8 research outputs found

    Sikap Mahasiswa Asing terhadap Program Pembelajaran Bahasan Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA)

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    Program pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing merupakan salah satu program pembelajaran yang diatur oleh pemerintah dan beberapa institusi di Indonesia. Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari sebagai salah satu universitas yang memiliki mahasiswa Internasional diharapkan dapat menyelenggarakan program BIPA yang bertujuan untuk membekali Mahasiswa asing pengetahuan dan keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap belajar siswa terhadap program Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 3 mahasiswa asing asal Thailand yang sedang menempuh kuliah strata-1 di Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa BIPA memiliki sikap belajar yang positif dalam berpartisipasi pada program BIPA. Mereka sangat antusias mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Indonesia yang mereka miliki karena peran bahasa Indonesia sangat vital baik itu di dalam ataupun di luar kelas

    The Implementation of Using Whatsapp and Youtube in FLTM Class: Teacher’s Perception

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    This study focuses on teacher’s perception on the implementation of usingWhatsapp and Youtube at FLTM class at English Department, MuhammadiyahUniversity Kendari since teacher’s perception has not been investigated thoroughly inthe earlier research on the implementation of using WhatsApp and Youtube media as alearning tools. The objective of this study is to find out the teacher’s perception on theimplementation of using Whatsapp messanger and Youtube in class B 5t h semesters ofFLTM classroom at Muhammadiyah University students of Kendari . This studyemploys qualitative study design to find out lecturer’s perception in teaching processusing Whatsapp and Youtube. The instruments used in this study are documentati onand interview and the data are analyzed using data reduction, data display, meaningcoding, meaning condensation, meaning interpretation, conclusion drawing and datatriangulation. The findings reveal that the teacher considered to implement Whatsappand Youtube in teaching have several advantages and disadvantages in learningobjective and outcomes. This can be viewed in the arrangement of knowledge of subjectmatter, teacher-students interaction, design of instruction, and course management.Furthermore, teacher’s beliefs in using whatsapp and youtube in teaching appeared to bestrongly connected to the flexibility of teaching and learning process and learningcontent availability.The objective of this study is to find out the teacher’s perception on the implementation of using Whatsapp messanger and Youtube in class B 5th semesters of FLTM classroom at Muhammadiyah University students of Kendari. Since teacher’s perception has not been investigated thoroughly in the earlier research on the implementation of using WhatsApp and Youtube media as a learning tools.  This study employs qualitative study design to find out lecturer’s perception in teaching process using Whatsapp and Youtube.  The instruments used in this study are documentation and interview and the data are analyzed using data reduction, data display, meaning coding, meaning condensation, meaning interpretation, conclusion drawing and data triangulation.  The findings reveal that the teacher considered to implement Whatsapp and Youtube in teaching have several advantages and disadvantages in learning objective and outcomes. This can be viewed in the arrangement of knowledge of subject matter, teacher-students interaction, design of instruction, and course management. Furthermore, teacher’s beliefs in using Whatsapp and Youtube in teaching appeared to be strongly connected to the flexibility of teaching and learning process and learning content availability


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    Pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat dipedesaan terkhusus pada usaha-usaha pada bidang perikanan budidaya tidak terlepas dari berbagai macam permasalahan baik yang bersifat teknis maupun yang terkait dengan manajemen dan tatakelola usaha. Beberapa permasalahan UKM mitra program PPPUD ini adalah terbatasnya jenis ikan dan kualitas ikan yang dimiliki mitra, ketersediaan pakan yang aman dan cukup, tingginya tingkat kematian dan rendahnya produktivitas kolam yang pada akhirnya mempengaruhi ketersediaan ikan yang di produksi.  Permasalahan lainnya dari aspek adalah belum dilakukannya proses perencanaan yang baik, tidak dimilikinya manajemen pengelolaan usaha dan keuangan dan tidak adanya sistem penjaminanm mutu produk dan evaluasi usaha. Metode dalam pemecahan masalah adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan pengelolaan manajemen usaha, manajemen poduksi, manajemen keuangan serta pemasaran. Dalam pelaksaan program dilakukan berbagai praktek secara bersama sesuai dengan tahapan yang direncanakan dengan melibatkan mahasiswa yang terlebih dahulu diberi pembekalan kemampuan sesuai tema program. Hasil yang dicapai adalah UKM mitra telah mengetahui dan dapat melaksanakan metode budidaya ikan secara intensif dan organik, memiliki kualitas ikan yang lebih baik, terjadi peningkatan kemandirian UKM baik dari segi penyediaan benih, proses produksi maupun dalam penyediaan pakan, serta terjadi peningkatan nilai aset dan omset UKM, nilai peningkatan aset 20% dan nilai peningkatan omset 25%. Kata kunci: Budidaya, Ikan, Air Tawar, Wisata, dan Pemancingan   ABSTRACT The economic development of the community in the countryside, especially in the aquaculture business, is inseparable from technical, business management and governance problems. SME as the PPUD partner was found has several challenges such as severely limited of fish species groups, quality of the fish, availability of safe and sufficient feed, high mortality rate and low of fish pond’ productivity which affects the availability of fish production. Referring to the business management, several problems were also found such as the SME does not have a good planning yet, lack of business and financial management as well as product quality assurance and evaluation system. To overcome the problems, the team of PPUD conducted several programs namely providing a training in business, production and financial management as well as marketing. The programs were carried through practicing in accordance with the planned stages by involving several students who were already given a training according to the theme of the programs. The results achieved from this program were the SME as the partner of PPUD program, are able to comprehend and carry out intensive and organic fish farming methods and understand how to have better fish quality. Moreover, there is an increasing in SME’s independence such as seed supply, production process and in the supply of feed. The asset value and the SME’s turnover also increases respectively in which it around 20% for the asset value and 25% for the turnover. Keywords: Farming, fish, freshwater, Fishing,  par

    The Transparency of School Operational Assistance (SOA) Fund Management at MTs Ummusabri of Kendari

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    There were three objectives of this study. The first was to describe the clarity roles and responsibilities of SOA fund management team at MTs Ummusabri of Kendari. The second is to describe the process of planning, implementation, and reporting of SOA fund. Finally, this study is aimed to describe the control (monitor and evaluation) from the stake holders towards the SOA fund management. It was a qualitative research using ethnography design. Methods of data collection used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was started by collecting the data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusion. Test of data validity used credibility, transferrability, confirmability and dependability. The research revealed three main findings, namely (1) The roles and responsibilities of SOA fund management team at MTs Ummusabri of Kendari was established in a clear ways eventhough the roles and responsibilities of SOA fund management team were mostly submitted to the treasurer’s hand as the absence of SOA fund management team officially. Although the involvement of stakeholders in the SOA fund management team was fairly small but all duties and responsibilities of the management of SOA fund run smoothly and effectively. (2) The process of planning, implementation and reporting of SOA fund management at MTs Ummusabri of Kendari was arranged in the detailed form of budgets and spending plans of Madrasah (BSPM) based on the priority scale. The use of the SOA fund in MTs Pesri refers to BRPM set by the management team of the SOA fund, which is consist of the treasurer, principal and approved by the council board of madrasah. The implementation of the SOA fund in MTs Pesri is based on the guidelines of the minister of education and culture of Indonesia number 76 on the technical manual use of the funds. The spending report of SOA funds is prepared and signed by the treasurer in the form of SOA fund accountability report quarter I, II, and III. These reports were acknowledged by the principal and the school committee. (3) The control (monitoring and evaluation) from the stake holders towards school operational Assistance (SOA) fund management was performed by two ways namely internal and external monitoring. The Control of the SOA fund used was involved the MTs Pesri principal (internal monitoring) and from another department such as SAA, Ministry of Education and Religious Department (external monitoring). The monitoring was only performed at the stage of implementation of SOA fund and it just merely controls the documents or statements, so that the control lack of a sustainable control

    The Nature-Related Influence of College Students English-Speaking Anxiety in Indonesia

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    The nature influence of speaking anxiety on foreign language (FL) learning settings has been established. In addition, research acknowledges the relevance of speaking performance in affecting individual predisposition to experience anxious feelings. However, few studies examine the Indonesian college students' anxiety influencing factors, mainly when speaking English. Data strategies employed a parallel design combining quantitative and qualitative methods mixing a closed-ended Likert-scale questionnaire with an in-depth interview. Twenty-eight college students responded online via Google Form to the questionnaire, while in addition, the in-depth interviews lasted 45-60 minutes with six college students. The results indicate that learning situations in classroom activities revolve around how teachers teach, college students' self-confidence, belief in language learning experiences, and excessive learning material are nature-related prominence factors of college students' anxiety in speaking English. In contrast, a lack of college students' preparation has no effect. Examined are the means through which this research contributes to the advancement of understanding and comprehension of previously unidentified components that influence college students' speaking anxiety

    Pelatihan Metode Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Communicative bagi Guru TK AR-Rahman Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Tujuan kegiatan HPM ini adalah untuk membantu guru-guru bahasa Inggris di TK Ar- Rahman di desa Tirawuta, kecamatan Pondidaha kabupaten Konawe dalam memahami serta mengaplikasikan metode-metode pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang komunikatif yang sesuai dengan umur dan karakteristik anak usia dini. Adapun metode pelatihan yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah dengan melalui kegiatan workshop yang berbasis simulasi dan pendalaman teori. Hasil kegiatan ini yang sudah tercapai adalah peserta mampu memahami karakteristik anak usia dini, peserta mampu memahami metode yang cocok dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris pada anak usia dini, serta peserta mampu mengaplikasikan metode tersebut dalam sebuah kegiatan microteaching. Kegiatan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat ini didanai oleh lembaga Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari

    PKM Kelompok Guru Madrasah

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    Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar, memberikan pemahaman penggunaan blended learning dalam pembelajaran dan meningkatkan motivasi guru untuk melakukan pengajaran kolaborasi melalui pendekatan lesson study. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengbadian kepada masyarakat ini adalah melalui pelatihan, demontrasi dan microteaching. Adapun kegiatan ini berlangsung dari tanggal 29 Juni hingga 6 Juli 2019. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah semakin meningkatnya pengetahuan peserta kegiatan terkait pengembangan bahan ajar, penggunaan media online dan pentingnya pengajaran berkolaborasi melalui pendekatan lesson study