1,022 research outputs found

    Organized responses to socio-economic change among peasants of the Peruvian Sierra.

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    In Peru in the late 1950's and early 1960's widespread agrarian unrest prompted the passing and implementation of a far reaching land reform programme. (l969-70) Peasants had been disputing titles to land in the courts, forming cooperatives, taking strike action and invading lands, often making use of complex and costly bureaucratic channels to attain their ends. These recent activities have been interpreted as being characteristic of "peasant movements" but the use of this term obscures the fact that agrarian struggles have been an on-going feature of Peruvian rural life. Explanations of this kind are closely linked to "modernization" theories of economic development which tend to stress the importance of the diffusion of cultural change from the cities rather than changes in other aspects of local level social structures. Consequently, emphasis has been given to the way in which migration to mined and cities opens up new experiences to peasants, especially as they come into contact with syndicate organizations, liberal ideologies and outsiders who act as "charismatic" leaders. An examination of five case studies suggests that this kind of approach exaggerates the relationship of dependency of peasants on landowners and middlemen, and fails to explain how markedly different social situations produced similar kinds of organized activities. I examine the possibilities of developing an approach which will combine an analysis of the structures underlying observed social action with a consideration of the social constraints on decision-making amongst individuals and groups. This does not allow for the formulation of a consistent model for the interpretation of organized peasant activities, but suggests that analysis should look to the interplay of sets of relationships at the local level with developments in the structure of the wider society which at the present time have produced an environment conducive to the success of peasant strategies

    The flow over delta wings at low speeds with leading edge separation

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    A low speed investigation of the flow over a 40 degree apex angle delta wing with sharp leading edges had been made in order to ascertain details of the flow in the viscous region near the leading edge of the suction surface of the wing. A physical picture of the flow was obtained from the surface flow and a smoke technique of flow visualization, combined with detailed measurements of total head, dynamic pressure, flow directions and vortex core positions in the flow above the wing

    Stratigraphy, Sedimentology And Tectonic Setting Of The Upper Shaler Group, Victoria Island, Northwest Territories

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    The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the uppermost late Proterozoic Shaler Group (Kilian and Kuujjua formations) in the Minto Inlier, Victoria Island, was investigated in order to better understand conditions of deposition and to place these strata in a regional tectonic context so that they might be compared with models developed for similar strata in adjacent and formerly adjacent areas.;Detailed stratigraphic section measurement, regional correlation and lithofacies analysis reveals that much of the upper Shaler Group was deposited on a tectonically stable, low gradient, shallow marine platform, perhaps within a passive margin or intracratonic seaway (Amundsen-Mackenzie Basin or Embayment). Subtidal to supratidal alternations (cycles) within the Kilian Formation can be correlated for at least 200 km and are attributed to two scales of glacio- and/or tectono-eustatic sea-level fluctuations. Marine deposition and cyclicity was abruptly terminated by deposition of the overlying Kuujjua Formation, a mature quartzarenite interpreted as a low sinuosity fluvial braidplain deposit, which flowed into the Amundsen Basin from the southeast. Intercalated evaporite deposits in both the Kilian and Kuujjua Formations are indicative of a prevailing arid climate.;Unimodal northwesterly paleocurrents, detrital quartz petrography, detrital zircon geochronology and mudstone geochemistry indicate that the river(s) which deposited the Kuujjua Formation may have incorporated detritus from as far away as the Grenville Province, presently 3000 km to the southeast. It also suggests that the extremely high compositional maturity of the quartzarenite may in part be due to extreme humid climate-related weathering in the source area.;Differential tectonic uplift which increased in intensity from southwest to northeast, resulting in a decrease in the rate of basin subsidence and eventual net uplift is recorded by: (1) The abrupt marine to terrestrial transition at the Kilian-Kuujjua contact, (2) pinch out of the uppermost Kilian and Kuujjua formations to the northeast, (3) block faulting and erosional preclusion of some of the uppermost Kilian Formation in the northeast part of the Minto Inlier. Uplift is considered to be a consequence of thermal upwelling which accompanied the arrival of a mantle plume at the base of the lithosphere, prior to the eruption of flood basalts of the Natkusiak Formation, uppermost stratigraphic unit of the Shaler Group

    The Vigiles of Rome

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    The Visiles were a fire brigade, carrying out nightly patrols throughout the City of Rome. Originally 3,500 strong, they were increased to 7,000. The scale of their fire patrols' makes them unioue. Their equipment was basic but effective. The aqueducts made their operations possible by providing adequate supplies of water throughout the City. Rome had a very bad fire problem, accentuated by the occurrence of several fires at once. Augustus applied the military technique of patrolling to the water resources already available. The conventional sizes of centuries and cohorts were appropriate for fire fighting, and the Visiles were organised as soldiers. But they were non-combative, and recruited largely from freedmen. The continuous night duty was arduous, and around 8% of the men resigned each year. In contrast with soldiers, visiles served for a normal period of only 6 years. There were a few openings for promotion to nco or technician, but further opportunities on the operational side were rare. Nco's and technicians could serve for many years. The officers (centurions and tribunes) had a military background. Centurions could serve for many years; tribunes did not. The prefect had judicial functions in addition to overall responsibility for the Vigiles, and was less concerned with active fire fighting. The two fields of ancient history and fire fighting have been brought together. The evidence used to be under-utilised, but can be very informative. Probably the most neglected aspect was that of numbers. The two nominal rolls of the Fifth Cohort are key items, telling us the total numbers of men and also providing us with clues as to the length of service and the nature of the career. Within this framework, we can fit the evidence into a coherent picture. With so many points at which the Vigiles were potentially effective, they must be ranked among the world's more effective fire brigades

    Les relations entre travail et curriculum en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles : reconstruction ou démolition?

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    Cet article analyse la relation entre le travail et le curriculum en Grande-Bretagne. La première partie porte sur les changements de la structure de l'emploi et ceux de la nature du travail; elle met l'accent sur leurs effets sur la demande de compétences professionnelles et de diplômes. La deuxième partie traite, plus en détail, les politiques gouvernementales concernant la formation professionnelle. La troisième partie est consacrée à l'analyse de plusieurs changements majeurs du curriculum dans le contexte de la réforme institutionnelle du système d'éducation. Finalement, les autrices se demandent si les concepts d'efficacité du curriculum hérités du XIXe siècle et de restriction des savoirs à transmettre aux besoins d'apprendre ne pourraient pas être utilisés pour caractériser, de façon appropriée, ces évolutions.This paper presents an analysis of the relations between work and curriculum in Great Britain. Firstly, the authors examine the changes in the structure and the nature of work, specifically with respect to the requirements for professional competence and diplomas. Secondly, government policies regarding professional training are presented in more detail. The third section presents an analysis of several major changes made to the curriculum in the process of educational system reform. Finally, the authors question whether these evolutions can be none appropriately characterized using the concepts of efficiency taken from 19th century curriculum and that of restricting which knowledge to transmit to learners.Este articulo analiza la relacion entre trabajo y curriculum en Gran Bretana. La primera parte trata sobre los cambios en la estructura del empleo y en la naturaleza del trabajo; se pone énfasis en los efectos de estos cambios sobre la demanda de competencias profesionales y de diplomas. La segunda parte discute, mas en detalle, las politicas gubernamentales en materia de formacion profesional. La tercera parte se dedica al analisis de varios cambios mayores de curriculum en el contexto de la reforma institucional del sistema educativo. Finalmente, los autores se preguntan si los conceptos de eficiencia curricular heredados del siglo XIX, y de restriccion de conocimientos a transmitir basandose en necesidades del aprendizaje, podrian ser utilizados para caracterizar de manera apropiada estas evoluciones.Dieser Artikel befafêt sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeit und Lehrgang in Grofibritannien. Der erste Teil behandelt die Verànderungen der Strukturen der Arbeitsplâtze und die der Natur der Arbeit; dabei werden ihre Wirkungen auf die Frage nach fachlichen Kompetenzen und Diplomen hervorgehoben. Im zweiten Teil wird die Politik der Regierung hinsichtlich des Fachschul un terri chts anaysiert. Der dritte Teil ist den Hauptverânderungen des Lehrgangs im Kontext der institutionellen Reform des Erziehungswesens gewidmet. Schliefilich meinen die Autoren, dièse Entwicklungen kônnten eventuell mit denselben Begriffen charakterisiert werden wie die auf das 19. Jahrhundert zuriickgehende Auffassung von der Wirksamkeit des Lehrgangs und der Einschrànkung der gelehrten Kenntnisse auf die erwiinschten

    The demand chain and response management: New directions for operations management?

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    Supply chain management would appear to be at the end of its lifecycle. Customers of all types are expressing preferences based upon some degree of product-service differentiation and not simply on cost. The growing interest in mass customisation and product platforms is evidence of these developments. Supply chain devotees argue that it (the supply chain) is capable of adequate response to these changes while others suggest the demand chain better serves the current market place. This article suggests that while the supply chain is by no means obsolete it can be argued that it is obsolescent and should be replaced by a more proactive response system. We explore demand chain analysis and demand chain management and show how “response management” is a worthy successor to the supply chain and a possible way to integrate the facilitating technology now available with a dynamic marketplace

    Beyond the supply chain: An operations response system as an efficient means of implementing a “customercentric” market response

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    Supply chain management would appear to be at the end of its lifecycle. Customers of all types are expressing preferences based upon some degree of product-service differentiation and not simply on cost. The growing interest in mass customisation and product platforms is evidence of these developments. Supply chain devotees argue that it (the supply chain) is capable of adequate response to these changes while others suggest the demand chain better serves the current market place. This article suggests that while the supply chain is by no means obsolete it can be argued that it is obsolescent and should be replaced by a more proactive response system. We explore demand chain analysis and demand chain management and show how an “operations response system” is a worthy successor and a possible way to integrate the facilitating technology now available with a dynamic marketplace

    Achieving competitive advantage through strategic and operational partnering in the value chain: The Asia Pacific challenge

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    The Asia Pacific region has witnessed many changes in recent years. For much of the last 15/20 years it has been the source of low-cost production of labour intensive products. More recently there has been a significant shift in economic and business activity. Following the initiative of Singapore, other Asian economies have sought to emulate Singapore’s patterns of growth. Rather than be just another source of low-cost labour (competitive necessity) many are now seeking to create competitive advantage by pursuing government sponsored strategies to establish leadership in knowledge, technology, process and relationship management based industries raising interesting problems and opportunities for Australasian companies

    Sequence and tectonostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic (Tonian-Cryogenian) Amundsen Basin prior to supercontinent (Rodinia) breakup

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    Intracontinental basins that lack obvious compartmentalization and extensional faults may lie inboard of, and have the same timing as, rifted continental margins. Neoproterozoic successions of northwest Laurentia are an example where rift and intracontinental basins are spatially and temporally related. This study describes Tonian-Cryogenian pre-rift strata of the upper Shaler Supergroup, deposited in the Amundsen Basin (Victoria Island, Canada), in which five transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycles are identified. The pre-breakup succession in the Amundsen Basin has stratigraphic architecture that differs from adjacent, fault-bound rift basins. There is little evidence for extensive progradation, which resulted in broad, layer-cake stratigraphy where shallow-water facies predominate, deposited on a storm-dominated ramp. Correlation between the Amundsen and Fifteenmile (Yukon) basins is complicated by differing rates and regimes of subsidence, with the exception of a basin-deepening event that occurred in both basins and correlates with the global Bitter Springs isotope stage, initiating sometime after ~811 Ma. Contrary to previous correlations, we propose that the upper Shaler Supergroup and Little Dal Group of the Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup (Mackenzie Basin) are equivalent to the entire Fifteenmile Group. The identification of cycles and subsidence patterns in the Amundsen Basin prior to Rodinia break-up has implications for understanding the stratigraphic architecture of other intracontinental sag basins. We recognize three tectonostratigraphic units for the upper Shaler Supergroup that record an initial sag basin, followed by early extension and thermal doming, and finally rifting of the Amundsen Basin. Subsidence possibly was related to multiple cycles of intra-plate extension that complemented coeval fault-controlled subsidence. Analysis of pre-rift strata in the Amundsen Basin supports multi-phase, non-correlative break-up of Rodinia along the northwest margin of Laurentia
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