24 research outputs found
Short-Range Super-Resolution Feature Extraction of Complex Edged Contours for Object Recognition by Ultra-Wideband Radar
This thesis contributes to the field of short-range ultra-wideband (UWB) Radar. In particular, an object recognition approach performed by a bi-static UWB Radar has been investigated in this thesis. The investigated objects consist of simple canonical and some polygonal complex objects which are scanned on a circular track at about 1 m distance. Geometrical features, texture features and moment based features are extracted from the Radar data to carry out the recognition. Yet, the precise temporal evolution is subject to massive distortions, mainly caused by severe interference conditions and transient effects of the hardware.
Thus, super-resolution algorithms have been developed which go far beyond the classical bandwidth given resolution and asked for research on various fields: (i) An innovative wavefront extraction algorithm with polarimetric diversity exploitation has been developed to separate pulses which overlap almost the whole pulse duration; (ii) a highly precise feature extraction algorithm has been developed which localises significant scattering centres by processing the previously extracted wavefronts; (iii) a novel UWB object recognition algorithm has been developed to classify and discriminate the resulting microwave images.
When scanning objects from all sides, exceptional recognition of objects was achieved by a minimum mean squared error classifier. Further improvement in recognition was obtained, especially at severly restricted tracks, by the application of Bayes theory which constitutes a superior classifier to the above.
In addition to the main field of research, a novel stereoscopic 3D UWB imaging algorithm, based on a spatially spanned synthetic aperture in conjunction with ellipsoidal shaped wavefronts, has been developed.
The ultimate test of any model and system is an experimental validation.
Consequently in this thesis, all developed algorithms and the object recognition as a whole system are experimentally validated within an elaborate measurement campaign
Critical Review on Financial Reporting Practices by Islamic Banks: (Comparison between AAOIFI and IFRS)
This paper summarizes the findings of a comparative critical examination of the financial reporting methods of Bank Al-Barakah, BTPN Syariah, and Maybank Islamic Berhad. Due to the discrepancy between theory and practice, several past studies have found that Islamic banks need to alter the implementation of their financing facilities. This fact requires clarification. The research employs the quantitative descriptive method and theoretical with secondary data sources derived from literature research, as well as the IASB Conceptual Framework, AAOIFI Conceptual Framework, Resolution 2 of the Sharia Advisory Committee of Bank Negara Malaysia (SAC BNM), Statement of Islamic Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK Syariah), and other related references. The findings of this study indicate that AAOIFI and IFRS interpret the objectives of financial reporting differently. AAOIFI serves sharia principles as an intrinsic component of financial reporting, whereas IFRS implements neutrality of financial reporting from religion or standard components. Overall, the authors of this article maintain that Islamic banks conform to AAOIFI criteria for all of its components, including financial reporting objectives, key accounting assumptions, and SLM-based revenue estimation
Solid dispersions of the antiinflamation drug ibuprofen and polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) were prepared by the melting method in order to increase the dissolution rates of this poorly water-soluble compound. The temperature/composition phase diagram of binary system was analyzed by termal analysis hot-stage microscopy, showing an eutectic formation. Polarized light hot stage microscopy and X-ray-powder diffraction confirmed, that solid dispersion technique decrease the crystalliny of ibuprofen after melting and solidifying of a 4/6 (w/w) mixture of ibuprofen and polyethylene glycol 6000 respectively, which the results enhanced dissolution rates compared to the physical mixtures and ibuprofen intact. However, no such chemical interactions in the solid state were confirmed by FTIR spectra which showed the presence of ibuprofen crystalline in solid dispersion.
Tujuan penelitian : Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian garam sodium rendah terhadap penurunan tekanan darah penderita hipertensi rawat jalan di BLUD Rumah Sakit Umum Prof. Dr. H. Aloe Saboe Gorontalo. Metode penelitian : Jenis penelitian yaitu quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan Pre and post test control group design. Subjek penelitian yaitu pasien hipertensi rawat jalan. Subjek dibagi dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok intervensi (perlakuan) dan kelompok kontrol (tanpa perlakuan). Analisa data menggunakan komputer dengan program SPSS. Analisis perbedaan mean tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah intervensi dari masing-masing kelompok menggunakan t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik responden; umur: frekuensi terbanyak kelompok umur 55-60 tahun (49,0%); jenis kelamin terbanyak perempuan (62,5%); status/jenis pekerjaan terbanyak ibu rumah tangga/tidak bekerja (41,3%); tingkat pendidkan terbanyak tamat SLTP (45,2%). Gambaran pengaruh pemberian garam sodium rendah pada penderita hipertensi; Rata-rata penurunan tekanan darah: kelompok intervensi; sistolik 14,62 mmHg, diastolik 7,50 mmHg. Kelompok kontrol ; sistolik 5,19 mmHg dan diastolik 6,35 mmHg. Uji t pada 0,01; terdapat perbedaan signifikan rata-rata penurunan tekanan darah sistolik antara kelompok intervensi dengan kelompok kontrol (p value 0,01). Kesimpulan pemberiam garam sodium rendah berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan tekanan darah sistolik penderita hipertensi dan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan tekanan darah diastolik penderita hipertensi
Karakterisasi Fisikokimia Dan Laju Disolusi Dispersi Padat Ibuprofen Dengan Pembawa Polietilenglikol 6000
Solid dispersions of the antiinflamation drug ibuprofen and polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG6000) were prepared by the melting method in order to increase the dissolution rates of this poorlywater-soluble compound. The temperature/composition phase diagram of binary system wasanalyzed by termal analysis hot-stage microscopy, showing an eutectic formation. Polarized lighthot stage microscopy and X-ray-powder diffraction confirmed, that solid dispersion techniquedecrease the crystalliny of ibuprofen after melting and solidifying of a 4/6 (w/w) mixture of ibuprofenand polyethylene glycol 6000 respectively, which the results enhanced dissolution rates comparedto the physical mixtures and ibuprofen intact. However, no such chemical interactions in the solidstate were confirmed by FTIR spectra which showed the presence of ibuprofen crystalline in soliddispersion
Salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang banyak ditanam oleh petani lokal di Desa Ratu Sepudak, Kecamatan Galing, Kabupaten Sambas adalah tanaman lada. Pada umumnya, setiap tanaman memiliki hama dan penyakit yang dapat menyerang tanaman tersebut. Tanaman lada yang terserang hama dan penyakit dapat menyebabkan penurunan produksi, serta dapat menyebabkan kematian pada tanaman sehingga menyebabkan kerugian bagi petani. Biasanya untuk dapat mengidentifikasi hama dan penyakit pada tanaman lada petani harus menunggu petugas dari dinas perkebunan untuk melakukan identifikasi. Hal ini memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama, sedangkan tanaman yang sudah terserang hama atau penyakit harus segera ditangani. Sistem ini menggunakan metode case based reasoning (CBR) untuk dapat mengidentifikasi hama dan penyakit pada tanaman. Proses penalaran CBR melalui 4 tahap yaitu retrieve, reuse, revise, dan retain. Jika kasus yang diidentifikasi memiliki nilai similaritas lebih besar atau sama dengan 0.6 maka sistem akan menampilkan hasil identifikasi, sedangkan jika nilai similaritas kurang dari 0.6 sistem akan menyimpan kasus baru ke dalam database kasus baru. Pengujian dengan 20 kasus baru terhadap 10 jenis hama penyakit, 36 gejala dan 35 basis kasus, diperoleh 15 kasus yang berhasil diidentifikasi, sehingga sistem memiliki tingkat keberhasilan sebesar 75%.Kata kunci: case-based reasoning, identifikasi, hama, penyakit, lad
Surau Sebagai Refleksi Tafaqquh Fi Al-Din dan Urgensinya terhadap Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam
Surau telah mengalami perubahan fungsi pada abad dua puluh satu Masehi, yang semulanya digunakan sebagai bagian utama dari pendidikan, kini pada umumnya hanya menjadi tempat beribadah saja. Maka dari itu, sistem pendidikan yang diterapkan di Surau perlu dipahami oleh generasi sekarang agar nilai-nilai pendidikannya dapat diperbarui dalam konteks masa kini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan Surau dan refleksinya sebagai sarana Tafaqquh fi al-Din serta urgensinya bagi modernisasi pendidikan Islam, menurut QS. al-Taubah seratus dua puluh dua. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur yang merupakan suatu kajian ilmiah yang berfokus pada satu topik tertentu dengan memberikan gambaran mengenai perkembangan topik tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah meskipun fungsi Surau saat ini telah mengalami perubahan, namun urgensi pendidikan di Surau tetap eksis. Urgensi Surau terhadap modernisasi Pendidikan Islam di Sumatera Barat terlihat dari keberadaan Surau hari ini sudah mereformasi diri menjadi lembaga Pendidikan Islam yang mumpuni dan masyhur ke seluruh Nusantara diantaranya Pondok Pesantren Sumatera Thawalib Parabek yang merupakan reformasi Surau Parabek, Pondok pesantren Thawalib Padang Panjang reformasi dari Surau jembatan Besi, Sumatera Darul Punun Abbasiah reformasi dari Surau Padang Japang, Pondok Pesantren Tarbiyah Islamiyah reformasi dari Surau Canduang Baso Bukittinggi, serta beberapa reformasi Surau lainnya