32 research outputs found

    Model Outdoor Study Dengan Memberdayakan Potensi Kebun Polybag Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Tematik Siswa Kelas IV

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Membuat kebun polybag sebagai media pembelajaran tematik melalui model outdoor study di halaman sekolah dasar, 2) Mengimplementasikan pembelajaran tematik dengan media kebun polybag melalui model outdoor study, 3) Menganalisis tingkat keefektifan dari implementasi pembelajaran tematik dengan media kebun polybag melalui model outdoor study. Pembelajaran tematik merupakan pembelajaran terpadu yang merupakan suatu sistem pembelajaran yang memungkinkan siswa, baik secara individual maupun kelompok aktif menggali dan menemukan konsep serta prinsip-prinsip keilmuan secara holistik, bermakna, dan autentik. Pemberdayaan kebun polybag adalah membudidayakan tanaman di media polybag di halaman sempit sekitar kita. Outdoor study dibatasi pada kegiatan siswa diluar kelas, mengetahui alat dan bahan untuk membuat media polybag, siswa diajari cara membuat media polybag, cara menanam sayuran, cara merawat, mengetahui perkembangan tanaman, mengenali bagian tumbuhan dan fungsinya sampai pada cara memanen tanaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and development dalam pembelajaran adalah proses yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan memvalidasi produk-produk yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februaru sampai Juni 2015. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV SDN Sukoharjo 01 Margorejo Pati. Tehnik pengumpulan data dengan metode observasi, angket, dokumentasi dan tes. Keberhasilan penelitian ini terlihat dari Pemberdayaan kebun polybag sebagai media pembelajaran dapat dibuat dengan baik yang terdiri dari berbagai sayuran tomat, cabe, brokoli, terung dan bayam. Hasil belajar awal siswa dengan ketuntasan klasikal 35,71% meningkat menjadi 71,43% dan akhir menjadi 92,86%. Dimana jumlah siswa yang awalnya ada 9 siswa tidak tuntas menurun tinggal 1 siswa yang tidak tuntas80% dengan nilai rata-rata 74,6. Hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran outdoor study dengan memberdayakan potensi kebun polybag sebagai media tematik sangat efektif

    Identifikasi Kebutuhan Pembelajaran Bagi Anak Multiple Disabilities Visualy Impairment (Mdvi) Secara Terpadu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang dihadapi orangtuadan guru dalam mendampingi belajar anak MDVI, pengembangan kemampuan belajar,dan pengembangan draf instrumen asesmen berbasis kebutuhan belajar anak MDVI.Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melihat secara naturalkondisi yang senyatanya. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi 29 kebutuhan belajar untukdikembangkan dalam instrumen asesmen pembelajaran. Aspek yang harus dikembangkandalam mengoptimalisasikan kemampuan belajar anak MDVI meliputi performancedi sekolah, rabaan, ketidakamanan gravitasi, otot, koordinasi bilateral, perencanaanmotorik, koordinasi motorik kasar dan halus, penglihatan, pendengaran, pembau, danpencecap. Draf instrumen asesmen yang dikembangkan berbasis kebutuhan belajar anakMDVI terdiri dari instrumen identifikasi permasalahan yang dihadapi orangtua dalampendampingan belajar, identifikasi komponen pengembangan kemampuan belajaranak dan instrumen identifikasi dan asesmen kebutuhan belajar anak tunanetra dengankecacatan tambahan. Berdasarkan penilaian kelompok pengguna disimpulkan bahwadraf instrumen identifikasi dan asesmen kebutuhan belajar “Multiple Disabilities VisuallyImpaired” dapat digunakan dengan adanya revisi sesuai dengan masukan pengguna.Masukannya dalam aspek pemilihan kata yang mudah dipahami, perlu adanya contohkongkrit, pembenahan kalimat pernyataan dan penyederhanaan kalima

    Perbedaan Penurunan Suhu Tubuh Anak Bronchopneumonia Yang Diberikan Kompres Hangat Di Axilla Dan Frontal

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    Bronchopneumonia is the most common diseases in children. The primary nursing problems occurred in children with bronchopneumonia is fever. This could be danger if could not treated appropriately. The aimed of this study was to identified the differences between warm compress intervention in axilla and frontal to reduce fever in children with bronchopneumonia in hospital X in Bandung. The method used in this study was quasi experiment with two group pre and post test design. Purposive sampling was used as sampling technique in this study, with 30 respondents were participated in this study. Data was analysed using dependent t test and independent t test. Result of this study showed the average of body temperature in febrile children with bronchopneumonia before warm compress intervention in axilla is 38.51 º C , while in the frontal 38.34º C. The average of body temperature after a given intervention in the axilla is 37.89º C, while in the frontal is 37.98ºC. There was a significant temperature\u27s decreases between frontal and axilla after intervention (p = 0.000; α = 0.05). There was a significant difference between giving a warm compress in the axilla and in the frontal the decrease in body temperature in febrile children. Based on this study, it can be concluded axillary warm compress can be used as an effective intervention to reduce fever in children

    Kategori Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika Pada Materi Pokok Himpunan

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    The purpose of this research was to describe the fluency, flexibility, and novelty of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta who have the high, moderate, and low mathematics ability to solve the mathematics problem on the topic of union. This research was qualitative research. The subjects were taken from seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta. The subjects were 9 students; 3 students with high ability, 3 students with moderate ability, and 3 students with low ability. Data were collected through think aloud method in which students were asked to express what he thought orally. The main data sources were the words and actions of students while being interviewed. Data was validated using data triangulation where data collection was conducted at two different time. The research results showed that the students with the high, moderate, and low mathematics ability had different characteristics in fluency, flexibility and novelty

    Evaluasi Manajemen Lingkungan Pengendalian Vektor dalam Upaya Pemberantasan Penyakit Malaria di Kota Ternate

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    Background : Malaria is one tropical disease that continues spread to this day, lead to suffering of millions peoples in various parts of the world. In Indonesia, malaria is still one of the major health problems. Ternate city is one area in eastern Indonesia that has high endemicity. The reports of malaria from seven Puskesmas (Community Health Center) showed that rates of malaria per 1000 population (API) in 2010 was 6 ‰. There are three Puskesmas included in the HCI (High Case Incidence) that is the malaria-endemic areas with API rate >5/1000 population. These Puskesmas, among others Puskesmas Kalumpang (11 ‰), Puskesmas Gambesi (7 ‰) and Puskesmas Siko (6 ‰).This research aimed to evaluate the environmental management of vector control in effort of malaria diseaseeradication in Ternate City. This research was a descriptive research using a survey method. Population in this research were people who involved either directly or indirectly in the program of malaria eradication in DinkesTernate, some Puskesmas officers and related institutions. Data obtained in primary through interviews with questionnaires and secondary with archives study / documents / observation sheet.Methods : This research was a descriptive research using a survey method. Population in this research were peoplewho involved either directly or indirectly in the program of malaria eradication in Dinkes Ternate, some Puskesmasofficers and related institutions. Data obtained in primary through interviews with questionnaires and secondarywith archives study/documents/ observation sheet.Result : The results showed that implementation of malaria eradication in Health Department of Ternate City wasdone based on circumstances of the incidence of clinical malaria patient were reported and adjusted to the availablefunds. Evaluation results of vector control showed that Implementation of the environmental management covering an operational techniques aspect (middle categories), institutions aspect (middle categories), financing aspect (middle categories), regulation aspect (good categories) and participation of community aspect (middle categories).Conclusion : Conclusion of this research is environmental management of vector control in Ternate city includedmiddle category

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Ttw Dan Nht Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa

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    The aim of the research was to find out the effect of learning models on mathematics achievement viewed from the student mathematics communications ability. The learning model compared were TTW (Think Talk Write), NHT (Numbered Head Together) and conventional. The type of the research was a quasi-experimental by 3 12×"> 3 factorial design. The population was the eight grade student of junior high school in Magelang regency on academic year 2013/2014. The sampling tecnique was stratified cluster random sampling. The size of the sampel was 298 students consisted of 100 students in the first experimental group, 99 students in second experimental group and 99 students in control group. The instruments used were mathematics achievement test and mathematics communication ability test. The data was analyzed using unbalanced two-way analysis of variance. The conclusions of the research were as follows. (1) TTW learning model gives better mathematics achievement than NHT and conventional learning model, and NHT learning model gives better mathematics achievement than conventional learning model. (2) The students with high mathematics communication ability have better mathematics achievement than the students with middle or low mathematics communication ability, the students with middle mathematics communication ability have better mathematics achievement than the students with low mathematics communication ability, (3) a. In the students with high and middle mathematics communication ability, TTW, NHT and conventional learning model give the same mathematics achievement, b. In the students with low mathematics communication ability, TTW and NHT learning model give the same mathematics achievement, but give better mathematics achievement than conventional learning model, also NHT and conventional learning model give the same mathematics achievement, (4) a. In the TTW and NHT learning model, students with high, middle and low mathematics communication ability have the same mathematics achievement, b. In the conventional learning model, students with high and middle mathematics communication ability have the same mathematics achievement, but have better mathematics achievement than students with low mathematics communication ability, and students with middle and low mathematics communication ability have the same mathematics achievement


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research was to describe the fluency, flexibility, and novelty of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta who have the high, moderate, and low mathematics ability to solve the mathematics problem on the topic of union. This research was qualitative research. The subjects were taken from seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta. The subjects were 9 students; 3 students with high ability, 3 students with moderate ability, and 3 students with low ability. Data were collected through think aloud method in which students were asked to express what he thought orally. The main data sources were the words and actions of students while being interviewed. Data was validated using data triangulation where data collection was conducted at two different time. The research results showed that  the students with the high, moderate, and low mathematics ability had different characteristics in fluency, flexibility and novelty.Keywords: fluency, flexibility, novelty, problems solving


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    Abstract: The purpose of this research was to describe the fluency, flexibility, and novelty of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta who have the high, moderate, and low mathematics ability to solve the mathematics problem on the topic of union. This research was qualitative research. The subjects were taken from seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta. The subjects were 9 students; 3 students with high ability, 3 students with moderate ability, and 3 students with low ability. Data were collected through think aloud method in which students were asked to express what he thought orally. The main data sources were the words and actions of students while being interviewed. Data was validated using data triangulation where data collection was conducted at two different time. The research results showed that  the students with the high, moderate, and low mathematics ability had different characteristics in fluency, flexibility and novelty.Keywords: fluency, flexibility, novelty, problems solving

    Dasar-Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Solo Library and Language Center (Pendekatan Arsitektur Modern)

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    Mastery of knowledge insight and abilities in foreign language is one important point to be able to compete in the international world in the future. The book plays a major role in education, especially for those who have a need in the search for literature / reference sources to support the world of education while the implementation of Foreign language learning in Indonesia is an effort for the Indonesian nation to be able to absorb and follow the development of science and technology in the world as well as a way to be enter into a global society. Solo is an open cultural city with all the positive updates on education. One of them by providing public library facilities to the public. However, the library of the city of Solo as a city library, it is perceived that the community has not been good enough in meeting the needs of community literacy because of its limited collection. The writer took the initiative to design a container to accommodate the activities of the people involved in doing the necessary literacy as well as a forum for better language learning that is packaged and conceptualized modern architectural style


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    Abstract: The aim of the research was to find out the effect of learning models on mathematics achievement viewed from the student mathematics communications ability. The learning model compared were TTW (Think Talk Write), NHT (Numbered Head Together) and conventional. The type of the research was a quasi-experimental by 3 12×"> 3 factorial design. The population was the eight grade student of junior high school in Magelang regency on academic year 2013/2014. The sampling tecnique was stratified cluster random sampling. The size of the sampel was 298 students consisted of 100 students in the first experimental group, 99 students in second experimental group and 99 students in control group. The instruments used were mathematics achievement test and mathematics communication ability test. The data was analyzed using unbalanced two-way analysis of variance. The conclusions of the research were as follows. (1) TTW learning model gives better mathematics achievement than NHT and conventional learning model, and NHT learning model gives better mathematics achievement than conventional learning model. (2) The students with high mathematics communication ability have better mathematics achievement than the students with middle or low mathematics communication ability, the students with middle mathematics communication ability have better mathematics achievement than the students with low mathematics communication ability, (3) a. In the students with high and middle mathematics communication ability, TTW,  NHT and conventional learning model give the same mathematics achievement,  b. In the students with low mathematics communication ability, TTW and NHT learning model give the same mathematics achievement, but give better mathematics achievement than conventional learning model, also NHT and conventional learning model give the same mathematics achievement, (4) a. In the TTW and NHT learning model, students with high, middle and low mathematics communication ability have the same mathematics achievement, b. In the conventional learning model, students with high and middle mathematics communication ability have the same mathematics achievement, but have better mathematics achievement than students with low mathematics communication ability, and students with middle and low mathematics communication ability have the same mathematics achievement.Keywords: TTW, NHT, mathematics communication ability, mathematics achievemen