293 research outputs found

    La alienación cultural y la discontinuidad lingüística en la Mémoire Tatuée

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    The question of Alienation is a core subject matter of human conditioning in the present era. Therefore, it is natural that a controversial issue like alienation should leave such an indelible influence upon contemporary literature. The ques tion of Alienation, in its different manifestations, has been conceptualized and discussed, most importantly, within the existentialistic literary perspective. Due to its historical and socio cultural conditions, the African as well as the Maghrebian literature c ould not shy away from the influence of alienation understood as an identity loss and as a sense of inferiority experienced either before or after the contact with the Other. The dispossessed personality's search for identity is a commonplace theme in mo dern fiction. T he present paper will discuss the different nuances of the word alienation and analyze this theme in La M émoire Tattouée (1971), a Moroccan literary text written in French by Abdelkebir Khatibi The aim is to show how language discontinuity stands as a cause that creates a sense of inferiority, subordination, and alienation.La Alienación es un tema central de la condición humana en la época actual Por lo tanto, es natural que un tema controvertido como la alienación deje una impronta marcada en la literatura contemporánea. La cuestión de la alienación, en sus distintas manifestaciones, ha sido conceptualizad a y abordad a principalmente desde una perspectiva literaria existencialista. Debido a sus condiciones históricas y socioculturales tanto la literatura africana como la Magrebín o podían evitar la influencia de la alienación entendida como pérdida de identidad y como sentimiento de inferioridad experimentado antes o después del contacto con el Otro. La búsqueda de identidad de la personalidad desposeída es un argumento frecuente en la ficción moderna. El presente artículo trata sobre los diferentes matices de la palabra alienación y analiza este tema en la novela marroquí La Mémoire Tatuée (1971), escrita en francés por Abdelkebir Khatibi. El propósito es examinar cómo la discontinuidad lingüística se erige en un factor de sentimiento de inferioridad, subordinación y alienación

    Tracheobronchial calcifications in a child

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    Three months old child was admitted in the department of pediatrics I for respiratory distress, fever and laryngeal stridor. He was born to consanguineous parents. The prenatal history was unremarkable. However, he was hospitalized at birth for respiratory distress which improved quickly with oxygen nasal cannula. Since one month old, he was presenting a laryngeal stridor, persistent cough and chest congestion. Clinical examination found a dyspnea, stridor occuring in both phases of respiration, signs of retractions, a dysmorphic face with mid-facial hypoplasia and brachytelephalengia. The chest x-ray showed calcifications involving the entire tracheobronchial tree. A chest computed tomography revealed bilateral and symmetrical calcifications involving the anterior cartilaginous part of the trachea and the stem bronchi. The transthoracic ultrasound was normal. Routine physicochemical examinations found a low prothrombin time with decrease in the levels of vitamin-k dependent coagulation factors. The clinical course was favorable with oxygen nasal cannula and respiratory physiotherapy. The diagnosis of Keutel syndrome was made on calcifications of the tracheal cartilage associated to brachytelephalengia, and also facial dysmorphism

    Une urbanisation lineaire, echec de la planification urbaine par les pdau l’exemple de la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou

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    En Kabylie, la ville n’est apparue qu’avec la conquête française. Outre les hypothèses expliquant pourquoi il n’y a pas eu de villes en région Kabyle, la forte présence de villages et leur pérennité à travers l’histoire, a constitué une sorte de «barrage» pour leur émergence. La wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou (1139593 habitants en 2008) illustre cet enche-vêtrement entre l’urbain et le rural. Cependant, la permanence du peuplement n’a pas résisté à de nouvelles formes d’agglomération, dont la plus dominante est la figure linéaire. Ce ne sont plus les seuls chefs-lieux de communes (au nombre de 67) qui sont touchés, mais l’ensemble des villages et hameaux (plus de 1500). Si la ville de Tizi-Ouzou connait une «inflation urbaine», le reste de la région illustre une «conurbation» de villages où la route devient un porteur du peu-plement et des activités économiques. Comment expliquer cette urba-nisation envahissante au moment de la mise en place de nouveaux instruments de planification urbaine (les PDAU)? Des enquêtes auprès des collectivités locales étayeront nos propos.Mots Clés :Villes, planification urbaine, villages, densités, réseau urbain, agglomérations

    Une nouvelle generation de villes: les villes/villages cas de la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou

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    La wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou offre un cadre intéressant d’analyse du phénomène de l’urbanisation. Le village s’y impose comme socle de l’armature urbaine. Un «mixage» de villages et des «prémisses» de villes ont donné naissance à un réseau de «nouvelles» villes en construction. Une nouvelle génération de villes est née! Les villes observées étant plus proches du «rural», du «villageois» que de l’urbain. Le primat du village conduit à la nécessité de repenser les aspects urbains. L’absence de villes et de traditions urbaines dans la région pourrait s’expliquer par la prédominance des villages, tels des barrages à l’émergence des villes. La ville est une notion relative, à repenser, à reconstruire en puisant dans les réalités locales. La densité démographique, le nombre de villages et hameaux, leur dissémination, le degré d’accès aux commodités urbaines, sont autant d’indicateurs pouvant nous éclairer sur l’interaction ville/village.MOTS CLE: Ville - village - urbanisation - réseau urbai

    Control design of an HIV-1 model

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    In this paper, we formulate a dynamic mathematical model that describes the interaction of the immune system with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), combined with nonlinear continuous feedback control. The detailed computations of two linearizing inputs is presented. It results in the design of a first fully linearizable system and a second partially linearizable one. The proposed controllers have the ability to drive the system close to the healthy equilibrium state. Numerical simulations demonstrate them effectiveness by maintaining virus concentration in very low levels and healthy cells in satisfactory levels

    Relaxable Damage in Hot-Carrier Stressing of n

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    A method for device characterization is experimented to qualify the relaxable damage in hot-carrier stressing of n-MOS transistors. The degradation of physical parameters of the body-drain junction of power HEXFETs is presented for applied stress condition Vg= Vd/2. Large decrease of the resistance series, of the ideality factor, and of the reverse recombination current are shown to be related to relaxation time, and are significant at Vg=–Vd. These effects are discussed and explained by the evolution of the interface states

    Volatile in Cordierit : FT-IR-spektroskopische und thermoanalytische Untersuchungen

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    Cordierite can incorporate various molecules in small structural micropores occurring in channels parallel to the c-axis. The types of molecules and their concentrations can reveal information about the environment in which the cordierite was formed. The molecular species of 27 natural cordierites, covering a wide range of chemical composition and sampled from different petrologic environments, were analyzed using powder FT-IR spectroscopy. The orientations and behavior of both H2O and CO2 in the micropores in cordierites were studied using both published data and from the measurements in this work. Using the IR spectra, a calibration curve for a determination of the concentration for both molecular H2O and CO2 was made. The interaction between molecular H2O and CO2 with the cordierite structure was studied. The results indicate no or little interaction between these molecular species and the framework. In order to characterize further the molecular species and their degassing behavior in cordierite, the molecular species were studied using high vacuum-high temperature extraction experiments with simultaneous thermal gravimetry and mass spectrometry. H2O and CO2 are the predominant molecular species, but He, Ar, N2, H2S, SO2 and aliphatic hydrocarbons were also detected. The temperature-dependent degassing profiles for H2O and CO2 and the kinetics of H2O and CO2 loss in cordierite was also studied and are reported

    Histological study of eyelid in Algerian locale bovine

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    Ten pairs of eyelids of adult, healthy cattle of the local breed from the region of Guelma, Algeria, were collected at the slaughterhouse in order to carry out research to determine the structure, the components and to make a comparison with the results of this subject in other ruminants, classical staining techniques such as Hematoxylin & eosin, Masson trichrome and silver nitrate were carried out in the histology laboratory on sections of these membranes, the studied parts were the upper eyelid and lower eyelid, medial and lateral canthus, the results observed were significant, there was a small increase in the thickness of the epidermis in the lower eyelid, and the small sebaceous glands which made the difference between the lower eyelid from local cattle, these glands originate near the basement membrane of the upper eyelids. Regarding the tarsal gland, empty its secretion onto the surface of the eyelid through a duct lined with typical stratified squamous epithelium

    Peltier Effect Applied to the Design and Realization of a New Mass Flow Sensor

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    The present paper deals with design and realization of a new mass flow sensor using the Peltier effect. The sensor, shaped as a bimetallic circuit includes two continuous parallel strips coated with a great deal of metal plated spots. In such a device, one track performs as a classical thermoelectrical circuitry whose both plated and uncoated parts provide the thermopile junctions. The other strip is subjected to electrical current so as to generate numerous small thermal gradients owing to the Peltier effect. Then, the resulting differences in temperature induce a Seebeck e.m.f. detected by the other strip acting as a receiver. The thermal coupling between transmitter and receiver tracks depends on many variation of the surrounding environment heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, such a device allows us to detect any shift in physical properties related to the apparent thermal conductivity. In special case of a steady state fluid, the induced e.m.f. in the receiving track hinges on the thermal conductivity. When the fluid is in relative motion along the sensor, the velocity can be read out as a funotion of voltage as an application, the sensor is placed into a tube conducting a fluid flow, in order to design a new mass flowmeter

    Modélisation multi-échelle du comportement élasto-plastique de l'os trabéculaire sous sollicitations dynamiques

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    National audienceSee http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/59/28/08/ANNEX/r_N8CH0PLY.pd
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