2,005 research outputs found

    Pengolahan Air Limbah Laboratorium Terpadu dengan Sistem Kontinyu

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    The study of laboratory wastewater processing by application of integrated wastewater processing equipment using continous system had been done. The wastewater used in this study was wastewater for COD testing. Variables in this study were dilution factor (fP) with the following compositions : 50:100 (fp.2), 40:100 (fp.2.5), 20:100 (fp.5) and 10:100 (fp.10). The results showed that equipment of integrated laboratory wastewater processing had optimum perfomance at dilution factor of 2.5 (fp.2.5) to 5 (fp.5). This condition produced the pollutant elimination percentage value of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Ammonium (NH3-N), Iron (Fe), Total Chrome (Cr-total) and Mangaan (Mn)respectively in the ranges of 90-95% with the final acidity level (pH) of laboratory wastewater in the range of 6-7

    Non-linear HRV analysis to quantify the effects of intermittent hypoxia using an OSA rat model

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksIn this paper, a non-linear HRV analysis was performed to assess fragmentation signatures observed in heartbeat time series after intermittent hypoxia (IH). Three markers quantifying short-term fragmentation levels, PIP, IALS and PSS, were evaluated on R-R interval series obtained in a rat model of recurrent apnea. Through airway obstructions, apnea episodes were periodically simulated in six anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. The number of apnea events per hour (AHI index) was varied during the first half of the experiment while apnea episodes lasted 15 s. For the second part, apnea episodes lasted 5, 10 or 15 s, but the AHI index was fixed. Recurrent apnea was repeated for 15-min time intervals in all cases, alternating with basal periods of the same duration. The fragmentation markers were evaluated in segments of 5 minutes, selected at the beginning and end of the experiment. The impact of the heart and breathing rates (HR and BR, respectively) on the parameter estimates was also investigated. The results obtained show a significant increase (from 5 to 10%, p 0.9) between these markers and BR, as well as with the ratio given by HR/BR. Although fragmentation may be impacted by IH, we found that it is highly dependent on HR and BR values and thus, they should be considered during its calculation or used to normalize the fragmentation estimatesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Laboratory effluent Treatment by Using Coagulant Alum sulphate and Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC)

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    It has been investigated of the laboratory effluent treatment using coagulant Alum sulphate (AS) and Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC). This research purposes to get the best doses of coagulant in waste water treatment. Parameter focuses are Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Fe, Mn, Cr, and Ammoniac (NH3). The result shows the Alum sulphate was more effective. The effectiveness of pollutant decrease is 58,80% of TDS, 99,14% of Fe, 98% of Cr, 77,24% of Mn, and 23,18% of Ammoniac, respectively.Keywords: Laboratory wastewater, Alum sulphate, Poly Aluminum Chloride, Heavy metals, Coagulatio

    Fronteres de la comunitat, comunitat de frontera : el cas del Sénia

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    IPEC Anàlis

    Neun Prioritäten

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    Intercultural and Intrareligious Dialogue According to Ramon Llull

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    Les eleccions municipals de 1934 a Catalunya

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    El 14 de gener de 1934 es van celebrar unes eleccions municipals a Catalunya que foren crucials per al desenvolupament posterior dels esdeveniments d'aquell any. S'havien de substituir tots els ajuntaments catalans sorgits de les eleccions del 12 d'abril i es van desenvolupar en un context de gran tensió política i social. A més,per primer cop en la història del nostre país les dones podien participar en peu d'igualtat amb els homes en l'elecció dels consistoris. Tanmateix, la historiografia ha tendit a passar-hi per sobre, quan no a marginar del seu relat aquestes eleccions, les quals van suposar un punt de ruptura entre dretes i esquerres. En aquest article es pretén omplir aquest buit i donar una visió de conjunt d'aquests comicis. RESUMEN: El 14 de enero de 1934 se celebraron unas elecciones municipales en Cataluña que fueron cruciales para el desarrollo posterior de los acontecimientos de aquel año. Debían sustituir todos los ayuntamientos catalanes surgidos de las elecciones del 12 de abril y se desarrollaron en un contexto de gran tensión política y social. Además, por primera vez en la historia de nuestro país las mujeres podían participar en pie de igualdad con los hombres en la elección de los consistorios. Sin embargo, la historiografía ha tendido a pasar por encima, cuando no a marginar de su relato, estas elecciones, las cuales supusieron un punto de ruptura entre derechas e izquierdas. En este artículo se pretende llenar este vacío y dar una visión de conjunto de estos comicios. ABSTRACT: On January 14, 1934, municipal elections were held in Catalonia, which would became crucial for the further development of the events during that year. They had to replace all Catalan councils emerged from the elections of April 12 and were developed in a context of great political and social tension. In addition, for the first time in the history of our country women could participate equally with men in the election of councils. However, historiography has tended to ignore them, even to marginalize these elections, which represented a breaking point between right-wing and left-wing. This article aims to fill this gap and provide an overview of these elections

    A Nonary of Priorities

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