14 research outputs found


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    There are two road condition survey methods commonly used, the roughness-based equipment such as NAASRA and the distress and severity type road evaluation method as presented by ASTM D-6433. The objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between road condition obtained from roughness type equipment and road distress. To achieve the objective, a condition survey using the two methods were performed on two road segments in the East Java Provincial road system. Data obtained from the field was evaluated to obtain International Roughness Index (from NAASRA) and Present Condition Index value (from field condition survey). The results show that the two methods provide a comparable result when the distress type is of un-even surface such as rutting and bumping. A slight different result is observed when the major distress occurred in the road is of crack-type such as fatigue and block cracking


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    There are two road condition survey methods commonly used, the roughness-based equipment such as NAASRA and the distress and severity type road evaluation method as presented by ASTM D-6433. The objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between road condition obtained from roughness type equipment and road distress. To achieve the objective, a condition survey using the two methods were performed on two road segments in the East Java Provincial road system. Data obtained from the field was evaluated to obtain International Roughness Index (from NAASRA) and Present Condition Index value (from field condition survey). The results show that the two methods provide a comparable result when the distress type is of un-even surface such as rutting and bumping. A slight different result is observed when the major distress occurred in the road is of crack-type such as fatigue and block cracking

    Atrial Fibrillation Detected After Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) increases 4-5 times incidence of cardiac embolic stroke. In contrast, as many as 70% of AF cases can be detected in stroke within three days of onset, and this can affect the patient's prognosis. This case report describes the causal pathophysiology of AF and acute stroke and identifies the associated risk factors. Case 1 is a 44-year-old woman, acute stroke with acute decrease level of consciousness. The patient came with status epilepticus and a hypertensive emergency. Obtained a history of stroke, uncontrolled hypertension, and myocardial infarction. Initial Score National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) was 33 and CHA2DS2-VASc was 5. Investigation non-contrast head Computed Tomography (CT) scan showed no bleeding and echocardiography (ECG) showed AF with rapid ventricular response. The patient died after 3 days of treatment. Case 2 is an 83-year-old woman, acute stroke with acute decrease level of consciousness and right motor lateralization. There was a history of hypertension and stroke with left hemiparesis. The initial NIHSS was 28 and CHA2DS2-VASc was 6. Investigations non-contrast head CT scan showed no bleeding and ECG showed AF with normal ventricular response. The patient was discharged from the hospital after being treated for 22 days with NIHSS of 20. Several risk factors for post-stroke AF are elderly, hypertension, subtype of ischemic stroke, prior stroke, and comorbidities such as DM and hypertension. Post-stroke AF can occur because of changes in heart rhythm through autonomic disorders, increased plasma catecholamine levels, and inflammatory reactions. Early Recognition of risk factors, focusing on patients at higher risk of AF detected after stroke becomes important for comprehensive management of stroke with AF. Keywords: acute ischemic stroke, atrial fibrillation, CHA2DS2-VASc score, risk factors

    Sistem Otomatisasi Hidroponik Budidaya Sayuran sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Mandiri Santri Pondok Pesantren Pacul Bojonegoro

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    Sayuran merupakan sumber vitamin dan serat yang sangat bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan pelajar. Sayuran dapat meningkatkan kinerja otak manusia. Pelajar atau santri yang berada di pondok pesantren umumnya minim mengonsumsi sayur secara rutin. Salah satu pondok pesantren yang berada di kota Bojonegoro. Kegiatan pengabdian berupa pelatihan sistem hidroponik dibutuhkan santri dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan santri terhadap budidaya sayuran dengan hidroponik sebagai upaya pemberdayaan mandiri santri dalam pemenuhan konsumsi sayuran.  Pengabdian dilakukan dengan metode Rapid Rural Appraisal dan participatory learning and action. Hasil kegiatan dalam pelatihan ini yaitu peningkatan pengetahuan santri tentang hidroponik dari 30% menjadi 72%.  Selain itu juga terdapat 1 sistem hidroponik otomatis yang menggunakan sensor ketinggian air dalam pipa DFT (Deep Flow Technique) untuk irigasi yang didedikasikan untuk pondok pesantren Al Falah dari tim pengabdian sebagai bentuk sarana pengaplikasian budidaya sayuran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi sayur santri

    Pelatihan Citizen Journalism Bagi Mahasiswa Sebagai Penunjang Promosi Pariwisata Halal di Pulau Penyengat

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    The purpose of this Community Service activity is to strengthen the promotion of Pulau Penyengat tourism as halal tourism through strengthening citizen journalism. The method used in this activity is through a media zoom meeting with 3 speakers. The number of participants who took part in this activity was ± 50 people consisting of several students on campus in TanjungpinangTujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah memperkuat promosi pariwisata pulau penyengat sebagai wisata halal melalui penguatan citizen journalism. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah melalui media zoom meeting dengan pembicara sebanyak 3 orang. Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak ± 50 orang yang terdiri dari beberapa mahasiswa dikampus yang ada di Tanjungpinang

    Penguatan Peran Perempuan dalam Memulihkan Ekonomi Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Bagi Pelaku UMKM Lokal dan Mahasiswa di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated the economies of many countries, including Indonesia. In addition to the large industrial sector, MSMEs are also feeling the impact of the slowing economic movement. The need for the involvement of women in UKMM is expected to boost the family economy, because women are also part of the community that can carry out economic activities. In addition, the role of youth, especially students, in mobilizing the MSME sector is very much needed, especially in the current digital era. For this reason, it is necessary to commit all parties to encourage the active role of women to enter the economy, especially MSMEs, both the role of the government, the private sector and the community itself.Pandemi Covid-19 telah memporakporandakan perekonomian banyak negara termasuk Indonesia. Selain sektor industri besar, UMKM juga merasakan dampak akibat dari melambatnya gerak ekonomi tersebut. Perlunya pelibatan perempuan dalam UKMM diharapkan dapat mendongkrak perekonomian keluarga, karena perempuan juga merupakan bagian dari masyarakat yang dapat melakukan kegiatan ekonomi. Selain itu, peran pemuda khususnya mahasiswa dalam menggerakkan sektor UMKM sangat dibutuhkan khususnya di era digital saat ini. Untuk itu, perlu komitmen semua pihak dalam mendorong peran aktif perempuan untuk terjun dibidang ekonomi khususnya UMKM, baik peran pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat itu sendiri

    Strategi Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Perguruan Tinggi pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kepulauan Riau

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    The Covid 19 pandemic that hit the world today has lasted approximately 1.5 years. Various efforts are made to keep the process of life running by not ignoring the spread of Covid 19, including in the field of education. During the Covid 19 pandemic, E-learning became one of the solution options to keep educational activities running. In fact, there are still obstacles in implementing learning by methods from especially in Riau Islands Province. The problem in this activity is related to the Effectiveness Strategy of E-Learning of Universities during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Riau Islands. This method of delivering Community Service activities is done with zoom media. Conclusions obtained during the process of activities found that network constraints became a major factor in carrying out learning by online methods in Riau Islands Province.Pandemi Covid 19 yang melanda dunia saat ini telah berlangsung kurang lebih 1,5 tahun. Berbagai upaya dilakukan agar proses kehidupan tetap berjalan dengan tidak mengabaikan penyebaran Covid 19, termasuk di bidang pendidikan. Di masa pandemi Covid 19, E-learning menjadi salah satu pilihan solusi agar kegiatan pendidikan tetap berjalan. Pada kenyataannya masih terdapat kendala dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan metode khususnya di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Adapun permasalahan dalam kegiatan ini terkait dengan Strategi Efektifitas E-Learning Perguruan Tinggi pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kepri. Metode penyampaian kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan media zoom. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh selama proses kegiatan menemukan bahwa kendala jaringan menjadi faktor utama dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan metode online di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

    Self-concept Factor Influencing Antenatal Provider Selection: A Qualitative Study from Indonesian Midwives

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    Abstract Background: The different philosophies of care between midwives and obstetricians influence maternal health services. Midwives deliver a holistic physiological approach, while obstetricians implement a medical approach and a technocratic model. Different perspectives in interpreting professional philosophies may impact the choices of antenatal providers for midwives, themselves. This study aims to determine the self-concept of Indonesian midwives in interpreting professional philosophy regarding the decision-making of the antenatal provider during pregnancies. Materials and Methods: A qualitative descriptive with a phenomenological approach was carried out. It used a purposive sampling method. This study involves 15 midwives who are still active in providing services in private midwifery practices, primary health centers, and hospitals that had experienced pregnancy. The variable was the perspective of midwives in choosing ANC providers considering the self-concept. Data obtained by in-depth interview technique for 60-90 minutes duration and is analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. Results: As the results, the selection of ANC providers has been shaped by the self-concept factor. Most perspectives are influenced by (1) knowledge of the physiological and high-risk of pregnancy concept (2) previous experiences in pregnancy/ childbirth/ after birth (3) role in families when addressing reproductive health decisions. Conversely, education level and work experiences did not affect the option to have antenatal care. Conclusion: Self-concept influences midwives’ perspective of making decisions about ANC providers. This study shows there is a limited understanding of the philosophy of midwifery care which reflects on the decision-making of the midwives in regard to the care received during the pregnancy