71 research outputs found
Master of Science
thesisEpidemic Kaposis Sarcoma (AIDS- KS) is a rare cancer that occurs frequently among patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS-KS is one of the most common AIDS-defining malignancies. To address the cosmetic issue and comorbidities associated with KS, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved liposomal doxorubicin, liposomal daunorubicin and paclitaxel. The aim of this study is to compare liposomal doxorubicin (first-line treatment of AIDS KS) to paclitaxel (second-line) through a cost e↵ectiveness analysis and test the hypothesis that the di↵erence in acquisition costs will translate in a cost saving benefit and/or cost-e↵ectiveness. Relevant articles were identified through systematic review of the literature from the National Center for Biotechnology Pub Med database, ISPOR Digest and clinicaltrials.gov using the following medical subject heading (MESH) terms: Kaposis sarcoma, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, paclitaxel, AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections, quality of life, costs, and cost analysis. Based on the results, at present, there is no economic study evaluating the cost-e↵ectiveness of liposomal anthracyclines versus paclitaxel. Available cost-studies also showed that liposomal doxorubicin is more cost e↵ective than liposomal daunorubicin; thus liposomal daunorubicin has been removed from the analysis. Cost analyses were done comparing a full treatment of the two drugs. Cost minimization analysis showed that the treatment with liposomal doxorubicin costs 13, 333. After accounting for response rate, the results showed that liposomal doxorubicin costs 23, 390 for paclitaxel. Paclitaxel is the dominant intervention due to its lower acquisition cost and higher response rate vs. liposomal doxorubicin. In conclusion, there is a large di↵erence in acquisition cost of liposomal doxorubicin and paclitaxel (paclitaxel being less expensive than liposomal doxorubicin). After accounting for all the factors that contribute to cost and response rate, paclitaxel is less costly and cost-e↵ective when compared to liposomal doxorubicin
Evidences of continental groundwater inputs to the shelf zone in Albardão, RS, Brazil
A região sul do Brasil é uma área altamente produtiva, cujos processos oceanográficos ainda são pouco compreendidos devido ao grande número de forçantes, tais como aportes continentais do Rio da Prata, Lagoa dos Patos, diferentes massas de água oceânicas e a complexa contribuição da água subterrânea. A plataforma da região do Albardão é extremamente rica em nutrientes dissolvidos, especialmente na zona costeira. O estreito cordão arenoso que separa a região do Albardão da Lagoa Mangueira levou-nos a questionar a possibilidade do transporte de água subterrânea e se este poderia contribuir de forma expressiva na produtividade dessa região. Para testar essa hipótese, associamos dados de nutrientes das Lagoas Mirim e Mangueira a dados inéditos da plataforma da região do Albardão, todos em período de alta precipitação. Este trabalho demonstra a necessidade de incluir o transporte de água subterrânea da Lagoa Mangueira para a região costeira, como uma das principais fontes para o aumento da produtividade da região. Entretanto, para quantificar e compreender melhor este fenômeno faz-se necessário o uso de isótopos naturais como traçadores desses aportes subterrâneos.The southern coastal region of Brazil is highly productive and many of its oceanographic processes are still poorly understood due to a great number of forces, such as the continental input from the Plata River and Patos Lagoon, several distinct oceanic water masses, and a complex contribution from groundwater. The shelf near Albardão is highly rich in dissolved nutrients, particularly in the coastal zone. The narrow sandy barrier that separates the ocean from Mangueira Lagoon has led us to wonder about the possibility of groundwater, and if it might play a role in the productivity of the surrounding area. In order to test this hypothesis, nutrient data from Mirim and Mangueira Lagoons and from Albardão were collected during a rainy period. The present work shows the need to include groundwater transport from Mangueira Lagoon to the coastal zone as one of the main sources for the productivity in that region. However, for such phenomenon to be quantified and better understood, it becomes necessary to use natural isotopes as tracers of the underground input
A variação geográfica do crioulo caboverdiano
Dieses Buch vereint vier Beiträge zur Verbesserung unserer Kenntnis der geographischen Variation im portugiesischen Kreol der Kapverden. Die ersten drei – überarbeitete Auszüge aus von der staatlichen Universität der Kapverden (Universidade de Cabo Verde, UNI-CV) angenommenen Masterarbeiten – beschreiben bislang nicht oder nur unzureichend untersuchte Inselvarietäten (Inseln Fogo, Maio und Santo Antão). Der vierte entwirft, gestützt auf diese und andere Beschreibungen von Varietäten einzelner Inseln, eine erste Skizze der geographischen Variation des kapverdischen Kreols innerhalb des gesamten Archipels.Este livro reúne quatro contributos para um melhor conhecimento da geografia linguística do crioulo português de Cabo Verde. Os três primeiros – estratos reelaborados de outras tantas teses de mestrado que foram aceite pela Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNI-CV) – descrevem variedades insulares até agora não ou pouco estudadas (ilhas do Fogo, do Maio e de Santo Antão). O quarto aproveita estas e outras descrições de variedades insulares para traçar um primeiro quadro aproximativo da articulação linguística de todo o arquipélago cabo-verdiano
Polineuropatia secundária ao uso crônico de estatinas
Os inibidores da 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaryl coenzima-A (HMG-CoA) redutase têm eficácia comprovada em reduzir os níveis de colesterol e prevenir a inflamação do endotélio coronariano, cerebral e periférico. Os efeitos adversos devem ser conhecidos, pois sua suspensãopode levar à completa reversibilidade dos sintomas. São descritas complicações musculares, entre elas, mialgia, miosite e rabdomiólise, além de complicações hepáticas, neuropatias e outras. Foram revistos 1 estudo experimental, 6 estudos populacionais, 25 relatosde casos e 2 revisões sobre o tema, a maioria apontando para a real existência dessa complicação. A neuropatia induzida por estatinas tem incidência aproximada de 12 por 100.000 pessoas-ano. Apresenta-se mais comumente como polineuropatia sensitivo-motora axonalde predomínio sensitivo. Em alguns casos, agravam neuropatias periféricas preexistentes. A fisiopatologia parece convergir para o comprometimento da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial. O diagnóstico baseia-se na relação temporal entre o uso ou suspensão da drogae o surgimento ou melhora dos sinais e sintomas. Os exames laboratoriais são fundamentais para excluir causas de neuropatias periféricas bem estabelecidas. O prognóstico relaciona-se com o momento de suspensão da droga, com relatos desde melhora completa atéirreversibilidade
Gestión administrativa y su relación con el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de las instituciones educativas de la provincia del Dorado
The objective is to determine the relationship between administrative management and job performance. The study was a basic type and correlational level, it was developed under the design non- experimental cross-section, using a sample of 85 employees of the educational institutions: Alfonso Ugarte and Manuel Mesones Muro of El Dorado province, the data collection techniques were survey and an observation sheet through two questionnaires, one per variable studied. The results showed that there is a low positive relationship of the variables administrative management and job performance, concluding that the null hypotheses are rejected.En el presente trabajo de investigación titulado Gestión Administrativa y su relación con el desempeño laboral de las instituciones educativas de la provincia de El Dorado, año 2018, tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre la Gestión Administrativa con el desempeño laboral. El estudio fue de tipo básico de nivel correlacional, se desarrolló bajo el diseño no experimental de corte transversal, utilizando una muestra de 85 colaboradores de las instituciones educativas: Alfonso Ugarte y Manuel Mesones Muro de la provincia de El Dorado, las técnicas de recolección de datos que se usaron fueron la encuesta y ficha de observación a través de dos cuestionarios, uno por variable de estudio. Los resultados arrojaron que existe una relación positiva baja de las variables gestión administrativa y desempeño laboral, concluyendo en que se rechazan las hipótesis nulas
Administración de personal y desempeño laboral de los colaboradores en la municipalidad distrital de San Antonio de Cumbaza
This research is mainly aimed at establishing the relationship between management personnel and job performance of employees in the District Municipality of San Antonio de Cumbaza, 2016; to propose mechanisms for improving management and performance in the institution of local government. So a non-experimental, correlational descriptive, was performed on a sample of 10 employees, selected from non-probabilistic and intentional way; those two questionnaires applied; one for detecting their views on personnel administration and another to evaluate their job performance. tables and pie charts and was used in data analysis, descriptive statistical techniques as absolute frequency and percentage was used for the presentation of results; for correlation analysis was used in Spearman; All data were processed in the program Microsoft Excel and SPSS v22.A descriptive level, 80% of employees qualifies as poor administration being made in that instance; equivalently, 60% of workers considered to have acceptable performance; ie moderately satisfied with their roles and their individual characteristics with respect to the position. Therefore, it is concluded that personnel management is directly and significantly related to job performance of employees in the District Municipality of San Antonio de Cumbaza, 2016; because a moderate degree of correlation of 0.557 was obtained; which means that there is a direct relationship between these variables. In addition, according to the statistical decision rule and to the moderate correlation at a significance level of p = 0.047 with a unilateral statistical examination whose p-value is lower (p ≤ 0.05); then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.Objetivo establecer la relación entre la administración de personal y el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores en la Municipalidad distrital de San Antonio de Cumbaza, 2016. Su estudio no experimental, de tipo descriptivo correlacional, en una muestra de 10 colaboradores, seleccionados de manera no probabilística e intencional; a quienes se aplicó dos cuestionarios; uno para detectar su opinión respecto a la administración de personal y otro para valorar su desempeño laboral. Para la presentación de los resultados se utilizó tablas y gráficos circulares y en el análisis de datos, se empleó técnicas estadísticas descriptivas como, la frecuencia absoluta y el porcentaje; para el análisis correlacional se utilizó en coeficiente de Spearman; todos los datos fueron procesados en el programa de Microsoft Excel y el SPSS v22. A nivel descriptivo, el 80% de los colaboradores califica como deficiente a la administración que se realizan en dicha instancia; equivalentemente, el 60% de los trabajadores considera que tienen un desempeño aceptable; es decir, cumplen medianamente con sus funciones y en sus características individuales respecto al puesto. Se concluye que la administración de personal está relacionada directa y significativamente con el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores en la Municipalidad distrital de San Antonio de Cumbaza, 2016; se obtuvo un grado de correlación moderada de 0,557; lo significa que hay una relación directa entre dichas variables. Además, según la regla de decisión estadística y ante la correlación moderada a un nivel de significancia de p=0,047 con un examen estadístico unilateral cuyo p-valor es menor (p≤0.05); entonces, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna
Plan de capacitación de servicios turísticos del distrito de Chazuta- región San Martín
Training Plan to Improve Tourism Services in the district of San Martín Region Chazuta, It was to propose a program aimed at improving tourist services in the district, due to the low tourist influx in this prodigious area of natural and cultural resources. an experimental investigation was raised with pre-experimental design, with a population sample of 29 workers belonging to major companies engaged in the provision of tourist facilities such as restaurants, lodging, transportation, local guides whose characteristics are age, educational attainment and employment status, using tools such as observation sheet, gather data matrix and a test input and one output, as a means of verifying a training package consisting of 08 learning sessions. After processing the data, it was found that the values of X2Calc. and X2tab are 4.51055 and 10.8510 respectively, leading to accept Ho, concluding that the training plan does not significantly improve tourist services in the district of Chazuta. However.El Capacitación de servicios turísticos del distrito de Chazuta Región San Martín su objetivo, fue proponer un programa orientado a mejorar los servicios turísticos en el distrito, debido a la poca afluencia turística en esta zona prodigiosa de recursos naturales y culturales. Se planteó una investigación tipo experimental, con diseño pre experimental, con una muestra 29 trabajadores, de las empresas de servicios turísticos (restaurantes, alojamientos, transporte, guías locales entre otros.) Así mismo se aplicó fichas de observación, estableciendo características edad, grado de instrucción, condición laboral posteriormente se estableció una capacitación constituida por 08 sesiones. Su resultado, los valores de X2Calc. y X2tab son 4.51055 y 10.8510, por lo que se aceptó la hipótesis cero el plan maestro de capacitación de servicios turísticos no mejora significativamente los servicios turísticos del distrito de Chazuta
Influence of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the characteristics of seeds of Jatropha
Agronomic information on the cultivation of Jatropha plants (Jatropha curcas L.) in the field is still uncommon in the literature, especially under conditions of water and nutritional stress. Thus, this field study aimed to evaluate the effects of irrigation depths (735; 963; 1,191; 1,418 and 1,646 mm) and nitrogen fertilization (0; 25; 50 and 75 kg ha-1) on the characteristics of seeds of Jatropha. Nitrogen fertilization did not influence the production components of Jatropha. The seeds have an elongated aspect, where the length is always greater than the width and thickness. The highest values of seed thickness obtained in plants under the lowest irrigation depth. Plants under the highest irrigation depth showed the highest values of seed length, total number of seeds per plant and productivity of seeds
Influence of occlusal thickness of custom-made mouthgourds on ventilatory parameters, rate of perceived exertion, and peak velocity attained during an incremental test
Custom-made mouthguards are used to prevent orofacial injuries arising from falls and knocks. It has been observed that thicker custom-made mouthguards transmit less force to the mouth owing to their higher energy absorption capacity. However, it is believed that thicker custom-made mouthguards can alter ventilation during exercise because of the higher resistance or restriction of oral airflow. The purpose of this study was to investigate if a thicker custom-made mouthguard (occlusal thickness of 5-mm; 5MG) alters ventilatory parameters, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and peak velocity during an incremental test relative to a thinner custom-made mouthguard (occlusal thickness of 3-mm; 3MG) and no mouthguard (NoMG). Eleven male amateur contact team sports players completed three running incremental tests on different days. Each test performed with 3MG, 5MG, and without a mouthguard. There were no significant differences in peak velocity during the incremental tests among conditions (14.9 ± 0.6, 14.9 ± 0.7, and 14.7 ± 0.9 km·h-1 for NoMG, 3MG, and 5MG, respectively). Furthermore, no differences were found in the peaks of pulmonary oxygen uptake, minute ventilation, and respiratory frequency, as well as second ventilatory threshold. RPE was higher when wearing 5MG than when running without a mouthguard only at the 12.5 km·h-1 stage (P = .03). These data indicate that wearing custom-made mouthguards with occlusal thicknesses between 3- and 5-mm does not alter ventilatory parameters at the end of an incremental test. Thus, custom-made mouthguards with an occlusal thickness of 5-mm should be preferred owing to their greater protection capacity
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