter sheds light on interaction (samhandling) between scientists and politicians. What happens when the latter gives the former a role in an effort to ensure that society is not exposed to an unforeseen calamity? The chapter has two objectives – one conceptual and one pertaining to the analysis of public policy in a particular context. First, distinctions are drawn between three dimensions of uncertainty about the consequences of action. The aim is to create a clearer understanding of what is meant by assertions that policy is made under conditions of uncertainty. Secondly, the political implications of uncertainty are charted with particular reference to the choice of climate policy. The analysis targets the way the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has handled the task of publicizing the effect that anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases have on the atmosphere. The conclusion is that the IPCC’s communication with politicians and the public has contributed to, rather than ameliorated, the problem of uncertainty that stands in the way of resolute political action.

    Hyperentanglement witness

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    A new criterium to detect the entanglement present in a {\it hyperentangled state}, based on the evaluation of an entanglement witness, is presented. We show how some witnesses recently introduced for graph states, measured by only two local settings, can be used in this case. We also define a new witness W3W_3 that improves the resistance to noise by increasing the number of local measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, RevTex. v2: new title, minor changes in the explanation of the witness for hyperentangled states, more comments in the conclusions sectio

    Change in the occurrence of common vascular plants in Finland between 1960–2000 and 2001–2019

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    Data from a national vascular plant atlas, containing species occurrence data from 1-km squares in different parts of Finland over a period of 60 years, were used for detecting change in the commonness of 712 species. The dataset was divided into two parts, one containing squares inventoried between 1960 and 2000 (Period A, 4 596 squares) and the other containing squares from 2001 to 2019 (Period B, 3 692 squares). Of the 712 species analysed, we observed 124 species that showed consistent increase in commonness from Period A to Period B. Only eight species showing a decline from Period A to Period B were found. Our results indicate that human activities have been the main driving force behind the floristic change in Finland during the study period. The successful competitors are mostly alien and apophytic native species that are able to utilize habitats modified by cultural influence.Peer reviewe

    Hyperentanglement of two photons in three degrees of freedom

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    A 6-qubit hyperentangled state has been realized by entangling two photons in three degrees of freedom. These correspond to the polarization, the longitudinal momentum and the indistinguishable emission produced by a 2-crystal system operating with Type I phase matching in the spontaneous parametric down conversion regime. The state has been characterized by a chained interferometric apparatus and its complete entangled nature has been tested by a novel witness criterium specifically introduced for hyperentangled states. The experiment represents the first realization of a genuine hyperentangled state with the maximum entanglement between the two particles allowed in the given Hilbert space.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revtex

    Change in the occurrence of common vascular plants in Finland between 1960–2000 and 2001–2019

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    Data from a national vascular plant atlas, containing species occurrence data from 1-km squares in different parts of Finland over a period of 60 years, were used for detecting change in the commonness of 712 species. The dataset was divided into two parts, one containing squares inventoried between 1960 and 2000 (Period A, 4 596 squares) and the other containing squares from 2001 to 2019 (Period B, 3 692 squares). Of the 712 species analysed, we observed 124 species that showed consistent increase in commonness from Period A to Period B. Only eight species showing a decline from Period A to Period B were found. Our results indicate that human activities have been the main driving force behind the floristic change in Finland during the study period. The successful competitors are mostly alien and apophytic native species that are able to utilize habitats modified by cultural influence.Peer reviewe